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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/nnml.el [gnus-5_10-branch]

From: Andreas Schwab
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/nnml.el [gnus-5_10-branch]
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 13:12:41 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/nnml.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/gnus/nnml.el:
*** /dev/null   Thu Jul 22 16:47:15 2004
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/nnml.el     Thu Jul 22 16:45:51 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1022 ----
+ ;;; nnml.el --- mail spool access for Gnus
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003
+ ;;        Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Simon Josefsson <address@hidden> (adding MARKS)
+ ;;      Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <address@hidden>
+ ;;    Masanobu UMEDA <address@hidden>
+ ;; Keywords: news, mail
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; Based on nnspool.el by Masanobu UMEDA <address@hidden>.
+ ;; For an overview of what the interface functions do, please see the
+ ;; Gnus sources.
+ ;;; Code:
+ (require 'gnus)
+ (require 'nnheader)
+ (require 'nnmail)
+ (require 'nnoo)
+ (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+ (eval-and-compile
+   (autoload 'gnus-article-unpropagatable-p "gnus-sum"))
+ (nnoo-declare nnml)
+ (defvoo nnml-directory message-directory
+   "Spool directory for the nnml mail backend.")
+ (defvoo nnml-active-file
+     (expand-file-name "active" nnml-directory)
+   "Mail active file.")
+ (defvoo nnml-newsgroups-file
+     (expand-file-name "newsgroups" nnml-directory)
+   "Mail newsgroups description file.")
+ (defvoo nnml-get-new-mail t
+   "If non-nil, nnml will check the incoming mail file and split the mail.")
+ (defvoo nnml-nov-is-evil nil
+   "If non-nil, Gnus will never generate and use nov databases for mail spools.
+ Using nov databases will speed up header fetching considerably.
+ This variable shouldn't be flipped much.  If you have, for some reason,
+ set this to t, and want to set it to nil again, you should always run
+ the `nnml-generate-nov-databases' command.  The function will go
+ through all nnml directories and generate nov databases for them
+ all.  This may very well take some time.")
+ (defvoo nnml-marks-is-evil nil
+   "If non-nil, Gnus will never generate and use marks file for mail spools.
+ Using marks files makes it possible to backup and restore mail groups
+ separately from `.newsrc.eld'.  If you have, for some reason, set this
+ to t, and want to set it to nil again, you should always remove the
+ corresponding marks file (usually named `.marks' in the nnml group
+ directory, but see `nnml-marks-file-name') for the group.  Then the
+ marks file will be regenerated properly by Gnus.")
+ (defvoo nnml-prepare-save-mail-hook nil
+   "Hook run narrowed to an article before saving.")
+ (defvoo nnml-inhibit-expiry nil
+   "If non-nil, inhibit expiry.")
+ (defvoo nnml-use-compressed-files nil
+   "If non-nil, allow using compressed message files.")
+ (defconst nnml-version "nnml 1.0"
+   "nnml version.")
+ (defvoo nnml-nov-file-name ".overview")
+ (defvoo nnml-marks-file-name ".marks")
+ (defvoo nnml-current-directory nil)
+ (defvoo nnml-current-group nil)
+ (defvoo nnml-status-string "")
+ (defvoo nnml-nov-buffer-alist nil)
+ (defvoo nnml-group-alist nil)
+ (defvoo nnml-active-timestamp nil)
+ (defvoo nnml-article-file-alist nil)
+ (defvoo nnml-generate-active-function 'nnml-generate-active-info)
+ (defvar nnml-nov-buffer-file-name nil)
+ (defvoo nnml-file-coding-system nnmail-file-coding-system)
+ (defvoo nnml-marks nil)
+ (defvar nnml-marks-modtime (gnus-make-hashtable))
+ ;;; Interface functions.
