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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/descr-text.el [emacs-unicode-2]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/descr-text.el [emacs-unicode-2]
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 04:55:05 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/descr-text.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/descr-text.el: emacs/lisp/descr-text.el:
*** emacs/lisp/descr-text.el:   Tue Apr 20 05:26:47 2004
--- emacs/lisp/descr-text.el    Mon Jun 28 07:28:28 2004
*** 28,34 ****
  ;;; Code:
! (eval-when-compile (require 'button))
  (defun describe-text-done ()
    "Delete the current window or bury the current buffer."
--- 28,34 ----
  ;;; Code:
! (eval-when-compile (require 'button) (require 'quail))
  (defun describe-text-done ()
    "Delete the current window or bury the current buffer."
*** 111,117 ****
                         (setq key (pop properties)
                               val (pop properties)
                               len 0)
!                        (unless (or (memq key '(category face font-lock-face))
                                     (widgetp val))
                           (setq val (pp-to-string val)
                                 len (length val)))
--- 111,118 ----
                         (setq key (pop properties)
                               val (pop properties)
                               len 0)
!                        (unless (or (memq key '(category face font-lock-face
!                                                  syntax-table))
                                     (widgetp val))
                           (setq val (pp-to-string val)
                                 len (length val)))
*** 134,140 ****
                            :notify `(lambda (&rest ignore)
                                       (describe-face ',value))
                            (format "%S" value)))
!           ((widgetp value)
             (describe-text-widget value))
             (widget-insert value))))
--- 135,149 ----
                            :notify `(lambda (&rest ignore)
                                       (describe-face ',value))
                            (format "%S" value)))
!           ((eq key 'syntax-table)
!            (widget-create 'push-button
!                             :tag "show"
!                             :action (lambda (widget &optional event)
!                                       (with-output-to-temp-buffer
!                                           "*Pp Eval Output*"
!                                         (pp (widget-get widget :value))))
!                             value))
!             ((widgetp value)
             (describe-text-widget value))
             (widget-insert value))))
*** 183,189 ****
  (defun describe-text-properties-1 (pos output-buffer)
    (let* ((properties (text-properties-at pos))
         (overlays (overlays-at pos))
-        overlay
         (wid-field (get-char-property pos 'field))
         (wid-button (get-char-property pos 'button))
         (wid-doc (get-char-property pos 'widget-doc))
--- 192,197 ----
*** 225,445 ****
        (widget-insert "There are text properties here:\n")
        (describe-property-list properties)))))
! ;;; We cannot use the UnicodeData.txt file as such; it is not free.
! ;;; We can turn that info a different format and release the result
! ;;; as free data.  When that is done, we could reinstate the code below.
! ;;; For the mean time, here is a dummy placeholder.
! ;;;  -- rms
! (defun describe-char-unicode-data (char) nil)
! ;;; (defcustom describe-char-unicodedata-file nil
! ;;;   "Location of Unicode data file.
! ;;; This is the UnicodeData.txt file from the Unicode consortium, used for
! ;;; diagnostics.  If it is non-nil `describe-char-after' will print data
! ;;; looked up from it.  This facility is mostly of use to people doing
! ;;; multilingual development.
! ;;; This is a fairly large file, not typically present on GNU systems.  At
! ;;; the time of writing it is at
! ;;; <URL:ftp://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt>."
! ;;;   :group 'mule
! ;;;   :version "21.5"
! ;;;   :type '(choice (const :tag "None" nil)
! ;;;            file))
! ;;; ;; We could convert the unidata file into a Lispy form once-for-all
! ;;; ;; and distribute it for loading on demand.  It might be made more
! ;;; ;; space-efficient by splitting strings word-wise and replacing them
! ;;; ;; with lists of symbols interned in a private obarray, e.g.
! ;;; ;; Fixme: Check whether this needs updating for Unicode 4.
! ;;; (defun describe-char-unicode-data (char)
! ;;;   "Return a list of Unicode data for unicode CHAR.
! ;;; Each element is a list of a property description and the property value.
! ;;; The list is null if CHAR isn't found in `describe-char-unicodedata-file'."
