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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/mml2015.el [gnus-5_10-branch]

From: Andreas Schwab
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/mml2015.el [gnus-5_10-branch]
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 13:15:48 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/mml2015.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/gnus/mml2015.el:
*** /dev/null   Thu Jul 22 16:47:08 2004
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/mml2015.el  Thu Jul 22 16:45:51 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,918 ----
+ ;;; mml2015.el --- MIME Security with Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
+ ;; Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Shenghuo Zhu <address@hidden>
+ ;; Keywords: PGP MIME MML
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+ ;; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your
+ ;; option) any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; RFC 2015 is updated by RFC 3156, this file should be compatible
+ ;; with both.
+ ;;; Code:
+ (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+ (require 'mm-decode)
+ (require 'mm-util)
+ (require 'mml)
+ (defvar mml2015-use (or
+                    (progn
+                      (ignore-errors
+                        (require 'pgg))
+                      (and (fboundp 'pgg-sign-region)
+                           'pgg))
+                    (progn
+                      (ignore-errors
+                        (require 'gpg))
+                      (and (fboundp 'gpg-sign-detached)
+                           'gpg))
+                    (progn (ignore-errors
+                             (load "mc-toplev"))
+                           (and (fboundp 'mc-encrypt-generic)
+                                (fboundp 'mc-sign-generic)
+                                (fboundp 'mc-cleanup-recipient-headers)
+                                'mailcrypt)))
+   "The package used for PGP/MIME.")
+ ;; Something is not RFC2015.
+ (defvar mml2015-function-alist
+   '((mailcrypt mml2015-mailcrypt-sign
+              mml2015-mailcrypt-encrypt
+              mml2015-mailcrypt-verify
+              mml2015-mailcrypt-decrypt
+              mml2015-mailcrypt-clear-verify
+              mml2015-mailcrypt-clear-decrypt)
+     (gpg mml2015-gpg-sign
+        mml2015-gpg-encrypt
+        mml2015-gpg-verify
+        mml2015-gpg-decrypt
+        mml2015-gpg-clear-verify
+        mml2015-gpg-clear-decrypt)
+   (pgg mml2015-pgg-sign
+        mml2015-pgg-encrypt
+        mml2015-pgg-verify
+        mml2015-pgg-decrypt
+        mml2015-pgg-clear-verify
+        mml2015-pgg-clear-decrypt))
+   "Alist of PGP/MIME functions.")
+ (defvar mml2015-result-buffer nil)
+ (defcustom mml2015-unabbrev-trust-alist
+   '(("TRUST_UNDEFINED" . nil)
+     ("TRUST_NEVER"     . nil)
+     ("TRUST_MARGINAL"  . t)
+     ("TRUST_FULLY"     . t)
+     ("TRUST_ULTIMATE"  . t))
+   "Map GnuPG trust output values to a boolean saying if you trust the key."
+   :type '(repeat (cons (regexp :tag "GnuPG output regexp")
+                      (boolean :tag "Trust key"))))
+ ;;; mailcrypt wrapper
+ (eval-and-compile
+   (autoload 'mailcrypt-decrypt "mailcrypt")
+   (autoload 'mailcrypt-verify "mailcrypt")
+   (autoload 'mc-pgp-always-sign "mailcrypt")
+   (autoload 'mc-encrypt-generic "mc-toplev")
+   (autoload 'mc-cleanup-recipient-headers "mc-toplev")
+   (autoload 'mc-sign-generic "mc-toplev"))
+ (eval-when-compile
+   (defvar mc-default-scheme)
+   (defvar mc-schemes))
+ (defvar mml2015-decrypt-function 'mailcrypt-decrypt)
+ (defvar mml2015-verify-function 'mailcrypt-verify)
+ (defun mml2015-format-error (err)
+   (if (stringp (cadr err))
+       (cadr err)
+     (format "%S" (cdr err))))
+ (defun mml2015-mailcrypt-decrypt (handle ctl)
+   (catch 'error
+     (let (child handles result)
+       (unless (setq child (mm-find-part-by-type
+                          (cdr handle)
+                          "application/octet-stream" nil t))
+       (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+        mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "Corrupted")
+       (throw 'error handle))
+       (with-temp-buffer
+       (mm-insert-part child)
+       (setq result
+             (condition-case err
+                 (funcall mml2015-decrypt-function)
+               (error
+                (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+                 mm-security-handle 'gnus-details (mml2015-format-error err))
+                nil)
+               (quit
+                (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+                 mm-security-handle 'gnus-details "Quit.")
