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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/bindings.el [emacs-unicode-2]

From: Kenichi Handa
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/bindings.el [emacs-unicode-2]
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2003 08:53:46 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/bindings.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/bindings.el:
*** /dev/null   Mon Sep  8 08:53:46 2003
--- emacs/lisp/bindings.el      Mon Sep  8 08:53:36 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,1032 ----
+ ;;; bindings.el --- define standard key bindings and some variables
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1985,86,87,92,93,94,95,96,99,2000, 2001
+ ;;   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Maintainer: FSF
+ ;; Keywords: internal
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;;; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ ;;; Special formatting conventions are used in this file!
+ ;;;
+ ;;; A backslash-newline is used at the beginning of a documentation string
+ ;;; when that string should be stored in the file etc/DOCnnn, not in core.
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Such strings read into Lisp as numbers (during the pure-loading phase).
+ ;;;
+ ;;; But you must obey certain rules to make sure the string is understood
+ ;;; and goes into etc/DOCnnn properly.
+ ;;;
+ ;;; The doc string must appear in the standard place in a call to
+ ;;; defun, autoload, defvar or defconst.  No Lisp macros are recognized.
+ ;;; The open-paren starting the definition must appear in column 0.
+ ;;;
+ ;;; In defvar and defconst, there is an additional rule:
+ ;;; The double-quote that starts the string must be on the same
+ ;;; line as the defvar or defconst.
+ ;;; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ ;;; Code:
+ (defun make-mode-line-mouse-map (mouse function) "\
+ Return a keymap with single entry for mouse key MOUSE on the mode line.
+ MOUSE is defined to run function FUNCTION with no args in the buffer
+ corresponding to the mode line clicked."
+   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+     (define-key map (vector 'mode-line mouse) function)
+     map))
+ (defun mode-line-toggle-read-only (event)
+   "Like `toggle-read-only', for the mode-line."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (save-selected-window
+     (select-window (posn-window (event-start event)))
+     (toggle-read-only)
+     (force-mode-line-update)))
+ (defun mode-line-toggle-modified (event)
+   "Toggle the buffer-modified flag from the mode-line."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (save-selected-window
+     (select-window (posn-window (event-start event)))
+     (set-buffer-modified-p (not (buffer-modified-p)))
+     (force-mode-line-update)))
+ (defun mode-line-widen (event)
+   "Widen a buffer from the mode-line."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (save-selected-window
+     (select-window (posn-window (event-start event)))
+     (widen)
+     (force-mode-line-update)))
+ (defun mode-line-abbrev-mode (event)
+   "Turn off `abbrev-mode' from the mode-line."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (save-selected-window
+     (select-window (posn-window (event-start event)))
+     (abbrev-mode)
+     (force-mode-line-update)))
+ (defun mode-line-auto-fill-mode (event)
+   "Turn off `auto-fill-mode' from the mode-line."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (save-selected-window
+     (select-window (posn-window (event-start event)))
+     (auto-fill-mode)
+     (force-mode-line-update)))
+ (defvar mode-line-input-method-map
+   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+     (define-key map [mode-line mouse-2]
+       (lambda (e)
+       (interactive "e")
+       (save-selected-window
+         (select-window
+          (posn-window (event-start e)))
+         (toggle-input-method)
+         (force-mode-line-update))))
+     (define-key map [mode-line mouse-3]
+       (lambda (e)
+       (interactive "e")
+       (save-selected-window
+         (select-window
+          (posn-window (event-start e)))
+         (describe-current-input-method))))
+     (purecopy map)))
+ (defvar mode-line-coding-system-map
+   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+     (define-key map [mode-line mouse-3]
+       (lambda (e)
+       (interactive "e")
+       (save-selected-window
+         (select-window (posn-window (event-start e)))
+         (when (and enable-multibyte-characters
+                    buffer-file-coding-system)
+           (describe-coding-system buffer-file-coding-system)))))
+     (purecopy map))
+   "Local keymap for the coding-system part of the mode line.")
+ (defun mode-line-change-eol ()
+   "Cycle through the various possible kinds of end-of-line styles."