! ;;;   (when describe-char-unicodedata-file
! ;;;     (unless (file-exists-p describe-char-unicodedata-file)
! ;;;       (error "`unicodedata-file' %s not found" 
! ;;;     (save-excursion
! ;;;       ;; Find file in fundamental mode to avoid, e.g. flyspell turned
! ;;;       ;; on for .txt.  Don't use RAWFILE arg in case of DOS line endings.
! ;;;       (set-buffer (let ((auto-mode-alist))
! ;;;               (find-file-noselect describe-char-unicodedata-file)))
! ;;;       (goto-char (point-min))
! ;;;       (let ((hex (format "%04X" char))
! ;;;       found first last)
! ;;;   (if (re-search-forward (concat "^" hex) nil t)
! ;;;       (setq found t)
! ;;;     ;; It's not listed explicitly.  Look for ranges, e.g. CJK
! ;;;     ;; ideographs, and check whether it's in one of them.
! ;;;     (while (and (re-search-forward "^\\([^;]+\\);[^;]+First>;" nil t)
! ;;;                 (>= char (setq first
! ;;;                                (string-to-number (match-string 1) 16)))
! ;;;                 (progn
! ;;;                   (forward-line 1)
! ;;;                   (looking-at "^\\([^;]+\\);[^;]+Last>;")
! ;;;                   (> char
! ;;;                      (setq last
! ;;;                            (string-to-number (match-string 1) 16))))))
! ;;;     (if (and (>= char first)
! ;;;              (<= char last))
! ;;;         (setq found t)))
! ;;;   (if found
! ;;;       (let ((fields (mapcar (lambda (elt)
! ;;;                               (if (> (length elt) 0)
! ;;;                                   elt))
! ;;;                             (cdr (split-string
! ;;;                                   (buffer-substring
! ;;;                                    (line-beginning-position)
! ;;;                                    (line-end-position))
! ;;;                                   ";")))))
! ;;;         ;; The length depends on whether the last field was empty.
! ;;;         (unless (or (= 13 (length fields))
! ;;;                     (= 14 (length fields)))
! ;;;           (error "Invalid contents in %s" describe-char-unicodedata-file))
! ;;;         ;; The field names and values lists are slightly
! ;;;         ;; modified from Mule-UCS unidata.el.
! ;;;         (list
! ;;;          (list "Name" (let ((name (nth 0 fields)))
! ;;;                         ;; Check for <..., First>, <..., Last>
! ;;;                         (if (string-match "\\`\\(<[^,]+\\)," name)
! ;;;                             (concat (match-string 1 name) ">")
! ;;;                           name)))
! ;;;          (list "Category"
! ;;;                (cdr (assoc
! ;;;                      (nth 1 fields)
! ;;;                      '(("Lu" . "uppercase letter")
! ;;;                        ("Ll" . "lowercase letter")
! ;;;                        ("Lt" . "titlecase letter")
! ;;;                        ("Mn" . "non-spacing mark")
! ;;;                        ("Mc" . "spacing-combining mark")
! ;;;                        ("Me" . "enclosing mark")
! ;;;                        ("Nd" . "decimal digit")
! ;;;                        ("Nl" . "letter number")
! ;;;                        ("No" . "other number")
! ;;;                        ("Zs" . "space separator")
! ;;;                        ("Zl" . "line separator")
! ;;;                        ("Zp" . "paragraph separator")
! ;;;                        ("Cc" . "other control")
! ;;;                        ("Cf" . "other format")
! ;;;                        ("Cs" . "surrogate")
! ;;;                        ("Co" . "private use")
! ;;;                        ("Cn" . "not assigned")
! ;;;                        ("Lm" . "modifier letter")
! ;;;                        ("Lo" . "other letter")
! ;;;                        ("Pc" . "connector punctuation")
! ;;;                        ("Pd" . "dash punctuation")
! ;;;                        ("Ps" . "open punctuation")
! ;;;                        ("Pe" . "close punctuation")
! ;;;                        ("Pi" . "initial-quotation punctuation")
! ;;;                        ("Pf" . "final-quotation punctuation")