+                nil)))
+       (unless (car result)
+         (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+          mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "Failed")
+         (throw 'error handle))
+       (setq handles (mm-dissect-buffer t)))
+       (mm-destroy-parts handle)
+       (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+        mm-security-handle 'gnus-info
+        (concat "OK"
+              (let ((sig (with-current-buffer mml2015-result-buffer
+                           (mml2015-gpg-extract-signature-details))))
+                (concat ", Signer: " sig))))
+       (if (listp (car handles))
+         handles
+       (list handles)))))
+ (defun mml2015-mailcrypt-clear-decrypt ()
+   (let (result)
+     (setq result
+         (condition-case err
+             (funcall mml2015-decrypt-function)
+           (error
+            (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+             mm-security-handle 'gnus-details (mml2015-format-error err))
+            nil)
+           (quit
+            (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+             mm-security-handle 'gnus-details "Quit.")
+            nil)))
+     (if (car result)
+       (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+        mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "OK")
+       (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+        mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "Failed"))))
+ (defun mml2015-fix-micalg (alg)
+   (and alg
+        ;; Mutt/1.2.5i has seen sending micalg=php-sha1
+        (upcase (if (string-match "^p[gh]p-" alg)
+                  (substring alg (match-end 0))
+                alg))))
+ (defun mml2015-mailcrypt-verify (handle ctl)
+   (catch 'error
+     (let (part)
+       (unless (setq part (mm-find-raw-part-by-type
+                         ctl (or (mm-handle-multipart-ctl-parameter
+                                  ctl 'protocol)
+                                 "application/pgp-signature")
+                         t))
+       (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+        mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "Corrupted")
+       (throw 'error handle))
+       (with-temp-buffer
+       (insert "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\n")
+       (insert (format "Hash: %s\n\n"
+                       (or (mml2015-fix-micalg
+                            (mm-handle-multipart-ctl-parameter
+                             ctl 'micalg))
+                           "SHA1")))
+       (save-restriction
+         (narrow-to-region (point) (point))
+         (insert part "\n")
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (while (not (eobp))
+           (if (looking-at "^-")
+               (insert "- "))
+           (forward-line)))
+       (unless (setq part (mm-find-part-by-type
+                           (cdr handle) "application/pgp-signature" nil t))
+         (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+          mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "Corrupted")
+         (throw 'error handle))
+       (save-restriction
+         (narrow-to-region (point) (point))
+         (mm-insert-part part)
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (if (re-search-forward "^-----BEGIN PGP [^-]+-----\r?$" nil t)
+             (replace-match "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----" t t))
+         (if (re-search-forward "^-----END PGP [^-]+-----\r?$" nil t)
+             (replace-match "-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----" t t)))
+       (let ((mc-gpg-debug-buffer (get-buffer-create " *gnus gpg debug*")))
+         (unless (condition-case err
+                     (prog1
+                         (funcall mml2015-verify-function)
+                       (if (get-buffer " *mailcrypt stderr temp")
+                           (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+                            mm-security-handle 'gnus-details
+                            (with-current-buffer " *mailcrypt stderr temp"
+                              (buffer-string))))
+                       (if (get-buffer " *mailcrypt stdout temp")
+                           (kill-buffer " *mailcrypt stdout temp"))
+                       (if (get-buffer " *mailcrypt stderr temp")
+                           (kill-buffer " *mailcrypt stderr temp"))
+                       (if (get-buffer " *mailcrypt status temp")
+                           (kill-buffer " *mailcrypt status temp"))
+                       (if (get-buffer mc-gpg-debug-buffer)
+                           (kill-buffer mc-gpg-debug-buffer)))
+                   (error
+                    (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+                     mm-security-handle 'gnus-details (mml2015-format-error 
+                    nil)
+                   (quit
+                    (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+                     mm-security-handle 'gnus-details "Quit.")