+   (interactive)
+   (let ((eol (coding-system-eol-type buffer-file-coding-system)))
+     (set-buffer-file-coding-system
+      (cond ((eq eol 0) 'dos) ((eq eol 1) 'mac) (t 'unix)))))
+ (defvar mode-line-eol-desc-cache nil)
+ (defun mode-line-eol-desc ()
+   (let* ((eol (coding-system-eol-type buffer-file-coding-system))
+        (mnemonic (coding-system-eol-type-mnemonic buffer-file-coding-system))
+        (desc (assq eol mode-line-eol-desc-cache)))
+     (if (and desc (eq (cadr desc) mnemonic))
+       (cddr desc)
+       (if desc (setq mode-line-eol-desc-cache nil)) ;Flush the cache if stale.
+       (setq desc
+           (propertize
+            mnemonic
+            'help-echo (format "%s end-of-line; mouse-3 to cycle"
+                               (if (eq eol 0) "Unix-style LF"
+                                 (if (eq eol 1) "Dos-style CRLF"
+                                   (if (eq eol 2) "Mac-style CR"
+                                     "Undecided"))))
+            'keymap
+            (eval-when-compile
+              (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+                (define-key map [mode-line mouse-3] 'mode-line-change-eol)
+                map))))
+       (push (cons eol (cons mnemonic desc)) mode-line-eol-desc-cache)
+       desc)))
+ (defvar mode-line-mule-info
+   `(""
+     (current-input-method
+      (:propertize ("" current-input-method-title)
+                 help-echo (concat
+                            "Input method: "
+                            current-input-method
+                            ".  mouse-2: disable, mouse-3: describe")
+                 local-map ,mode-line-input-method-map))
+     ,(propertize
+       "%z"
+       'help-echo
+       #'(lambda (window object point)
+         (with-current-buffer (window-buffer window)
+           ;; Don't show this tip if the coding system is nil,
+           ;; it reads like a bug, and is not useful anyway.
+           (when buffer-file-coding-system
+             (if enable-multibyte-characters
+                 (concat (symbol-name buffer-file-coding-system)
+                         " buffer; mouse-3: describe coding system")
+               (concat "Unibyte " (symbol-name buffer-file-coding-system)
+                       " buffer")))))
+       'local-map mode-line-coding-system-map)
+     (:eval (mode-line-eol-desc)))
+   "Mode-line control for displaying information of multilingual environment.
+ Normally it displays current input method (if any activated) and
+ mnemonics of the following coding systems:
+   coding system for saving or writing the current buffer
+   coding system for keyboard input (if Emacs is running on terminal)
+   coding system for terminal output (if Emacs is running on terminal)"
+   ;; Currently not:
+   ;;  coding system for decoding output of buffer process (if any)
+   ;;  coding system for encoding text to send to buffer process (if any)."
+ )
+ (make-variable-buffer-local 'mode-line-mule-info)
+ (defvar mode-line-buffer-identification (purecopy '("%12b")) "\
+ Mode-line control for identifying the buffer being displayed.
+ Its default value is (\"%12b\").
+ Major modes that edit things other than ordinary files may change this
+ \(e.g. Info, Dired,...)")
+ (make-variable-buffer-local 'mode-line-buffer-identification)
+ (defvar mode-line-frame-identification '("-%F  ")
+   "Mode-line control to describe the current frame.")
+ (defvar mode-line-process nil "\
+ Mode-line control for displaying info on process status.
+ Normally nil in most modes, since there is no process to display.")
+ (make-variable-buffer-local 'mode-line-process)
+ (defvar mode-line-modified
+   (list (propertize
+        "%1*"
+        'help-echo (purecopy (lambda (window object point)
+                               (format "%sead-only: mouse-3 toggles"
+                                       (save-selected-window
+                                         (select-window window)
+                                         (if buffer-read-only
+                                             "R"
+                                           "Not r")))))
+        'local-map (purecopy (make-mode-line-mouse-map
+                              'mouse-3
+                              #'mode-line-toggle-read-only)))
+       (propertize
+        "%1+"
+        'help-echo  (purecopy (lambda (window object point)
+                                (format "%sodified: mouse-3 toggles"
+                                        (save-selected-window
+                                          (select-window window)
+                                          (if (buffer-modified-p)
+                                            "M"
+                                          "Not m")))))
+        'local-map (purecopy (make-mode-line-mouse-map
+                              'mouse-3 #'mode-line-toggle-modified))))
+   "Mode-line control for displaying whether current buffer is modified.")
+ (make-variable-buffer-local 'mode-line-modified)
+ ;; Actual initialization is below.
+ (defvar mode-line-position nil
+   "Mode-line control for displaying line number, column number and fraction.")