! ;;;                        ("Po" . "other punctuation")
! ;;;                        ("Sm" . "math symbol")
! ;;;                        ("Sc" . "currency symbol")
! ;;;                        ("Sk" . "modifier symbol")
! ;;;                        ("So" . "other symbol")))))
! ;;;          (list "Combining class"
! ;;;                (cdr (assoc
! ;;;                      (string-to-number (nth 2 fields))
! ;;;                      '((0 . "Spacing")
! ;;;                        (1 . "Overlays and interior")
! ;;;                        (7 . "Nuktas")
! ;;;                        (8 . "Hiragana/Katakana voicing marks")
! ;;;                        (9 . "Viramas")
! ;;;                        (10 . "Start of fixed position classes")
! ;;;                        (199 . "End of fixed position classes")
! ;;;                        (200 . "Below left attached")
! ;;;                        (202 . "Below attached")
! ;;;                        (204 . "Below right attached")
! ;;;                        (208 . "Left attached (reordrant around \
! ;;; single base character)")
! ;;;                        (210 . "Right attached")
! ;;;                        (212 . "Above left attached")
! ;;;                        (214 . "Above attached")
! ;;;                        (216 . "Above right attached")
! ;;;                        (218 . "Below left")
! ;;;                        (220 . "Below")
! ;;;                        (222 . "Below right")
! ;;;                        (224 . "Left (reordrant around single base \
! ;;; character)")
! ;;;                        (226 . "Right")
! ;;;                        (228 . "Above left")
! ;;;                        (230 . "Above")
! ;;;                        (232 . "Above right")
! ;;;                        (233 . "Double below")
! ;;;                        (234 . "Double above")
! ;;;                        (240 . "Below (iota subscript)")))))
! ;;;          (list "Bidi category"
! ;;;                (cdr (assoc
! ;;;                      (nth 3 fields)
! ;;;                      '(("L" . "Left-to-Right")
! ;;;                        ("LRE" . "Left-to-Right Embedding")
! ;;;                        ("LRO" . "Left-to-Right Override")
! ;;;                        ("R" . "Right-to-Left")
! ;;;                        ("AL" . "Right-to-Left Arabic")
! ;;;                        ("RLE" . "Right-to-Left Embedding")
! ;;;                        ("RLO" . "Right-to-Left Override")
! ;;;                        ("PDF" . "Pop Directional Format")
! ;;;                        ("EN" . "European Number")
! ;;;                        ("ES" . "European Number Separator")
! ;;;                        ("ET" . "European Number Terminator")
! ;;;                        ("AN" . "Arabic Number")
! ;;;                        ("CS" . "Common Number Separator")
! ;;;                        ("NSM" . "Non-Spacing Mark")
! ;;;                        ("BN" . "Boundary Neutral")
! ;;;                        ("B" . "Paragraph Separator")
! ;;;                        ("S" . "Segment Separator")
! ;;;                        ("WS" . "Whitespace")
! ;;;                        ("ON" . "Other Neutrals")))))
! ;;;          (list
! ;;;           "Decomposition"
! ;;;           (if (nth 4 fields)
! ;;;               (let* ((parts (split-string (nth 4 fields)))
! ;;;                      (info (car parts)))
! ;;;                 (if (string-match "\\`<\\(.+\\)>\\'" info)
! ;;;                     (setq info (match-string 1 info))
! ;;;                   (setq info nil))
! ;;;                 (if info (setq parts (cdr parts)))
! ;;;                 ;; Maybe printing ? for unrepresentable unicodes
! ;;;                 ;; here and below should be changed?
! ;;;                 (setq parts (mapconcat
! ;;;                              (lambda (arg)
! ;;;                                (string (or (decode-char
! ;;;                                             'ucs
! ;;;                                             (string-to-number arg 16))
! ;;;                                            ??)))
