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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/subr.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/subr.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:52:23 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/subr.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/subr.el:1.307.2.2 emacs/lisp/subr.el:1.307.2.3
*** emacs/lisp/subr.el:1.307.2.2        Fri Apr  4 01:20:11 2003
--- emacs/lisp/subr.el  Tue Oct 14 19:51:25 2003
*** 43,55 ****
  MACRO is the name of the macro being defined.
  DECL is a list `(declare ...)' containing the declarations.
  The return value of this function is not used."
!   (dolist (d (cdr decl))
!     (cond ((and (consp d) (eq (car d) 'indent))
!          (put macro 'lisp-indent-function (cadr d)))
!         ((and (consp d) (eq (car d) 'debug))
!          (put macro 'edebug-form-spec (cadr d)))
!         (t
!          (message "Unknown declaration %s" d)))))
  (setq macro-declaration-function 'macro-declaration-function)
--- 43,59 ----
  MACRO is the name of the macro being defined.
  DECL is a list `(declare ...)' containing the declarations.
  The return value of this function is not used."
!   ;; We can't use `dolist' or `cadr' yet for bootstrapping reasons.
!   (let (d)
!     ;; Ignore the first element of `decl' (it's always `declare').
!     (while (setq decl (cdr decl))
!       (setq d (car decl))
!       (cond ((and (consp d) (eq (car d) 'indent))
!            (put macro 'lisp-indent-function (car (cdr d))))
!           ((and (consp d) (eq (car d) 'debug))
!            (put macro 'edebug-form-spec (car (cdr d))))
!           (t
!            (message "Unknown declaration %s" d))))))
  (setq macro-declaration-function 'macro-declaration-function)
*** 81,86 ****
--- 85,91 ----
    "Add NEWELT to the list stored in the symbol LISTNAME.
  This is equivalent to (setq LISTNAME (cons NEWELT LISTNAME)).
  LISTNAME must be a symbol."
+   (declare (debug (form sexp)))
    (list 'setq listname
        (list 'cons newelt listname)))
*** 89,135 ****
  LISTNAME must be a symbol whose value is a list.
  If the value is nil, `pop' returns nil but does not actually
  change the list."
    (list 'car
        (list 'prog1 listname
              (list 'setq listname (list 'cdr listname)))))
  (defmacro when (cond &rest body)
    "If COND yields non-nil, do BODY, else return nil."
    (list 'if cond (cons 'progn body)))
  (defmacro unless (cond &rest body)
    "If COND yields nil, do BODY, else return nil."
    (cons 'if (cons cond (cons nil body))))
  (defmacro dolist (spec &rest body)
!   "(dolist (VAR LIST [RESULT]) BODY...): loop over a list.
  Evaluate BODY with VAR bound to each car from LIST, in turn.
! Then evaluate RESULT to get return value, default nil."
    (let ((temp (make-symbol "--dolist-temp--")))
!     (list 'let (list (list temp (nth 1 spec)) (car spec))
!         (list 'while temp
!               (list 'setq (car spec) (list 'car temp))
!               (cons 'progn
!                     (append body
!                             (list (list 'setq temp (list 'cdr temp))))))
!         (if (cdr (cdr spec))
!             (cons 'progn
!                   (cons (list 'setq (car spec) nil) (cdr (cdr spec))))))))
  (defmacro dotimes (spec &rest body)
!   "(dotimes (VAR COUNT [RESULT]) BODY...): loop a certain number of times.
  Evaluate BODY with VAR bound to successive integers running from 0,
  inclusive, to COUNT, exclusive.  Then evaluate RESULT to get
! the return value (nil if RESULT is omitted)."
!   (let ((temp (make-symbol "--dotimes-temp--")))
!     (list 'let (list (list temp (nth 1 spec)) (list (car spec) 0))
!          (list 'while (list '< (car spec) temp)
!                (cons 'progn
!                      (append body (list (list 'setq (car spec)
!                                               (list '1+ (car spec)))))))
!          (if (cdr (cdr spec))
!              (car (cdr (cdr spec)))
!            nil))))
  (defsubst caar (x)
    "Return the car of the car of X."
--- 94,148 ----
  LISTNAME must be a symbol whose value is a list.
  If the value is nil, `pop' returns nil but does not actually
  change the list."
