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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/src/composite.c [emacs-unicode-2]

From: Kenichi Handa
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/src/composite.c [emacs-unicode-2]
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2003 08:48:41 -0400

Index: emacs/src/composite.c
diff -c /dev/null emacs/src/composite.c:
*** /dev/null   Mon Sep  8 08:48:41 2003
--- emacs/src/composite.c       Mon Sep  8 08:48:10 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,793 ----
+ /* Composite sequence support.
+    Copyright (C) 1999 Electrotechnical Laboratory, JAPAN.
+      Licensed to the Free Software Foundation.
+    Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    Copyright (C) 2003
+      National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
+      Registration Number H13PRO009
+ This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
+ #include <config.h>
+ #include "lisp.h"
+ #include "buffer.h"
+ #include "character.h"
+ #include "intervals.h"
+ /* Emacs uses special text property `composition' to support character
+    composition.  A sequence of characters that have the same (i.e. eq)
+    `composition' property value is treated as a single composite
+    sequence (we call it just `composition' here after).  Characters in
+    a composition are all composed somehow on the screen.
+    The property value has this form when the composition is made:
+    then turns to this form:
+    when the composition is registered in composition_hash_table and
+    composition_table.  These rather peculiar structures were designed
+    to make it easy to distinguish them quickly (we can do that by
+    checking only the first element) and to extract LENGTH (from the
+    former form) and COMPOSITION-ID (from the latter form).
+    We register a composition when it is displayed, or when the width
+    is required (for instance, to calculate columns).
+    LENGTH -- Length of the composition.  This information is used to
+       check the validity of the composition.
+    COMPONENTS --  Character, string, vector, list, or nil.
+       If it is nil, characters in the text are composed relatively
+       according to their metrics in font glyphs.
+       If it is a character or a string, the character or characters
+       in the string are composed relatively.
+       If it is a vector or list of integers, the element is a
+       character or an encoded composition rule.  The characters are
+       composed according to the rules.  (2N)th elements are
+       characters to be composed and (2N+1)th elements are
+       composition rules to tell how to compose (2N+2)th element with
+       the previously composed 2N glyphs.
+    COMPONENTS-VEC -- Vector of integers.  In relative composition, the
+       elements are characters to be composed.  In rule-base
+       composition, the elements are characters or encoded
+       composition rules.
+    MODIFICATION-FUNC -- If non nil, it is a function to call when the
+       composition gets invalid after a modification in a buffer.  If
+       it is nil, a function in `composition-function-table' of the
+       first character in the sequence is called.
+    COMPOSITION-ID --Identification number of the composition.  It is
+       used as an index to composition_table for the composition.
+    When Emacs has to display a composition or has to know its
+    displaying width, the function get_composition_id is called.  It
+    returns COMPOSITION-ID so that the caller can access the
+    information about the composition through composition_table.  If a
+    COMPOSITION-ID has not yet been assigned to the composition,
+    get_composition_id checks the validity of `composition' property,
+    and, if valid, assigns a new ID, registers the information in
+    composition_hash_table and composition_table, and changes the form
+    of the property value.  If the property is invalid, return -1
+    without changing the property value.
+    We use two tables to keep information about composition;
+    composition_hash_table and composition_table.
+    The former is a hash table in which keys are COMPONENTS-VECs and
+    values are the corresponding COMPOSITION-IDs.  This hash table is
+    weak, but as each key (COMPONENTS-VEC) is also kept as a value of the
+    `composition' property, it won't be collected as garbage until all
+    bits of text that have the same COMPONENTS-VEC are deleted.
+    The latter is a table of pointers to `struct composition' indexed
+    by COMPOSITION-ID.  This structure keeps the other information (see
+    composite.h).
+    In general, a text property holds information about individual
+    characters.  But, a `composition' property holds information about
+    a sequence of characters (in this sense, it is like the `intangible'
+    property).  That means that we should not share the property value
+    in adjacent compositions -- we can't distinguish them if they have the
+    same property.  So, after any changes, we call
+    `update_compositions' and change a property of one of adjacent
+    compositions to a copy of it.  This function also runs a proper
+    composition modification function to make a composition that gets
+    invalid by the change valid again.
+    As the value of the `composition' property holds information about a
+    specific range of text, the value gets invalid if we change the
+    text in the range.  We treat the `composition' property as always
+    rear-nonsticky (currently by setting default-text-properties to
+    (rear-nonsticky (composition))) and we never make properties of
+    adjacent compositions identical.  Thus, any such changes make the
+    range just shorter.  So, we can check the validity of the `composition'
+    property by comparing LENGTH information with the actual length of
+    the composition.
