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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/mm-util.el [gnus-5_10-branch]

From: Andreas Schwab
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/mm-util.el [gnus-5_10-branch]
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 13:20:06 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/mm-util.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/gnus/mm-util.el:
*** /dev/null   Thu Jul 22 16:47:06 2004
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/mm-util.el  Thu Jul 22 16:45:51 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,809 ----
+ ;;; mm-util.el --- Utility functions for Mule and low level things
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
+ ;;   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <address@hidden>
+ ;;    MORIOKA Tomohiko <address@hidden>
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;;; Code:
+ (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+ (require 'mail-prsvr)
+ (eval-and-compile
+   (mapcar
+    (lambda (elem)
+      (let ((nfunc (intern (format "mm-%s" (car elem)))))
+        (if (fboundp (car elem))
+          (defalias nfunc (car elem))
+        (defalias nfunc (cdr elem)))))
+    '((decode-coding-string . (lambda (s a) s))
+      (encode-coding-string . (lambda (s a) s))
+      (encode-coding-region . ignore)
+      (coding-system-list . ignore)
+      (decode-coding-region . ignore)
+      (char-int . identity)
+      (coding-system-equal . equal)
+      (annotationp . ignore)
+      (set-buffer-file-coding-system . ignore)
+      (make-char
+       . (lambda (charset int)
+         (int-to-char int)))
+      (read-charset
+       . (lambda (prompt)
+         "Return a charset."
+         (intern
+          (completing-read
+           prompt
+           (mapcar (lambda (e) (list (symbol-name (car e))))
+                   mm-mime-mule-charset-alist)
+           nil t))))
+      (subst-char-in-string
+       . (lambda (from to string) ;; stolen (and renamed) from nnheader.el
+         "Replace characters in STRING from FROM to TO."
+         (let ((string (substring string 0)) ;Copy string.
+               (len (length string))
+               (idx 0))
+           ;; Replace all occurrences of FROM with TO.
+           (while (< idx len)
+             (when (= (aref string idx) from)
+               (aset string idx to))
+             (setq idx (1+ idx)))
+           string)))
+      (string-as-unibyte . identity)
+      (string-make-unibyte . identity)
+      (string-as-multibyte . identity)
+      (multibyte-string-p . ignore)
+      ;; It is not a MIME function, but some MIME functions use it.
+      (make-temp-file . (lambda (prefix &optional dir-flag)
+                        (let ((file (expand-file-name
+                                     (make-temp-name prefix)
+                                     (if (fboundp 'temp-directory)
+                                         (temp-directory)
+                                       temporary-file-directory))))
+                          (if dir-flag
+                              (make-directory file))
+                          file)))
+      (insert-byte . insert-char)
+      (multibyte-char-to-unibyte . identity))))
+ (eval-and-compile
+   (defalias 'mm-char-or-char-int-p
+     (cond
+      ((fboundp 'char-or-char-int-p) 'char-or-char-int-p)
+      ((fboundp 'char-valid-p) 'char-valid-p)
+      (t 'identity))))
+ ;; Fixme:  This seems always to be used to read a MIME charset, so it
+ ;; should be re-named and fixed (in Emacs) to offer completion only on
+ ;; proper charset names (base coding systems which have a
+ ;; mime-charset defined).  XEmacs doesn't believe in mime-charset;
+ ;; test with
+ ;;   `(or (coding-system-get 'iso-8859-1 'mime-charset)
+ ;;        (coding-system-get 'iso-8859-1 :mime-charset))'
+ ;; Actually, there should be an `mm-coding-system-mime-charset'.
+ (eval-and-compile
+   (defalias 'mm-read-coding-system
+     (cond
+      ((fboundp 'read-coding-system)
+       (if (and (featurep 'xemacs)
+              (<= (string-to-number emacs-version) 21.1))
+         (lambda (prompt &optional default-coding-system)
+           (read-coding-system prompt))
+       'read-coding-system))
+      (t (lambda (prompt &optional default-coding-system)
+         "Prompt the user for a coding system."
+         (completing-read
+          prompt (mapcar (lambda (s) (list (symbol-name (car s))))
+                         mm-mime-mule-charset-alist)))))))
+ (defvar mm-coding-system-list nil)
+ (defun mm-get-coding-system-list ()
+   "Get the coding system list."
+   (or mm-coding-system-list
+       (setq mm-coding-system-list (mm-coding-system-list))))
+ (defun mm-coding-system-p (cs)
+   "Return non-nil if CS is a symbol naming a coding system.