+   (declare (debug (sexp)))
    (list 'car
        (list 'prog1 listname
              (list 'setq listname (list 'cdr listname)))))
  (defmacro when (cond &rest body)
    "If COND yields non-nil, do BODY, else return nil."
+   (declare (indent 1) (debug t))
    (list 'if cond (cons 'progn body)))
  (defmacro unless (cond &rest body)
    "If COND yields nil, do BODY, else return nil."
+   (declare (indent 1) (debug t))
    (cons 'if (cons cond (cons nil body))))
  (defmacro dolist (spec &rest body)
!   "Loop over a list.
  Evaluate BODY with VAR bound to each car from LIST, in turn.
! Then evaluate RESULT to get return value, default nil.
! \(fn (VAR LIST [RESULT]) BODY...)"
!   (declare (indent 1) (debug ((symbolp form &optional form) body)))
    (let ((temp (make-symbol "--dolist-temp--")))
!     `(let ((,temp ,(nth 1 spec))
!          ,(car spec))
!        (while ,temp
!        (setq ,(car spec) (car ,temp))
!        (setq ,temp (cdr ,temp))
!        ,@body)
!        ,@(if (cdr (cdr spec))
!            `((setq ,(car spec) nil) ,@(cdr (cdr spec)))))))
  (defmacro dotimes (spec &rest body)
!   "Loop a certain number of times.
  Evaluate BODY with VAR bound to successive integers running from 0,
  inclusive, to COUNT, exclusive.  Then evaluate RESULT to get
! the return value (nil if RESULT is omitted).
! \(fn (VAR COUNT [RESULT]) BODY...)"
!   (declare (indent 1) (debug dolist))
!   (let ((temp (make-symbol "--dotimes-temp--"))
!       (start 0)
!       (end (nth 1 spec)))
!     `(let ((,temp ,end)
!          (,(car spec) ,start))
!        (while (< ,(car spec) ,temp)
!        ,@body
!        (setq ,(car spec) (1+ ,(car spec))))
!        ,@(cdr (cdr spec)))))
  (defsubst caar (x)
    "Return the car of the car of X."
*** 176,195 ****
           (if (> n 0) (setcdr (nthcdr (- (1- m) n) x) nil))
! (defun number-sequence (from &optional to)
    "Return a sequence of numbers from FROM to TO (both inclusive) as a list.
! The Nth element of the list is (+ FROM N) where N counts from zero.
  If TO is nil, it defaults to FROM.
! If TO is less than FROM, the value is nil."
!   (if to
!       (if (< to from)
!         (setq to (1- from)))
!     (setq to from))
!   (let* ((list (make-list (- (1+ to) from) from))
!        (tail list))
!     (while (setq tail (cdr tail))
!       (setcar tail (setq from (1+ from))))
!     list))
  (defun remove (elt seq)
    "Return a copy of SEQ with all occurrences of ELT removed.
--- 189,211 ----
           (if (> n 0) (setcdr (nthcdr (- (1- m) n) x) nil))
! (defun number-sequence (from &optional to inc)
    "Return a sequence of numbers from FROM to TO (both inclusive) as a list.
! INC is the increment used between numbers in the sequence.
! So, the Nth element of the list is (+ FROM (* N INC)) where N counts from
! zero.
! If INC is nil, it defaults to 1 (one).
  If TO is nil, it defaults to FROM.
! If TO is less than FROM, the value is nil.
! Note that FROM, TO and INC can be integer or float."
!   (if (not to)
!       (list from)
!     (or inc (setq inc 1))
!     (let (seq)
!       (while (<= from to)
!       (setq seq (cons from seq)
!             from (+ from inc)))
!       (nreverse seq))))
  (defun remove (elt seq)
    "Return a copy of SEQ with all occurrences of ELT removed.
*** 201,208 ****
      (delete elt (copy-sequence seq))))
  (defun remq (elt list)
!   "Return a copy of LIST with all occurrences of ELT removed.
! The comparison is done with `eq'."
    (if (memq elt list)
        (delq elt (copy-sequence list))
--- 217,225 ----
      (delete elt (copy-sequence seq))))
  (defun remq (elt list)
!   "Return LIST with all occurrences of ELT removed.
! The comparison is done with `eq'.  Contrary to `delq', this does not use
! side-effects, and the argument LIST is not modified."