+ (nnoo-define-basics nnml)
+ (deffoo nnml-retrieve-headers (sequence &optional group server fetch-old)
+   (when (nnml-possibly-change-directory group server)
+     (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (let* ((file nil)
+            (number (length sequence))
+            (count 0)
+            (file-name-coding-system nnmail-pathname-coding-system)
+            beg article)
+       (if (stringp (car sequence))
+           'headers
+         (if (nnml-retrieve-headers-with-nov sequence fetch-old)
+             'nov
+           (while sequence
+             (setq article (car sequence))
+             (setq file (nnml-article-to-file article))
+             (when (and file
+                        (file-exists-p file)
+                        (not (file-directory-p file)))
+               (insert (format "221 %d Article retrieved.\n" article))
+               (setq beg (point))
+               (nnheader-insert-head file)
+               (goto-char beg)
+               (if (re-search-forward "\n\r?\n" nil t)
+                   (forward-char -1)
+                 (goto-char (point-max))
+                 (insert "\n\n"))
+               (insert ".\n")
+               (delete-region (point) (point-max)))
+             (setq sequence (cdr sequence))
+             (setq count (1+ count))
+             (and (numberp nnmail-large-newsgroup)
+                  (> number nnmail-large-newsgroup)
+                  (zerop (% count 20))
+                  (nnheader-message 6 "nnml: Receiving headers... %d%%"
+                                    (/ (* count 100) number))))
+           (and (numberp nnmail-large-newsgroup)
+                (> number nnmail-large-newsgroup)
+                (nnheader-message 6 "nnml: Receiving headers...done"))
+           (nnheader-fold-continuation-lines)
+           'headers))))))
+ (deffoo nnml-open-server (server &optional defs)
+   (nnoo-change-server 'nnml server defs)
+   (when (not (file-exists-p nnml-directory))
+     (ignore-errors (make-directory nnml-directory t)))
+   (cond
+    ((not (file-exists-p nnml-directory))
+     (nnml-close-server)
+     (nnheader-report 'nnml "Couldn't create directory: %s" nnml-directory))
+    ((not (file-directory-p (file-truename nnml-directory)))
+     (nnml-close-server)
+     (nnheader-report 'nnml "Not a directory: %s" nnml-directory))
+    (t
+     (nnheader-report 'nnml "Opened server %s using directory %s"
+                    server nnml-directory)
+     t)))
+ (deffoo nnml-request-regenerate (server)
+   (nnml-possibly-change-directory nil server)
+   (nnml-generate-nov-databases server)
+   t)
+ (deffoo nnml-request-article (id &optional group server buffer)
+   (nnml-possibly-change-directory group server)
+   (let* ((nntp-server-buffer (or buffer nntp-server-buffer))
+        (file-name-coding-system nnmail-pathname-coding-system)
+        path gpath group-num)
+     (if (stringp id)
+       (when (and (setq group-num (nnml-find-group-number id))
+                  (cdr
+                   (assq (cdr group-num)
+                         (nnheader-article-to-file-alist
+                          (setq gpath
+                                (nnmail-group-pathname
+                                 (car group-num)
+                                 nnml-directory))))))
+         (setq path (concat gpath (int-to-string (cdr group-num)))))
+       (setq path (nnml-article-to-file id)))
+     (cond
+      ((not path)
+       (nnheader-report 'nnml "No such article: %s" id))
+      ((not (file-exists-p path))
+       (nnheader-report 'nnml "No such file: %s" path))
+      ((file-directory-p path)
+       (nnheader-report 'nnml "File is a directory: %s" path))
+      ((not (save-excursion (let ((nnmail-file-coding-system
+                                 nnml-file-coding-system))
+                            (nnmail-find-file path))))
+       (nnheader-report 'nnml "Couldn't read file: %s" path))
+      (t
+       (nnheader-report 'nnml "Article %s retrieved" id)
+       ;; We return the article number.
+       (cons (if group-num (car group-num) group)
+           (string-to-int (file-name-nondirectory path)))))))
+ (deffoo nnml-request-group (group &optional server dont-check)
+   (let ((file-name-coding-system nnmail-pathname-coding-system))
+     (cond
+      ((not (nnml-possibly-change-directory group server))
+       (nnheader-report 'nnml "Invalid group (no such directory)"))
+      ((not (file-exists-p nnml-current-directory))
+       (nnheader-report 'nnml "Directory %s does not exist"
+                      nnml-current-directory))
+      ((not (file-directory-p nnml-current-directory))
+       (nnheader-report 'nnml "%s is not a directory" nnml-current-directory))
+      (dont-check
+       (nnheader-report 'nnml "Group %s selected" group)
+       t)
+      (t
+       (nnheader-re-read-dir nnml-current-directory)
+       (nnmail-activate 'nnml)
+       (let ((active (nth 1 (assoc group nnml-group-alist))))
+       (if (not active)
+           (nnheader-report 'nnml "No such group: %s" group)
+         (nnheader-report 'nnml "Selected group %s" group)
+         (nnheader-insert "211 %d %d %d %s\n"
+                          (max (1+ (- (cdr active) (car active))) 0)
+                          (car active) (cdr active) group)))))))
+ (deffoo nnml-request-scan (&optional group server)
+   (setq nnml-article-file-alist nil)
+   (nnml-possibly-change-directory group server)
+   (nnmail-get-new-mail 'nnml 'nnml-save-nov nnml-directory group))
+ (deffoo nnml-close-group (group &optional server)
+   (setq nnml-article-file-alist nil)
+   t)
+ (deffoo nnml-request-create-group (group &optional server args)
+   (nnml-possibly-change-directory nil server)
+   (nnmail-activate 'nnml)
+   (cond
+    ((assoc group nnml-group-alist)
+     t)
+    ((and (file-exists-p (nnmail-group-pathname group nnml-directory))
+        (not (file-directory-p (nnmail-group-pathname group nnml-directory))))
+     (nnheader-report 'nnml "%s is a file"
+                    (nnmail-group-pathname group nnml-directory)))
+    (t
+     (let (active)
+       (push (list group (setq active (cons 1 0)))
+           nnml-group-alist)
+       (nnml-possibly-create-directory group)
+       (nnml-possibly-change-directory group server)
+       (let ((articles (nnml-directory-articles nnml-current-directory)))
+       (when articles
+         (setcar active (apply 'min articles))
+         (setcdr active (apply 'max articles))))
+       (nnmail-save-active nnml-group-alist nnml-active-file)
+       t))))
+ (deffoo nnml-request-list (&optional server)
+   (save-excursion
+     (let ((nnmail-file-coding-system nnmail-active-file-coding-system)
+         (file-name-coding-system nnmail-pathname-coding-system))
+       (nnmail-find-file nnml-active-file))
+     (setq nnml-group-alist (nnmail-get-active))
+     t))
+ (deffoo nnml-request-newgroups (date &optional server)
+   (nnml-request-list server))
+ (deffoo nnml-request-list-newsgroups (&optional server)
+   (save-excursion
+     (nnmail-find-file nnml-newsgroups-file)))
+ (deffoo nnml-request-expire-articles (articles group &optional server force)
+   (nnml-possibly-change-directory group server)
+   (let ((active-articles
+        (nnml-directory-articles nnml-current-directory))
+       (is-old t)
+       article rest mod-time number)
+     (nnmail-activate 'nnml)
+     (setq active-articles (sort active-articles '<))
+     ;; Articles not listed in active-articles are already gone,
+     ;; so don't try to expire them.