+ In XEmacs, also return non-nil if CS is a coding system object."
+   (if (fboundp 'find-coding-system)
+       (find-coding-system cs)
+     (if (fboundp 'coding-system-p)
+       (coding-system-p cs)
+       ;; Is this branch ever actually useful?
+       (memq cs (mm-get-coding-system-list)))))
+ (defvar mm-charset-synonym-alist
+   `(
+     ;; Perfectly fine?  A valid MIME name, anyhow.
+     ,@(unless (mm-coding-system-p 'big5)
+        '((big5 . cn-big5)))
+     ;; Not in XEmacs, but it's not a proper MIME charset anyhow.
+     ,@(unless (mm-coding-system-p 'x-ctext)
+        '((x-ctext . ctext)))
+     ;; Apparently not defined in Emacs 20, but is a valid MIME name.
+     ,@(unless (mm-coding-system-p 'gb2312)
+        '((gb2312 . cn-gb-2312)))
+     ;; ISO-8859-15 is very similar to ISO-8859-1.  But it's _different_!
+     ,@(unless (mm-coding-system-p 'iso-8859-15)
+        '((iso-8859-15 . iso-8859-1)))
+     ;; BIG-5HKSCS is similar to, but different than, BIG-5.
+     ,@(unless (mm-coding-system-p 'big5-hkscs)
+       '((big5-hkscs . big5)))
+     ;; Windows-1252 is actually a superset of Latin-1.  See also
+     ;; `gnus-article-dumbquotes-map'.
+     ,@(unless (mm-coding-system-p 'windows-1252)
+        (if (mm-coding-system-p 'cp1252)
+          '((windows-1252 . cp1252))
+        '((windows-1252 . iso-8859-1))))
+     ;; Windows-1250 is a variant of Latin-2 heavily used by Microsoft
+     ;; Outlook users in Czech republic. Use this to allow reading of their
+     ;; e-mails. cp1250 should be defined by M-x codepage-setup.
+     ,@(if (and (not (mm-coding-system-p 'windows-1250))
+              (mm-coding-system-p 'cp1250))
+         '((windows-1250 . cp1250)))
+     )
+   "A mapping from invalid charset names to the real charset names.")
+ (defvar mm-binary-coding-system
+   (cond
+    ((mm-coding-system-p 'binary) 'binary)
+    ((mm-coding-system-p 'no-conversion) 'no-conversion)
+    (t nil))
+   "100% binary coding system.")
+ (defvar mm-text-coding-system
+   (or (if (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos ms-windows))
+         (and (mm-coding-system-p 'raw-text-dos) 'raw-text-dos)
+       (and (mm-coding-system-p 'raw-text) 'raw-text))
+       mm-binary-coding-system)
+   "Text-safe coding system (For removing ^M).")
+ (defvar mm-text-coding-system-for-write nil
+   "Text coding system for write.")
+ (defvar mm-auto-save-coding-system
+   (cond
+    ((mm-coding-system-p 'utf-8-emacs) ; Mule 7
+     (if (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos ms-windows))
+       (if (mm-coding-system-p 'utf-8-emacs-dos)
+           'utf-8-emacs-dos mm-binary-coding-system)
+       'utf-8-emacs))
+    ((mm-coding-system-p 'emacs-mule)
+     (if (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos ms-windows))
+       (if (mm-coding-system-p 'emacs-mule-dos)
+           'emacs-mule-dos mm-binary-coding-system)
+       'emacs-mule))
+    ((mm-coding-system-p 'escape-quoted) 'escape-quoted)
+    (t mm-binary-coding-system))
+   "Coding system of auto save file.")
+ (defvar mm-universal-coding-system mm-auto-save-coding-system
+   "The universal coding system.")
+ ;; Fixme: some of the cars here aren't valid MIME charsets.  That
+ ;; should only matter with XEmacs, though.
+ (defvar mm-mime-mule-charset-alist
+   `((us-ascii ascii)
+     (iso-8859-1 latin-iso8859-1)
+     (iso-8859-2 latin-iso8859-2)
+     (iso-8859-3 latin-iso8859-3)
+     (iso-8859-4 latin-iso8859-4)
+     (iso-8859-5 cyrillic-iso8859-5)
+     ;; Non-mule (X)Emacs uses the last mule-charset for 8bit characters.