    (if (memq elt list)
        (delq elt (copy-sequence list))
*** 568,574 ****
                        (if (> c 127)
                            (logxor c listify-key-sequence-1)
!           (append key nil))))
  (defsubst eventp (obj)
    "True if the argument is an event object."
--- 585,591 ----
                        (if (> c 127)
                            (logxor c listify-key-sequence-1)
!           key)))
  (defsubst eventp (obj)
    "True if the argument is an event object."
*** 704,879 ****
    (nth 3 position))
- ;;;; Keyboard menu prompting
- (defvar key-menu-event-face 'underline
-   "Face used to highlight the events in the keyboard-menu prompt.
- Used by `key-menu-prompt'.")
- (defvar key-menu-initial-separator "  "
-   "String used to separate a keyboard-menu prompt from the first key 
- Used by `key-menu-prompt'.")
- (defvar key-menu-separator ",  "
-   "String used to separate adjacent keyboard-menu key descriptions.
- Used by `key-menu-prompt'.")
- (defvar key-menu-long-prompt-line-prefix "    "
-   "A prefix for entry lines when the menu prompt is very long.
- Used by `key-menu-prompt'.")
- (defvar key-menu-format-entry-function nil
-   "If non-nil, a function to format a single entry in a keyboard-menu.
- The function should return a string representing the entry, and will be
- given the following arguments:
-   EVENT is the key to be pressed
-   PROMPT is a string describing the entry
-   BINDING is a `global' binding for this function
-   TOGGLE-TYPE may be either nil, `:radio', or `:toggle'
-   If TOGGLE-TYPE is non-nil, TOGGLE-STATE is that toggle's state.")
- (defvar key-menu-more-prompt (propertize "--more--" 'face '(:inverse-video t))
-   "Appended to the last line of a keyboard-menu indicating more lines 
- (defun key-menu-format-entry (event prompt
-                                   &optional binding toggle-type toggle-state)
-   "Return a string representing a single keyboard-menu binding.
- The arguments are:
-   EVENT is the key to be pressed
-   PROMPT is a string describing the entry
-   BINDING is a `global' binding for this function
-   TOGGLE-TYPE may be either nil, `:radio', or `:toggle'
-   If TOGGLE-TYPE is non-nil, TOGGLE-STATE is that toggle's state."
-   (if (eq event (aref prompt 0))
-       (format "%s%s"
-             (propertize (char-to-string event)
-                         'face key-menu-event-face)
-             (substring prompt 1))
-     (format "%s = %s"
-           (propertize (char-to-string event)
-                       'face key-menu-event-face)
-           prompt)))
- (defun key-menu-format-prompt (prompt entries max-width max-height)
-   (let* ((prompt-width (string-width prompt))
-        (cur-line "")
-        (prefix nil)
-        (prefix-width
-         ;; a guess, at first
-         (+ prompt-width (string-width key-menu-initial-separator)))
-        (sep "")
-        (string prompt)
-        (cur-height 0)
-        (cur-line-width prefix-width)
-        (more-width (string-width key-menu-more-prompt)))
-     (while (and entries (< cur-height max-height))
-       (let* ((entry
-             (pop entries))
-            (entry-string
-             (apply
-              (or key-menu-format-entry-function #'key-menu-format-entry)
-              entry))
-            (entry-width
-             (string-width entry-string))
-            (appended-width
-             (+ cur-line-width (string-width sep) entry-width)))
-       ;; If this is the first line, first see if we'd be better off
-       ;; wrapping right after the prompt (because the prompt string is
-       ;; unusually long).  Note that we only do so if there are (1)
-       ;; less than 4 entries already on the first line, and (2) the
-       ;; prompt is greater than 12 characters wide; these values are
-       ;; completely arbitrary.
-       (when (and (eq string prompt)
-                  (>= appended-width max-width)
-                  (> prompt-width (/ max-width 4))
-                  (> max-height 1))
-         ;; Wrap after the prompt
-         (setq cur-line-width (- cur-line-width prefix-width))
-         (setq prefix key-menu-long-prompt-line-prefix
-               prefix-width (string-width prefix))
-         (setq string (concat string "\n")
-               cur-line-width (+ cur-line-width prefix-width)
-               appended-width (+ cur-line-width (string-width sep) entry-width)
-               cur-height (1+ cur-height)))
-       ;; See if we have to wrap before the current entry (note that
-       ;; this might happen even if we just wrapped after the prompt
-       ;; above).