+ (defvar mode-line-modes nil
+   "Mode-line control for displaying major and minor modes.")
+ (defvar mode-line-major-mode-keymap 
+   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+     (define-key map [mode-line mouse-2] 'describe-mode)
+     (define-key map [mode-line down-mouse-3] 'mode-line-mode-menu-1)
+     map) "\
+ Keymap to display on major mode.")
+ (defvar mode-line-minor-mode-keymap 
+   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+     (define-key map [mode-line mouse-2] 'mode-line-minor-mode-help)
+     (define-key map [mode-line down-mouse-3] 'mode-line-mode-menu-1)
+     (define-key map [header-line down-mouse-3] 'mode-line-mode-menu-1)
+     map) "\
+ Keymap to display on minor modes.")
+ (let* ((help-echo
+       ;; The multi-line message doesn't work terribly well on the
+       ;; bottom mode line...  Better ideas?
+       ;;        "\
+       ;; mouse-1: select window, mouse-2: delete others, mouse-3: delete,
+       ;; drag-mouse-1: resize, C-mouse-2: split horizontally"
+       "mouse-1: select (drag to resize), mouse-2: delete others, mouse-3: 
delete this")
+        (dashes (propertize "--" 'help-echo help-echo)))
+   (setq-default mode-line-format
+     (list
+      (propertize "-" 'help-echo help-echo)
+      'mode-line-mule-info
+      'mode-line-modified
+      'mode-line-frame-identification
+      'mode-line-buffer-identification
+      (propertize "   " 'help-echo help-echo)
+      'mode-line-position
+      '(vc-mode vc-mode)
+      (propertize "   " 'help-echo help-echo)
+      'mode-line-modes
+      `(which-func-mode ("" which-func-format ,dashes))
+      `(global-mode-string (,dashes global-mode-string))
+      (propertize "-%-" 'help-echo help-echo)))
+   (setq-default mode-line-modes
+     (list
+      (propertize "%[(" 'help-echo help-echo)
+      `(:propertize ("" mode-name)
+                  help-echo "mouse-2: help for current major mode"
+                  local-map ,mode-line-major-mode-keymap)
+      `(:propertize ("" mode-line-process))
+      `(:propertize ("" minor-mode-alist)
+                  help-echo "mouse-2: help for minor modes, mouse-3: minor 
mode menu"
+                  local-map ,mode-line-minor-mode-keymap)
+      (propertize "%n" 'help-echo "mouse-2: widen"
+                'local-map (make-mode-line-mouse-map
+                            'mouse-2 #'mode-line-widen))
+      (propertize ")%]--" 'help-echo help-echo)))
+   (setq-default mode-line-position
+     `((-3 . ,(propertize "%p" 'help-echo help-echo))
+       (line-number-mode
+        ((column-number-mode
+        (10 ,(propertize " (%l,%c)" 'help-echo help-echo))
+        (6 ,(propertize " L%l" 'help-echo help-echo))))
+        ((column-number-mode
+        (5 ,(propertize " C%c" 'help-echo help-echo))))))))
+ (defvar mode-line-buffer-identification-keymap nil "\
+ Keymap for what is displayed by `mode-line-buffer-identification'.")
+ (defun last-buffer () "\
+ Return the last non-hidden buffer in the buffer list."
+   ;; This logic is more or less copied from bury-buffer,
+   ;; except that we reverse the buffer list.
+   (let ((list (nreverse (buffer-list (selected-frame))))
+       (pred (frame-parameter nil 'buffer-predicate))
+       found notsogood)
+     (while (and list (not found))
+       (unless (or (eq (aref (buffer-name (car list)) 0) ? )
+                 ;; If the selected frame has a buffer_predicate,
+                 ;; disregard buffers that don't fit the predicate.
+                 (and pred (not (funcall pred (car list)))))
+       (if (get-buffer-window (car list) 'visible)
+           (or notsogood (eq (car list) (current-buffer)))
+         (setq found (car list))))
+       (pop list))
+     (or found notsogood
+       (get-buffer "*scratch*")
+       (progn
+         (set-buffer-major-mode
+          (get-buffer-create "*scratch*"))
+         (get-buffer "*scratch*")))))
+ (defun unbury-buffer () "\
+ Switch to the last buffer in the buffer list."