+                    nil))
+           (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+            mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "Failed")
+           (throw 'error handle))))
+       (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+        mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "OK")
+       handle)))
+ (defun mml2015-mailcrypt-clear-verify ()
+   (let ((mc-gpg-debug-buffer (get-buffer-create " *gnus gpg debug*")))
+     (if (condition-case err
+           (prog1
+               (funcall mml2015-verify-function)
+             (if (get-buffer " *mailcrypt stderr temp")
+                 (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+                  mm-security-handle 'gnus-details
+                  (with-current-buffer " *mailcrypt stderr temp"
+                    (buffer-string))))
+             (if (get-buffer " *mailcrypt stdout temp")
+                 (kill-buffer " *mailcrypt stdout temp"))
+             (if (get-buffer " *mailcrypt stderr temp")
+                 (kill-buffer " *mailcrypt stderr temp"))
+             (if (get-buffer " *mailcrypt status temp")
+                 (kill-buffer " *mailcrypt status temp"))
+             (if (get-buffer mc-gpg-debug-buffer)
+                 (kill-buffer mc-gpg-debug-buffer)))
+         (error
+          (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+           mm-security-handle 'gnus-details (mml2015-format-error err))
+          nil)
+         (quit
+          (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+           mm-security-handle 'gnus-details "Quit.")
+          nil))
+       (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+        mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "OK")
+       (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+        mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "Failed"))))
+ (defun mml2015-mailcrypt-sign (cont)
+   (mc-sign-generic (message-options-get 'message-sender)
+                  nil nil nil nil)
+   (let ((boundary (mml-compute-boundary cont))
+       hash point)
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (unless (re-search-forward "^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\r?$" nil 
+       (error "Cannot find signed begin line"))
+     (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+     (forward-line 1)
+     (unless (looking-at "Hash:[ \t]*\\([a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)")
+       (error "Cannot not find PGP hash"))
+     (setq hash (match-string 1))
+     (unless (re-search-forward "^$" nil t)
+       (error "Cannot not find PGP message"))
+     (forward-line 1)
+     (delete-region (point-min) (point))
+     (insert (format "Content-Type: multipart/signed; boundary=\"%s\";\n"
+                   boundary))
+     (insert (format "\tmicalg=pgp-%s; 
+                   (downcase hash)))
+     (insert (format "\n--%s\n" boundary))
+     (setq point (point))
+     (goto-char (point-max))
+     (unless (re-search-backward "^-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\r?$" nil t)
+       (error "Cannot find signature part"))
+     (replace-match "-----END PGP MESSAGE-----" t t)
+     (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+     (unless (re-search-backward "^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\r?$"
+                               nil t)
+       (error "Cannot find signature part"))
+     (replace-match "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----" t t)
+     (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+     (save-restriction
+       (narrow-to-region point (point))
+       (goto-char point)
+       (while (re-search-forward "^- -" nil t)
+       (replace-match "-" t t))
+       (goto-char (point-max)))
+     (insert (format "--%s\n" boundary))
+     (insert "Content-Type: application/pgp-signature\n\n")
+     (goto-char (point-max))
+     (insert (format "--%s--\n" boundary))
+     (goto-char (point-max))))
+ (defun mml2015-mailcrypt-encrypt (cont &optional sign)
+   (let ((mc-pgp-always-sign
+        (or mc-pgp-always-sign
+            sign
+            (eq t (or (message-options-get 'message-sign-encrypt)
+                      (message-options-set
+                       'message-sign-encrypt
+                       (or (y-or-n-p "Sign the message? ")
+                           'not))))
+            'never)))
+     (mm-with-unibyte-current-buffer
+       (mc-encrypt-generic
+        (or (message-options-get 'message-recipients)
+          (message-options-set 'message-recipients
+                             (mc-cleanup-recipient-headers
+                              (read-string "Recipients: "))))
+        nil nil nil
+        (message-options-get 'message-sender))))
+   (goto-char (point-min))
+   (unless (looking-at "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----")
+     (error "Fail to encrypt the message"))
+   (let ((boundary (mml-compute-boundary cont)))
+     (insert (format "Content-Type: multipart/encrypted; boundary=\"%s\";\n"
