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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/log-edit.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/log-edit.el [lexbind]
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 19:52:09 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/log-edit.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/log-edit.el: emacs/lisp/log-edit.el:
*** emacs/lisp/log-edit.el:     Fri Apr  4 01:20:09 2003
--- emacs/lisp/log-edit.el      Tue Oct 14 19:51:16 2003
*** 1,10 ****
  ;;; log-edit.el --- Major mode for editing CVS commit messages
! ;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2000  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  ;; Author: Stefan Monnier <address@hidden>
  ;; Keywords: pcl-cvs cvs commit log
- ;; Revision: $Id: log-edit.el,v 2003/04/04 06:20:09 miles Exp $
  ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
--- 1,9 ----
  ;;; log-edit.el --- Major mode for editing CVS commit messages
! ;; Copyright (C) 1999,2000,2003  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  ;; Author: Stefan Monnier <address@hidden>
  ;; Keywords: pcl-cvs cvs commit log
  ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
*** 36,42 ****
  (require 'add-log)                    ; for all the ChangeLog goodies
  (require 'pcvs-util)
  (require 'ring)
- (require 'vc)
  ;;;; Global Variables
--- 35,40 ----
*** 52,66 ****
  ;; compiler pacifiers
  (defvar cvs-buffer)
  (easy-mmode-defmap log-edit-mode-map
    `(("\C-c\C-c" . log-edit-done)
      ("\C-c\C-a" . log-edit-insert-changelog)
      ("\C-c\C-f" . log-edit-show-files)
!     ("\C-c?" . log-edit-mode-help))
    "Keymap for the `log-edit-mode' (to edit version control log messages)."
!   :group 'log-edit
!   :inherit (if (boundp 'vc-log-entry-mode) vc-log-entry-mode
!            (if (boundp 'vc-log-mode-map) vc-log-mode-map)))
  (easy-menu-define log-edit-menu log-edit-mode-map
    "Menu used for `log-edit-mode'."
--- 50,73 ----
  ;; compiler pacifiers
  (defvar cvs-buffer)
+ ;; The main keymap
  (easy-mmode-defmap log-edit-mode-map
    `(("\C-c\C-c" . log-edit-done)
      ("\C-c\C-a" . log-edit-insert-changelog)
      ("\C-c\C-f" . log-edit-show-files)
!     ("\M-n"   . log-edit-next-comment)
!     ("\M-p"   . log-edit-previous-comment)
!     ("\M-r"   . log-edit-comment-search-backward)
!     ("\M-s"   . log-edit-comment-search-forward)
!     ("\C-c?"  . log-edit-mode-help))
    "Keymap for the `log-edit-mode' (to edit version control log messages)."
!   :group 'log-edit)
! ;; Compatibility with old names.  Should we bother ?
! (defvar vc-log-mode-map log-edit-mode-map)
! (defvar vc-log-entry-mode vc-log-mode-map)
  (easy-menu-define log-edit-menu log-edit-mode-map
    "Menu used for `log-edit-mode'."
*** 74,83 ****
      ["List files" log-edit-show-files
       :help "Show the list of relevant files."]
!     ["Previous comment" vc-previous-comment]
!     ["Next comment" vc-next-comment]
!     ["Search comment forward" vc-comment-search-forward]
!     ["Search comment backward" vc-comment-search-reverse]))
  (defcustom log-edit-confirm 'changed
    "*If non-nil, `log-edit-done' will request confirmation.
--- 81,90 ----
      ["List files" log-edit-show-files
       :help "Show the list of relevant files."]
!     ["Previous comment"               log-edit-previous-comment]
!     ["Next comment"           log-edit-next-comment]
!     ["Search comment forward" log-edit-comment-search-forward]
!     ["Search comment backward"        log-edit-comment-search-backward]))
  (defcustom log-edit-confirm 'changed
    "*If non-nil, `log-edit-done' will request confirmation.
*** 163,168 ****
--- 170,300 ----
  (defvar log-edit-listfun nil)
  (defvar log-edit-parent-buffer nil)
+ ;;; Originally taken from VC-Log mode
+ (defconst log-edit-maximum-comment-ring-size 32
+   "Maximum number of saved comments in the comment ring.")
+ (defvar log-edit-comment-ring (make-ring log-edit-maximum-comment-ring-size))
+ (defvar log-edit-comment-ring-index nil)
+ (defvar log-edit-last-comment-match "")
+ (defun log-edit-new-comment-index (stride len)
+   "Return the comment index STRIDE elements from the current one.
+ LEN is the length of `log-edit-comment-ring'."
+   (mod (cond
+       (log-edit-comment-ring-index (+ log-edit-comment-ring-index stride))
+       ;; Initialize the index on the first use of this command
+       ;; so that the first M-p gets index 0, and the first M-n gets
+       ;; index -1.