-       (if (if (or (< (1+ cur-height) max-height) (null entries))
-               (< appended-width max-width)
-             (< (+ appended-width more-width) max-width))
-           ;; It's OK to append the current entry, so do so
-           (setq cur-line (concat cur-line sep entry-string)
-                 cur-line-width appended-width)
-         ;; We have to wrap the current line first, and then append it
-         (if prefix
-             (setq string (concat string prefix cur-line))
-           (setq string (concat string key-menu-initial-separator cur-line)
-                 prefix (make-string prefix-width ? )))
-         (setq cur-height (1+ cur-height))
-         (if (< cur-height max-height)
-             ;; Start a new line
-             (setq cur-line entry-string
-                   cur-line-width (+ entry-width prefix-width)
-                   string (concat string "\n"))
-           ;; Have to give up, because there's no more room.
-           (setq string (concat string
-                                (make-string (- max-width
-                                                cur-line-width
-                                                (string-width
-                                                 key-menu-more-prompt)
-                                                1)
-                                             ? )
-                                key-menu-more-prompt))
-           ;; Put back ENTRY for later consideration
-           (push entry entries)))
-       ;; Update sep to the normal inter-entry value
-       (setq sep key-menu-separator)))
-     ;; The final menu
-     (unless entries
-       ;; tack on the last line
-       (unless prefix
-       (setq prefix key-menu-initial-separator))
-       (setq string (concat string prefix cur-line)))
-     ;; Return a list of the menu string and any remaining entries
-     (cons string entries)))
- (defun key-menu-prompt (menu)
-   "Display the keyboard-menu MENU, and read the user's response.
- This function is appropiate for `key-menu-prompt-function', which see."
-   (let* ((prompt (concat (car menu) ":"))
-        (frame (window-frame (minibuffer-window)))
-        (max-width (frame-width frame))
-        (max-height
-         (cond ((or (not resize-mini-windows)
-                    (not (numberp max-mini-window-height)))
-                1)
-               ((integerp max-mini-window-height)
-                max-mini-window-height)
-               (t
-                (max 1 (truncate (* (frame-height frame)
-                                    max-mini-window-height))))))
-        (answer nil)
-        (entries (cdr menu))
-        (cur-entries entries)
-        (prev-entries-stack nil))
-     (while (null answer)
-       (let* ((page
-             (key-menu-format-prompt prompt cur-entries max-width max-height))
-            (next-entries (cdr page)))
-       (setq answer (read-char (car page)))
-       (when (or next-entries prev-entries-stack)
-         (cond ((eq answer ? )
-                (push cur-entries prev-entries-stack)
-                (setq cur-entries (or next-entries entries))
-                (setq answer nil))
-               ((eq answer ?\C-?)
-                (setq cur-entries (or (pop prev-entries-stack) entries))
-                (setq answer nil))))))
-     answer))
- ;; `key-menu-prompt-function' is defined in src/keyboard.c
- (setq key-menu-prompt-function 'key-menu-prompt)
  ;;;; Obsolescent names for functions.