+ */
+ Lisp_Object Qcomposition;
+ /* Table of pointers to the structure `composition' indexed by
+    COMPOSITION-ID.  This structure is for storing information about
+    each composition except for COMPONENTS-VEC.  */
+ struct composition **composition_table;
+ /* The current size of `composition_table'.  */
+ static int composition_table_size;
+ /* Number of compositions currently made. */
+ int n_compositions;
+ /* Hash table for compositions.  The key is COMPONENTS-VEC of
+    `composition' property.  The value is the corresponding
+ Lisp_Object composition_hash_table;
+ /* Function to call to adjust composition.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vcompose_chars_after_function;
+ Lisp_Object Qauto_composed;
+ Lisp_Object Vauto_composition_function;
+ Lisp_Object Qauto_composition_function;
+ /* Temporary variable used in macros COMPOSITION_XXX.  */
+ Lisp_Object composition_temp;
+ /* Return COMPOSITION-ID of a composition at buffer position
+    CHARPOS/BYTEPOS and length NCHARS.  The `composition' property of
+    the sequence is PROP.  STRING, if non-nil, is a string that
+    contains the composition instead of the current buffer.
+    If the composition is invalid, return -1.  */
+ int
+ get_composition_id (charpos, bytepos, nchars, prop, string)
+      int charpos, bytepos, nchars;
+      Lisp_Object prop, string;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object id, length, components, key, *key_contents;
+   int glyph_len;
+   struct Lisp_Hash_Table *hash_table = XHASH_TABLE (composition_hash_table);
+   int hash_index;
+   unsigned hash_code;
+   struct composition *cmp;
+   int i, ch;
+   /* PROP should be
+      or
+   */
+   if (nchars == 0 || !CONSP (prop))
+     goto invalid_composition;
+   id = XCAR (prop);
+   if (INTEGERP (id))
+     {
+       /* PROP should be Form-B.  */
+       if (XINT (id) < 0 || XINT (id) >= n_compositions)
+       goto invalid_composition;
+       return XINT (id);
+     }
+   /* PROP should be Form-A.
+      Thus, ID should be (LENGTH . COMPONENTS).  */
+   if (!CONSP (id))
+     goto invalid_composition;
+   length = XCAR (id);
+   if (!INTEGERP (length) || XINT (length) != nchars)
+     goto invalid_composition;
+   components = XCDR (id);
+   /* Check if the same composition has already been registered or not
+      by consulting composition_hash_table.  The key for this table is
+      COMPONENTS (converted to a vector COMPONENTS-VEC) or, if it is
+      nil, vector of characters in the composition range.  */
+   if (INTEGERP (components))
+     key = Fmake_vector (make_number (1), components);
+   else if (STRINGP (components) || CONSP (components))
+     key = Fvconcat (1, &components);
+   else if (VECTORP (components))
+     key = components;
+   else if (NILP (components))
+     {
+       key = Fmake_vector (make_number (nchars), Qnil);
+       if (STRINGP (string))
+       for (i = 0; i < nchars; i++)
+         {
+           FETCH_STRING_CHAR_ADVANCE (ch, string, charpos, bytepos);
+           XVECTOR (key)->contents[i] = make_number (ch);
+         }
+       else
+       for (i = 0; i < nchars; i++)
+         {
+           FETCH_CHAR_ADVANCE (ch, charpos, bytepos);
+           XVECTOR (key)->contents[i] = make_number (ch);
+         }
+     }
+   else
+     goto invalid_composition;
+   hash_index = hash_lookup (hash_table, key, &hash_code);
+   if (hash_index >= 0)
+     {
+       /* We have already registered the same composition.  Change PROP
+        from Form-A above to Form-B while replacing COMPONENTS with
+        COMPONENTS-VEC stored in the hash table.  We can directly
+        modify the cons cell of PROP because it is not shared.  */
+       key = HASH_KEY (hash_table, hash_index);
+       id = HASH_VALUE (hash_table, hash_index);
+       XSETCAR (prop, id);
+       XSETCDR (prop, Fcons (make_number (nchars), Fcons (key, XCDR (prop))));
+       return XINT (id);
+     }
+   /* This composition is a new one.  We must register it.  */
+   /* Check if we have sufficient memory to store this information.  */
+   if (composition_table_size == 0)
+     {
+       composition_table_size = 256;
+       composition_table
+       = (struct composition **) xmalloc (sizeof (composition_table[0])
+                                          * composition_table_size);
+     }
+   else if (composition_table_size <= n_compositions)