+     ;; The fake mule-charset, gnus-koi8-r, tells Gnus that the default
+     ;; charset is koi8-r, not iso-8859-5.
+     (koi8-r cyrillic-iso8859-5 gnus-koi8-r)
+     (iso-8859-6 arabic-iso8859-6)
+     (iso-8859-7 greek-iso8859-7)
+     (iso-8859-8 hebrew-iso8859-8)
+     (iso-8859-9 latin-iso8859-9)
+     (iso-8859-14 latin-iso8859-14)
+     (iso-8859-15 latin-iso8859-15)
+     (viscii vietnamese-viscii-lower)
+     (iso-2022-jp latin-jisx0201 japanese-jisx0208 japanese-jisx0208-1978)
+     (euc-kr korean-ksc5601)
+     (gb2312 chinese-gb2312)
+     (big5 chinese-big5-1 chinese-big5-2)
+     (tibetan tibetan)
+     (thai-tis620 thai-tis620)
+     (iso-2022-7bit ethiopic arabic-1-column arabic-2-column)
+     (iso-2022-jp-2 latin-iso8859-1 greek-iso8859-7
+                  latin-jisx0201 japanese-jisx0208-1978
+                  chinese-gb2312 japanese-jisx0208
+                  korean-ksc5601 japanese-jisx0212
+                  katakana-jisx0201)
+     (iso-2022-int-1 latin-iso8859-1 greek-iso8859-7
+                   latin-jisx0201 japanese-jisx0208-1978
+                   chinese-gb2312 japanese-jisx0208
+                   korean-ksc5601 japanese-jisx0212
+                   chinese-cns11643-1 chinese-cns11643-2)
+     (iso-2022-int-1 latin-iso8859-1 latin-iso8859-2
+                   cyrillic-iso8859-5 greek-iso8859-7
+                   latin-jisx0201 japanese-jisx0208-1978
+                   chinese-gb2312 japanese-jisx0208
+                   korean-ksc5601 japanese-jisx0212
+                   chinese-cns11643-1 chinese-cns11643-2
+                   chinese-cns11643-3 chinese-cns11643-4
+                   chinese-cns11643-5 chinese-cns11643-6
+                   chinese-cns11643-7)
+     ,(if (or (not (fboundp 'charsetp)) ;; non-Mule case
+            (charsetp 'unicode-a)
+            (not (mm-coding-system-p 'mule-utf-8)))
+        '(utf-8 unicode-a unicode-b unicode-c unicode-d unicode-e)
+        ;; If we have utf-8 we're in Mule 5+.
+        (append '(utf-8)
+              (delete 'ascii
+                      (coding-system-get 'mule-utf-8 'safe-charsets)))))
+   "Alist of MIME-charset/MULE-charsets.")
+ ;; Correct by construction, but should be unnecessary:
+ ;; XEmacs hates it.
+ (when (and (not (featurep 'xemacs))
+          (fboundp 'coding-system-list)
+          (fboundp 'sort-coding-systems))
+   (setq mm-mime-mule-charset-alist
+       (apply
+        'nconc
+        (mapcar
+         (lambda (cs)
+           (when (and (or (coding-system-get cs :mime-charset) ; Emacs 22
+                          (coding-system-get cs 'mime-charset))
+                      (not (eq t (coding-system-get cs 'safe-charsets))))
+             (list (cons (or (coding-system-get cs :mime-charset)
+                             (coding-system-get cs 'mime-charset))
+                         (delq 'ascii
+                               (coding-system-get cs 'safe-charsets))))))
+         (sort-coding-systems (coding-system-list 'base-only))))))
+ (defvar mm-hack-charsets '(iso-8859-15 iso-2022-jp-2)
+   "A list of special charsets.
+ Valid elements include:
+ `iso-8859-15'    convert ISO-8859-1, -9 to ISO-8859-15 if ISO-8859-15 exists.
+ `iso-2022-jp-2'  convert ISO-2022-jp to ISO-2022-jp-2 if ISO-2022-jp-2 
+ )
+ (defvar mm-iso-8859-15-compatible
+   '((iso-8859-1 "\xA4\xA6\xA8\xB4\xB8\xBC\xBD\xBE")
+     (iso-8859-9 "\xA4\xA6\xA8\xB4\xB8\xBC\xBD\xBE\xD0\xDD\xDE\xF0\xFD\xFE"))
+   "ISO-8859-15 exchangeable coding systems and inconvertible characters.")