+       ((> stride 0) (1- stride))
+       (t stride))
+        len))
+ (defun log-edit-previous-comment (arg)
+   "Cycle backwards through comment history.
+ With a numeric prefix ARG, go back ARG comments."
+   (interactive "*p")
+   (let ((len (ring-length log-edit-comment-ring)))
+     (if (<= len 0)
+       (progn (message "Empty comment ring") (ding))
+       ;; Don't use `erase-buffer' because we don't want to `widen'.
+       (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+       (setq log-edit-comment-ring-index (log-edit-new-comment-index arg len))
+       (message "Comment %d" (1+ log-edit-comment-ring-index))
+       (insert (ring-ref log-edit-comment-ring log-edit-comment-ring-index)))))
+ (defun log-edit-next-comment (arg)
+   "Cycle forwards through comment history.
+ With a numeric prefix ARG, go forward ARG comments."
+   (interactive "*p")
+   (log-edit-previous-comment (- arg)))
+ (defun log-edit-comment-search-backward (str &optional stride)
+   "Search backwards through comment history for substring match of STR.
+ If the optional argument STRIDE is present, that is a step-width to use
+ when going through the comment ring."
+   ;; Why substring rather than regexp ?   -sm
+   (interactive
+    (list (read-string "Comment substring: " nil nil 
+   (unless stride (setq stride 1))
+   (if (string= str "")
+       (setq str log-edit-last-comment-match)
+     (setq log-edit-last-comment-match str))
+   (let* ((str (regexp-quote str))
+        (len (ring-length log-edit-comment-ring))
+        (n (log-edit-new-comment-index stride len)))
+     (while (progn (when (or (>= n len) (< n 0)) (error "Not found"))
+                 (not (string-match str (ring-ref log-edit-comment-ring n))))
+       (setq n (+ n stride)))
+     (setq log-edit-comment-ring-index n)
+     (log-edit-previous-comment 0)))
+ (defun log-edit-comment-search-forward (str)
+   "Search forwards through comment history for a substring match of STR."
+   (interactive
+    (list (read-string "Comment substring: " nil nil 
+   (log-edit-comment-search-backward str -1))
+ (defun log-edit-comment-to-change-log (&optional whoami file-name)
+   "Enter last VC comment into the change log for the current file.
+ WHOAMI (interactive prefix) non-nil means prompt for user name
+ and site.  FILE-NAME is the name of the change log; if nil, use
+ `change-log-default-name'.
+ This may be useful as a `log-edit-checkin-hook' to update change logs
+ automatically."
+   (interactive (if current-prefix-arg
+                  (list current-prefix-arg
+                        (prompt-for-change-log-name))))
+   (let (;; Extract the comment first so we get any error before doing 
+       (comment (ring-ref log-edit-comment-ring 0))
+       ;; Don't let add-change-log-entry insert a defun name.
+       (add-log-current-defun-function 'ignore)
+       end)
+     ;; Call add-log to do half the work.
+     (add-change-log-entry whoami file-name t t)
+     ;; Insert the VC comment, leaving point before it.
+     (setq end (save-excursion (insert comment) (point-marker)))
+     (if (looking-at "\\s *\\s(")
+       ;; It starts with an open-paren, as in "(foo): Frobbed."
+       ;; So remove the ": " add-log inserted.
+       (delete-char -2))
+     ;; Canonicalize the white space between the file name and comment.
+     (just-one-space)
+     ;; Indent rest of the text the same way add-log indented the first line.
+     (let ((indentation (current-indentation)))
+       (save-excursion
+       (while (< (point) end)
+         (forward-line 1)
+         (indent-to indentation))
+       (setq end (point))))
+     ;; Fill the inserted text, preserving open-parens at bol.
+     (let ((paragraph-start (concat paragraph-start "\\|\\s *\\s(")))
+       (beginning-of-line)
+       (fill-region (point) end))
+     ;; Canonicalize the white space at the end of the entry so it is
+     ;; separated from the next entry by a single blank line.
+     (skip-syntax-forward " " end)
+     (delete-char (- (skip-syntax-backward " ")))
+     (or (eobp) (looking-at "\n\n")
+       (insert "\n"))))
+ ;; Compatibility with old names.
+ (defvaralias 'vc-comment-ring 'log-edit-comment-ring)
+ (make-obsolete-variable 'vc-comment-ring 'log-edit-comment-ring "21.5")
+ (defvaralias 'vc-comment-ring-index 'log-edit-comment-ring-index)
+ (make-obsolete-variable 'vc-comment-ring-index 'log-edit-comment-ring-index 
+ (defalias 'vc-previous-comment 'log-edit-previous-comment)
+ (make-obsolete 'vc-previous-comment 'log-edit-previous-comment "21.5")
+ (defalias 'vc-next-comment 'log-edit-next-comment)
+ (make-obsolete 'vc-next-comment 'log-edit-next-comment "21.5")
+ (defalias 'vc-comment-search-reverse 'log-edit-comment-search-backward)
+ (make-obsolete 'vc-comment-search-reverse 'log-edit-comment-search-backward 
+ (defalias 'vc-comment-search-forward 'log-edit-comment-search-forward)
+ (make-obsolete 'vc-comment-search-forward 'log-edit-comment-search-forward 
+ (defalias 'vc-comment-to-change-log 'log-edit-comment-to-change-log)
+ (make-obsolete 'vc-comment-to-change-log 'log-edit-comment-to-change-log 
  ;;; Actual code
*** 205,211 ****
  commands (under C-x v for VC, for example).