+     {
+       composition_table_size += 256;
+       composition_table
+       = (struct composition **) xrealloc (composition_table,
+                                           sizeof (composition_table[0])
+                                           * composition_table_size);
+     }
+   key_contents = XVECTOR (key)->contents;
+   /* Check if the contents of COMPONENTS are valid if COMPONENTS is a
+      vector or a list.  It should be a sequence of:
+       char1 rule1 char2 rule2 char3 ...    ruleN charN+1  */
+   if (VECTORP (components) || CONSP (components))
+     {
+       int len = XVECTOR (key)->size;
+       /* The number of elements should be odd.  */
+       if ((len % 2) == 0)
+       goto invalid_composition;
+       /* All elements should be integers (character or encoded
+          composition rule).  */
+       for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+       {
+         if (!INTEGERP (key_contents[i]))
+           goto invalid_composition;
+       }
+     }
+   /* Change PROP from Form-A above to Form-B.  We can directly modify
+      the cons cell of PROP because it is not shared.  */
+   XSETFASTINT (id, n_compositions);
+   XSETCAR (prop, id);
+   XSETCDR (prop, Fcons (make_number (nchars), Fcons (key, XCDR (prop))));
+   /* Register the composition in composition_hash_table.  */
+   hash_index = hash_put (hash_table, key, id, hash_code);
+   /* Register the composition in composition_table.  */
+   cmp = (struct composition *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct composition));
+   cmp->method = (NILP (components)
+                ? COMPOSITION_RELATIVE
+                : ((INTEGERP (components) || STRINGP (components))
+                   ? COMPOSITION_WITH_ALTCHARS
+                   : COMPOSITION_WITH_RULE_ALTCHARS));
+   cmp->hash_index = hash_index;
+   glyph_len = (cmp->method == COMPOSITION_WITH_RULE_ALTCHARS
+              ? (XVECTOR (key)->size + 1) / 2
+              : XVECTOR (key)->size);
+   cmp->glyph_len = glyph_len;
+   cmp->offsets = (short *) xmalloc (sizeof (short) * glyph_len * 2);
+   cmp->font = NULL;
+   /* Calculate the width of overall glyphs of the composition.  */
+   if (cmp->method != COMPOSITION_WITH_RULE_ALTCHARS)
+     {
+       /* Relative composition.  */
+       cmp->width = 0;
+       for (i = 0; i < glyph_len; i++)
+       {
+         int this_width;
+         ch = XINT (key_contents[i]);
+         this_width = CHAR_WIDTH (ch);
+         if (cmp->width < this_width)
+           cmp->width = this_width;
+       }
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       /* Rule-base composition.  */
+       float leftmost = 0.0, rightmost;
+       ch = XINT (key_contents[0]);
+       rightmost = CHAR_WIDTH (ch);
+       for (i = 1; i < glyph_len; i += 2)
+       {
+         int rule, gref, nref;
+         int this_width;
+         float this_left;
+         rule = XINT (key_contents[i]);
+         ch = XINT (key_contents[i + 1]);
+         this_width = CHAR_WIDTH (ch);
+         /* A composition rule is specified by an integer value
+            that encodes global and new reference points (GREF and
+            NREF).  GREF and NREF are specified by numbers as
+            below:
+               0---1---2 -- ascent
+               |       |
+               |       |
+               |       |
+               9--10--11 -- center
+               |       |
+            ---3---4---5--- baseline
+               |       |
+               6---7---8 -- descent
+         */
+         COMPOSITION_DECODE_RULE (rule, gref, nref);
+         this_left = (leftmost
+                      + (gref % 3) * (rightmost - leftmost) / 2.0
+                      - (nref % 3) * this_width / 2.0);
+         if (this_left < leftmost)
+           leftmost = this_left;
+         if (this_left + this_width > rightmost)
+           rightmost = this_left + this_width;
+       }
+       cmp->width = rightmost - leftmost;
+       if (cmp->width < (rightmost - leftmost))
+       /* To get a ceiling integer value.  */
+       cmp->width++;
+     }
+   composition_table[n_compositions] = cmp;
+   return n_compositions++;
+  invalid_composition:
+   /* Would it be better to remove this `composition' property?  */
+   return -1;
+ }
+ /* Find a composition at or nearest to position POS of OBJECT (buffer
+    or string).