! ;;;                              parts " "))
! ;;;                 (concat info parts))))
! ;;;          (list "Decimal digit value"
! ;;;                (nth 5 fields))
! ;;;          (list "Digit value"
! ;;;                (nth 6 fields))
! ;;;          (list "Numeric value"
! ;;;                (nth 7 fields))
! ;;;          (list "Mirrored"
! ;;;                (if (equal "Y" (nth 8 fields))
! ;;;                    "yes"))
! ;;;          (list "Old name" (nth 9 fields))
! ;;;          (list "ISO 10646 comment" (nth 10 fields))
! ;;;          (list "Uppercase" (and (nth 11 fields)
! ;;;                                 (string (or (decode-char
! ;;;                                              'ucs
! ;;;                                              (string-to-number
! ;;;                                               (nth 11 fields) 16))
! ;;;                                             ??))))
! ;;;          (list "Lowercase" (and (nth 12 fields)
! ;;;                                 (string (or (decode-char
! ;;;                                              'ucs
! ;;;                                              (string-to-number
! ;;;                                               (nth 12 fields) 16))
! ;;;                                             ??))))
! ;;;          (list "Titlecase" (and (nth 13 fields)
! ;;;                                 (string (or (decode-char
! ;;;                                              'ucs
! ;;;                                              (string-to-number
! ;;;                                               (nth 13 fields) 16))
! ;;;                                             ??)))))))))))
  ;; Return information about how CHAR is displayed at the buffer
  ;; position POS.  If the selected frame is on a graphic display,
--- 233,446 ----
        (widget-insert "There are text properties here:\n")
        (describe-property-list properties)))))
! (defcustom describe-char-unicodedata-file nil
!   "Location of Unicode data file.
! This is the UnicodeData.txt file from the Unicode consortium, used for
! diagnostics.  If it is non-nil `describe-char-after' will print data
! looked up from it.  This facility is mostly of use to people doing
! multilingual development.
! This is a fairly large file, not typically present on GNU systems.  At
! the time of writing it is at
! <URL:http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt>."
!   :group 'mule
!   :version "21.4"
!   :type '(choice (const :tag "None" nil)
!                file))
! ;; We could convert the unidata file into a Lispy form once-for-all
! ;; and distribute it for loading on demand.  It might be made more
! ;; space-efficient by splitting strings word-wise and replacing them
! ;; with lists of symbols interned in a private obarray, e.g.
! ;; Fixme: Check whether this needs updating for Unicode 4.
! (defun describe-char-unicode-data (char)
!   "Return a list of Unicode data for unicode CHAR.
! Each element is a list of a property description and the property value.
! The list is null if CHAR isn't found in `describe-char-unicodedata-file'."
!   (when describe-char-unicodedata-file
!     (unless (file-exists-p describe-char-unicodedata-file)
!       (error "`unicodedata-file' %s not found" 
!     (with-current-buffer
!       ;; Find file in fundamental mode to avoid, e.g. flyspell turned
!       ;; on for .txt.  Don't use RAWFILE arg in case of DOS line endings.
!       (let ((auto-mode-alist))
!         (find-file-noselect describe-char-unicodedata-file))
!       (goto-char (point-min))
!       (let ((hex (format "%04X" char))
!           found first last)
!       (if (re-search-forward (concat "^" hex) nil t)
!           (setq found t)
!         ;; It's not listed explicitly.  Look for ranges, e.g. CJK
!         ;; ideographs, and check whether it's in one of them.
!         (while (and (re-search-forward "^\\([^;]+\\);[^;]+First>;" nil t)
!                     (>= char (setq first
!                                    (string-to-number (match-string 1) 16)))
!                     (progn
!                       (forward-line 1)
!                       (looking-at "^\\([^;]+\\);[^;]+Last>;")
!                       (> char
!                          (setq last
!                                (string-to-number (match-string 1) 16))))))
!         (if (and (>= char first)
!                  (<= char last))
!             (setq found t)))
!       (if found
!           (let ((fields (mapcar (lambda (elt)
!                                   (if (> (length elt) 0)
!                                       elt))
!                                 (cdr (split-string
!                                       (buffer-substring
!                                        (line-beginning-position)
!                                        (line-end-position))
!                                       ";")))))
!             ;; The length depends on whether the last field was empty.
!             (unless (or (= 13 (length fields))
!                         (= 14 (length fields)))
!               (error "Invalid contents in %s" describe-char-unicodedata-file))
!             ;; The field names and values lists are slightly
!             ;; modified from Mule-UCS unidata.el.