  (defalias 'dot 'point)
--- 721,726 ----
*** 1313,1319 ****
             (setq code (+ (* code read-quoted-char-radix) (- translated ?0)))
             (and prompt (setq prompt (message "%s %c" prompt translated))))
            ((and (<= ?a (downcase translated))
!                 (< (downcase translated) (+ ?a -10 (min 26 
             (setq code (+ (* code read-quoted-char-radix)
                           (+ 10 (- (downcase translated) ?a))))
             (and prompt (setq prompt (message "%s %c" prompt translated))))
--- 1160,1166 ----
             (setq code (+ (* code read-quoted-char-radix) (- translated ?0)))
             (and prompt (setq prompt (message "%s %c" prompt translated))))
            ((and (<= ?a (downcase translated))
!                 (< (downcase translated) (+ ?a -10 (min 36 
             (setq code (+ (* code read-quoted-char-radix)
                           (+ 10 (- (downcase translated) ?a))))
             (and prompt (setq prompt (message "%s %c" prompt translated))))
*** 1339,1348 ****
                (second (read-passwd "Confirm password: " nil default)))
            (if (equal first second)
!                 (and (arrayp second) (fillarray second ?\0))
                  (setq success first))
!             (and (arrayp first) (fillarray first ?\0))
!             (and (arrayp second) (fillarray second ?\0))
              (message "Password not repeated accurately; please start over")
              (sit-for 1))))
--- 1186,1195 ----
                (second (read-passwd "Confirm password: " nil default)))
            (if (equal first second)
!                 (and (arrayp second) (clear-string second))
                  (setq success first))
!             (and (arrayp first) (clear-string first))
!             (and (arrayp second) (clear-string second))
              (message "Password not repeated accurately; please start over")
              (sit-for 1))))
*** 1358,1375 ****
        (if (= c ?\C-u)
!             (and (arrayp pass) (fillarray pass ?\0))
              (setq pass ""))
          (if (and (/= c ?\b) (/= c ?\177))
              (let* ((new-char (char-to-string c))
                     (new-pass (concat pass new-char)))
!               (and (arrayp pass) (fillarray pass ?\0))
!               (fillarray new-char ?\0)
                (setq c ?\0)
                (setq pass new-pass))
            (if (> (length pass) 0)
                (let ((new-pass (substring pass 0 -1)))
!                 (and (arrayp pass) (fillarray pass ?\0))
                  (setq pass new-pass))))))
        (message nil)
        (or pass default ""))))
--- 1205,1222 ----
        (if (= c ?\C-u)
!             (and (arrayp pass) (clear-string pass))
              (setq pass ""))
          (if (and (/= c ?\b) (/= c ?\177))
              (let* ((new-char (char-to-string c))
                     (new-pass (concat pass new-char)))
!               (and (arrayp pass) (clear-string pass))
!               (clear-string new-char)
                (setq c ?\0)
                (setq pass new-pass))
            (if (> (length pass) 0)
                (let ((new-pass (substring pass 0 -1)))
!                 (and (arrayp pass) (clear-string pass))
                  (setq pass new-pass))))))
        (message nil)
        (or pass default ""))))
*** 1431,1437 ****
  call to `activate-change-group' and finish it with a single call
  to `accept-change-group' or `cancel-change-group'."
!   (list (cons (current-buffer) buffer-undo-list)))
  (defun activate-change-group (handle)
    "Activate a change group made with `prepare-change-group' (which see)."
--- 1278,1286 ----
  call to `activate-change-group' and finish it with a single call
  to `accept-change-group' or `cancel-change-group'."
!   (if buffer
!       (list (cons buffer (with-current-buffer buffer buffer-undo-list)))
!     (list (cons (current-buffer) buffer-undo-list))))
  (defun activate-change-group (handle)
    "Activate a change group made with `prepare-change-group' (which see)."
*** 1707,1712 ****
--- 1556,1563 ----
  character numbers specifying the substring.  They default to the
  beginning and the end of BUFFER.  Strip text properties from the
  inserted text according to `yank-excluded-properties'."
+   ;; Since the buffer text should not normally have yank-handler properties,
+   ;; there is no need to handle them here.
    (let ((opoint (point)))
      (insert-buffer-substring buf start end)
      (remove-yank-excluded-properties opoint (point))))
*** 1771,1784 ****
    "Execute the forms in BODY with BUFFER as the current buffer.
  The value returned is the value of the last form in BODY.
  See also `with-temp-buffer'."
!   (cons 'save-current-buffer
!       (cons (list 'set-buffer buffer)
!             body)))
  (defmacro with-temp-file (file &rest body)
    "Create a new buffer, evaluate BODY there, and write the buffer to FILE.
  The value returned is the value of the last form in BODY.
  See also `with-temp-buffer'."
    (let ((temp-file (make-symbol "temp-file"))
        (temp-buffer (make-symbol "temp-buffer")))
      `(let ((,temp-file ,file)
--- 1622,1659 ----
    "Execute the forms in BODY with BUFFER as the current buffer.
  The value returned is the value of the last form in BODY.
  See also `with-temp-buffer'."
!   (declare (indent 1) (debug t))
!   `(save-current-buffer
!      (set-buffer ,buffer)
!      ,@body))
! (defmacro with-selected-window (window &rest body)
!   "Execute the forms in BODY with WINDOW as the selected window.
! The value returned is the value of the last form in BODY.
! This does not alter the buffer list ordering.
! See also `with-temp-buffer'."
!   (declare (indent 1) (debug t))
!   ;; Most of this code is a copy of save-selected-window.