+   (interactive)
+   (switch-to-buffer (last-buffer)))
+ (defun mode-line-unbury-buffer (event) "\
+ Call `unbury-buffer' in this window."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (save-selected-window
+     (select-window (posn-window (event-start event)))
+     (unbury-buffer)))
+ (defun mode-line-bury-buffer (event) "\
+ Like `bury-buffer', but temporarily select EVENT's window."
+   (interactive "e")
+   (save-selected-window
+     (select-window (posn-window (event-start event)))
+     (bury-buffer)))
+ (defun mode-line-other-buffer () "\
+ Switch to the most recently selected buffer other than the current one."
+   (interactive)
+   (switch-to-buffer (other-buffer)))
+ (defvar mode-line-mode-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Minor Modes") "\
+ Menu of mode operations in the mode line.")
+ (defun mode-line-mode-menu-1 (event)
+   (interactive "e")
+   (save-selected-window
+     (select-window (posn-window (event-start event)))
+     (let* ((selection (mode-line-mode-menu event))
+          (binding (and selection (lookup-key mode-line-mode-menu
+                                              (vector (car selection))))))
+       (if binding
+         (call-interactively binding)))))
+ (defmacro bound-and-true-p (var)
+   "Return the value of symbol VAR if it is bound, else nil."
+   `(and (boundp (quote ,var)) ,var))
+ (define-key mode-line-mode-menu [overwrite-mode]
+   `(menu-item ,(purecopy "Overwrite (Ovwrt)") overwrite-mode
+             :button (:toggle . overwrite-mode)))
+ (define-key mode-line-mode-menu [outline-minor-mode]
+   `(menu-item ,(purecopy "Outline (Outl)") outline-minor-mode
+             :button (:toggle . (bound-and-true-p outline-minor-mode))))
+ (define-key mode-line-mode-menu [line-number-mode]
+   `(menu-item ,(purecopy "Line number") line-number-mode
+             :button (:toggle . line-number-mode)))
+ (define-key mode-line-mode-menu [highlight-changes-mode]
+   `(menu-item ,(purecopy "Highlight changes (Chg)") highlight-changes-mode
+             :button (:toggle . highlight-changes-mode)))
+ (define-key mode-line-mode-menu [glasses-mode]
+   `(menu-item ,(purecopy "Glasses (o^o)") glasses-mode
+             :button (:toggle . (bound-and-true-p glasses-mode))))
+ (define-key mode-line-mode-menu [hide-ifdef-mode]
+   `(menu-item ,(purecopy "Hide ifdef (Ifdef)") hide-ifdef-mode
+             :button (:toggle . (bound-and-true-p hide-ifdef-mode))))
+ (define-key mode-line-mode-menu [font-lock-mode]
+   `(menu-item ,(purecopy "Font Lock") font-lock-mode
+             :button (:toggle . font-lock-mode)))
+ (define-key mode-line-mode-menu [flyspell-mode]
+   `(menu-item ,(purecopy "Flyspell (Fly)") flyspell-mode
+             :button (:toggle . (bound-and-true-p flyspell-mode))))
+ (define-key mode-line-mode-menu [column-number-mode]
+   `(menu-item ,(purecopy "Column number") column-number-mode
+             :button (:toggle . column-number-mode)))
+ (define-key mode-line-mode-menu [auto-fill-mode]
+   `(menu-item ,(purecopy "Auto Fill (Fill)") auto-fill-mode
+             :button (:toggle . auto-fill-function)))
+ (define-key mode-line-mode-menu [auto-revert-mode]
+   `(menu-item ,(purecopy "Auto revert (ARev)") auto-revert-mode
+             :button (:toggle . auto-revert-mode)))
+ (define-key mode-line-mode-menu [abbrev-mode]
+   `(menu-item ,(purecopy "Abbrev (Abbrev)") abbrev-mode
+             :button (:toggle . abbrev-mode)))
+ (defun mode-line-mode-menu (event)
+   (interactive "@e")
+   (x-popup-menu event mode-line-mode-menu))
+ (defun mode-line-minor-mode-help (event)
+   "Describe minor mode for EVENT occured on minor modes area of the mode 
+   (interactive "@e")
+   (let ((indicator (car (nth 4 (car (cdr event))))))
+     (describe-minor-mode-from-indicator indicator)))
+ ;; Add menu of buffer operations to the buffer identification part
+ ;; of the mode line.or header line.
+ ;
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+   ;; Bind down- events so that the global keymap won't ``shine
+   ;; through''.