!             (list
!              (list "Name" (let ((name (nth 0 fields)))
!                             ;; Check for <..., First>, <..., Last>
!                             (if (string-match "\\`\\(<[^,]+\\)," name)
!                                 (concat (match-string 1 name) ">")
!                               name)))
!              (list "Category"
!                    (cdr (assoc
!                          (nth 1 fields)
!                          '(("Lu" . "uppercase letter")
!                            ("Ll" . "lowercase letter")
!                            ("Lt" . "titlecase letter")
!                            ("Mn" . "non-spacing mark")
!                            ("Mc" . "spacing-combining mark")
!                            ("Me" . "enclosing mark")
!                            ("Nd" . "decimal digit")
!                            ("Nl" . "letter number")
!                            ("No" . "other number")
!                            ("Zs" . "space separator")
!                            ("Zl" . "line separator")
!                            ("Zp" . "paragraph separator")
!                            ("Cc" . "other control")
!                            ("Cf" . "other format")
!                            ("Cs" . "surrogate")
!                            ("Co" . "private use")
!                            ("Cn" . "not assigned")
!                            ("Lm" . "modifier letter")
!                            ("Lo" . "other letter")
!                            ("Pc" . "connector punctuation")
!                            ("Pd" . "dash punctuation")
!                            ("Ps" . "open punctuation")
!                            ("Pe" . "close punctuation")
!                            ("Pi" . "initial-quotation punctuation")
!                            ("Pf" . "final-quotation punctuation")
!                            ("Po" . "other punctuation")
!                            ("Sm" . "math symbol")
!                            ("Sc" . "currency symbol")
!                            ("Sk" . "modifier symbol")
!                            ("So" . "other symbol")))))
!              (list "Combining class"
!                    (cdr (assoc
!                          (string-to-number (nth 2 fields))
!                          '((0 . "Spacing")
!                            (1 . "Overlays and interior")
!                            (7 . "Nuktas")
!                            (8 . "Hiragana/Katakana voicing marks")
!                            (9 . "Viramas")
!                            (10 . "Start of fixed position classes")
!                            (199 . "End of fixed position classes")
!                            (200 . "Below left attached")
!                            (202 . "Below attached")
!                            (204 . "Below right attached")
!                            (208 . "Left attached (reordrant around \
! single base character)")
!                            (210 . "Right attached")
!                            (212 . "Above left attached")
!                            (214 . "Above attached")
!                            (216 . "Above right attached")
!                            (218 . "Below left")
!                            (220 . "Below")
!                            (222 . "Below right")
!                            (224 . "Left (reordrant around single base \
! character)")
!                            (226 . "Right")
!                            (228 . "Above left")
!                            (230 . "Above")
!                            (232 . "Above right")
!                            (233 . "Double below")
!                            (234 . "Double above")
!                            (240 . "Below (iota subscript)")))))
!              (list "Bidi category"
!                    (cdr (assoc
!                          (nth 3 fields)
!                          '(("L" . "Left-to-Right")
!                            ("LRE" . "Left-to-Right Embedding")
!                            ("LRO" . "Left-to-Right Override")
!                            ("R" . "Right-to-Left")
!                            ("AL" . "Right-to-Left Arabic")
!                            ("RLE" . "Right-to-Left Embedding")
!                            ("RLO" . "Right-to-Left Override")
!                            ("PDF" . "Pop Directional Format")
!                            ("EN" . "European Number")
!                            ("ES" . "European Number Separator")
!                            ("ET" . "European Number Terminator")
!                            ("AN" . "Arabic Number")
!                            ("CS" . "Common Number Separator")
!                            ("NSM" . "Non-Spacing Mark")
!                            ("BN" . "Boundary Neutral")
!                            ("B" . "Paragraph Separator")
!                            ("S" . "Segment Separator")
!                            ("WS" . "Whitespace")
!                            ("ON" . "Other Neutrals")))))
!              (list
!               "Decomposition"
!               (if (nth 4 fields)
!                   (let* ((parts (split-string (nth 4 fields)))
!                          (info (car parts)))
!                     (if (string-match "\\`<\\(.+\\)>\\'" info)
!                         (setq info (match-string 1 info))
!                       (setq info nil))
!                     (if info (setq parts (cdr parts)))
!                     ;; Maybe printing ? for unrepresentable unicodes
!                     ;; here and below should be changed?