!   `(let ((save-selected-window-window (selected-window))
!        (save-selected-window-alist
!         (mapcar (lambda (frame) (list frame (frame-selected-window frame)))
!                 (frame-list))))
!      (unwind-protect
!        (progn (select-window ,window 'norecord)
!               ,@body)
!        (dolist (elt save-selected-window-alist)
!        (and (frame-live-p (car elt))
!             (window-live-p (cadr elt))
!             (set-frame-selected-window (car elt) (cadr elt))))
!        (if (window-live-p save-selected-window-window)
!          ;; This is where the code differs from save-selected-window.
!          (select-window save-selected-window-window 'norecord)))))
  (defmacro with-temp-file (file &rest body)
    "Create a new buffer, evaluate BODY there, and write the buffer to FILE.
  The value returned is the value of the last form in BODY.
  See also `with-temp-buffer'."
+   (declare (debug t))
    (let ((temp-file (make-symbol "temp-file"))
        (temp-buffer (make-symbol "temp-buffer")))
      `(let ((,temp-file ,file)
*** 1801,1806 ****
--- 1676,1682 ----
  MESSAGE is written to the message log buffer if `message-log-max' is non-nil.
  If MESSAGE is nil, the echo area and message log buffer are unchanged.
  Use a MESSAGE of \"\" to temporarily clear the echo area."
+   (declare (debug t))
    (let ((current-message (make-symbol "current-message"))
        (temp-message (make-symbol "with-temp-message")))
      `(let ((,temp-message ,message)
*** 1819,1824 ****
--- 1695,1701 ----
  (defmacro with-temp-buffer (&rest body)
    "Create a temporary buffer, and evaluate BODY there like `progn'.
  See also `with-temp-file' and `with-output-to-string'."
+   (declare (indent 0) (debug t))
    (let ((temp-buffer (make-symbol "temp-buffer")))
      `(let ((,temp-buffer
            (get-buffer-create (generate-new-buffer-name " *temp*"))))
*** 1830,1835 ****
--- 1707,1713 ----
  (defmacro with-output-to-string (&rest body)
    "Execute BODY, return the text it sent to `standard-output', as a string."
+   (declare (indent 0) (debug t))
    `(let ((standard-output
          (get-buffer-create (generate-new-buffer-name " *string-output*"))))
       (let ((standard-output standard-output))
*** 1859,1864 ****
--- 1737,1743 ----
  Do not alter `after-change-functions' or `before-change-functions'
  in BODY."
+   (declare (indent 0) (debug t))
         (let ((combine-after-change-calls t))
         . ,body)
*** 1887,1892 ****
--- 1766,1772 ----
  (defmacro delay-mode-hooks (&rest body)
    "Execute BODY, but delay any `run-mode-hooks'.
  Only affects hooks run in the current buffer."
+   (declare (debug t))
       (make-local-variable 'delay-mode-hooks)
       (let ((delay-mode-hooks t))
*** 1907,1912 ****
--- 1787,1793 ----
  The syntax table of the current buffer is saved, BODY is evaluated, and the
  saved table is restored, even in case of an abnormal exit.
  Value is what BODY returns."
+   (declare (debug t))
    (let ((old-table (make-symbol "table"))
        (old-buffer (make-symbol "buffer")))
      `(let ((,old-table (syntax-table))
*** 1918,1923 ****
--- 1799,1844 ----
           (set-buffer ,old-buffer)
           (set-syntax-table ,old-table))))))
+ (defmacro dynamic-completion-table (fun)
+   "Use function FUN as a dynamic completion table.
+ FUN is called with one argument, the string for which completion is required,
+ and it should return an alist containing all the intended possible
+ completions.  This alist may be a full list of possible completions so that 
+ can ignore the value of its argument.  If completion is performed in the
+ minibuffer, FUN will be called in the buffer from which the minibuffer was
+ entered.
+ The result of the `dynamic-completion-table' form is a function
+ that can be used as the ALIST argument to `try-completion' and
+ `all-completion'.  See Info node `(elisp)Programmed Completion'."