+                   boundary))
+     (insert "\tprotocol=\"application/pgp-encrypted\"\n\n")
+     (insert (format "--%s\n" boundary))
+     (insert "Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted\n\n")
+     (insert "Version: 1\n\n")
+     (insert (format "--%s\n" boundary))
+     (insert "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\n\n")
+     (goto-char (point-max))
+     (insert (format "--%s--\n" boundary))
+     (goto-char (point-max))))
+ ;;; gpg wrapper
+ (eval-and-compile
+   (autoload 'gpg-decrypt "gpg")
+   (autoload 'gpg-verify "gpg")
+   (autoload 'gpg-verify-cleartext "gpg")
+   (autoload 'gpg-sign-detached "gpg")
+   (autoload 'gpg-sign-encrypt "gpg")
+   (autoload 'gpg-encrypt "gpg")
+   (autoload 'gpg-passphrase-read "gpg"))
+ (defun mml2015-gpg-passphrase ()
+   (or (message-options-get 'gpg-passphrase)
+       (message-options-set 'gpg-passphrase (gpg-passphrase-read))))
+ (defun mml2015-gpg-decrypt-1 ()
+   (let ((cipher (current-buffer)) plain result)
+     (if (with-temp-buffer
+         (prog1
+             (gpg-decrypt cipher (setq plain (current-buffer))
+                          mml2015-result-buffer nil)
+           (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+            mm-security-handle 'gnus-details
+            (with-current-buffer mml2015-result-buffer
+              (buffer-string)))
+           (set-buffer cipher)
+           (erase-buffer)
+           (insert-buffer-substring plain)
+           (goto-char (point-min))
+           (while (search-forward "\r\n" nil t)
+             (replace-match "\n" t t))))
+       '(t)
+       ;; Some wrong with the return value, check plain text buffer.
+       (if (> (point-max) (point-min))
+         '(t)
+       nil))))
+ (defun mml2015-gpg-decrypt (handle ctl)
+   (let ((mml2015-decrypt-function 'mml2015-gpg-decrypt-1))
+     (mml2015-mailcrypt-decrypt handle ctl)))
+ (defun mml2015-gpg-clear-decrypt ()
+   (let (result)
+     (setq result (mml2015-gpg-decrypt-1))
+     (if (car result)
+       (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+        mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "OK")
+       (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+        mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "Failed"))))
+ (defun mml2015-gpg-pretty-print-fpr (fingerprint)
+   (let* ((result "")
+        (fpr-length (string-width fingerprint))
+        (n-slice 0)
+        slice)
+     (setq fingerprint (string-to-list fingerprint))
+     (while fingerprint
+       (setq fpr-length (- fpr-length 4))
+       (setq slice (butlast fingerprint fpr-length))
+       (setq fingerprint (nthcdr 4 fingerprint))
+       (setq n-slice (1+ n-slice))
+       (setq result
+           (concat
+            result
+            (case n-slice
+              (1  slice)
+              (otherwise (concat " " slice))))))
+     result))
+ (defun mml2015-gpg-extract-signature-details ()
+   (goto-char (point-min))
+   (let* ((expired (re-search-forward
+                  "^\\[GNUPG:\\] SIGEXPIRED$"
+                  nil t))
+        (signer (and (re-search-forward
+                      "^\\[GNUPG:\\] GOODSIG \\([0-9A-Za-z]*\\) \\(.*\\)$"
+                      nil t)
+                     (cons (match-string 1) (match-string 2))))
+        (fprint (and (re-search-forward
+                      "^\\[GNUPG:\\] VALIDSIG \\([0-9a-zA-Z]*\\) "
+                      nil t)
+                     (match-string 1)))
+        (trust  (and (re-search-forward
+                      "^\\[GNUPG:\\] \\(TRUST_.*\\)$"
+                      nil t)
+                     (match-string 1)))
+        (trust-good-enough-p
+         (cdr (assoc trust mml2015-unabbrev-trust-alist))))
+     (cond ((and signer fprint)
+          (concat (cdr signer)
+                  (unless trust-good-enough-p
+                    (concat "\nUntrusted, Fingerprint: "
+                            (mml2015-gpg-pretty-print-fpr fprint)))
+                  (when expired
+                    (format "\nWARNING: Signature from expired key (%s)"
+                            (car signer)))))
+         ((re-search-forward
+           "^\\(gpg: \\)?Good signature from \"\\(.*\\)\"$" nil t)
+          (match-string 2))
+         (t
+          "From unknown user"))))
+ (defun mml2015-gpg-verify (handle ctl)
+   (catch 'error
+     (let (part message signature info-is-set-p)
+       (unless (setq part (mm-find-raw-part-by-type
+                         ctl (or (mm-handle-multipart-ctl-parameter
+                                  ctl 'protocol)
+                                 "application/pgp-signature")
+                         t))
+       (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+        mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "Corrupted")
+       (throw 'error handle))
+       (with-temp-buffer
+       (setq message (current-buffer))
+       (insert part)
+       ;; Convert <LF> to <CR><LF> in verify mode.  Sign and
+       ;; clearsign use --textmode. The conversion is not necessary.