+ (defvar mm-iso-8859-x-to-15-table
+   (and (fboundp 'coding-system-p)
+        (mm-coding-system-p 'iso-8859-15)
+        (mapcar
+       (lambda (cs)
+         (if (mm-coding-system-p (car cs))
+             (let ((c (string-to-char
+                       (decode-coding-string "\341" (car cs)))))
+               (cons (char-charset c)
+                     (cons
+                      (- (string-to-char
+                          (decode-coding-string "\341" 'iso-8859-15)) c)
+                      (string-to-list (decode-coding-string (car (cdr cs))
+                                                            (car cs))))))
+           '(gnus-charset 0)))
+       mm-iso-8859-15-compatible))
+   "A table of the difference character between ISO-8859-X and ISO-8859-15.")
+ (defcustom mm-coding-system-priorities
+   (if (boundp 'current-language-environment)
+       (let ((lang (symbol-value 'current-language-environment)))
+       (cond ((string= lang "Japanese")
+              ;; Japanese users may prefer iso-2022-jp to shift-jis.
+              '(iso-2022-jp iso-2022-jp-2 japanese-shift-jis
+                            iso-latin-1 utf-8)))))
+   "Preferred coding systems for encoding outgoing messages.
+ More than one suitable coding system may be found for some text.
+ By default, the coding system with the highest priority is used
+ to encode outgoing messages (see `sort-coding-systems').  If this
+ variable is set, it overrides the default priority."
+   :type '(repeat (symbol :tag "Coding system"))
+   :group 'mime)
+ ;; ??
+ (defvar mm-use-find-coding-systems-region
+   (fboundp 'find-coding-systems-region)
+   "Use `find-coding-systems-region' to find proper coding systems.
+ Setting it to nil is useful on Emacsen supporting Unicode if sending
+ mail with multiple parts is preferred to sending a Unicode one.")
+ ;;; Internal variables:
+ ;;; Functions:
+ (defun mm-mule-charset-to-mime-charset (charset)
+   "Return the MIME charset corresponding to the given Mule CHARSET."
+   (if (and (fboundp 'find-coding-systems-for-charsets)
+          (fboundp 'sort-coding-systems))
+       (let (mime)
+       (dolist (cs (sort-coding-systems
+                    (copy-sequence
+                     (find-coding-systems-for-charsets (list charset)))))
+         (unless mime
+           (when cs
+             (setq mime (or (coding-system-get cs :mime-charset)
+                            (coding-system-get cs 'mime-charset))))))
+       mime)
+     (let ((alist mm-mime-mule-charset-alist)
+         out)
+       (while alist
+       (when (memq charset (cdar alist))
+         (setq out (caar alist)
+               alist nil))
+       (pop alist))
+       out)))
+ (defun mm-charset-to-coding-system (charset &optional lbt)
+   "Return coding-system corresponding to CHARSET.
+ CHARSET is a symbol naming a MIME charset.
+ If optional argument LBT (`unix', `dos' or `mac') is specified, it is
+ used as the line break code type of the coding system."
+   (when (stringp charset)
+     (setq charset (intern (downcase charset))))
+   (when lbt
+     (setq charset (intern (format "%s-%s" charset lbt))))
+   (cond
+    ((null charset)
+     charset)
+    ;; Running in a non-MULE environment.
+    ((or (null (mm-get-coding-system-list))
+       (not (fboundp 'coding-system-get)))
+     charset)
+    ;; ascii
+    ((eq charset 'us-ascii)
+     'ascii)
+    ;; Check to see whether we can handle this charset.  (This depends
+    ;; on there being some coding system matching each `mime-charset'
+    ;; property defined, as there should be.)
+    ((and (mm-coding-system-p charset)
+ ;;; Doing this would potentially weed out incorrect charsets.
+ ;;;    charset
+ ;;;    (eq charset (coding-system-get charset 'mime-charset))
+        )
+     charset)
+    ;; Translate invalid charsets.
+    ((let ((cs (cdr (assq charset mm-charset-synonym-alist))))
+       (and cs (mm-coding-system-p cs) cs)))
+    ;; Last resort: search the coding system list for entries which
+    ;; have the right mime-charset in case the canonical name isn't
+    ;; defined (though it should be).
+    ((let (cs)
+       ;; mm-get-coding-system-list returns a list of cs without lbt.
+       ;; Do we need -lbt?
