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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/calendar/cal-bahai.el [emacs-unicode

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/calendar/cal-bahai.el [emacs-unicode-2]
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 04:55:38 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/calendar/cal-bahai.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/calendar/cal-bahai.el:
*** /dev/null   Mon Jun 28 07:33:50 2004
--- emacs/lisp/calendar/cal-bahai.el    Mon Jun 28 07:29:40 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,507 ----
+ ;;; cal-bahai.el --- calendar functions for the Baha'i calendar.
+ ;; Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: John Wiegley <address@hidden>
+ ;; Keywords: calendar
+ ;; Human-Keywords: Baha'i calendar, Baha'i, Bahai, calendar, diary
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; This collection of functions implements the features of calendar.el
+ ;; and diary.el that deal with the Baha'i calendar.
+ ;; The Baha'i (http://www.bahai.org) calendar system is based on a
+ ;; solar cycle of 19 months with 19 days each.  The four remaining
+ ;; "intercalary" days are called the Ayyam-i-Ha (days of Ha), and are
+ ;; placed between the 18th and 19th months.  They are meant as a time
+ ;; of festivals preceding the 19th month, which is the month of
+ ;; fasting.  In Gregorian leap years, there are 5 of these days (Ha
+ ;; has the numerical value of 5 in the arabic abjad, or
+ ;; letter-to-number, reckoning).
+ ;; Each month is named after an attribute of God, as are the 19 days
+ ;; -- which have the same names as the months.  There is also a name
+ ;; for each year in every 19 year cycle.  These cycles are called
+ ;; Vahids.  A cycle of 19 Vahids (361 years) is called a Kullu-Shay,
+ ;; which means "all things".
+ ;; The calendar was named the "Badi calendar" by its author, the Bab.
+ ;; It uses a week of seven days, corresponding to the Gregorian week,
+ ;; each of which has its own name, again patterned after the
+ ;; attributes of God.
+ ;; Note: The days of Ayyam-i-Ha are encoded as zero and negative
+ ;; offsets from the first day of the final month.  So, (19 -3 157) is
+ ;; the first day of Ayyam-i-Ha, in the year 157 BE.
+ ;;; Code:
+ (require 'cal-julian)
+ (defvar bahai-calendar-month-name-array
+   ["Baha" "Jalal" "Jamal" "`Azamat" "Nur" "Rahmat" "Kalimat" "Kamal"
+    "Asma" "`Izzat" "Mashiyyat" "`Ilm" "Qudrat" "Qawl" "Masa'il"
+    "Sharaf" "Sultan" "Mulk" "`Ala"])
+ (defvar calendar-bahai-epoch (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian '(3 21 1844))
+   "Absolute date of start of Baha'i calendar = March 19, 622 A.D. (Julian).")
+ (defun bahai-calendar-leap-year-p (year)
+   "True if YEAR is a leap year on the Baha'i calendar."
+   (calendar-leap-year-p (+ year 1844)))
+ (defvar bahai-calendar-leap-base
+   (+ (/ 1844 4) (- (/ 1844 100)) (/ 1844 400)))
+ (defun calendar-absolute-from-bahai (date)
+   "Compute absolute date from Baha'i date DATE.
+ The absolute date is the number of days elapsed since the (imaginary)
+ Gregorian date Sunday, December 31, 1 BC."
+   (let* ((month (extract-calendar-month date))
+        (day (extract-calendar-day date))
+        (year (extract-calendar-year date))
+        (prior-years (+ (1- year) 1844))
+        (leap-days (- (+ (/ prior-years 4) ; Leap days in prior years.
+                         (- (/ prior-years 100))
+                         (/ prior-years 400))
+                      bahai-calendar-leap-base)))
+     (+ (1- calendar-bahai-epoch)      ; Days before epoch
+        (* 365 (1- year))              ; Days in prior years.
+        leap-days
+        (calendar-sum m 1 (< m month) 19)
+        (if (= month 19) 4 0)
+        day)))                         ; Days so far this month.
+ (defun calendar-bahai-from-absolute (date)
+   "Baha'i year corresponding to the absolute DATE."