+   (let ((win (make-symbol "window"))
+         (string (make-symbol "string"))
+         (predicate (make-symbol "predicate"))
+         (mode (make-symbol "mode")))
+     `(lambda (,string ,predicate ,mode)
+        (with-current-buffer (let ((,win (minibuffer-selected-window)))
+                               (if (window-live-p ,win) (window-buffer ,win)
+                                 (current-buffer)))
+          (cond
+           ((eq ,mode t) (all-completions ,string (,fun ,string) ,predicate))
+           ((not ,mode) (try-completion ,string (,fun ,string) ,predicate))
+           (t (test-completion ,string (,fun ,string) ,predicate)))))))
+ (defmacro lazy-completion-table (var fun &rest args)
+   "Initialize variable VAR as a lazy completion table.
+ If the completion table VAR is used for the first time (e.g., by passing VAR
+ as an argument to `try-completion'), the function FUN is called with arguments
+ ARGS.  FUN must return the completion table that will be stored in VAR.
+ If completion is requested in the minibuffer, FUN will be called in the buffer
+ from which the minibuffer was entered.  The return value of
+ `lazy-completion-table' must be used to initialize the value of VAR."
+   (let ((str (make-symbol "string")))
+     `(dynamic-completion-table
+       (lambda (,str)
+         (unless (listp ,var)
+           (setq ,var (funcall ',fun ,@args)))
+         ,var))))
  ;;; Matching and substitution
*** 1933,1938 ****
--- 1854,1860 ----
    ;; It is better not to use backquote here,
    ;; because that makes a bootstrapping problem
    ;; if you need to recompile all the Lisp files using interpreted code.
+   (declare (indent 0) (debug t))
    (list 'let
        '((save-match-data-internal (match-data)))
        (list 'unwind-protect
*** 1965,1983 ****
        (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning num)
                                        (match-end num)))))
! (defun split-string (string &optional separators)
!   "Splits STRING into substrings where there are matches for SEPARATORS.
! Each match for SEPARATORS is a splitting point.
! The substrings between the splitting points are made into a list
  which is returned.
- If SEPARATORS is absent, it defaults to \"[ \\f\\t\\n\\r\\v]+\".
! If there is match for SEPARATORS at the beginning of STRING, we do not
! include a null substring for that.  Likewise, if there is a match
! at the end of STRING, we don't include a null substring for that.
  Modifies the match data; use `save-match-data' if necessary."
!   (let ((rexp (or separators "[ \f\t\n\r\v]+"))
        (start 0)
        (list nil))
--- 1887,1939 ----
        (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning num)
                                        (match-end num)))))
! (defun looking-back (regexp &optional limit)
!   "Return non-nil if text before point matches regular expression REGEXP.
! Like `looking-at' except backwards and slower.
! LIMIT if non-nil speeds up the search by specifying how far back the
! match can start."
!   (save-excursion
!     (re-search-backward (concat "\\(?:" regexp "\\)\\=") limit t)))
! (defconst split-string-default-separators "[ \f\t\n\r\v]+"
!   "The default value of separators for `split-string'.
! A regexp matching strings of whitespace.  May be locale-dependent
! \(as yet unimplemented).  Should not match non-breaking spaces.
! Warning: binding this to a different value and using it as default is
! likely to have undesired semantics.")
! ;; The specification says that if both SEPARATORS and OMIT-NULLS are
! ;; defaulted, OMIT-NULLS should be treated as t.  Simplifying the logical
! ;; expression leads to the equivalent implementation that if SEPARATORS
! ;; is defaulted, OMIT-NULLS is treated as t.
! (defun split-string (string &optional separators omit-nulls)
!   "Splits STRING into substrings bounded by matches for SEPARATORS.
! The beginning and end of STRING, and each match for SEPARATORS, are
! splitting points.  The substrings matching SEPARATORS are removed, and
! the substrings between the splitting points are collected as a list,
  which is returned.
! If SEPARATORS is non-nil, it should be a regular expression matching text
! which separates, but is not part of, the substrings.  If nil it defaults to
! `split-string-default-separators', normally \"[ \\f\\t\\n\\r\\v]+\", and
! OMIT-NULLS is forced to t.
! If OMIT-NULLs is t, zero-length substrings are omitted from the list \(so
! that for the default value of SEPARATORS leading and trailing whitespace
! are effectively trimmed).  If nil, all zero-length substrings are retained,
! which correctly parses CSV format, for example.
! Note that the effect of `(split-string STRING)' is the same as
! `(split-string STRING split-string-default-separators t)').  In the rare
! case that you wish to retain zero-length substrings when splitting on
! whitespace, use `(split-string STRING split-string-default-separators)'.