!   (make-local-variable 'vc-comment-ring-index))
  (defun log-edit-hide-buf (&optional buf where)
    (when (setq buf (get-buffer (or buf log-edit-files-buf)))
--- 337,343 ----
  commands (under C-x v for VC, for example).
!   (make-local-variable 'log-edit-comment-ring-index))
  (defun log-edit-hide-buf (&optional buf where)
    (when (setq buf (get-buffer (or buf log-edit-files-buf)))
*** 234,242 ****
        (goto-char (point-max))
        (insert ?\n)))
    (let ((comment (buffer-string)))
!     (when (or (ring-empty-p vc-comment-ring)
!             (not (equal comment (ring-ref vc-comment-ring 0))))
!       (ring-insert vc-comment-ring comment)))
    (let ((win (get-buffer-window log-edit-files-buf)))
      (if (and log-edit-confirm
             (not (and (eq log-edit-confirm 'changed)
--- 366,374 ----
        (goto-char (point-max))
        (insert ?\n)))
    (let ((comment (buffer-string)))
!     (when (or (ring-empty-p log-edit-comment-ring)
!             (not (equal comment (ring-ref log-edit-comment-ring 0))))
!       (ring-insert log-edit-comment-ring comment)))
    (let ((win (get-buffer-window log-edit-files-buf)))
      (if (and log-edit-confirm
             (not (and (eq log-edit-confirm 'changed)
*** 311,317 ****
    "Show the list of files to be committed."
    (let* ((files (log-edit-files))
-        (editbuf (current-buffer))
         (buf (get-buffer-create log-edit-files-buf)))
      (with-current-buffer buf
        (log-edit-hide-buf buf 'all)
--- 443,448 ----
*** 336,347 ****
    "Insert this log message into the appropriate ChangeLog file."
    ;; Yuck!
!   (unless (string= (buffer-string) (ring-ref vc-comment-ring 0))
!     (ring-insert vc-comment-ring (buffer-string)))
    (dolist (f (log-edit-files))
      (let ((buffer-file-name (expand-file-name f)))
!       (vc-comment-to-change-log)))))
  ;;;; functions for getting commit message from ChangeLog a file...
--- 467,478 ----
    "Insert this log message into the appropriate ChangeLog file."
    ;; Yuck!
!   (unless (string= (buffer-string) (ring-ref log-edit-comment-ring 0))
!     (ring-insert log-edit-comment-ring (buffer-string)))
    (dolist (f (log-edit-files))
      (let ((buffer-file-name (expand-file-name f)))
!       (log-edit-comment-to-change-log)))))
  ;;;; functions for getting commit message from ChangeLog a file...
*** 433,444 ****
      (let ((changelog-file-name
           (let ((default-directory
!                  (file-name-directory (expand-file-name file))))
!            ;; `find-change-log' uses `change-log-default-name' if set
!            ;; and sets it before exiting, so we need to work around
!            ;; that memoizing which is undesired here
!            (setq change-log-default-name nil)
!            (find-change-log))))
        (set-buffer (find-file-noselect changelog-file-name))
        (unless (eq major-mode 'change-log-mode) (change-log-mode))
        (goto-char (point-min))
--- 564,584 ----
      (let ((changelog-file-name
           (let ((default-directory
!                  (file-name-directory (expand-file-name file)))
!                (visiting-buffer (find-buffer-visiting file)))
!            ;; If there is a buffer visiting FILE, and it has a local
!            ;; value for `change-log-default-name', use that.
!            (if (and visiting-buffer
!                     (local-variable-p 'change-log-default-name
!                                       visiting-buffer))
!                (save-excursion
!                  (set-buffer visiting-buffer)
!                  change-log-default-name)
!              ;; `find-change-log' uses `change-log-default-name' if set
!              ;; and sets it before exiting, so we need to work around
!              ;; that memoizing which is undesired here
!              (setq change-log-default-name nil)
!              (find-change-log)))))
        (set-buffer (find-file-noselect changelog-file-name))
        (unless (eq major-mode 'change-log-mode) (change-log-mode))
        (goto-char (point-min))
*** 499,502 ****
--- 639,643 ----
  (provide 'log-edit)
+ ;;; arch-tag: 8089b39c-983b-4e83-93cd-ed0a64c7fdcc
  ;;; log-edit.el ends here

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