+   (if (< date calendar-bahai-epoch)
+       (list 0 0 0) ;; pre-Baha'i date
+     (let* ((greg (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute date))
+          (year (+ (- (extract-calendar-year greg) 1844)
+                   (if (or (> (extract-calendar-month greg) 3)
+                           (and (= (extract-calendar-month greg) 3)
+                                (>= (extract-calendar-day greg) 21)))
+                       1 0)))
+            (month ;; Search forward from Baha.
+             (1+ (calendar-sum m 1
+                             (> date
+                                (calendar-absolute-from-bahai
+                                 (list m 19 year)))
+                             1)))
+            (day       ;; Calculate the day by subtraction.
+             (- date
+                (1- (calendar-absolute-from-bahai (list month 1 year))))))
+       (list month day year))))
+ (defun calendar-bahai-date-string (&optional date)
+   "String of Baha'i date of Gregorian DATE.
+ Defaults to today's date if DATE is not given."
+   (let* ((bahai-date (calendar-bahai-from-absolute
+                        (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian
+                         (or date (calendar-current-date)))))
+          (y (extract-calendar-year bahai-date))
+          (m (extract-calendar-month bahai-date))
+          (d (extract-calendar-day bahai-date)))
+     (let ((monthname
+          (if (and (= m 19)
+                   (<= d 0))
+              "Ayyam-i-Ha"
+            (aref bahai-calendar-month-name-array (1- m))))
+         (day (int-to-string
+               (if (<= d 0)
+                   (if (bahai-calendar-leap-year-p y)
+                       (+ d 5)
+                     (+ d 4))
+                 d)))
+         (dayname nil)
+         (month (int-to-string m))
+         (year (int-to-string y)))
+       (mapconcat 'eval calendar-date-display-form ""))))
+ (defun calendar-print-bahai-date ()
+   "Show the Baha'i calendar equivalent of the selected date."
+   (interactive)
+   (message "Baha'i date: %s"
+            (calendar-bahai-date-string (calendar-cursor-to-date t))))
+ (defun calendar-goto-bahai-date (date &optional noecho)
+   "Move cursor to Baha'i date DATE.
+ Echo Baha'i date unless NOECHO is t."
+   (interactive (bahai-prompt-for-date))
+   (calendar-goto-date (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute
+                        (calendar-absolute-from-bahai date)))
+   (or noecho (calendar-print-bahai-date)))
+ (defun bahai-prompt-for-date ()
+   "Ask for a Baha'i date."
+   (let* ((today (calendar-current-date))
+          (year (calendar-read
+                 "Baha'i calendar year (not 0): "
+                 '(lambda (x) (/= x 0))
+                 (int-to-string
+                  (extract-calendar-year
+                   (calendar-bahai-from-absolute
+                    (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian today))))))
+          (completion-ignore-case t)
+          (month (cdr (assoc
+                        (completing-read
+                         "Baha'i calendar month name: "
+                         (mapcar 'list
+                                 (append bahai-calendar-month-name-array nil))
+                         nil t)
+                       (calendar-make-alist bahai-calendar-month-name-array
+                                            1))))
+          (day (calendar-read "Baha'i calendar day (1-19): "
+                            '(lambda (x) (and (< 0 x) (<= x 19))))))
+     (list (list month day year))))
+ (defun diary-bahai-date ()
+   "Baha'i calendar equivalent of date diary entry."
+   (format "Baha'i date: %s" (calendar-bahai-date-string date)))
+ (defun holiday-bahai (month day string)
+   "Holiday on MONTH, DAY (Baha'i) called STRING.
+ If MONTH, DAY (Baha'i) is visible, the value returned is corresponding
+ Gregorian date in the form of the list (((month day year) STRING)).  Returns
+ nil if it is not visible in the current calendar window."
+   (let* ((bahai-date (calendar-bahai-from-absolute
+                     (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian
+                      (list displayed-month 15 displayed-year))))
+          (m (extract-calendar-month bahai-date))
+          (y (extract-calendar-year bahai-date))
+        (date))
+     (if (< m 1)
+         nil ;;   Baha'i calendar doesn't apply.
+       (increment-calendar-month m y (- 10 month))
+       (if (> m 7) ;;  Baha'i date might be visible
+           (let ((date (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute
+                        (calendar-absolute-from-bahai (list month day y)))))
+             (if (calendar-date-is-visible-p date)
+                 (list (list date string))))))))
+ (defun list-bahai-diary-entries ()
+   "Add any Baha'i date entries from the diary file to `diary-entries-list'.