+   (define-key map [mode-line down-mouse-1] 'ignore)
+   (define-key map [mode-line mouse-1] 'mode-line-unbury-buffer)
+   (define-key map [header-line down-mouse-1] 'ignore)
+   (define-key map [header-line mouse-1] 'mode-line-unbury-buffer)
+   (define-key map [header-line down-mouse-3] 'ignore)
+   (define-key map [mode-line mouse-3] 'mode-line-bury-buffer)
+   (define-key map [header-line down-mouse-3] 'ignore)
+   (define-key map [header-line mouse-3] 'mode-line-bury-buffer)
+   (setq mode-line-buffer-identification-keymap map))
+ (defun propertized-buffer-identification (fmt)
+   "Return a list suitable for `mode-line-buffer-identification'.
+ FMT is a format specifier such as \"%12b\".  This function adds
+ text properties for face, help-echo, and local-map to it."
+   (list (propertize fmt
+                   'face '(:weight bold)
+                   'help-echo
+                   (purecopy "mouse-1: previous buffer, mouse-3: next buffer")
+                   'local-map mode-line-buffer-identification-keymap)))
+ (setq-default mode-line-buffer-identification
+             (propertized-buffer-identification "%12b"))
+ (defvar minor-mode-alist nil "\
+ Alist saying how to show minor modes in the mode line.
+ Each element looks like (VARIABLE STRING);
+ STRING is included in the mode line iff VARIABLE's value is non-nil.
+ Actually, STRING need not be a string; any possible mode-line element
+ is okay.  See `mode-line-format'.")
+ ;; Don't use purecopy here--some people want to change these strings.
+ (setq minor-mode-alist
+       (list
+        (list 'abbrev-mode " Abbrev")
+        '(overwrite-mode overwrite-mode)
+        (list 'auto-fill-function " Fill")
+        ;; not really a minor mode...
+        '(defining-kbd-macro " Def")))
+ ;; These variables are used by autoloadable packages.
+ ;; They are defined here so that they do not get overridden
+ ;; by the loading of those packages.
+ ;; Names in directory that end in one of these
+ ;; are ignored in completion,
+ ;; making it more likely you will get a unique match.
+ (setq completion-ignored-extensions
+       (append
+        (cond ((memq system-type '(ms-dos windows-nt))
+             '(".o" "~" ".bin" ".bak" ".obj" ".map" ".ico" ".pif" ".lnk"
+               ".a" ".ln" ".blg" ".bbl" ".dll" ".drv" ".vxd" ".386"))
+            ((eq system-type 'vax-vms)
+             '(".obj" ".exe" ".bin" ".lbin" ".sbin"
+               ".brn" ".rnt" ".lni" ".lis"
+               ".olb" ".tlb" ".mlb" ".hlb"))
+            (t
+             '(".o" "~" ".bin" ".lbin" ".so"
+               ".a" ".ln" ".blg" ".bbl")))
+        '(".elc" ".lof"
+        ".glo" ".idx" ".lot"
+        ;; TeX-related
+        ".dvi" ".fmt" ".tfm" ".pdf"
+        ;; Java compiled
+        ".class"
+        ;; CLISP
+        ".fas" ".lib" ".mem"
+        ;; CMUCL
+        ".x86f" ".sparcf"
+          ;; Other CL implementations (Allegro, LispWorks)
+          ".fasl" ".ufsl" ".fsl" ".dxl"
+        ;; Libtool
+        ".lo" ".la"
+        ;; Gettext
+        ".gmo" ".mo"
+        ;; Texinfo-related
+        ".toc" ".log" ".aux"
+        ".cp" ".fn" ".ky" ".pg" ".tp" ".vr"
+        ".cps" ".fns" ".kys" ".pgs" ".tps" ".vrs")))
+ ;; Suffixes used for executables.
+ (setq exec-suffixes
+       (cond
+        ((memq system-type '(ms-dos windows-nt))
+       '(".exe" ".com" ".bat" ".cmd" ".btm" ""))
+        (t
+       '(""))))
+ ;; Packages should add to this list appropriately when they are
+ ;; loaded, rather than listing everything here.