+     (setq articles (gnus-sorted-intersection articles active-articles))
+     (while (and articles is-old)
+       (if (and (setq article (nnml-article-to-file
+                             (setq number (pop articles))))
+              (setq mod-time (nth 5 (file-attributes article)))
+              (nnml-deletable-article-p group number)
+              (setq is-old (nnmail-expired-article-p group mod-time force
+                                                     nnml-inhibit-expiry)))
+         (progn
+           ;; Allow a special target group.
+           (unless (eq nnmail-expiry-target 'delete)
+             (with-temp-buffer
+               (nnml-request-article number group server (current-buffer))
+               (let (nnml-current-directory
+                     nnml-current-group
+                     nnml-article-file-alist)
+                 (nnmail-expiry-target-group nnmail-expiry-target group)))
+             ;; Maybe directory is changed during nnmail-expiry-target-group.
+             (nnml-possibly-change-directory group server))
+           (nnheader-message 5 "Deleting article %s in %s"
+                             number group)
+           (condition-case ()
+               (funcall nnmail-delete-file-function article)
+             (file-error
+              (push number rest)))
+           (setq active-articles (delq number active-articles))
+           (nnml-nov-delete-article group number))
+       (push number rest)))
+     (let ((active (nth 1 (assoc group nnml-group-alist))))
+       (when active
+       (setcar active (or (and active-articles
+                               (apply 'min active-articles))
+                          (1+ (cdr active)))))
+       (nnmail-save-active nnml-group-alist nnml-active-file))
+     (nnml-save-nov)
+     (nconc rest articles)))
+ (deffoo nnml-request-move-article
+     (article group server accept-form &optional last)
+   (let ((buf (get-buffer-create " *nnml move*"))
+       result)
+     (nnml-possibly-change-directory group server)
+     (nnml-update-file-alist)
+     (and
+      (nnml-deletable-article-p group article)
+      (nnml-request-article article group server)
+      (let (nnml-current-directory
+          nnml-current-group
+          nnml-article-file-alist)
+        (save-excursion
+        (set-buffer buf)
+        (insert-buffer-substring nntp-server-buffer)
+        (setq result (eval accept-form))
+        (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
+        result))
+      (progn
+        (nnml-possibly-change-directory group server)
+        (condition-case ()
+          (funcall nnmail-delete-file-function
+                   (nnml-article-to-file  article))
+        (file-error nil))
+        (nnml-nov-delete-article group article)
+        (when last
+        (nnml-save-nov)
+        (nnmail-save-active nnml-group-alist nnml-active-file))))
+     result))
+ (deffoo nnml-request-accept-article (group &optional server last)
+   (nnml-possibly-change-directory group server)
+   (nnmail-check-syntax)
+   (let (result)
+     (when nnmail-cache-accepted-message-ids
+       (nnmail-cache-insert (nnmail-fetch-field "message-id") 
+                          group
+                          (nnmail-fetch-field "subject")
+                          (nnmail-fetch-field "from")))
+     (if (stringp group)
+       (and
+        (nnmail-activate 'nnml)
+        (setq result (car (nnml-save-mail
+                           (list (cons group (nnml-active-number group))))))
+        (progn
+          (nnmail-save-active nnml-group-alist nnml-active-file)
+          (and last (nnml-save-nov))))
+       (and
+        (nnmail-activate 'nnml)
+        (if (and (not (setq result (nnmail-article-group 'nnml-active-number)))
+               (yes-or-no-p "Moved to `junk' group; delete article? "))
+          (setq result 'junk)
+        (setq result (car (nnml-save-mail result))))
+        (when last
+        (nnmail-save-active nnml-group-alist nnml-active-file)
+        (when nnmail-cache-accepted-message-ids
+          (nnmail-cache-close))
+        (nnml-save-nov))))
+     result))
+ (deffoo nnml-request-post (&optional server)
+   (nnmail-do-request-post 'nnml-request-accept-article server))
+ (deffoo nnml-request-replace-article (article group buffer)
+   (nnml-possibly-change-directory group)
+   (save-excursion
+     (set-buffer buffer)
+     (nnml-possibly-create-directory group)
+     (let ((chars (nnmail-insert-lines))
+         (art (concat (int-to-string article) "\t"))
+         headers)
+       (when (ignore-errors
+             (nnmail-write-region
+              (point-min) (point-max)
+              (or (nnml-article-to-file article)
+                  (expand-file-name (int-to-string article)
+                                    nnml-current-directory))
+              nil (if (nnheader-be-verbose 5) nil 'nomesg))
+             t)
+       (setq headers (nnml-parse-head chars article))
+       ;; Replace the NOV line in the NOV file.
