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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/eshell/esh-opt.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/eshell/esh-opt.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:51:53 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/eshell/esh-opt.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/eshell/esh-opt.el:
*** /dev/null   Tue Oct 14 19:51:53 2003
--- emacs/lisp/eshell/esh-opt.el        Tue Oct 14 19:51:31 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,229 ----
+ ;;; esh-opt.el --- command options processing
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2003 Free Software Foundation
+ ;; Author: John Wiegley <address@hidden>
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ (provide 'esh-opt)
+ (eval-when-compile (require 'esh-maint))
+ (defgroup eshell-opt nil
+   "The options processing code handles command argument parsing for
+ Eshell commands implemented in Lisp."
+   :tag "Command options processing"
+   :group 'eshell)
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;;; User Functions:
+ (defmacro eshell-eval-using-options (name macro-args
+                                         options &rest body-forms)
+   "Process NAME's MACRO-ARGS using a set of command line OPTIONS.
+ After doing so, settings will be stored in local symbols as declared
+ by OPTIONS; FORMS will then be evaluated -- assuming all was OK.
+ The syntax of OPTIONS is:
+   '((?C  nil         nil multi-column    \"multi-column display\")
+     (nil \"help\"      nil nil             \"show this usage display\")
+     (?r  \"reverse\"   nil reverse-list    \"reverse order while sorting\")
+     :external \"ls\"
+     :usage \"[OPTION]... [FILE]...
+   List information about the FILEs (the current directory by default).
+   Sort entries alphabetically across.\")
+ `eshell-eval-using-options' returns the value of the last form in
+ BODY-FORMS.  If instead an external command is run, the tag
+ `eshell-external' will be thrown with the new process for its value.
+ Lastly, any remaining arguments will be available in a locally
+ interned variable `args' (created using a `let' form)."
+   `(let ((temp-args
+         ,(if (memq ':preserve-args (cadr options))
+              macro-args
+            (list 'eshell-stringify-list
+                  (list 'eshell-flatten-list macro-args)))))
+      (let ,(append (mapcar (function
+                           (lambda (opt)
+                             (or (and (listp opt) (nth 3 opt))
+                                 'eshell-option-stub)))
+                          (cadr options))
+                  '(usage-msg last-value ext-command args))
+        (eshell-do-opt ,name ,options (quote ,body-forms)))))
+ ;;; Internal Functions:
+ (eval-when-compile
+   (defvar temp-args)
+   (defvar last-value)
+   (defvar usage-msg)
+   (defvar ext-command)
+   (defvar args))
+ (defun eshell-do-opt (name options body-forms)
+   "Helper function for `eshell-eval-using-options'.
+ This code doesn't really need to be macro expanded everywhere."
+   (setq args temp-args)
+   (if (setq
+        ext-command
+        (catch 'eshell-ext-command
+        (when (setq
+               usage-msg
+               (catch 'eshell-usage
+                 (setq last-value nil)
+                 (if (and (= (length args) 0)
+                          (memq ':show-usage options))
+                     (throw 'eshell-usage
+                            (eshell-show-usage name options)))
+                 (setq args (eshell-process-args name args options)
+                       last-value (eval (append (list 'progn)
+                                                body-forms)))
+                 nil))
+          (error "%s" usage-msg))))
+       (throw 'eshell-external
+            (eshell-external-command ext-command args))
+     last-value))
+ (defun eshell-show-usage (name options)
+   "Display the usage message for NAME, using OPTIONS."