!                     (setq parts (mapconcat
!                                  (lambda (arg)
!                                    (string (or (decode-char
!                                                 'ucs
!                                                 (string-to-number arg 16))
!                                                ??)))
!                                  parts " "))
!                     (concat info parts))))
!              (list "Decimal digit value"
!                    (nth 5 fields))
!              (list "Digit value"
!                    (nth 6 fields))
!              (list "Numeric value"
!                    (nth 7 fields))
!              (list "Mirrored"
!                    (if (equal "Y" (nth 8 fields))
!                        "yes"))
!              (list "Old name" (nth 9 fields))
!              (list "ISO 10646 comment" (nth 10 fields))
!              (list "Uppercase" (and (nth 11 fields)
!                                     (string (or (decode-char
!                                                  'ucs
!                                                  (string-to-number
!                                                   (nth 11 fields) 16))
!                                                 ??))))
!              (list "Lowercase" (and (nth 12 fields)
!                                     (string (or (decode-char
!                                                  'ucs
!                                                  (string-to-number
!                                                   (nth 12 fields) 16))
!                                                 ??))))
!              (list "Titlecase" (and (nth 13 fields)
!                                     (string (or (decode-char
!                                                  'ucs
!                                                  (string-to-number
!                                                   (nth 13 fields) 16))
!                                                 ??)))))))))))
  ;; Return information about how CHAR is displayed at the buffer
  ;; position POS.  If the selected frame is on a graphic display,
*** 465,472 ****
    (if (>= pos (point-max))
        (error "No character follows specified position"))
    (let* ((char (char-after pos))
!        (charset (get-char-property pos 'charset))
!        (buffer (current-buffer))
         (composition (find-composition pos nil nil t))
         (component-chars nil)
         (display-table (or (window-display-table)
--- 466,472 ----
    (if (>= pos (point-max))
        (error "No character follows specified position"))
    (let* ((char (char-after pos))
!        (charset (char-charset char))
         (composition (find-composition pos nil nil t))
         (component-chars nil)
         (display-table (or (window-display-table)
*** 474,589 ****
         (disp-vector (and display-table (aref display-table char)))
         (multibyte-p enable-multibyte-characters)
!        text-prop-description
!        code item-list max-width)
!     (or (and (charsetp charset) (encode-char char charset))
!       (setq charset (char-charset char)))
!     (if (eq charset 'eight-bit)
!       (setq item-list
!             `(("character"
!                ,(format "%s (0%o, %d, 0x%x) -- raw byte 0x%x"
!                         (char-to-string char) char char char
!                         (multibyte-char-to-unibyte char)))))
!       (setq code (encode-char char charset))
!       (setq item-list
!           `(("character"
!              ,(format "%s (0%o, %d, 0x%x)" (if (< char 256)
!                                                (single-key-description char)
!                                              (char-to-string char))
!                       char char char))
!             ("preferred charset"
!              ,(symbol-name charset)
!              ,(format "(%s)" (charset-description charset)))
!             ("code point"
!              ,(format (if (< code 256) "0x%02X" "0x%04X") code))
!             ("syntax"
!              ,(let ((syntax (syntax-after pos)))
!                 (with-temp-buffer
!                   (internal-describe-syntax-value syntax)
!                   (buffer-string))))
!             ("category"
!              ,@(let ((category-set (char-category-set char)))
!                  (if (not category-set)
!                      '("-- none --")
!                    (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (format "%c:%s  "
!                                                  x (category-docstring x)))
!                            (category-set-mnemonics category-set)))))
!             ,@(let ((props (aref char-code-property-table char))
!                     ps)
!                 (when props
!                   (while props
!                     (push (format "%s:" (pop props)) ps)
!                     (push (format "%s;" (pop props)) ps))
!                   (list (cons "Properties" (nreverse ps)))))
!             ("buffer code"
!              ,(encoded-string-description
!                (string-as-unibyte (char-to-string char)) nil))
!             ("file code"
!              ,@(let* ((coding buffer-file-coding-system)