  Modifies the match data; use `save-match-data' if necessary."
!   (let ((keep-nulls (not (if separators omit-nulls t)))
!       (rexp (or separators split-string-default-separators))
        (start 0)
        (list nil))
*** 1986,2001 ****
                                       (= start (match-beginning 0))
                                       (< start (length string)))
                                  (1+ start) start))
!               (< (match-beginning 0) (length string)))
        (setq notfirst t)
!       (or (eq (match-beginning 0) 0)
!         (and (eq (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
!              (eq (match-beginning 0) start))
          (setq list
                (cons (substring string start (match-beginning 0))
        (setq start (match-end 0)))
!     (or (eq start (length string))
        (setq list
              (cons (substring string start)
--- 1942,1955 ----
                                       (= start (match-beginning 0))
                                       (< start (length string)))
                                  (1+ start) start))
!               (< start (length string)))
        (setq notfirst t)
!       (if (or keep-nulls (< start (match-beginning 0)))
          (setq list
                (cons (substring string start (match-beginning 0))
        (setq start (match-end 0)))
!     (if (or keep-nulls (< start (length string)))
        (setq list
              (cons (substring string start)
*** 2013,2019 ****
  (defun replace-regexp-in-string (regexp rep string &optional
!                                       fixedcase literal subexp start)
    "Replace all matches for REGEXP with REP in STRING.
  Return a new string containing the replacements.
--- 1967,1973 ----
  (defun replace-regexp-in-string (regexp rep string &optional
!                                  fixedcase literal subexp start)
    "Replace all matches for REGEXP with REP in STRING.
  Return a new string containing the replacements.
*** 2062,2068 ****
                                     (funcall rep (match-string 0 str)))
                                   fixedcase literal str subexp)
!                   (cons (substring string start mb) ; unmatched prefix
        (setq start me))
        ;; Reconstruct a string from the pieces.
--- 2016,2022 ----
                                     (funcall rep (match-string 0 str)))
                                   fixedcase literal str subexp)
!                   (cons (substring string start mb)       ; unmatched prefix
        (setq start me))
        ;; Reconstruct a string from the pieces.
*** 2210,2219 ****
  (defun assq-delete-all (key alist)
    "Delete from ALIST all elements whose car is KEY.
! Return the modified alist."
    (let ((tail alist))
      (while tail
!       (if (eq (car (car tail)) key)
          (setq alist (delq (car tail) alist)))
        (setq tail (cdr tail)))
--- 2164,2174 ----
  (defun assq-delete-all (key alist)
    "Delete from ALIST all elements whose car is KEY.
! Return the modified alist.
! Elements of ALIST that are not conses are ignored."
    (let ((tail alist))
      (while tail
!       (if (and (consp (car tail)) (eq (car (car tail)) key))
          (setq alist (delq (car tail) alist)))
        (setq tail (cdr tail)))
*** 2256,2261 ****
--- 2211,2224 ----
        (set-default-file-modes umask))))
+ ;; If a minor mode is not defined with define-minor-mode,
+ ;; add it here explicitly.
+ ;; isearch-mode is deliberately excluded, since you should
+ ;; not call it yourself.
+ (defvar minor-mode-list '(auto-save-mode auto-fill-mode abbrev-mode
+                                        overwrite-mode view-mode)
+   "List of all minor mode functions.")
  (defun add-minor-mode (toggle name &optional keymap after toggle-fun)
    "Register a new minor mode.
*** 2280,2285 ****
--- 2243,2251 ----
  If TOGGLE has a non-nil `:included' property, an entry for the mode is
  included in the mode-line minor mode menu.
  If TOGGLE has a `:menu-tag', that is used for the menu item's label."
+   (unless (memq toggle minor-mode-list)
+     (push toggle minor-mode-list))
    (unless toggle-fun (setq toggle-fun toggle))
    ;; Add the name to the minor-mode-alist.
    (when name
*** 2479,2482 ****
--- 2445,2449 ----
    (put symbol 'abortfunc (or abortfunc 'kill-buffer))
    (put symbol 'hookvar (or hookvar 'mail-send-hook)))
+ ;;; arch-tag: f7e0e6e5-70aa-4897-ae72-7a3511ec40bc
  ;;; subr.el ends here

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