+ Baha'i date diary entries must be prefaced by an
+ `bahai-diary-entry-symbol' (normally a `B').  The same diary date
+ forms govern the style of the Baha'i calendar entries, except that the
+ Baha'i month names must be given numerically.  The Baha'i months are
+ numbered from 1 to 19 with Baha being 1 and 19 being `Ala.  If a
+ Baha'i date diary entry begins with a `diary-nonmarking-symbol', the
+ entry will appear in the diary listing, but will not be marked in the
+ calendar.  This function is provided for use with the
+ `nongregorian-diary-listing-hook'."
+   (if (< 0 number)
+       (let ((buffer-read-only nil)
+             (diary-modified (buffer-modified-p))
+             (gdate original-date)
+             (mark (regexp-quote diary-nonmarking-symbol)))
+         (calendar-for-loop i from 1 to number do
+            (let* ((d diary-date-forms)
+                   (bdate (calendar-bahai-from-absolute 
+                           (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian gdate)))
+                   (month (extract-calendar-month bdate))
+                   (day (extract-calendar-day bdate))
+                   (year (extract-calendar-year bdate)))
+              (while d
+                (let*
+                    ((date-form (if (equal (car (car d)) 'backup)
+                                    (cdr (car d))
+                                  (car d)))
+                     (backup (equal (car (car d)) 'backup))
+                     (dayname
+                      (concat
+                       (calendar-day-name gdate) "\\|"
+                       (substring (calendar-day-name gdate) 0 3) ".?"))
+                     (calendar-month-name-array
+                      bahai-calendar-month-name-array)
+                     (monthname
+                      (concat
+                       "\\*\\|"
+                       (calendar-month-name month)))
+                     (month (concat "\\*\\|0*" (int-to-string month)))
+                     (day (concat "\\*\\|0*" (int-to-string day)))
+                     (year
+                      (concat
+                       "\\*\\|0*" (int-to-string year)
+                       (if abbreviated-calendar-year
+                           (concat "\\|" (int-to-string (% year 100)))
+                         "")))
+                     (regexp
+                      (concat
+                       "\\(\\`\\|\^M\\|\n\\)" mark "?"
+                       (regexp-quote bahai-diary-entry-symbol)
+                       "\\("
+                       (mapconcat 'eval date-form "\\)\\(")
+                       "\\)"))
+                     (case-fold-search t))
+                  (goto-char (point-min))
+                  (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
+                    (if backup (re-search-backward "\\<" nil t))
+                    (if (and (or (char-equal (preceding-char) ?\^M)
+                                 (char-equal (preceding-char) ?\n))
+                             (not (looking-at " \\|\^I")))
+                        ;;  Diary entry that consists only of date.
+                        (backward-char 1)
+                      ;;  Found a nonempty diary entry--make it visible and
+                      ;;  add it to the list.
+                      (let ((entry-start (point))
+                            (date-start))
+                        (re-search-backward "\^M\\|\n\\|\\`")
+                        (setq date-start (point))
+                        (re-search-forward "\^M\\|\n" nil t 2)
+                        (while (looking-at " \\|\^I")
+                          (re-search-forward "\^M\\|\n" nil t))
+                        (backward-char 1)
+                        (subst-char-in-region date-start (point) ?\^M ?\n t)
+                        (add-to-diary-list
+                         gdate
+                         (buffer-substring-no-properties entry-start (point))
+                         (buffer-substring-no-properties
+                          (1+ date-start) (1- entry-start)))))))
+                (setq d (cdr d))))
+            (setq gdate
+                  (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute
+                   (1+ (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian gdate)))))
+            (set-buffer-modified-p diary-modified))
+         (goto-char (point-min))))
+ (defun mark-bahai-diary-entries ()
+   "Mark days in the calendar window that have Baha'i date diary entries.
+ Each entry in diary-file (or included files) visible in the calendar
+ window is marked.  Baha'i date entries are prefaced by a
+ bahai-diary-entry-symbol \(normally a B`I').  The same
+ diary-date-forms govern the style of the Baha'i calendar entries,
+ except that the Baha'i month names must be spelled in full.  The
+ Baha'i months are numbered from 1 to 12 with Baha being 1 and 12 being
+ `Ala.  Baha'i date diary entries that begin with a
+ diary-nonmarking-symbol will not be marked in the calendar.  This
+ function is provided for use as part of the
+ nongregorian-diary-marking-hook."