!                       (encoded (encode-coding-char char coding)))
!                  (if encoded
!                      (list (encoded-string-description encoded coding)
!                            (format "(encoded by coding system %S)" coding))
!                    (list "not encodable by coding system"
!                          (symbol-name coding)))))
!             ("display"
!              ,(cond
!                (disp-vector
!                 (setq disp-vector (copy-sequence disp-vector))
!                 (dotimes (i (length disp-vector))
!                   (setq char (aref disp-vector i))
!                   (aset disp-vector i
!                         (cons char (describe-char-display pos char))))
!                 (format "by display table entry [%s] (see below)"
!                         (mapconcat #'(lambda (x) (format "?%c" (car x)))
!                                    disp-vector " ")))
!                (composition
!                 (let ((from (car composition))
!                       (to (nth 1 composition))
!                       (next (1+ pos))
!                       (components (nth 2 composition))
!                       ch)
!                   (setcar composition
!                           (and (< from pos) (buffer-substring from pos)))
!                   (setcar (cdr composition)
!                           (and (< next to) (buffer-substring next to)))
!                   (dotimes (i (length components))
!                     (if (integerp (setq ch (aref components i)))
!                         (push (cons ch (describe-char-display pos ch))
!                               component-chars)))
!                   (setq component-chars (nreverse component-chars))
!                   (format "composed to form \"%s\" (see below)"
!                           (buffer-substring from to))))
!                (t
!                 (let ((display (describe-char-display pos char)))
!                   (if (display-graphic-p (selected-frame))
!                       (if display
!                           (concat
!                            "by this font (glyph code)\n"
!                            (format "     %s (0x%02X)"
!                                    (car display) (cdr display)))
!                         "no font available")
                      (if display
!                         (format "terminal code %s" display)
!                       "not encodable for terminal"))))))
!             ,@(let ((unicodedata (unicode-data char)))
!                 (if unicodedata
!                     (cons (list "Unicode data" " ") unicodedata))))))
!     (setq max-width (apply #'max (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
!                                            (if (cadr x)
!                                                (length (car x))
!                                              0))
-     (setq text-prop-description
-         (with-temp-buffer
-           (let ((buf (current-buffer)))
-             (save-excursion
-               (set-buffer buffer)
-               (describe-text-properties pos buf)))
-           (buffer-string)))
      (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
        (with-current-buffer standard-output
        (set-buffer-multibyte multibyte-p)
--- 474,582 ----
         (disp-vector (and display-table (aref display-table char)))
         (multibyte-p enable-multibyte-characters)
!        (overlays (mapcar #'(lambda (o) (overlay-properties o))
!                          (overlays-at pos)))
!        item-list max-width code)
!     (setq code (encode-char char charset))
!     (setq item-list
!         `(("character"
!           ,(format "%s (0%o, %d, 0x%x)"
!                    (apply 'propertize (if (not multibyte-p)
!                                           (single-key-description char)
!                                         (if (< char 128)
!                                             (single-key-description char)
!                                           (string-to-multibyte
!                                            (char-to-string char))))
!                           (text-properties-at pos))
!                    char char char))
!           ("preferred charset"
!            ,(symbol-name charset)
!            ,(format "(%s)" (charset-description charset)))
!           ("code point"
!            ,(format (if (< code 256) "0x%02X" "0x%04X") code))
!           ("syntax"
!            ,(let ((syntax (syntax-after pos)))
!               (with-temp-buffer
!                 (internal-describe-syntax-value syntax)
!                 (buffer-string))))
!           ("category"
!            ,@(let ((category-set (char-category-set char)))
!                (if (not category-set)
!                    '("-- none --")
!                  (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (format "%c:%s  "
!                                                x (category-docstring x)))
!                          (category-set-mnemonics category-set)))))
!           ,@(let ((props (aref char-code-property-table char))
!                   ps)
!               (when props
!                 (while props