+    OBJECT defaults to the current buffer.  If there's a composition at
+    POS, set *START and *END to the start and end of the sequence,
+    *PROP to the `composition' property, and return 1.
+    If there's no composition at POS and LIMIT is negative, return 0.
+    Otherwise, search for a composition forward (LIMIT > POS) or
+    backward (LIMIT < POS).  In this case, LIMIT bounds the search.
+    If a composition is found, set *START, *END, and *PROP as above,
+    and return 1, else return 0.
+    This doesn't check the validity of composition.  */
+ int
+ find_composition (pos, limit, start, end, prop, object)
+      int pos, limit, *start, *end;
+      Lisp_Object *prop, object;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object val;
+   if (get_property_and_range (pos, Qcomposition, prop, start, end, object))
+     return 1;
+   if (limit < 0 || limit == pos)
+     return 0;
+   if (limit > pos)            /* search forward */
+     {
+       val = Fnext_single_property_change (make_number (pos), Qcomposition,
+                                         object, make_number (limit));
+       pos = XINT (val);
+       if (pos == limit)
+       return 0;
+     }
+   else                                /* search backward */
+     {
+       if (get_property_and_range (pos - 1, Qcomposition, prop, start, end,
+                                 object))
+       return 1;
+       val = Fprevious_single_property_change (make_number (pos), Qcomposition,
+                                             object, make_number (limit));
+       pos = XINT (val);
+       if (pos == limit)
+       return 0;
+       pos--;
+     }
+   get_property_and_range (pos, Qcomposition, prop, start, end, object);
+   return 1;
+ }
+ /* Run a proper function to adjust the composition sitting between
+    FROM and TO with property PROP.  */
+ static void
+ run_composition_function (from, to, prop)
+      int from, to;
+      Lisp_Object prop;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object func;
+   int start, end;
+   /* If an invalid composition precedes or follows, try to make them
+      valid too.  */
+   if (from > BEGV
+       && find_composition (from - 1, -1, &start, &end, &prop, Qnil)
+       && !COMPOSITION_VALID_P (start, end, prop))
+     from = start;
+   if (to < ZV
+       && find_composition (to, -1, &start, &end, &prop, Qnil)
+       && !COMPOSITION_VALID_P (start, end, prop))
+     to = end;
+   if (!NILP (Ffboundp (func)))
+     call2 (func, make_number (from), make_number (to));
+ }
+ /* Make invalid compositions adjacent to or inside FROM and TO valid.
+    CHECK_MASK is bitwise `or' of mask bits defined by macros
+    CHECK_XXX (see the comment in composite.h).
+    It also resets the text-property `auto-composed' to a proper region
+    so that automatic character composition works correctly later while
+    displaying the region.
+    This function is called when a buffer text is changed.  If the
+    change is deletion, FROM == TO.  Otherwise, FROM < TO.  */
+ void
+ update_compositions (from, to, check_mask)
+      int from, to, check_mask;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object prop;
+   int start, end;
+   /* The beginning and end of the region to set the property
+      `auto-composed' to nil.  */
+   int min_pos = from, max_pos = to;
+   if (inhibit_modification_hooks)
+     return;
+   /* If FROM and TO are not in a valid range, do nothing.  */
+   if (! (BEGV <= from && from <= to && to <= ZV))
+     return;
+   if (check_mask & CHECK_HEAD)
+     {
+       /* FROM should be at composition boundary.  But, insertion or
+        deletion will make two compositions adjacent and
+        indistinguishable when they have same (eq) property.  To
+        avoid it, in such a case, we change the property of the
+        latter to the copy of it.  */
+       if (from > BEGV
+         && find_composition (from - 1, -1, &start, &end, &prop, Qnil))
+       {
+         min_pos = start;
+         if (end > to)
+           max_pos = end;
+         if (from < end)
+           Fput_text_property (make_number (from), make_number (end),
+                               Qcomposition,
+                               Fcons (XCAR (prop), XCDR (prop)), Qnil);
+         run_composition_function (start, end, prop);
+         from = end;
+       }
+       else if (from < ZV
+              && find_composition (from, -1, &start, &from, &prop, Qnil))
+       {
+         if (from > to)
+           max_pos = from;
+         run_composition_function (start, from, prop);
+       }
+     }
+   if (check_mask & CHECK_INSIDE)
+     {
+       /* In this case, we are sure that (check & CHECK_TAIL) is also
+          nonzero.  Thus, here we should check only compositions before
+          (to - 1).  */
+       while (from < to - 1
+            && find_composition (from, to, &start, &from, &prop, Qnil)
+            && from < to - 1)
+       run_composition_function (start, from, prop);
+     }
+   if (check_mask & CHECK_TAIL)
+     {
+       if (from < to
+         && find_composition (to - 1, -1, &start, &end, &prop, Qnil))
+       {
+         /* TO should be also at composition boundary.  But,
+            insertion or deletion will make two compositions adjacent
+            and indistinguishable when they have same (eq) property.