+       ;; In clearverify, the conversion is not necessary either.
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (end-of-line)
+       (while (not (eobp))
+         (unless (eq (char-before) ?\r)
+           (insert "\r"))
+         (forward-line)
+         (end-of-line))
+       (with-temp-buffer
+         (setq signature (current-buffer))
+         (unless (setq part (mm-find-part-by-type
+                             (cdr handle) "application/pgp-signature" nil t))
+           (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+            mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "Corrupted")
+           (throw 'error handle))
+         (mm-insert-part part)
+         (unless (condition-case err
+                     (prog1
+                         (gpg-verify message signature mml2015-result-buffer)
+                       (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+                        mm-security-handle 'gnus-details
+                        (with-current-buffer mml2015-result-buffer
+                          (buffer-string))))
+                   (error
+                    (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+                     mm-security-handle 'gnus-details (mml2015-format-error 
+                    (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+                     mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "Error.")
+                    (setq info-is-set-p t)
+                    nil)
+                   (quit
+                    (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+                     mm-security-handle 'gnus-details "Quit.")
+                    (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+                     mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "Quit.")
+                    (setq info-is-set-p t)
+                    nil))
+           (unless info-is-set-p
+             (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+              mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "Failed"))
+           (throw 'error handle)))
+       (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+        mm-security-handle 'gnus-info
+        (with-current-buffer mml2015-result-buffer
+          (mml2015-gpg-extract-signature-details))))
+       handle)))
+ (defun mml2015-gpg-clear-verify ()
+   (if (condition-case err
+         (prog1
+             (gpg-verify-cleartext (current-buffer) mml2015-result-buffer)
+           (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+            mm-security-handle 'gnus-details
+            (with-current-buffer mml2015-result-buffer
+              (buffer-string))))
+       (error
+        (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+         mm-security-handle 'gnus-details (mml2015-format-error err))
+        nil)
+       (quit
+        (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+         mm-security-handle 'gnus-details "Quit.")
+        nil))
+       (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+        mm-security-handle 'gnus-info
+        (with-current-buffer mml2015-result-buffer
+        (mml2015-gpg-extract-signature-details)))
+     (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+      mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "Failed")))
+ (defun mml2015-gpg-sign (cont)
+   (let ((boundary (mml-compute-boundary cont))
+       (text (current-buffer)) signature)
+     (goto-char (point-max))
+     (unless (bolp)
+       (insert "\n"))
+     (with-temp-buffer
+       (unless (gpg-sign-detached text (setq signature (current-buffer))
+                                mml2015-result-buffer
+                                nil
+                                (message-options-get 'message-sender)
+                                t t) ; armor & textmode
+       (unless (> (point-max) (point-min))
+         (pop-to-buffer mml2015-result-buffer)
+         (error "Sign error")))
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (while (re-search-forward "\r+$" nil t)
+       (replace-match "" t t))
+       (set-buffer text)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (insert (format "Content-Type: multipart/signed; boundary=\"%s\";\n"
+                     boundary))
+       ;;; FIXME: what is the micalg?