+       (dolist (c (mm-get-coding-system-list))
+       (if (and (null cs)
+                (eq charset (or (coding-system-get c :mime-charset)
+                                (coding-system-get c 'mime-charset))))
+           (setq cs c)))
+       cs))))
+ (defsubst mm-replace-chars-in-string (string from to)
+   (mm-subst-char-in-string from to string))
+ (eval-and-compile
+   (defvar mm-emacs-mule (and (not (featurep 'xemacs))
+                            (boundp 'default-enable-multibyte-characters)
+                            default-enable-multibyte-characters
+                            (fboundp 'set-buffer-multibyte))
+     "True in Emacs with Mule.")
+   (if mm-emacs-mule
+       (defun mm-enable-multibyte ()
+       "Set the multibyte flag of the current buffer.
+ Only do this if the default value of `enable-multibyte-characters' is
+ non-nil.  This is a no-op in XEmacs."
+       (set-buffer-multibyte 'to))
+     (defalias 'mm-enable-multibyte 'ignore))
+   (if mm-emacs-mule
+       (defun mm-disable-multibyte ()
+       "Unset the multibyte flag of in the current buffer.
+ This is a no-op in XEmacs."
+       (set-buffer-multibyte nil))
+     (defalias 'mm-disable-multibyte 'ignore)))
+ (defun mm-preferred-coding-system (charset)
+   ;; A typo in some Emacs versions.
+   (or (get-charset-property charset 'preferred-coding-system)
+       (get-charset-property charset 'prefered-coding-system)))
+ ;; Mule charsets shouldn't be used.
+ (defsubst mm-guess-charset ()
+   "Guess Mule charset from the language environment."
+   (or
+    mail-parse-mule-charset ;; cached mule-charset
+    (progn
+      (setq mail-parse-mule-charset
+          (and (boundp 'current-language-environment)
+               (car (last
+                     (assq 'charset
+                           (assoc current-language-environment
+                                  language-info-alist))))))
+      (if (or (not mail-parse-mule-charset)
+            (eq mail-parse-mule-charset 'ascii))
+        (setq mail-parse-mule-charset
+              (or (car (last (assq mail-parse-charset
+                                   mm-mime-mule-charset-alist)))
+                  ;; default
+                  'latin-iso8859-1)))
+      mail-parse-mule-charset)))
+ (defun mm-charset-after (&optional pos)
+   "Return charset of a character in current buffer at position POS.
+ If POS is nil, it defauls to the current point.
+ If POS is out of range, the value is nil.
+ If the charset is `composition', return the actual one."
+   (let ((char (char-after pos)) charset)
+     (if (< (mm-char-int char) 128)
+       (setq charset 'ascii)
+       ;; charset-after is fake in some Emacsen.
+       (setq charset (and (fboundp 'char-charset) (char-charset char)))
+       (if (eq charset 'composition)   ; Mule 4
+         (let ((p (or pos (point))))
+           (cadr (find-charset-region p (1+ p))))
+       (if (and charset (not (memq charset '(ascii eight-bit-control
+                                                   eight-bit-graphic))))
+           charset
+         (mm-guess-charset))))))
+ (defun mm-mime-charset (charset)
+   "Return the MIME charset corresponding to the given Mule CHARSET."
+   (if (eq charset 'unknown)
+       (error "The message contains non-printable characters, please use 
+   (if (and (fboundp 'coding-system-get) (fboundp 'get-charset-property))
+       ;; This exists in Emacs 20.
+       (or
+        (and (mm-preferred-coding-system charset)
+           (or (coding-system-get
+                (mm-preferred-coding-system charset) :mime-charset)
+               (coding-system-get
+                (mm-preferred-coding-system charset) 'mime-charset)))
+        (and (eq charset 'ascii)
+           'us-ascii)
+        (mm-preferred-coding-system charset)
+        (mm-mule-charset-to-mime-charset charset))
+     ;; This is for XEmacs.
+     (mm-mule-charset-to-mime-charset charset)))
+ (defun mm-delete-duplicates (list)
+   "Simple substitute for CL `delete-duplicates', testing with `equal'."
+   (let (result head)
+     (while list
+       (setq head (car list))
+       (setq list (delete head list))
+       (setq result (cons head result)))
+     (nreverse result)))
+ ;; Fixme:  This is used in places when it should be testing the
+ ;; default multibyteness.  See mm-default-multibyte-p.
+ (eval-and-compile
+   (if (and (not (featurep 'xemacs))
+          (boundp 'enable-multibyte-characters))
+       (defun mm-multibyte-p ()
+       "Non-nil if multibyte is enabled in the current buffer."