+       (save-excursion
+         (set-buffer (nnml-open-nov group))
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (if (or (looking-at art)
+                 (search-forward (concat "\n" art) nil t))
+             ;; Delete the old NOV line.
+             (gnus-delete-line)
+           ;; The line isn't here, so we have to find out where
+           ;; we should insert it.  (This situation should never
+           ;; occur, but one likes to make sure...)
+           (while (and (looking-at "[0-9]+\t")
+                       (< (string-to-int
+                           (buffer-substring
+                            (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
+                          article)
+                       (zerop (forward-line 1)))))
+         (beginning-of-line)
+         (nnheader-insert-nov headers)
+         (nnml-save-nov)
+         t)))))
+ (deffoo nnml-request-delete-group (group &optional force server)
+   (nnml-possibly-change-directory group server)
+   (when force
+     ;; Delete all articles in GROUP.
+     (let ((articles
+          (directory-files
+           nnml-current-directory t
+           (concat nnheader-numerical-short-files
+                   "\\|" (regexp-quote nnml-nov-file-name) "$"
+                   "\\|" (regexp-quote nnml-marks-file-name) "$")))
+         article)
+       (while articles
+       (setq article (pop articles))
+       (when (file-writable-p article)
+         (nnheader-message 5 "Deleting article %s in %s..." article group)
+         (funcall nnmail-delete-file-function article))))
+     ;; Try to delete the directory itself.
+     (ignore-errors (delete-directory nnml-current-directory)))
+   ;; Remove the group from all structures.
+   (setq nnml-group-alist
+       (delq (assoc group nnml-group-alist) nnml-group-alist)
+       nnml-current-group nil
+       nnml-current-directory nil)
+   ;; Save the active file.
+   (nnmail-save-active nnml-group-alist nnml-active-file)
+   t)
+ (deffoo nnml-request-rename-group (group new-name &optional server)
+   (nnml-possibly-change-directory group server)
+   (let ((new-dir (nnmail-group-pathname new-name nnml-directory))
+       (old-dir (nnmail-group-pathname group nnml-directory)))
+     (when (ignore-errors
+           (make-directory new-dir t)
+           t)
+       ;; We move the articles file by file instead of renaming
+       ;; the directory -- there may be subgroups in this group.
+       ;; One might be more clever, I guess.
+       (let ((files (nnheader-article-to-file-alist old-dir)))
+       (while files
+         (rename-file
+          (concat old-dir (cdar files))
+          (concat new-dir (cdar files)))
+         (pop files)))
+       ;; Move .overview file.
+       (let ((overview (concat old-dir nnml-nov-file-name)))
+       (when (file-exists-p overview)
+         (rename-file overview (concat new-dir nnml-nov-file-name))))
+       ;; Move .marks file.
+       (let ((marks (concat old-dir nnml-marks-file-name)))
+       (when (file-exists-p marks)
+         (rename-file marks (concat new-dir nnml-marks-file-name))))
+       (when (<= (length (directory-files old-dir)) 2)
+       (ignore-errors (delete-directory old-dir)))
+       ;; That went ok, so we change the internal structures.
+       (let ((entry (assoc group nnml-group-alist)))
+       (when entry
+         (setcar entry new-name))
+       (setq nnml-current-directory nil
+             nnml-current-group nil)
+       ;; Save the new group alist.
+       (nnmail-save-active nnml-group-alist nnml-active-file)
+       t))))
+ (deffoo nnml-set-status (article name value &optional group server)
+   (nnml-possibly-change-directory group server)
+   (let ((file (nnml-article-to-file article)))
+     (cond
+      ((not (file-exists-p file))
+       (nnheader-report 'nnml "File %s does not exist" file))
+      (t
+       (with-temp-file file
+       (nnheader-insert-file-contents file)
+       (nnmail-replace-status name value))
+       t))))
+ ;;; Internal functions.
+ (defun nnml-article-to-file (article)
+   (nnml-update-file-alist)
+   (let (file)
+     (if (setq file
+             (if nnml-use-compressed-files
+                 (cdr (assq article nnml-article-file-alist))
+               (number-to-string article)))
+       (expand-file-name file nnml-current-directory)
+       (when (not nnheader-directory-files-is-safe)
+       ;; Just to make sure nothing went wrong when reading over NFS --
+       ;; check once more.