+   (let ((d diary-date-forms))
+     (while d
+       (let*
+           ((date-form (if (equal (car (car d)) 'backup)
+                           (cdr (car d))
+                         (car d)));; ignore 'backup directive
+            (dayname (diary-name-pattern calendar-day-name-array))
+            (monthname
+             (concat
+              (diary-name-pattern bahai-calendar-month-name-array t)
+              "\\|\\*"))
+            (month "[0-9]+\\|\\*")
+            (day "[0-9]+\\|\\*")
+            (year "[0-9]+\\|\\*")
+            (l (length date-form))
+            (d-name-pos (- l (length (memq 'dayname date-form))))
+            (d-name-pos (if (/= l d-name-pos) (+ 2 d-name-pos)))
+            (m-name-pos (- l (length (memq 'monthname date-form))))
+            (m-name-pos (if (/= l m-name-pos) (+ 2 m-name-pos)))
+            (d-pos (- l (length (memq 'day date-form))))
+            (d-pos (if (/= l d-pos) (+ 2 d-pos)))
+            (m-pos (- l (length (memq 'month date-form))))
+            (m-pos (if (/= l m-pos) (+ 2 m-pos)))
+            (y-pos (- l (length (memq 'year date-form))))
+            (y-pos (if (/= l y-pos) (+ 2 y-pos)))
+            (regexp
+             (concat
+              "\\(\\`\\|\^M\\|\n\\)"
+              (regexp-quote bahai-diary-entry-symbol)
+              "\\("
+              (mapconcat 'eval date-form "\\)\\(")
+              "\\)"))
+            (case-fold-search t))
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
+           (let* ((dd-name
+                   (if d-name-pos
+                       (buffer-substring
+                        (match-beginning d-name-pos)
+                        (match-end d-name-pos))))
+                  (mm-name
+                   (if m-name-pos
+                       (buffer-substring
+                        (match-beginning m-name-pos)
+                        (match-end m-name-pos))))
+                  (mm (string-to-int
+                       (if m-pos
+                           (buffer-substring
+                            (match-beginning m-pos)
+                            (match-end m-pos))
+                         "")))
+                  (dd (string-to-int
+                       (if d-pos
+                           (buffer-substring
+                            (match-beginning d-pos)
+                            (match-end d-pos))
+                         "")))
+                  (y-str (if y-pos
+                             (buffer-substring
+                              (match-beginning y-pos)
+                              (match-end y-pos))))
+                  (yy (if (not y-str)
+                          0
+                        (if (and (= (length y-str) 2)
+                                 abbreviated-calendar-year)
+                            (let* ((current-y
+                                    (extract-calendar-year
+                                     (calendar-bahai-from-absolute
+                                      (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian
+                                       (calendar-current-date)))))
+                                   (y (+ (string-to-int y-str)
+                                         (* 100 (/ current-y 100)))))
+                              (if (> (- y current-y) 50)
+                                  (- y 100)
+                                (if (> (- current-y y) 50)
+                                    (+ y 100)
+                                  y)))
+                          (string-to-int y-str)))))
+             (if dd-name
+                 (mark-calendar-days-named
+                  (cdr (assoc-ignore-case (substring dd-name 0 3)
+                                          (calendar-make-alist
+                                           calendar-day-name-array
+                                           0
+                                           '(lambda (x) (substring x 0 3))))))
+               (if mm-name
+                   (if (string-equal mm-name "*")
+                       (setq mm 0)
+                     (setq mm
+                           (cdr (assoc-ignore-case
+                                 mm-name
+                                 (calendar-make-alist
+                                   bahai-calendar-month-name-array))))))
+               (mark-bahai-calendar-date-pattern mm dd yy)))))
+       (setq d (cdr d)))))
+ (defun mark-bahai-calendar-date-pattern (month day year)
+   "Mark dates in calendar window that conform to Baha'i date MONTH/DAY/YEAR.
+ A value of 0 in any position is a wildcard."