!                   (push (format "%s:" (pop props)) ps)
!                   (push (format "%s;" (pop props)) ps))
!                 (list (cons "Properties" (nreverse ps)))))
!           ("to input"
!            ,@(let ((key-list (and current-input-method
!                                   (quail-find-key char))))
!                (if (consp key-list)
!                    (list "type"
!                          (mapconcat #'(lambda (x) (concat "\"" x "\""))
!                                     key-list " or ")))))
!           ("buffer code"
!            ,(encoded-string-description
!              (string-as-unibyte (char-to-string char)) nil))
!           ("file code"
!            ,@(let* ((coding buffer-file-coding-system)
!                     (encoded (encode-coding-char char coding)))
!                (if encoded
!                    (list (encoded-string-description encoded coding)
!                          (format "(encoded by coding system %S)" coding))
!                  (list "not encodable by coding system"
!                        (symbol-name coding)))))
!           ("display"
!            ,(cond
!              (disp-vector
!               (setq disp-vector (copy-sequence disp-vector))
!               (dotimes (i (length disp-vector))
!                 (setq char (aref disp-vector i))
!                 (aset disp-vector i
!                       (cons char (describe-char-display pos char))))
!               (format "by display table entry [%s] (see below)"
!                       (mapconcat #'(lambda (x) (format "?%c" (car x)))
!                                  disp-vector " ")))
!              (composition
!               (let ((from (car composition))
!                     (to (nth 1 composition))
!                     (next (1+ pos))
!                     (components (nth 2 composition))
!                     ch)
!                 (setcar composition
!                         (and (< from pos) (buffer-substring from pos)))
!                 (setcar (cdr composition)
!                         (and (< next to) (buffer-substring next to)))
!                 (dotimes (i (length components))
!                   (if (integerp (setq ch (aref components i)))
!                       (push (cons ch (describe-char-display pos ch))
!                             component-chars)))
!                 (setq component-chars (nreverse component-chars))
!                 (format "composed to form \"%s\" (see below)"
!                         (buffer-substring from to))))
!              (t
!               (let ((display (describe-char-display pos char)))
!                 (if (display-graphic-p (selected-frame))
                      (if display
!                         (concat
!                          "by this font (glyph code)\n"
!                          (format "     %s (0x%02X)"
!                                  (car display) (cdr display)))
!                       "no font available")
!                   (if display
!                       (format "terminal code %s" display)
!                     "not encodable for terminal"))))))
!           ,@(let ((unicodedata (describe-char-unicode-data char)))
!               (if unicodedata
!                   (cons (list "Unicode data" " ") unicodedata)))))
!     (setq max-width (apply #'max (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (length (car x)))
      (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
        (with-current-buffer standard-output
        (set-buffer-multibyte multibyte-p)
*** 601,606 ****
--- 594,611 ----
                (insert " " clm))
              (insert "\n"))))
+       (save-excursion
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (re-search-forward "character:[ \t\n]+")
+         (setq pos (point)))
+       (if overlays
+           (mapc #'(lambda (props)
+                     (let ((o (make-overlay pos (1+ pos))))
+                       (while props
+                         (overlay-put o (car props) (nth 1 props))
+                         (setq props (cddr props)))))
+                 overlays))
        (when disp-vector
           "\nThe display table entry is displayed by ")
*** 622,628 ****
                      (or (cdr (aref disp-vector i)) "-- not encodable --")
-       (setq pos (point))
        (when composition
          (insert "\nComposed")
          (if (car composition)
--- 627,632 ----
*** 658,669 ****
                      (or (cdr elt) "-- not encodable --"))))
          (insert "\nSee the variable `reference-point-alist' for "
                  "the meaning of the rule.\n"))
-       (put-text-property pos (point) 'auto-composed t)
!       (insert text-prop-description)
  (defalias 'describe-char-after 'describe-char)
  (make-obsolete 'describe-char-after 'describe-char "21.5")
--- 662,671 ----
                      (or (cdr elt) "-- not encodable --"))))
          (insert "\nSee the variable `reference-point-alist' for "
                  "the meaning of the rule.\n"))
!       (describe-text-properties pos (current-buffer))
  (defalias 'describe-char-after 'describe-char)
  (make-obsolete 'describe-char-after 'describe-char "21.5")

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