+       (insert "\tmicalg=pgp-sha1; protocol=\"application/pgp-signature\"\n")
+       (insert (format "\n--%s\n" boundary))
+       (goto-char (point-max))
+       (insert (format "\n--%s\n" boundary))
+       (insert "Content-Type: application/pgp-signature\n\n")
+       (insert-buffer-substring signature)
+       (goto-char (point-max))
+       (insert (format "--%s--\n" boundary))
+       (goto-char (point-max)))))
+ (defun mml2015-gpg-encrypt (cont &optional sign)
+   (let ((boundary (mml-compute-boundary cont))
+       (text (current-buffer))
+       cipher)
+     (mm-with-unibyte-current-buffer
+       (with-temp-buffer
+       ;; set up a function to call the correct gpg encrypt routine
+       ;; with the right arguments. (FIXME: this should be done
+       ;; differently.)
+       (flet ((gpg-encrypt-func 
+                (sign plaintext ciphertext result recipients &optional
+                      passphrase sign-with-key armor textmode)
+                (if sign
+                    (gpg-sign-encrypt
+                     plaintext ciphertext result recipients passphrase
+                     sign-with-key armor textmode)
+                  (gpg-encrypt
+                   plaintext ciphertext result recipients passphrase
+                   armor textmode))))
+         (unless (gpg-encrypt-func
+                   sign ; passed in when using signencrypt
+                   text (setq cipher (current-buffer))
+                   mml2015-result-buffer
+                   (split-string
+                    (or
+                     (message-options-get 'message-recipients)
+                     (message-options-set 'message-recipients
+                                          (read-string "Recipients: ")))
+                    "[ \f\t\n\r\v,]+")
+                   nil
+                   (message-options-get 'message-sender)
+                   t t) ; armor & textmode
+           (unless (> (point-max) (point-min))
+             (pop-to-buffer mml2015-result-buffer)
+             (error "Encrypt error"))))
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (while (re-search-forward "\r+$" nil t)
+         (replace-match "" t t))
+       (set-buffer text)
+       (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+       (insert (format "Content-Type: multipart/encrypted; boundary=\"%s\";\n"
+                       boundary))
+       (insert "\tprotocol=\"application/pgp-encrypted\"\n\n")
+       (insert (format "--%s\n" boundary))
+       (insert "Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted\n\n")
+       (insert "Version: 1\n\n")
+       (insert (format "--%s\n" boundary))
+       (insert "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\n\n")
+       (insert-buffer-substring cipher)
+       (goto-char (point-max))
+       (insert (format "--%s--\n" boundary))
+       (goto-char (point-max))))))
+ ;;; pgg wrapper
+ (eval-when-compile
+   (defvar pgg-errors-buffer)
+   (defvar pgg-output-buffer))
+ (eval-and-compile
+   (autoload 'pgg-decrypt-region "pgg")
+   (autoload 'pgg-verify-region "pgg")
+   (autoload 'pgg-sign-region "pgg")
+   (autoload 'pgg-encrypt-region "pgg"))
+ (defun mml2015-pgg-decrypt (handle ctl)
+   (catch 'error
+     (let ((pgg-errors-buffer mml2015-result-buffer)
+         child handles result decrypt-status)
+       (unless (setq child (mm-find-part-by-type
+                          (cdr handle)
+                          "application/octet-stream" nil t))
+       (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+        mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "Corrupted")
+       (throw 'error handle))
+       (with-temp-buffer
+       (mm-insert-part child)
+       (if (condition-case err
+               (prog1
+                   (pgg-decrypt-region (point-min) (point-max))
+                 (setq decrypt-status 
+                       (with-current-buffer mml2015-result-buffer
+                         (buffer-string)))
+                 (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+                  mm-security-handle 'gnus-details
+                  decrypt-status))
+             (error
+              (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+               mm-security-handle 'gnus-details (mml2015-format-error err))
+              nil)
+             (quit
+              (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+               mm-security-handle 'gnus-details "Quit.")