+   (save-excursion
+     (set-buffer calendar-buffer)
+     (if (and (/= 0 month) (/= 0 day))
+         (if (/= 0 year)
+             ;; Fully specified Baha'i date.
+             (let ((date (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute
+                          (calendar-absolute-from-bahai
+                           (list month day year)))))
+               (if (calendar-date-is-visible-p date)
+                   (mark-visible-calendar-date date)))
+           ;; Month and day in any year--this taken from the holiday stuff.
+           (let* ((bahai-date (calendar-bahai-from-absolute
+                                 (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian
+                                  (list displayed-month 15 displayed-year))))
+                  (m (extract-calendar-month bahai-date))
+                  (y (extract-calendar-year bahai-date))
+                  (date))
+             (if (< m 1)
+                 nil;;   Baha'i calendar doesn't apply.
+               (increment-calendar-month m y (- 10 month))
+               (if (> m 7);;  Baha'i date might be visible
+                   (let ((date (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute
+                                (calendar-absolute-from-bahai
+                                 (list month day y)))))
+                     (if (calendar-date-is-visible-p date)
+                         (mark-visible-calendar-date date)))))))
+       ;; Not one of the simple cases--check all visible dates for match.
+       ;; Actually, the following code takes care of ALL of the cases, but
+       ;; it's much too slow to be used for the simple (common) cases.
+       (let ((m displayed-month)
+             (y displayed-year)
+             (first-date)
+             (last-date))
+         (increment-calendar-month m y -1)
+         (setq first-date
+               (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian
+                (list m 1 y)))
+         (increment-calendar-month m y 2)
+         (setq last-date
+               (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian
+                (list m (calendar-last-day-of-month m y) y)))
+         (calendar-for-loop date from first-date to last-date do
+           (let* ((b-date (calendar-bahai-from-absolute date))
+                  (i-month (extract-calendar-month b-date))
+                  (i-day (extract-calendar-day b-date))
+                  (i-year (extract-calendar-year b-date)))
+             (and (or (zerop month)
+                      (= month i-month))
+                  (or (zerop day)
+                      (= day i-day))
+                  (or (zerop year)
+                      (= year i-year))
+                  (mark-visible-calendar-date
+                   (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute date)))))))))
+ (defun insert-bahai-diary-entry (arg)
+   "Insert a diary entry.
+ For the Baha'i date corresponding to the date indicated by point.
+ Prefix arg will make the entry nonmarking."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (let* ((calendar-month-name-array bahai-calendar-month-name-array))
+     (make-diary-entry
+      (concat
+       bahai-diary-entry-symbol
+       (calendar-date-string 
+        (calendar-bahai-from-absolute
+         (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian
+          (calendar-cursor-to-date t)))
+        nil t))
+      arg)))
+ (defun insert-monthly-bahai-diary-entry (arg)
+   "Insert a monthly diary entry.
+ For the day of the Baha'i month corresponding to the date indicated by point.
+ Prefix arg will make the entry nonmarking."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (let* ((calendar-date-display-form
+           (if european-calendar-style '(day " * ") '("* " day )))
+          (calendar-month-name-array bahai-calendar-month-name-array))
+     (make-diary-entry
+      (concat
+       bahai-diary-entry-symbol
+       (calendar-date-string 
+        (calendar-bahai-from-absolute
+         (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian
+          (calendar-cursor-to-date t)))))
+      arg)))
+ (defun insert-yearly-bahai-diary-entry (arg)
+   "Insert an annual diary entry.
+ For the day of the Baha'i year corresponding to the date indicated by point.
+ Prefix arg will make the entry nonmarking."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (let* ((calendar-date-display-form
+           (if european-calendar-style
+               '(day " " monthname)
+             '(monthname " " day)))
+          (calendar-month-name-array bahai-calendar-month-name-array))
+     (make-diary-entry
+      (concat
+       bahai-diary-entry-symbol
+       (calendar-date-string 
+        (calendar-bahai-from-absolute
+         (calendar-absolute-from-gregorian
+          (calendar-cursor-to-date t)))))
+      arg)))
+ (provide 'cal-bahai)
+ ;;; arch-tag: c1cb1d67-862a-4264-a01c-41cb4df01f14
+ ;;; cal-bahai.el ends here

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