+       (when (file-exists-p
+              (setq file (expand-file-name (number-to-string article)
+                                           nnml-current-directory)))
+         (nnml-update-file-alist t)
+         file)))))
+ (defun nnml-deletable-article-p (group article)
+   "Say whether ARTICLE in GROUP can be deleted."
+   (let (path)
+     (when (setq path (nnml-article-to-file article))
+       (when (file-writable-p path)
+       (or (not nnmail-keep-last-article)
+           (not (eq (cdr (nth 1 (assoc group nnml-group-alist)))
+                    article)))))))
+ ;; Find an article number in the current group given the Message-ID.
+ (defun nnml-find-group-number (id)
+   (save-excursion
+     (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *nnml id*"))
+     (let ((alist nnml-group-alist)
+         number)
+       ;; We want to look through all .overview files, but we want to
+       ;; start with the one in the current directory.  It seems most
+       ;; likely that the article we are looking for is in that group.
+       (if (setq number (nnml-find-id nnml-current-group id))
+         (cons nnml-current-group number)
+       ;; It wasn't there, so we look through the other groups as well.
+       (while (and (not number)
+                   alist)
+         (or (string= (caar alist) nnml-current-group)
+             (setq number (nnml-find-id (caar alist) id)))
+         (or number
+             (setq alist (cdr alist))))
+       (and number
+            (cons (caar alist) number))))))
+ (defun nnml-find-id (group id)
+   (erase-buffer)
+   (let ((nov (expand-file-name nnml-nov-file-name
+                              (nnmail-group-pathname group nnml-directory)))
+       number found)
+     (when (file-exists-p nov)
+       (nnheader-insert-file-contents nov)
+       (while (and (not found)
+                 (search-forward id nil t)) ; We find the ID.
+       ;; And the id is in the fourth field.
+       (if (not (and (search-backward "\t" nil t 4)
+                     (not (search-backward"\t" (gnus-point-at-bol) t))))
+           (forward-line 1)
+         (beginning-of-line)
+         (setq found t)
+         ;; We return the article number.
+         (setq number
+               (ignore-errors (read (current-buffer))))))
+       number)))
+ (defun nnml-retrieve-headers-with-nov (articles &optional fetch-old)
+   (if (or gnus-nov-is-evil nnml-nov-is-evil)
+       nil
+     (let ((nov (expand-file-name nnml-nov-file-name nnml-current-directory)))
+       (when (file-exists-p nov)
+       (save-excursion
+         (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+         (erase-buffer)
+         (nnheader-insert-file-contents nov)
+         (if (and fetch-old
+                  (not (numberp fetch-old)))
+             t                         ; Don't remove anything.
+           (nnheader-nov-delete-outside-range
+            (if fetch-old (max 1 (- (car articles) fetch-old))
+              (car articles))
+            (car (last articles)))
+           t))))))
+ (defun nnml-possibly-change-directory (group &optional server)
+   (when (and server
+            (not (nnml-server-opened server)))
+     (nnml-open-server server))
+   (if (not group)
+       t
+     (let ((pathname (nnmail-group-pathname group nnml-directory))
+         (file-name-coding-system nnmail-pathname-coding-system))
+       (when (not (equal pathname nnml-current-directory))
+       (setq nnml-current-directory pathname
+             nnml-current-group group
+             nnml-article-file-alist nil))
+       (file-exists-p nnml-current-directory))))
+ (defun nnml-possibly-create-directory (group)
+   (let ((dir (nnmail-group-pathname group nnml-directory)))
+     (unless (file-exists-p dir)
+       (make-directory (directory-file-name dir) t)
+       (nnheader-message 5 "Creating mail directory %s" dir))))
+ (defun nnml-save-mail (group-art)
+   "Called narrowed to an article."
+   (let (chars headers extension)
+     (setq chars (nnmail-insert-lines))
+     (setq extension
+          (and nnml-use-compressed-files
+               (> chars 1000)
+               ".gz"))
+     (nnmail-insert-xref group-art)
+     (run-hooks 'nnmail-prepare-save-mail-hook)
+     (run-hooks 'nnml-prepare-save-mail-hook)
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (while (looking-at "From ")
+       (replace-match "X-From-Line: ")
+       (forward-line 1))
+     ;; We save the article in all the groups it belongs in.
+     (let ((ga group-art)
+         first)
+       (while ga
+       (nnml-possibly-create-directory (caar ga))
+       (let ((file (concat (nnmail-group-pathname
+                            (caar ga) nnml-directory)
+                           (int-to-string (cdar ga))
+                           extension)))
+         (if first
+             ;; It was already saved, so we just make a hard link.
+             (funcall nnmail-crosspost-link-function first file t)
+           ;; Save the article.
+           (nnmail-write-region (point-min) (point-max) file nil
+                                (if (nnheader-be-verbose 5) nil 'nomesg))
+           (setq first file)))
+       (setq ga (cdr ga))))
+     ;; Generate a nov line for this article.  We generate the nov
+     ;; line after saving, because nov generation destroys the
+     ;; header.