+ (setq debug-ignored-errors
+       '(beginning-of-line beginning-of-buffer end-of-line
+       end-of-buffer end-of-file buffer-read-only
+       file-supersession
+               "^Previous command was not a yank$"
+       "^Minibuffer window is not active$"
+       "^End of history; no next item$"
+       "^Beginning of history; no preceding item$"
+       "^No recursive edit is in progress$"
+       "^Changes to be undone are outside visible portion of buffer$"
+       "^No undo information in this buffer$"
+       "^No further undo information$"
+       "^Save not confirmed$"
+       "^Recover-file cancelled\\.$"
+       "^Cannot switch buffers in a dedicated window$"
+       ;; ediff
+       "^Errors in diff output. Diff output is in "
+       "^Hmm... I don't see an Ediff command around here...$"
+       "^Undocumented command! Type `G' in Ediff Control Panel to drop a note 
to the Ediff maintainer$"
+       ": This command runs in Ediff Control Buffer only!$"
+       ": Invalid op in ediff-check-version$"
+       "^ediff-shrink-window-C can be used only for merging jobs$"
+       "^Lost difference info on these directories$"
+       "^This command is inapplicable in the present context$"
+       "^This session group has no parent$"
+       "^Can't hide active session, $"
+       "^Ediff: something wrong--no multiple diffs buffer$"
+       "^Can't make context diff for Session $"
+       "^The patch buffer wasn't found$"
+       "^Aborted$"
+       "^This Ediff session is not part of a session group$"
+       "^No active Ediff sessions or corrupted session registry$"
+       "^No session info in this line$"
+       "^`.*' is not an ordinary file$"
+       "^Patch appears to have failed$"
+       "^Recomputation of differences cancelled$"
+       "^No fine differences in this mode$"
+       "^Lost connection to ancestor buffer...sorry$"
+       "^Not merging with ancestor$"
+       "^Don't know how to toggle read-only in buffer "
+       "Emacs is not running as a window application$"
+       "^This command makes sense only when merging with an ancestor$"
+       "^At end of the difference list$"
+       "^At beginning of the difference list$"
+       "^Nothing saved for diff .* in buffer "
+       "^Buffer is out of sync for file "
+       "^Buffer out of sync for file "
+       "^Output from `diff' not found$"
+       "^You forgot to specify a region in buffer "
+       "^All right. Make up your mind and come back...$"
+       "^Current buffer is not visiting any file$"
+       "^Failed to retrieve revision: $"
+       "^Can't determine display width.$"
+       "^File `.*' does not exist or is not readable$"
+       "^File `.*' is a directory$"
+       "^Buffer .* doesn't exist$"
+       "^Directories . and . are the same: "
+       "^Directory merge aborted$"
+       "^Merge of directory revisions aborted$"
+       "^Buffer .* doesn't exist$"
+       "^There is no file to merge$"
+       "^Version control package .*.el not found. Use vc.el instead$"))
+ (make-variable-buffer-local 'indent-tabs-mode)
+ ;; We have base64 and md5 functions built in now.
+ (provide 'base64)
+ (provide 'md5)
+ (provide 'overlay '(display syntax-table field))
+ (provide 'text-properties '(display syntax-table field point-entered))
+ (define-key esc-map "\t" 'complete-symbol)
+ (defun complete-symbol (arg) "\
+ Perform tags completion on the text around point.
+ Completes to the set of names listed in the current tags table.
+ The string to complete is chosen in the same way as the default
+ for \\[find-tag] (which see).
+ With a prefix argument, this command does completion within
+ the collection of symbols listed in the index of the manual for the
+ language you are using."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (if arg
+       (info-complete-symbol)
+     (if (fboundp 'complete-tag)
+       (complete-tag)
+       ;; Don't autoload etags if we have no tags table.
+       (error (substitute-command-keys
+             "No tags table loaded; use \\[visit-tags-table] to load one")))))
+ ;; Reduce total amount of space we must allocate during this function
+ ;; that we will not need to keep permanently.
+ (garbage-collect)
+ (setq help-event-list '(help f1))
+ (make-variable-buffer-local 'minor-mode-overriding-map-alist)
+ ;; From frame.c
+ (global-set-key [switch-frame] 'handle-switch-frame)
+ (global-set-key [select-window] 'handle-select-window)
+ ;; FIXME: Do those 3 events really ever reach the global-map ?
+ ;;        It seems that they can't because they're handled via
+ ;;        special-event-map which is used at very low-level.  -stef
+ (global-set-key [delete-frame] 'handle-delete-frame)
+ (global-set-key [iconify-frame] 'ignore-event)
+ (global-set-key [make-frame-visible] 'ignore-event)
+ ;These commands are defined in editfns.c
+ ;but they are not assigned to keys there.