+              nil))
+           (with-current-buffer pgg-output-buffer
+             (goto-char (point-min))
+             (while (search-forward "\r\n" nil t)
+               (replace-match "\n" t t))
+             (setq handles (mm-dissect-buffer t))
+             (mm-destroy-parts handle)
+             (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+              mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "OK")
+             (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+              mm-security-handle 'gnus-details
+              (concat decrypt-status
+                      (when (stringp (car handles))
+                        "\n" (mm-handle-multipart-ctl-parameter
+                              handles 'gnus-details))))
+             (if (listp (car handles))
+                 handles
+               (list handles)))
+         (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+          mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "Failed")
+         (throw 'error handle))))))
+ (defun mml2015-pgg-clear-decrypt ()
+   (let ((pgg-errors-buffer mml2015-result-buffer))
+     (if (prog1
+           (pgg-decrypt-region (point-min) (point-max))
+         (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+          mm-security-handle 'gnus-details
+          (with-current-buffer mml2015-result-buffer
+            (buffer-string))))
+       (progn
+         (erase-buffer)
+         (insert-buffer-substring pgg-output-buffer)
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (while (search-forward "\r\n" nil t)
+           (replace-match "\n" t t))
+         (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+          mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "OK"))
+       (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+        mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "Failed"))))
+ (defun mml2015-pgg-verify (handle ctl)
+   (let ((pgg-errors-buffer mml2015-result-buffer)
+       signature-file part signature)
+     (if (or (null (setq part (mm-find-raw-part-by-type
+                             ctl (or (mm-handle-multipart-ctl-parameter
+                                      ctl 'protocol)
+                                     "application/pgp-signature")
+                             t)))
+           (null (setq signature (mm-find-part-by-type
+                                  (cdr handle) "application/pgp-signature" nil 
+       (progn
+         (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+          mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "Corrupted")
+         handle)
+       (with-temp-buffer
+       (insert part)
+       ;; Convert <LF> to <CR><LF> in verify mode.  Sign and
+       ;; clearsign use --textmode. The conversion is not necessary.
+       ;; In clearverify, the conversion is not necessary either.
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (end-of-line)
+       (while (not (eobp))
+         (unless (eq (char-before) ?\r)
+           (insert "\r"))
+         (forward-line)
+         (end-of-line))
+       (with-temp-file (setq signature-file (mm-make-temp-file "pgg"))
+         (mm-insert-part signature))
+       (if (condition-case err
+               (prog1
+                   (pgg-verify-region (point-min) (point-max) 
+                                      signature-file t)
+                 (goto-char (point-min))
+                 (while (search-forward "\r\n" nil t)
+                   (replace-match "\n" t t))
+                 (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+                  mm-security-handle 'gnus-details
+                  (concat (with-current-buffer pgg-output-buffer
+                            (buffer-string))
+                          (with-current-buffer pgg-errors-buffer
+                            (buffer-string)))))
+             (error
+              (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+               mm-security-handle 'gnus-details (mml2015-format-error err))
+              nil)
+             (quit
+              (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+               mm-security-handle 'gnus-details "Quit.")
+              nil))
+           (progn
+             (delete-file signature-file)
+             (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+              mm-security-handle 'gnus-info
+              (with-current-buffer pgg-errors-buffer
+                (mml2015-gpg-extract-signature-details))))
+         (delete-file signature-file)
+         (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+          mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "Failed")))))
+   handle)
+ (defun mml2015-pgg-clear-verify ()
+   (let ((pgg-errors-buffer mml2015-result-buffer)
+       (text (buffer-string))
+       (coding-system buffer-file-coding-system))
+     (if (condition-case err
+           (prog1
+               (mm-with-unibyte-buffer
+                 (insert (encode-coding-string text coding-system))
+                 (pgg-verify-region (point-min) (point-max) nil t))
+             (goto-char (point-min))
+             (while (search-forward "\r\n" nil t)
+               (replace-match "\n" t t))
+             (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+              mm-security-handle 'gnus-details
+              (concat (with-current-buffer pgg-output-buffer
+                        (buffer-string))
+                      (with-current-buffer pgg-errors-buffer
+                        (buffer-string)))))
+         (error
+          (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+           mm-security-handle 'gnus-details (mml2015-format-error err))
+          nil)
+         (quit
+          (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+           mm-security-handle 'gnus-details "Quit.")
