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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/src/macfns.c

From: Steven Tamm
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/src/macfns.c
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 14:43:06 -0400

Index: emacs/src/macfns.c
diff -c emacs/src/macfns.c:1.37 emacs/src/macfns.c:1.38
*** emacs/src/macfns.c:1.37     Thu Jun 17 13:04:25 2004
--- emacs/src/macfns.c  Thu Aug 26 18:28:44 2004
*** 4192,4210 ****
                        File selection dialog
! #if 0 /* MAC_TODO: can standard file dialog */
  extern Lisp_Object Qfile_name_history;
  DEFUN ("x-file-dialog", Fx_file_dialog, Sx_file_dialog, 2, 4, 0,
         doc: /* Read file name, prompting with PROMPT in directory DIR.
  Use a file selection dialog.
  Select DEFAULT-FILENAME in the dialog's file selection box, if
! specified.  Don't let the user enter a file name in the file
! selection dialog's entry field, if MUSTMATCH is non-nil.  */)
    (prompt, dir, default_filename, mustmatch)
       Lisp_Object prompt, dir, default_filename, mustmatch;
--- 4192,4218 ----
                        File selection dialog
! /**
!    There is a relatively standard way to do this using applescript to run
!    a (choose file) method.  However, this doesn't do "the right thing"
!    by working only if the find-file occurred during a menu or toolbar
!    click.  So we must do the file dialog by hand, using the navigation
!    manager.  This also has more flexibility in determining the default
!    directory and whether or not we are going to choose a file.
!  **/
  extern Lisp_Object Qfile_name_history;
  DEFUN ("x-file-dialog", Fx_file_dialog, Sx_file_dialog, 2, 4, 0,
         doc: /* Read file name, prompting with PROMPT in directory DIR.
  Use a file selection dialog.
  Select DEFAULT-FILENAME in the dialog's file selection box, if
! specified.  Ensure that file exists if MUSTMATCH is non-nil.  */)
    (prompt, dir, default_filename, mustmatch)
       Lisp_Object prompt, dir, default_filename, mustmatch;
*** 4212,4220 ****
    Lisp_Object file = Qnil;
    int count = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
    struct gcpro gcpro1, gcpro2, gcpro3, gcpro4, gcpro5;
!   char filename[MAX_PATH + 1];
!   char init_dir[MAX_PATH + 1];
!   int use_dialog_p = 1;
    GCPRO5 (prompt, dir, default_filename, mustmatch, file);
    CHECK_STRING (prompt);
--- 4220,4227 ----
    Lisp_Object file = Qnil;
    int count = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
    struct gcpro gcpro1, gcpro2, gcpro3, gcpro4, gcpro5;
!   char filename[1001];
!   int default_filter_index = 1; /* 1: All Files, 2: Directories only  */
    GCPRO5 (prompt, dir, default_filename, mustmatch, file);
    CHECK_STRING (prompt);
*** 4223,4309 ****
    /* Create the dialog with PROMPT as title, using DIR as initial
       directory and using "*" as pattern.  */
    dir = Fexpand_file_name (dir, Qnil);
-   strncpy (init_dir, SDATA (dir), MAX_PATH);
-   init_dir[MAX_PATH] = '\0';
-   unixtodos_filename (init_dir);
-   if (STRINGP (default_filename))
-     {
-       char *file_name_only;
-       char *full_path_name = SDATA (default_filename);
-       unixtodos_filename (full_path_name);
-       file_name_only = strrchr (full_path_name, '\\');
-       if (!file_name_only)
-         file_name_only = full_path_name;
-       else
-         {
-           file_name_only++;
-           /* If default_file_name is a directory, don't use the open
-              file dialog, as it does not support selecting
-              directories. */
-           if (!(*file_name_only))
-             use_dialog_p = 0;
-         }
-       strncpy (filename, file_name_only, MAX_PATH);
-       filename[MAX_PATH] = '\0';
-     }
-   else
-     filename[0] = '\0';
!   if (use_dialog_p)
!     {
!       OPENFILENAME file_details;
!       char *filename_file;
-       /* Prevent redisplay.  */
-       specbind (Qinhibit_redisplay, Qt);
!       bzero (&file_details, sizeof (file_details));
!       file_details.lStructSize = sizeof (file_details);
!       file_details.hwndOwner = FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f);
!       file_details.lpstrFile = filename;
!       file_details.nMaxFile = sizeof (filename);
!       file_details.lpstrInitialDir = init_dir;
!       file_details.lpstrTitle = SDATA (prompt);
!       file_details.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR;
!       if (!NILP (mustmatch))
!         file_details.Flags |= OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST;
!       if (GetOpenFileName (&file_details))
!         {
!           dostounix_filename (filename);
!           file = build_string (filename);
!         }
!       else
!         file = Qnil;
-       file = unbind_to (count, file);
-   /* Open File dialog will not allow folders to be selected, so resort
-      to minibuffer completing reads for directories. */
-   else
-     file = Fcompleting_read (prompt, intern ("read-file-name-internal"),
-                              dir, mustmatch, dir, Qfile_name_history,
-                              default_filename, Qnil);
    /* Make "Cancel" equivalent to C-g.  */
    if (NILP (file))
      Fsignal (Qquit, Qnil);
    return unbind_to (count, file);
- #endif /* MAC_TODO */
--- 4230,4379 ----
    /* Create the dialog with PROMPT as title, using DIR as initial
       directory and using "*" as pattern.  */
    dir = Fexpand_file_name (dir, Qnil);
!   {
!     OSStatus status;
!     NavDialogCreationOptions options;
!     NavDialogRef dialogRef;