+       enable-multibyte-characters)
+     (defun mm-multibyte-p () (featurep 'mule))))
+ (defun mm-default-multibyte-p ()
+   "Return non-nil if the session is multibyte.
+ This affects whether coding conversion should be attempted generally."
+   (if (featurep 'mule)
+       (if (boundp 'default-enable-multibyte-characters)
+         default-enable-multibyte-characters
+       t)))
+ (defun mm-iso-8859-x-to-15-region (&optional b e)
+   (if (fboundp 'char-charset)
+       (let (charset item c inconvertible)
+       (save-restriction
+         (if e (narrow-to-region b e))
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (skip-chars-forward "\0-\177")
+         (while (not (eobp))
+           (cond
+            ((not (setq item (assq (char-charset (setq c (char-after)))
+                                   mm-iso-8859-x-to-15-table)))
+             (forward-char))
+            ((memq c (cdr (cdr item)))
+             (setq inconvertible t)
+             (forward-char))
+            (t
+             (insert-before-markers (prog1 (+ c (car (cdr item)))
+                                      (delete-char 1)))))
+           (skip-chars-forward "\0-\177")))
+       (not inconvertible))))
+ (defun mm-sort-coding-systems-predicate (a b)
+   (let ((priorities
+        (mapcar (lambda (cs)
+                  ;; Note: invalid entries are dropped silently
+                  (and (coding-system-p cs)
+                       (coding-system-base cs)))
+                mm-coding-system-priorities)))
+     (> (length (memq a priorities))
+        (length (memq b priorities)))))
+ (defun mm-find-mime-charset-region (b e &optional hack-charsets)
+   "Return the MIME charsets needed to encode the region between B and E.
+ nil means ASCII, a single-element list represents an appropriate MIME
+ charset, and a longer list means no appropriate charset."
+   (let (charsets)
+     ;; The return possibilities of this function are a mess...
+     (or (and (mm-multibyte-p)
+            mm-use-find-coding-systems-region
+            ;; Find the mime-charset of the most preferred coding
+            ;; system that has one.
+            (let ((systems (find-coding-systems-region b e)))
+              (when mm-coding-system-priorities
+                (setq systems
+                      (sort systems 'mm-sort-coding-systems-predicate)))
+              (setq systems (delq 'compound-text systems))
+              (unless (equal systems '(undecided))
+                (while systems
+                  (let* ((head (pop systems))
+                         (cs (or (coding-system-get head :mime-charset)
+                                 (coding-system-get head 'mime-charset))))
+                    ;; The mime-charset (`x-ctext') of
+                    ;; `compound-text' is not in the IANA list.  We
+                    ;; shouldn't normally use anything here with a
+                    ;; mime-charset having an `x-' prefix.
+                    ;; Fixme:  Allow this to be overridden, since
+                    ;; there is existing use of x-ctext.
+                    ;; Also people apparently need the coding system
+                    ;; `iso-2022-jp-3' (which Mule-UCS defines with
+                    ;; mime-charset, though it's not valid).
+                    (if (and cs
+                             (not (string-match "^[Xx]-" (symbol-name cs)))
+                             ;; UTF-16 of any variety is invalid for
+                             ;; text parts and, unfortunately, has
+                             ;; mime-charset defined both in Mule-UCS
+                             ;; and versions of Emacs.  (The name
+                             ;; might be `mule-utf-16...'  or
+                             ;; `utf-16...'.)
+                             (not (string-match "utf-16" (symbol-name cs))))
+                        (setq systems nil
+                              charsets (list cs))))))
+              charsets))
+       ;; Otherwise we're not multibyte, we're XEmacs, or a single
+       ;; coding system won't cover it.
+       (setq charsets
+             (mm-delete-duplicates
+              (mapcar 'mm-mime-charset
+                      (delq 'ascii
+                            (mm-find-charset-region b e))))))
+     (if (and (> (length charsets) 1)
+            (memq 'iso-8859-15 charsets)
+            (memq 'iso-8859-15 hack-charsets)
+            (save-excursion (mm-iso-8859-x-to-15-region b e)))
+       (mapcar (lambda (x) (setq charsets (delq (car x) charsets)))
+               mm-iso-8859-15-compatible))
+     (if (and (memq 'iso-2022-jp-2 charsets)
+            (memq 'iso-2022-jp-2 hack-charsets))
+       (setq charsets (delq 'iso-2022-jp charsets)))
+     charsets))
+ (defmacro mm-with-unibyte-buffer (&rest forms)
+   "Create a temporary buffer, and evaluate FORMS there like `progn'.