+            To avoid it, in such a case, we change the property of
+            the former to the copy of it.  */
+         if (to < end)
+           {
+             Fput_text_property (make_number (start), make_number (to),
+                                 Qcomposition,
+                                 Fcons (XCAR (prop), XCDR (prop)), Qnil);
+             max_pos = end;
+           }
+         run_composition_function (start, end, prop);
+       }
+       else if (to < ZV
+              && find_composition (to, -1, &start, &end, &prop, Qnil))
+       {
+         run_composition_function (start, end, prop);
+         max_pos = end;
+       }
+     }
+   if (min_pos < max_pos)
+     Fremove_list_of_text_properties (make_number (min_pos),
+                                    make_number (max_pos),
+                                    Fcons (Qauto_composed, Qnil), Qnil);
+ }
+ /* Modify composition property values in LIST destructively.  LIST is
+    a list as returned from text_property_list.  Change values to the
+    top-level copies of them so that none of them are `eq'.  */
+ void
+ make_composition_value_copy (list)
+      Lisp_Object list;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object plist, val;
+   for (; CONSP (list); list = XCDR (list))
+     {
+       plist = XCAR (XCDR (XCDR (XCAR (list))));
+       while (CONSP (plist) && CONSP (XCDR (plist)))
+       {
+         if (EQ (XCAR (plist), Qcomposition)
+             && (val = XCAR (XCDR (plist)), CONSP (val)))
+           XSETCAR (XCDR (plist), Fcons (XCAR (val), XCDR (val)));
+         plist = XCDR (XCDR (plist));
+       }
+     }
+ }
+ /* Make text in the region between START and END a composition that
+    If STRING is non-nil, then operate on characters contained between
+    indices START and END in STRING.  */
+ void
+ compose_text (start, end, components, modification_func, string)
+      int start, end;
+      Lisp_Object components, modification_func, string;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object prop;
+   prop = Fcons (Fcons (make_number (end - start), components),
+               modification_func);
+   Fput_text_property  (make_number (start), make_number (end),
+                      Qcomposition, prop, string);
+ }
+ /* Emacs Lisp APIs.  */
+ DEFUN ("compose-region-internal", Fcompose_region_internal,
+        Scompose_region_internal, 2, 4, 0,
+        doc: /* Internal use only.
+ Compose text in the region between START and END.
+ Optional 3rd and 4th arguments are COMPONENTS and MODIFICATION-FUNC
+ for the composition.  See `compose-region' for more detail.  */)
+      (start, end, components, mod_func)
+      Lisp_Object start, end, components, mod_func;
+ {
+   validate_region (&start, &end);
+   if (!NILP (components)
+       && !INTEGERP (components)
+       && !CONSP (components)
+       && !STRINGP (components))
+     CHECK_VECTOR (components);
+   compose_text (XINT (start), XINT (end), components, mod_func, Qnil);
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("compose-string-internal", Fcompose_string_internal,
+        Scompose_string_internal, 3, 5, 0,
+        doc: /* Internal use only.
+ Compose text between indices START and END of STRING.
+ Optional 4th and 5th arguments are COMPONENTS and MODIFICATION-FUNC
+ for the composition.  See `compose-string' for more detail.  */)
+      (string, start, end, components, mod_func)
+      Lisp_Object string, start, end, components, mod_func;
+ {
+   CHECK_STRING (string);
+   CHECK_NUMBER (start);
+   CHECK_NUMBER (end);
+   if (XINT (start) < 0 ||
+       XINT (start) > XINT (end)
+       || XINT (end) > SCHARS (string))
+     args_out_of_range (start, end);
+   compose_text (XINT (start), XINT (end), components, mod_func, string);
+   return string;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("find-composition-internal", Ffind_composition_internal,
+        Sfind_composition_internal, 4, 4, 0,
+        doc: /* Internal use only.