+     (setq headers (nnml-parse-head chars))
+     ;; Output the nov line to all nov databases that should have it.
+     (let ((ga group-art))
+       (while ga
+       (nnml-add-nov (caar ga) (cdar ga) headers)
+       (setq ga (cdr ga))))
+     group-art))
+ (defun nnml-active-number (group)
+   "Compute the next article number in GROUP."
+   (let ((active (cadr (assoc group nnml-group-alist))))
+     ;; The group wasn't known to nnml, so we just create an active
+     ;; entry for it.
+     (unless active
+       ;; Perhaps the active file was corrupt?  See whether
+       ;; there are any articles in this group.
+       (nnml-possibly-create-directory group)
+       (nnml-possibly-change-directory group)
+       (unless nnml-article-file-alist
+       (setq nnml-article-file-alist
+             (sort
+              (nnml-current-group-article-to-file-alist)
+              'car-less-than-car)))
+       (setq active
+           (if nnml-article-file-alist
+               (cons (caar nnml-article-file-alist)
+                     (caar (last nnml-article-file-alist)))
+             (cons 1 0)))
+       (push (list group active) nnml-group-alist))
+     (setcdr active (1+ (cdr active)))
+     (while (file-exists-p
+           (expand-file-name (int-to-string (cdr active))
+                             (nnmail-group-pathname group nnml-directory)))
+       (setcdr active (1+ (cdr active))))
+     (cdr active)))
+ (defun nnml-add-nov (group article headers)
+   "Add a nov line for the GROUP base."
+   (save-excursion
+     (set-buffer (nnml-open-nov group))
+     (goto-char (point-max))
+     (mail-header-set-number headers article)
+     (nnheader-insert-nov headers)))
+ (defsubst nnml-header-value ()
+   (buffer-substring (match-end 0) (gnus-point-at-eol)))
+ (defun nnml-parse-head (chars &optional number)
+   "Parse the head of the current buffer."
+   (save-excursion
+     (save-restriction
+       (unless (zerop (buffer-size))
+       (narrow-to-region
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (if (re-search-forward "\n\r?\n" nil t)
+            (1- (point))
+          (point-max))))
+       (let ((headers (nnheader-parse-naked-head)))
+       (mail-header-set-chars headers chars)
+       (mail-header-set-number headers number)
+       headers))))
+ (defun nnml-get-nov-buffer (group)
+   (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create (format " *nnml overview %s*" group))))
+     (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer buffer)
+       (set (make-local-variable 'nnml-nov-buffer-file-name)
+          (expand-file-name
+           nnml-nov-file-name
+           (nnmail-group-pathname group nnml-directory)))
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (when (file-exists-p nnml-nov-buffer-file-name)
+       (nnheader-insert-file-contents nnml-nov-buffer-file-name)))
+     buffer))
+ (defun nnml-open-nov (group)
+   (or (cdr (assoc group nnml-nov-buffer-alist))
+       (let ((buffer (nnml-get-nov-buffer group)))
+       (push (cons group buffer) nnml-nov-buffer-alist)
+       buffer)))
+ (defun nnml-save-nov ()
+   (save-excursion
+     (while nnml-nov-buffer-alist
+       (when (buffer-name (cdar nnml-nov-buffer-alist))
+       (set-buffer (cdar nnml-nov-buffer-alist))
+       (when (buffer-modified-p)
+         (nnmail-write-region (point-min) (point-max)
+                              nnml-nov-buffer-file-name nil 'nomesg))
+       (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+       (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
+       (setq nnml-nov-buffer-alist (cdr nnml-nov-buffer-alist)))))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun nnml-generate-nov-databases (&optional server)
+   "Generate NOV databases in all nnml directories."
+   (interactive (list (or (nnoo-current-server 'nnml) "")))
+   ;; Read the active file to make sure we don't re-use articles
+   ;; numbers in empty groups.
+   (nnmail-activate 'nnml)
+   (unless (nnml-server-opened server)
+     (nnml-open-server server))
+   (setq nnml-directory (expand-file-name nnml-directory))
+   ;; Recurse down the directories.
+   (nnml-generate-nov-databases-1 nnml-directory nil t)
+   ;; Save the active file.
+   (nnmail-save-active nnml-group-alist nnml-active-file))
+ (defun nnml-generate-nov-databases-1 (dir &optional seen no-active)
+   "Regenerate the NOV database in DIR."
+   (interactive "DRegenerate NOV in: ")
+   (setq dir (file-name-as-directory dir))
+   ;; Only scan this sub-tree if we haven't been here yet.
+   (unless (member (file-truename dir) seen)
+     (push (file-truename dir) seen)
+     ;; We descend recursively
+     (let ((dirs (directory-files dir t nil t))
+         dir)
+       (while (setq dir (pop dirs))
+       (when (and (not (string-match "^\\." (file-name-nondirectory dir)))
+                  (file-directory-p dir))
+         (nnml-generate-nov-databases-1 dir seen))))
+     ;; Do this directory.