+ Use unibyte mode for this."
+   `(let (default-enable-multibyte-characters)
+      (with-temp-buffer ,@forms)))
+ (put 'mm-with-unibyte-buffer 'lisp-indent-function 0)
+ (put 'mm-with-unibyte-buffer 'edebug-form-spec '(body))
+ (defmacro mm-with-unibyte-current-buffer (&rest forms)
+   "Evaluate FORMS with current buffer temporarily made unibyte.
+ Also bind `default-enable-multibyte-characters' to nil.
+ Equivalent to `progn' in XEmacs"
+   (let ((multibyte (make-symbol "multibyte"))
+       (buffer (make-symbol "buffer")))
+     `(if mm-emacs-mule
+        (let ((,multibyte enable-multibyte-characters)
+              (,buffer (current-buffer)))
+          (unwind-protect
+              (let (default-enable-multibyte-characters)
+                (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
+                ,@forms)
+            (set-buffer ,buffer)
+            (set-buffer-multibyte ,multibyte)))
+        (let (default-enable-multibyte-characters)
+        ,@forms))))
+ (put 'mm-with-unibyte-current-buffer 'lisp-indent-function 0)
+ (put 'mm-with-unibyte-current-buffer 'edebug-form-spec '(body))
+ (defmacro mm-with-unibyte (&rest forms)
+   "Eval the FORMS with the default value of `enable-multibyte-characters' 
nil, ."
+   `(let (default-enable-multibyte-characters)
+      ,@forms))
+ (put 'mm-with-unibyte 'lisp-indent-function 0)
+ (put 'mm-with-unibyte 'edebug-form-spec '(body))
+ (defun mm-find-charset-region (b e)
+   "Return a list of Emacs charsets in the region B to E."
+   (cond
+    ((and (mm-multibyte-p)
+        (fboundp 'find-charset-region))
+     ;; Remove composition since the base charsets have been included.
+     ;; Remove eight-bit-*, treat them as ascii.
+     (let ((css (find-charset-region b e)))
+       (mapcar (lambda (cs) (setq css (delq cs css)))
+             '(composition eight-bit-control eight-bit-graphic
+                           control-1))
+       css))
+    (t
+     ;; We are in a unibyte buffer or XEmacs non-mule, so we futz around a bit.
+     (save-excursion
+       (save-restriction
+       (narrow-to-region b e)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (skip-chars-forward "\0-\177")
+       (if (eobp)
+           '(ascii)
+         (let (charset)
+           (setq charset
+                 (and (boundp 'current-language-environment)
+                      (car (last (assq 'charset
+                                       (assoc current-language-environment
+                                              language-info-alist))))))
+           (if (eq charset 'ascii) (setq charset nil))
+           (or charset
+               (setq charset
+                     (car (last (assq mail-parse-charset
+                                      mm-mime-mule-charset-alist)))))
+           (list 'ascii (or charset 'latin-iso8859-1)))))))))
+ (if (fboundp 'shell-quote-argument)
+     (defalias 'mm-quote-arg 'shell-quote-argument)
+   (defun mm-quote-arg (arg)
+     "Return a version of ARG that is safe to evaluate in a shell."
+     (let ((pos 0) new-pos accum)
+       ;; *** bug: we don't handle newline characters properly
+       (while (setq new-pos (string-match "[]*[;!'`\"$\\& \t{} |()<>]" arg 
+       (push (substring arg pos new-pos) accum)
+       (push "\\" accum)
+       (push (list (aref arg new-pos)) accum)
+       (setq pos (1+ new-pos)))
+       (if (= pos 0)
+         arg
+       (apply 'concat (nconc (nreverse accum) (list (substring arg pos))))))))
+ (defun mm-auto-mode-alist ()
+   "Return an `auto-mode-alist' with only the .gz (etc) thingies."
+   (let ((alist auto-mode-alist)
+       out)
+     (while alist
+       (when (listp (cdar alist))
+       (push (car alist) out))
+       (pop alist))
+     (nreverse out)))
+ (defvar mm-inhibit-file-name-handlers
+   '(jka-compr-handler image-file-handler)
+   "A list of handlers doing (un)compression (etc) thingies.")
