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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/dired-aux.el

From: Richard M. Stallman
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/dired-aux.el
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 20:56:19 -0500

Index: emacs/lisp/dired-aux.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/dired-aux.el:1.111 emacs/lisp/dired-aux.el:1.112
*** emacs/lisp/dired-aux.el:1.111       Mon Sep  1 11:45:09 2003
--- emacs/lisp/dired-aux.el     Sun Nov 30 20:56:19 2003
*** 88,93 ****
--- 88,188 ----
    (diff-backup (dired-get-filename) switches))
+ (defun dired-compare-directories (dir2 predicate)
+   "Mark files with different file attributes in two dired buffers.
+ Compare file attributes of files in the current directory
+ with file attributes in directory DIR2 using PREDICATE on pairs of files
+ with the same name.  Mark files for which PREDICATE returns non-nil.
+ PREDICATE is a Lisp expression that can refer to the following variables:
+     size1, size2   - file size in bytes
+     mtime1, mtime2 - last modification time in seconds, as a float
+     fa1, fa2       - list of file attributes
+                      returned by function `file-attributes'
+     where 1 refers to attribute of file in the current dired buffer
+     and 2 to attribute of file in second dired buffer.
+ Examples of PREDICATE:
+     (> mtime1 mtime2) - mark newer files
+     (not (= size1 size2)) - mark files with different sizes
+     (not (string= (nth 8 fa1) (nth 8 fa2))) - mark files with different modes
+     (not (and (= (nth 2 fa1) (nth 2 fa2))   - mark files with different UID
+               (= (nth 3 fa1) (nth 3 fa2))))   and GID."
+   (interactive
+    (list (read-file-name (format "Compare %s with: "
+                                (dired-current-directory))
+                        (dired-dwim-target-directory))
+        (read-minibuffer "Mark if (lisp expr): ")))
+   (let* ((dir1 (dired-current-directory))
+          (file-alist1 (dired-files-attributes dir1))
+          (file-alist2 (dired-files-attributes dir2))
+        (file-list1 (mapcar
+                     'cadr
+                       (dired-file-set-difference
+                        file-alist1 file-alist2
+                      predicate)))
+        (file-list2 (mapcar
+                     'cadr
+                       (dired-file-set-difference
+                        file-alist2 file-alist1
+                      predicate))))
+     (dired-fun-in-all-buffers
+      dir1 nil
+      (lambda ()
+        (dired-mark-if
+         (member (dired-get-filename nil t) file-list1) nil)))
+     (dired-fun-in-all-buffers
+      dir2 nil
+      (lambda ()
+        (dired-mark-if
+         (member (dired-get-filename nil t) file-list2) nil)))
+     (message "Marked in dir1: %s files, in dir2: %s files"
+              (length file-list1)
+              (length file-list2))))
+ (defun dired-file-set-difference (list1 list2 predicate)
+   "Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-difference operation.
+ The result list contains all file items that appear in LIST1 but not LIST2.
+ This is a non-destructive function; it makes a copy of the data if necessary
+ to avoid corrupting the original LIST1 and LIST2.
+ PREDICATE (see `dired-compare-directories') is an additional match
+ condition.  Two file items are considered to match if they are equal
+ *and* PREDICATE evaluates to t."
+   (if (or (null list1) (null list2))
+       list1
+     (let (res)
+       (dolist (file1 list1)
+       (unless (let ((list list2))
+                 (while (and list
+                             (not (let* ((file2 (car list))
+                                         (fa1 (caddr file1))
+                                         (fa2 (caddr file2))
+                                         (size1 (nth 7 fa1))
+                                         (size2 (nth 7 fa2))
+                                         (mtime1 (float-time (nth 5 fa1)))
+                                         (mtime2 (float-time (nth 5 fa2))))
+                                    (and
+                                     (equal (car file1) (car file2))
+                                     (not (eval predicate))))))
+                   (setq list (cdr list)))
+                 list)
+         (setq res (cons file1 res))))
+       (nreverse res))))
+ (defun dired-files-attributes (dir)
+   "Return a list of all file names and attributes from DIR.
+ List has a form of (file-name full-file-name (attribute-list))"
+   (mapcar
+    (lambda (file-name)
+      (let ((full-file-name (expand-file-name file-name dir)))
+        (list file-name
+              full-file-name
+              (file-attributes full-file-name))))
+    (directory-files dir)))
  (defun dired-do-chxxx (attribute-name program op-symbol arg)
    ;; Change file attributes (mode, group, owner) of marked files and
    ;; refresh their file lines.
*** 2015,2020 ****
--- 2110,2120 ----
  with the command \\[tags-loop-continue]."
     "sQuery replace in marked files (regexp): \nsQuery replace %s by: \nP")
+   (dolist (file (dired-get-marked-files nil nil 'dired-nondirectory-p))
+     (let ((buffer (get-file-buffer file)))
+       (if (and buffer (with-current-buffer buffer
+                       buffer-read-only))
+         (error "File `%s' is visited read-only"))))
    (tags-query-replace from to delimited
                      '(dired-get-marked-files nil nil 'dired-nondirectory-p)))

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