+ (put 'narrow-to-region 'disabled t)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "nn" 'narrow-to-region)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "nw" 'widen)
+ ;; (define-key ctl-x-map "n" 'narrow-to-region)
+ ;; (define-key ctl-x-map "w" 'widen)
+ (define-key global-map "\C-j" 'newline-and-indent)
+ (define-key global-map "\C-m" 'newline)
+ (define-key global-map "\C-o" 'open-line)
+ (define-key esc-map "\C-o" 'split-line)
+ (define-key global-map "\C-q" 'quoted-insert)
+ (define-key esc-map "^" 'delete-indentation)
+ (define-key esc-map "\\" 'delete-horizontal-space)
+ (define-key esc-map "m" 'back-to-indentation)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-o" 'delete-blank-lines)
+ (define-key esc-map " " 'just-one-space)
+ (define-key esc-map "z" 'zap-to-char)
+ (define-key esc-map "=" 'count-lines-region)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "=" 'what-cursor-position)
+ (define-key esc-map ":" 'eval-expression)
+ ;; Define ESC ESC : like ESC : for people who type ESC ESC out of habit.
+ (define-key esc-map "\M-:" 'eval-expression)
+ ;; Changed from C-x ESC so that function keys work following C-x.
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "\e\e" 'repeat-complex-command)
+ ;; New binding analogous to M-:.
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "\M-:" 'repeat-complex-command)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "u" 'advertised-undo)
+ ;; Many people are used to typing C-/ on X terminals and getting C-_.
+ (define-key global-map [?\C-/] 'undo)
+ (define-key global-map "\C-_" 'undo)
+ (define-key esc-map "!" 'shell-command)
+ (define-key esc-map "|" 'shell-command-on-region)
+ (let ((map minibuffer-local-map))
+   (define-key map "\en"   'next-history-element)
+   (define-key map [next]  'next-history-element)
+   (define-key map [down]  'next-history-element)
+   (define-key map "\ep"   'previous-history-element)
+   (define-key map [prior] 'previous-history-element)
+   (define-key map [up]    'previous-history-element)
+   (define-key map "\es"   'next-matching-history-element)
+   (define-key map "\er"   'previous-matching-history-element))
+ (define-key global-map "\C-u" 'universal-argument)
+ (let ((i ?0))
+   (while (<= i ?9)
+     (define-key esc-map (char-to-string i) 'digit-argument)
+     (setq i (1+ i))))
+ (define-key esc-map "-" 'negative-argument)
+ ;; Define control-digits.
+ (let ((i ?0))
+   (while (<= i ?9)
+     (define-key global-map (read (format "[?\\C-%c]" i)) 'digit-argument)
+     (setq i (1+ i))))
+ (define-key global-map [?\C--] 'negative-argument)
+ ;; Define control-meta-digits.
+ (let ((i ?0))
+   (while (<= i ?9)
+     (define-key esc-map (read (format "[?\\C-%c]" i)) 'digit-argument)
+     (setq i (1+ i))))
+ (define-key global-map [?\C-\M--] 'negative-argument)
+ (define-key global-map "\C-k" 'kill-line)
+ (define-key global-map "\C-w" 'kill-region)
+ (define-key esc-map "w" 'kill-ring-save)
+ (define-key esc-map "\C-w" 'append-next-kill)
+ (define-key global-map "\C-y" 'yank)
+ (define-key esc-map "y" 'yank-pop)
+ ;; (define-key ctl-x-map "a" 'append-to-buffer)
+ (define-key global-map "\C-@" 'set-mark-command)
+ ;; Many people are used to typing C-SPC and getting address@hidden
+ (define-key global-map [?\C- ] 'set-mark-command)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-x" 'exchange-point-and-mark)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-@" 'pop-global-mark)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map [?\C- ] 'pop-global-mark)
+ (define-key global-map "\C-n" 'next-line)
+ (define-key global-map "\C-p" 'previous-line)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-n" 'set-goal-column)
+ ;;(defun function-key-error ()
+ ;;  (interactive)
+ ;;  (error "That function key is not bound to anything"))
+ (define-key global-map [menu] 'execute-extended-command)
+ (define-key global-map [find] 'search-forward)
+ ;; Don't do this.  We define <delete> in function-key-map instead.