+ (defun mm-insert-file-contents (filename &optional visit beg end replace
+                                        inhibit)
+   "Like `insert-file-contents', but only reads in the file.
+ A buffer may be modified in several ways after reading into the buffer due
+ to advanced Emacs features, such as file-name-handlers, format decoding,
+ `find-file-hooks', etc.
+ If INHIBIT is non-nil, inhibit `mm-inhibit-file-name-handlers'.
+   This function ensures that none of these modifications will take place."
+   (let ((format-alist nil)
+       (auto-mode-alist (if inhibit nil (mm-auto-mode-alist)))
+       (default-major-mode 'fundamental-mode)
+       (enable-local-variables nil)
+       (after-insert-file-functions nil)
+       (enable-local-eval nil)
+       (find-file-hooks nil)
+       (inhibit-file-name-operation (if inhibit
+                                        'insert-file-contents
+                                      inhibit-file-name-operation))
+       (inhibit-file-name-handlers
+        (if inhibit
+            (append mm-inhibit-file-name-handlers
+                    inhibit-file-name-handlers)
+          inhibit-file-name-handlers)))
+     (insert-file-contents filename visit beg end replace)))
+ (defun mm-append-to-file (start end filename &optional codesys inhibit)
+   "Append the contents of the region to the end of file FILENAME.
+ When called from a function, expects three arguments,
+ START, END and FILENAME.  START and END are buffer positions
+ saying what text to write.
+ Optional fourth argument specifies the coding system to use when
+ encoding the file.
+ If INHIBIT is non-nil, inhibit `mm-inhibit-file-name-handlers'."
+   (let ((coding-system-for-write
+        (or codesys mm-text-coding-system-for-write
+            mm-text-coding-system))
+       (inhibit-file-name-operation (if inhibit
+                                        'append-to-file
+                                      inhibit-file-name-operation))
+       (inhibit-file-name-handlers
+        (if inhibit
+            (append mm-inhibit-file-name-handlers
+                    inhibit-file-name-handlers)
+          inhibit-file-name-handlers)))
+     (write-region start end filename t 'no-message)
+     (message "Appended to %s" filename)))
+ (defun mm-write-region (start end filename &optional append visit lockname
+                             coding-system inhibit)
+   "Like `write-region'.
+ If INHIBIT is non-nil, inhibit `mm-inhibit-file-name-handlers'."
+   (let ((coding-system-for-write
+        (or coding-system mm-text-coding-system-for-write
+            mm-text-coding-system))
+       (inhibit-file-name-operation (if inhibit
+                                        'write-region
+                                      inhibit-file-name-operation))
+       (inhibit-file-name-handlers
+        (if inhibit
+            (append mm-inhibit-file-name-handlers
+                    inhibit-file-name-handlers)
+          inhibit-file-name-handlers)))
+     (write-region start end filename append visit lockname)))
+ (defun mm-image-load-path (&optional package)
+   (let (dir result)
+     (dolist (path load-path (nreverse result))
+       (if (file-directory-p
+          (setq dir (concat (file-name-directory
+                             (directory-file-name path))
+                            "etc/" (or package "gnus/"))))
+         (push dir result))
+       (push path result))))
+ ;; Fixme: This doesn't look useful where it's used.
+ (if (fboundp 'detect-coding-region)
+     (defun mm-detect-coding-region (start end)
+       "Like `detect-coding-region' except returning the best one."
+       (let ((coding-systems
+            (detect-coding-region (point) (point-max))))
+       (or (car-safe coding-systems)
+           coding-systems)))
+   (defun mm-detect-coding-region (start end)
+     (let ((point (point)))
+       (goto-char start)
+       (skip-chars-forward "\0-\177" end)
+       (prog1
+         (if (eq (point) end) 'ascii (mm-guess-charset))
+       (goto-char point)))))
+ (if (fboundp 'coding-system-get)
+     (defun mm-detect-mime-charset-region (start end)
+       "Detect MIME charset of the text in the region between START and END."
+       (let ((cs (mm-detect-coding-region start end)))
+       (coding-system-get cs 'mime-charset)))
+   (defun mm-detect-mime-charset-region (start end)
+     "Detect MIME charset of the text in the region between START and END."
+     (let ((cs (mm-detect-coding-region start end)))
+       cs)))
+ (provide 'mm-util)
+ ;;; arch-tag: 94dc5388-825d-4fd1-bfa5-2100aa351238
+ ;;; mm-util.el ends here

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