+     (let ((files (sort (nnheader-article-to-file-alist dir)
+                      'car-less-than-car)))
+       (if (not files)
+         (let* ((group (nnheader-file-to-group
+                        (directory-file-name dir) nnml-directory))
+                (info (cadr (assoc group nnml-group-alist))))
+           (when info
+             (setcar info (1+ (cdr info)))))
+       (funcall nnml-generate-active-function dir)
+       ;; Generate the nov file.
+       (nnml-generate-nov-file dir files)
+       (unless no-active
+         (nnmail-save-active nnml-group-alist nnml-active-file))))))
+ (eval-when-compile (defvar files))
+ (defun nnml-generate-active-info (dir)
+   ;; Update the active info for this group.
+   (let* ((group (nnheader-file-to-group
+                (directory-file-name dir) nnml-directory))
+        (entry (assoc group nnml-group-alist))
+        (last (or (caadr entry) 0)))
+     (setq nnml-group-alist (delq entry nnml-group-alist))
+     (push (list group
+               (cons (or (caar files) (1+ last))
+                     (max last
+                          (or (let ((f files))
+                                (while (cdr f) (setq f (cdr f)))
+                                (caar f))
+                              0))))
+         nnml-group-alist)))
+ (defun nnml-generate-nov-file (dir files)
+   (let* ((dir (file-name-as-directory dir))
+        (nov (concat dir nnml-nov-file-name))
+        (nov-buffer (get-buffer-create " *nov*"))
+        chars file headers)
+     (save-excursion
+       ;; Init the nov buffer.
+       (set-buffer nov-buffer)
+       (buffer-disable-undo)
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+       ;; Delete the old NOV file.
+       (when (file-exists-p nov)
+       (funcall nnmail-delete-file-function nov))
+       (while files
+       (unless (file-directory-p (setq file (concat dir (cdar files))))
+         (erase-buffer)
+         (nnheader-insert-file-contents file)
+         (narrow-to-region
+          (goto-char (point-min))
+          (progn
+            (re-search-forward "\n\r?\n" nil t)
+            (setq chars (- (point-max) (point)))
+            (max (point-min) (1- (point)))))
+         (unless (zerop (buffer-size))
+           (goto-char (point-min))
+           (setq headers (nnml-parse-head chars (caar files)))
+           (save-excursion
+             (set-buffer nov-buffer)
+             (goto-char (point-max))
+             (nnheader-insert-nov headers)))
+         (widen))
+       (setq files (cdr files)))
+       (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer nov-buffer)
+       (nnmail-write-region (point-min) (point-max) nov nil 'nomesg)
+       (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))))
+ (defun nnml-nov-delete-article (group article)
+   (save-excursion
+     (set-buffer (nnml-open-nov group))
+     (when (nnheader-find-nov-line article)
+       (delete-region (point) (progn (forward-line 1) (point)))
+       (when (bobp)
+       (let ((active (cadr (assoc group nnml-group-alist)))
+             num)
+         (when active
+           (if (eobp)
+               (setf (car active) (1+ (cdr active)))
+             (when (and (setq num (ignore-errors (read (current-buffer))))
+                        (numberp num))
+               (setf (car active) num)))))))
+     t))
+ (defun nnml-update-file-alist (&optional force)
+   (when nnml-use-compressed-files
+     (when (or (not nnml-article-file-alist)
+             force)
+       (setq nnml-article-file-alist
+           (nnml-current-group-article-to-file-alist)))))
+ (defun nnml-directory-articles (dir)
+   "Return a list of all article files in a directory.
+ Use the nov database for that directory if available."
+   (if (or gnus-nov-is-evil nnml-nov-is-evil
+         (not (file-exists-p
+               (expand-file-name nnml-nov-file-name dir))))
+       (nnheader-directory-articles dir)
+     ;; build list from .overview if available
+     ;; We would use nnml-open-nov, except that nnml-nov-buffer-alist is
+     ;; defvoo'd, and we might get called when it hasn't been swapped in.
+     (save-excursion
+       (let ((list nil)
+           art
+           (buffer (nnml-get-nov-buffer nnml-current-group)))
+       (set-buffer buffer)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (while (not (eobp))
+         (setq art (read (current-buffer)))
+         (push art list)
+         (forward-line 1))
+       list))))
+ (defun nnml-current-group-article-to-file-alist ()
+   "Return an alist of article/file pairs in the current group.
+ Use the nov database for the current group if available."