+   (let ((usage (format "usage: %s %s\n\n" name
+                      (cadr (memq ':usage options))))
+       (extcmd (memq ':external options))
+       (post-usage (memq ':post-usage options))
+       had-option)
+     (while options
+       (when (listp (car options))
+       (let ((opt (car options)))
+         (setq had-option t)
+         (cond ((and (nth 0 opt)
+                     (nth 1 opt))
+                (setq usage
+                      (concat usage
+                              (format "    %-20s %s\n"
+                                      (format "-%c, --%s" (nth 0 opt)
+                                              (nth 1 opt))
+                                      (nth 4 opt)))))
+               ((nth 0 opt)
+                (setq usage
+                      (concat usage
+                              (format "    %-20s %s\n"
+                                      (format "-%c" (nth 0 opt))
+                                      (nth 4 opt)))))
+               ((nth 1 opt)
+                (setq usage
+                      (concat usage
+                              (format "    %-20s %s\n"
+                                      (format "    --%s" (nth 1 opt))
+                                      (nth 4 opt)))))
+               (t (setq had-option nil)))))
+       (setq options (cdr options)))
+     (if post-usage
+       (setq usage (concat usage (and had-option "\n")
+                           (cadr post-usage))))
+     (when extcmd
+       (setq extcmd (eshell-search-path (cadr extcmd)))
+       (if extcmd
+         (setq usage
+               (concat usage
+                       (format "
+ This command is implemented in Lisp.  If an unrecognized option is
+ passed to this command, the external version '%s'
+ will be called instead." extcmd)))))
+     (throw 'eshell-usage usage)))
+ (defun eshell-set-option (name ai opt options)
+   "Using NAME's remaining args (index AI), set the OPT within OPTIONS.
+ If the option consumes an argument for its value, the argument list
+ will be modified."
+   (if (not (nth 3 opt))
+       (eshell-show-usage name options)
+     (if (eq (nth 2 opt) t)
+       (if (> ai (length args))
+           (error "%s: missing option argument" name)
+         (set (nth 3 opt) (nth ai args))
+         (if (> ai 0)
+             (setcdr (nthcdr (1- ai) args) (nthcdr (1+ ai) args))
+           (setq args (cdr args))))
+       (set (nth 3 opt) (or (nth 2 opt) t)))))
+ (defun eshell-process-option (name switch kind ai options)
+   "For NAME, process SWITCH (of type KIND), from args at index AI.
+ The SWITCH will be looked up in the set of OPTIONS.
+ SWITCH should be either a string or character.  KIND should be the
+ integer 0 if it's a character, or 1 if it's a string.
+ The SWITCH is then be matched against OPTIONS.  If no matching handler
+ is found, and an :external command is defined (and available), it will
+ be called; otherwise, an error will be triggered to say that the
+ switch is unrecognized."
+   (let* ((opts options)
+        found)
+     (while opts
+       (if (and (listp (car opts))
+                (nth kind (car opts))
+                (if (= kind 0)
+                    (eq switch (nth kind (car opts)))
+                  (string= switch (nth kind (car opts)))))
+         (progn
+           (eshell-set-option name ai (car opts) options)
+           (setq found t opts nil))
+       (setq opts (cdr opts))))
+     (unless found
+       (let ((extcmd (memq ':external options)))
+       (when extcmd
+         (setq extcmd (eshell-search-path (cadr extcmd)))
+         (if extcmd
+             (throw 'eshell-ext-command extcmd)
+           (if (char-valid-p switch)
+               (error "%s: unrecognized option -%c" name switch)
+             (error "%s: unrecognized option --%s" name switch))))))))
+ (defun eshell-process-args (name args options)
+   "Process the given ARGS using OPTIONS.
+ This assumes that symbols have been intern'd by `eshell-with-options'."
+   (let ((ai 0) arg)
+     (while (< ai (length args))
+       (setq arg (nth ai args))
+       (if (not (and (stringp arg)
+                   (string-match "^-\\(-\\)?\\(.*\\)" arg)))
+         (setq ai (1+ ai))
+       (let* ((dash (match-string 1 arg))
+              (switch (match-string 2 arg)))
+         (if (= ai 0)
+             (setq args (cdr args))
+           (setcdr (nthcdr (1- ai) args) (nthcdr (1+ ai) args)))
+         (if dash
+             (if (> (length switch) 0)
+                 (eshell-process-option name switch 1 ai options)
+               (setq ai (length args)))
+           (let ((len (length switch))
+                 (index 0))
+             (while (< index len)
+               (eshell-process-option name (aref switch index) 0 ai options)
+               (setq index (1+ index)))))))))
+   args)
+ ;;; Code:
+ ;;; arch-tag: 45c6c2d0-8091-46a1-a205-2f4bafd8230c
+ ;;; esh-opt.el ends here

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