+ Return information about composition at or nearest to position POS.
+ See `find-composition' for more detail.  */)
+      (pos, limit, string, detail_p)
+      Lisp_Object pos, limit, string, detail_p;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object prop, tail;
+   int start, end;
+   int id;
+   start = XINT (pos);
+   if (!NILP (limit))
+     {
+       end = XINT (limit);
+     }
+   else
+     end = -1;
+   if (!NILP (string))
+     {
+       CHECK_STRING (string);
+       if (XINT (pos) < 0 || XINT (pos) > SCHARS (string))
+       args_out_of_range (string, pos);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       if (XINT (pos) < BEGV || XINT (pos) > ZV)
+       args_out_of_range (Fcurrent_buffer (), pos);
+     }
+   if (!find_composition (start, end, &start, &end, &prop, string))
+     return Qnil;
+   if (!COMPOSITION_VALID_P (start, end, prop))
+     return Fcons (make_number (start), Fcons (make_number (end),
+                                             Fcons (Qnil, Qnil)));
+   if (NILP (detail_p))
+     return Fcons (make_number (start), Fcons (make_number (end),
+                                             Fcons (Qt, Qnil)));
+     id = COMPOSITION_ID (prop);
+   else
+     {
+       int start_byte = (NILP (string)
+                       ? CHAR_TO_BYTE (start)
+                       : string_char_to_byte (string, start));
+       id = get_composition_id (start, start_byte, end - start, prop, string);
+     }
+   if (id >= 0)
+     {
+       Lisp_Object components, relative_p, mod_func;
+       enum composition_method method = COMPOSITION_METHOD (prop);
+       int width = composition_table[id]->width;
+       components = Fcopy_sequence (COMPOSITION_COMPONENTS (prop));
+       relative_p = (method == COMPOSITION_WITH_RULE_ALTCHARS
+                   ? Qnil : Qt);
+       mod_func = COMPOSITION_MODIFICATION_FUNC (prop);
+       tail = Fcons (components,
+                   Fcons (relative_p,
+                          Fcons (mod_func,
+                                 Fcons (make_number (width), Qnil))));
+     }
+   else
+     tail = Qnil;
+   return Fcons (make_number (start), Fcons (make_number (end), tail));
+ }
+ void
+ syms_of_composite ()
+ {
+   Qcomposition = intern ("composition");
+   staticpro (&Qcomposition);
+   /* Make a hash table for composition.  */
+   {
+     Lisp_Object args[6];
+     extern Lisp_Object QCsize;
+     args[0] = QCtest;
+     args[1] = Qequal;
+     args[2] = QCweakness;
+     args[3] = Qt;
+     args[4] = QCsize;
+     args[5] = make_number (311);
+     composition_hash_table = Fmake_hash_table (6, args);
+     staticpro (&composition_hash_table);
+   }
+   /* Text property `composition' should be nonsticky by default.  */
+   Vtext_property_default_nonsticky
+     = Fcons (Fcons (Qcomposition, Qt), Vtext_property_default_nonsticky);
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("compose-chars-after-function", &Vcompose_chars_after_function,
+              doc: /* Function to adjust composition of buffer text.
+ The function is called with three arguments FROM, TO, and OBJECT.
+ FROM and TO specify the range of text of which composition should be
+ adjusted.  OBJECT, if non-nil, is a string that contains the text.
+ This function is called after a text with `composition' property is
+ inserted or deleted to keep `composition' property of buffer text
+ valid.
+ The default value is the function `compose-chars-after'.  */);
+   Vcompose_chars_after_function = intern ("compose-chars-after");
+   Qauto_composed = intern ("auto-composed");
+   staticpro (&Qauto_composed);
+   Qauto_composition_function = intern ("auto-composition-function");
+   staticpro (&Qauto_composition_function);
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("auto-composition-function", &Vauto_composition_function,
+              doc: /* Function to call to compose characters automatically.
+ The function is called from the display routine with two arguments,
+ If STRING is nil, the function must compose characters following POS
+ in the current buffer.
+ Otherwise, STRING is a string, and POS is an index to the string.  In
+ this case, the function must compose characters following POS in
+ the string.  */);
+   Vauto_composition_function = Qnil;
+   defsubr (&Scompose_region_internal);
+   defsubr (&Scompose_string_internal);
+   defsubr (&Sfind_composition_internal);
+ }

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