+   (if (or nnml-use-compressed-files
+         gnus-nov-is-evil
+         nnml-nov-is-evil
+         (not (file-exists-p
+               (expand-file-name nnml-nov-file-name
+                                 nnml-current-directory))))
+       (nnheader-article-to-file-alist nnml-current-directory)
+     ;; build list from .overview if available
+     (save-excursion
+       (let ((alist nil)
+           (buffer (nnml-get-nov-buffer nnml-current-group))
+           art)
+       (set-buffer buffer)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (while (not (eobp))
+         (setq art (read (current-buffer)))
+         ;; assume file name is unadorned (ie. not compressed etc)
+         (push (cons art (int-to-string art)) alist)
+         (forward-line 1))
+       alist))))
+ (deffoo nnml-request-set-mark (group actions &optional server)
+   (nnml-possibly-change-directory group server)
+   (unless nnml-marks-is-evil
+     (nnml-open-marks group server)
+     (dolist (action actions)
+       (let ((range (nth 0 action))
+           (what  (nth 1 action))
+           (marks (nth 2 action)))
+       (assert (or (eq what 'add) (eq what 'del)) t
+               "Unknown request-set-mark action: %s" what)
+       (dolist (mark marks)
+         (setq nnml-marks (gnus-update-alist-soft
+                           mark
+                           (funcall (if (eq what 'add) 'gnus-range-add
+                                      'gnus-remove-from-range)
+                                    (cdr (assoc mark nnml-marks)) range)
+                           nnml-marks)))))
+     (nnml-save-marks group server))
+   nil)
+ (deffoo nnml-request-update-info (group info &optional server)
+   (nnml-possibly-change-directory group server)
+   (when (and (not nnml-marks-is-evil) (nnml-marks-changed-p group))
+     (nnheader-message 8 "Updating marks for %s..." group)
+     (nnml-open-marks group server)
+     ;; Update info using `nnml-marks'.
+     (mapcar (lambda (pred)
+             (unless (memq (cdr pred) gnus-article-unpropagated-mark-lists)
+               (gnus-info-set-marks
+                info
+                (gnus-update-alist-soft
+                 (cdr pred)
+                 (cdr (assq (cdr pred) nnml-marks))
+                 (gnus-info-marks info))
+                t)))
+           gnus-article-mark-lists)
+     (let ((seen (cdr (assq 'read nnml-marks))))
+       (gnus-info-set-read info
+                         (if (and (integerp (car seen))
+                                  (null (cdr seen)))
+                             (list (cons (car seen) (car seen)))
+                           seen)))
+     (nnheader-message 8 "Updating marks for %s...done" group))
+   info)
+ (defun nnml-marks-changed-p (group)
+   (let ((file (expand-file-name nnml-marks-file-name
+                               (nnmail-group-pathname group nnml-directory))))
+     (if (null (gnus-gethash file nnml-marks-modtime))
+       t ;; never looked at marks file, assume it has changed
+       (not (equal (gnus-gethash file nnml-marks-modtime)
+                 (nth 5 (file-attributes file)))))))
+ (defun nnml-save-marks (group server)
+   (let ((file-name-coding-system nnmail-pathname-coding-system)
+       (file (expand-file-name nnml-marks-file-name
+                               (nnmail-group-pathname group nnml-directory))))
+     (condition-case err
+       (progn
+         (nnml-possibly-create-directory group)
+         (with-temp-file file
+           (erase-buffer)
+           (gnus-prin1 nnml-marks)
+           (insert "\n"))
+         (gnus-sethash file
+                       (nth 5 (file-attributes file))
+                       nnml-marks-modtime))
+       (error (or (gnus-yes-or-no-p
+                 (format "Could not write to %s (%s).  Continue? " file err))
+                (error "Cannot write to %s (%s)" err))))))
+ (defun nnml-open-marks (group server)
+   (let ((file (expand-file-name
+              nnml-marks-file-name
+              (nnmail-group-pathname group nnml-directory))))
+     (if (file-exists-p file)
+       (condition-case err
+           (with-temp-buffer
+             (gnus-sethash file (nth 5 (file-attributes file))
+                           nnml-marks-modtime)
+             (nnheader-insert-file-contents file)
+             (setq nnml-marks (read (current-buffer)))
+             (dolist (el gnus-article-unpropagated-mark-lists)
+               (setq nnml-marks (gnus-remassoc el nnml-marks))))
+         (error (or (gnus-yes-or-no-p
+                     (format "Error reading nnml marks file %s (%s).  
Continuing will use marks from .newsrc.eld.  Continue? " file err))
+                    (error "Cannot read nnml marks file %s (%s)" file err))))
+       ;; User didn't have a .marks file.  Probably first time
+       ;; user of the .marks stuff.  Bootstrap it from .newsrc.eld.
+       (let ((info (gnus-get-info
+                  (gnus-group-prefixed-name
+                   group
+                   (gnus-server-to-method (format "nnml:%s" server))))))
+       (nnheader-message 7 "Bootstrapping marks for %s..." group)
+       (setq nnml-marks (gnus-info-marks info))
+       (push (cons 'read (gnus-info-read info)) nnml-marks)
+       (dolist (el gnus-article-unpropagated-mark-lists)
+         (setq nnml-marks (gnus-remassoc el nnml-marks)))
+       (nnml-save-marks group server)
+       (nnheader-message 7 "Bootstrapping marks for %s...done" group)))))
+ (provide 'nnml)
+ ;;; arch-tag: 52c97dc3-9735-45de-b439-9e4d23b52004
+ ;;; nnml.el ends here

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