!     NavTypeListHandle fileTypes = NULL;
!     NavUserAction userAction;
!     CFStringRef message=NULL, client=NULL, saveName = NULL;
!     /* No need for a callback function because we are modal */
!     NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions(&options);
!     options.modality = kWindowModalityAppModal;
!     options.location.h = options.location.v = -1;
!     options.optionFlags = kNavDefaultNavDlogOptions;
!     options.optionFlags |= kNavAllFilesInPopup;  /* All files allowed */
!     options.optionFlags |= kNavSelectAllReadableItem;
!     if (!NILP(prompt))
!       {
!       message = CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy(NULL, SDATA(prompt),
!                                                 kCFStringEncodingUTF8, 
!                                                 kCFAllocatorNull);
!       options.message = message;
!       }
!     /* Don't set the application, let it use default.
!     client = CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy(NULL, "Emacs", 
!                                            kCFStringEncodingMacRoman, NULL);
!     options.clientName = client;
!     */
!     /* Do Dired hack copied from w32fns.c */ 
!     if (!NILP(prompt) && strncmp (SDATA(prompt), "Dired", 5) == 0)
!       status = NavCreateChooseFolderDialog(&options, NULL, NULL, NULL,
!                                          &dialogRef);
!     else if (NILP (mustmatch)) 
!       { 
!       /* This is a save dialog */
!       if (!NILP(default_filename))
!         {
!           saveName = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, SDATA(default_filename),
!                                                kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
!           options.saveFileName = saveName;
!           options.optionFlags |= kNavSelectDefaultLocation;
!         }
!       /* MAC_TODO: Find a better way to determine if this is a save
!          or load dialog than comparing dir with default_filename */
!       if (EQ(dir, default_filename)) 
!         {
!           status = NavCreateChooseFileDialog(&options, fileTypes,
!                                              NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
!                                              &dialogRef);
!         }
!       else {
!         status = NavCreatePutFileDialog(&options, 
!                                         'TEXT', kNavGenericSignature,
!                                         NULL, NULL, &dialogRef);
!       }
!       }
!     else
!       {
!       /* This is an open dialog*/
!       status = NavCreateChooseFileDialog(&options, fileTypes,
!                                          NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
!                                          &dialogRef);
!       }
!     /* Set the default location and continue*/
!     if (status == noErr) {
!       if (!NILP(dir)) {
!       FSRef defLoc;
!       AEDesc defLocAed;
!       status = FSPathMakeRef(SDATA(dir), &defLoc, NULL);
!       if (status == noErr) 
!         {
!           AECreateDesc(typeFSRef, &defLoc, sizeof(FSRef), &defLocAed);
!           NavCustomControl(dialogRef, kNavCtlSetLocation, (void*) &defLocAed);
!         }
!       AEDisposeDesc(&defLocAed);
!       }
!       status = NavDialogRun(dialogRef);
!     if (saveName) CFRelease(saveName);
!     if (client) CFRelease(client);
!     if (message) CFRelease(message);
!     if (status == noErr) {
!       userAction = NavDialogGetUserAction(dialogRef);
!       switch (userAction)
!       {
!       case kNavUserActionNone:
!       case kNavUserActionCancel:
!         NavDialogDispose(dialogRef);
!         Fsignal (Qquit, Qnil);  /* Treat cancel like C-g */
!         return;
!       case kNavUserActionOpen:
!       case kNavUserActionChoose:
!       case kNavUserActionSaveAs:
!         {
!           NavReplyRecord reply;
!           AEDesc aed;
!           FSRef fsRef;
!           status = NavDialogGetReply(dialogRef, &reply);
!           AECoerceDesc(&reply.selection, typeFSRef, &aed);
!           AEGetDescData(&aed, (void *) &fsRef, sizeof (FSRef));
!           FSRefMakePath(&fsRef, (UInt8 *) filename, 1000);
!           AEDisposeDesc(&aed);
!           if (reply.saveFileName)
!             {
!               /* If it was a saved file, we need to add the file name */
!               int len = strlen(filename);
!               if (len && filename[len-1] != '/')
!                 filename[len++] = '/';
!               CFStringGetCString(reply.saveFileName, filename+len, 
!                                  1000-len, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
!             }
!           file = DECODE_FILE(build_string (filename));
!           NavDisposeReply(&reply);
!         }
!         break;
!       }
!       NavDialogDispose(dialogRef);
!     }
!     else {
!       /* Fall back on minibuffer if there was a problem */
!       file = Fcompleting_read (prompt, intern ("read-file-name-internal"),
!                              dir, mustmatch, dir, Qfile_name_history,
!                              default_filename, Qnil);
!     }
!   }
    /* Make "Cancel" equivalent to C-g.  */
    if (NILP (file))
      Fsignal (Qquit, Qnil);
    return unbind_to (count, file);
+ #endif
*** 4507,4513 ****
    last_show_tip_args = Qnil;
    staticpro (&last_show_tip_args);
! #if 0 /* MAC_TODO */
    defsubr (&Sx_file_dialog);
--- 4577,4583 ----
    last_show_tip_args = Qnil;
    staticpro (&last_show_tip_args);
    defsubr (&Sx_file_dialog);

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