+          nil))
+       (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+        mm-security-handle 'gnus-info
+        (with-current-buffer pgg-errors-buffer
+          (mml2015-gpg-extract-signature-details)))
+       (mm-set-handle-multipart-parameter
+        mm-security-handle 'gnus-info "Failed"))))
+ (defun mml2015-pgg-sign (cont)
+   (let ((pgg-errors-buffer mml2015-result-buffer)
+       (boundary (mml-compute-boundary cont))
+       (pgg-default-user-id (or (message-options-get 'mml-sender)
+                                pgg-default-user-id)))
+     (unless (pgg-sign-region (point-min) (point-max))
+       (pop-to-buffer mml2015-result-buffer)
+       (error "Sign error"))
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (insert (format "Content-Type: multipart/signed; boundary=\"%s\";\n"
+                   boundary))
+       ;;; FIXME: what is the micalg?
+     (insert "\tmicalg=pgp-sha1; protocol=\"application/pgp-signature\"\n")
+     (insert (format "\n--%s\n" boundary))
+     (goto-char (point-max))
+     (insert (format "\n--%s\n" boundary))
+     (insert "Content-Type: application/pgp-signature\n\n")
+     (insert-buffer-substring pgg-output-buffer)
+     (goto-char (point-max))
+     (insert (format "--%s--\n" boundary))
+     (goto-char (point-max))))
+ (defun mml2015-pgg-encrypt (cont &optional sign)
+   (let ((pgg-errors-buffer mml2015-result-buffer)
+       (boundary (mml-compute-boundary cont)))
+     (unless (pgg-encrypt-region (point-min) (point-max)
+                               (split-string
+                                (or
+                                 (message-options-get 'message-recipients)
+                                 (message-options-set 'message-recipients
+                                                      (read-string 
"Recipients: ")))
+                                "[ \f\t\n\r\v,]+")
+                               sign)
+       (pop-to-buffer mml2015-result-buffer)
+       (error "Encrypt error"))
+     (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (insert (format "Content-Type: multipart/encrypted; boundary=\"%s\";\n"
+                   boundary))
+     (insert "\tprotocol=\"application/pgp-encrypted\"\n\n")
+     (insert (format "--%s\n" boundary))
+     (insert "Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted\n\n")
+     (insert "Version: 1\n\n")
+     (insert (format "--%s\n" boundary))
+     (insert "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\n\n")
+     (insert-buffer-substring pgg-output-buffer)
+     (goto-char (point-max))
+     (insert (format "--%s--\n" boundary))
+     (goto-char (point-max))))
+ ;;; General wrapper
+ (defun mml2015-clean-buffer ()
+   (if (gnus-buffer-live-p mml2015-result-buffer)
+       (with-current-buffer mml2015-result-buffer
+       (erase-buffer)
+       t)
+     (setq mml2015-result-buffer
+         (gnus-get-buffer-create "*MML2015 Result*"))
+     nil))
+ (defsubst mml2015-clear-decrypt-function ()
+   (nth 6 (assq mml2015-use mml2015-function-alist)))
+ (defsubst mml2015-clear-verify-function ()
+   (nth 5 (assq mml2015-use mml2015-function-alist)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun mml2015-decrypt (handle ctl)
+   (mml2015-clean-buffer)
+   (let ((func (nth 4 (assq mml2015-use mml2015-function-alist))))
+     (if func
+       (funcall func handle ctl)
+       handle)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun mml2015-decrypt-test (handle ctl)
+   mml2015-use)
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun mml2015-verify (handle ctl)
+   (mml2015-clean-buffer)
+   (let ((func (nth 3 (assq mml2015-use mml2015-function-alist))))
+     (if func
+       (funcall func handle ctl)
+       handle)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun mml2015-verify-test (handle ctl)
+   mml2015-use)
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun mml2015-encrypt (cont &optional sign)
+   (mml2015-clean-buffer)
+   (let ((func (nth 2 (assq mml2015-use mml2015-function-alist))))
+     (if func
+       (funcall func cont sign)
+       (error "Cannot find encrypt function"))))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun mml2015-sign (cont)
+   (mml2015-clean-buffer)
+   (let ((func (nth 1 (assq mml2015-use mml2015-function-alist))))
+     (if func
+       (funcall func cont)
+       (error "Cannot find sign function"))))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun mml2015-self-encrypt ()
+   (mml2015-encrypt nil))
+ (provide 'mml2015)
+ ;;; arch-tag: b04701d5-0b09-44d8-bed8-de901bf435f2
+ ;;; mml2015.el ends here

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