+ ;(define-key global-map [delete] 'backward-delete-char)
+ ;; natural bindings for terminal keycaps --- defined in X keysym order
+ (define-key global-map [C-S-backspace]  'kill-whole-line)
+ (define-key global-map [home]         'beginning-of-line)
+ (define-key global-map [C-home]               'beginning-of-buffer)
+ (define-key global-map [M-home]               
+ (define-key global-map [left]         'backward-char)
+ (define-key global-map [up]           'previous-line)
+ (define-key global-map [right]                'forward-char)
+ (define-key global-map [down]         'next-line)
+ (define-key global-map [prior]                'scroll-down)
+ (define-key global-map [next]         'scroll-up)
+ (define-key global-map [C-up]         'backward-paragraph)
+ (define-key global-map [C-down]               'forward-paragraph)
+ (define-key global-map [C-prior]      'scroll-right)
+ (define-key global-map [C-next]               'scroll-left)
+ (define-key global-map [M-next]               'scroll-other-window)
+ (define-key global-map [M-prior]      'scroll-other-window-down)
+ (define-key global-map [end]          'end-of-line)
+ (define-key global-map [C-end]                'end-of-buffer)
+ (define-key global-map [M-end]                'end-of-buffer-other-window)
+ (define-key global-map [begin]                'beginning-of-buffer)
+ (define-key global-map [M-begin]      'beginning-of-buffer-other-window)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [select]    'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [print]     'function-key-error)
+ (define-key global-map [execute]      'execute-extended-command)
+ (define-key global-map [insert]               'overwrite-mode)
+ (define-key global-map [C-insert]     'kill-ring-save)
+ (define-key global-map [S-insert]     'yank)
+ (define-key global-map [undo]         'undo)
+ (define-key global-map [redo]         'repeat-complex-command)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [clearline] 'function-key-error)
+ (define-key global-map [insertline]   'open-line)
+ (define-key global-map [deleteline]   'kill-line)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [insertchar]        'function-key-error)
+ (define-key global-map [deletechar]   'delete-char)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [backtab]   'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f1]                'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f2]                'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f3]                'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f4]                'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f5]                'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f6]                'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f7]                'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f8]                'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f9]                'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f10]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f11]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f12]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f13]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f14]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f15]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f16]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f17]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f18]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f19]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f20]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f21]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f22]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f23]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f24]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f25]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f26]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f27]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f28]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f29]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f30]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f31]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f32]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f33]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f34]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [f35]               'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-backtab]        'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-space]  'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-tab]            'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-enter]  'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-f1]             'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-f2]             'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-f3]             'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-f4]             'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-multiply]       'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-add]            'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-separator]      'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-subtract]       'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-decimal]        'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-divide] 'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-0]              'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-1]              'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-2]              'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-3]              'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-4]              'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-5]              'recenter)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-6]              'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-7]              'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-8]              'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-9]              'function-key-error)
+ ;; (define-key global-map [kp-equal]  'function-key-error)
+ ;; X11R6 distinguishes these keys from the non-kp keys.
+ ;; Make them behave like the non-kp keys unless otherwise bound.
+ (define-key function-key-map [kp-home] [home])
+ (define-key function-key-map [kp-left] [left])
+ (define-key function-key-map [kp-up] [up])
+ (define-key function-key-map [kp-right] [right])
+ (define-key function-key-map [kp-down] [down])
+ (define-key function-key-map [kp-prior] [prior])
+ (define-key function-key-map [kp-next] [next])
+ (define-key function-key-map [M-kp-next] [M-next])
+ (define-key function-key-map [kp-end] [end])
+ (define-key function-key-map [kp-begin] [begin])
+ (define-key function-key-map [kp-insert] [insert])
+ (define-key function-key-map [backspace] [?\C-?])
+ (define-key function-key-map [delete] [?\C-?])
+ (define-key function-key-map [kp-delete] [?\C-?])
+ (define-key function-key-map [S-kp-end] [S-end])
+ (define-key function-key-map [S-kp-down] [S-down])
+ (define-key function-key-map [S-kp-next] [S-next])
+ (define-key function-key-map [S-kp-left] [S-left])
+ (define-key function-key-map [S-kp-right] [S-right])
+ (define-key function-key-map [S-kp-home] [S-home])
+ (define-key function-key-map [S-kp-up] [S-up])
+ (define-key function-key-map [S-kp-prior] [S-prior])
+ (define-key function-key-map [C-S-kp-end] [C-S-end])
+ (define-key function-key-map [C-S-kp-down] [C-S-down])
+ (define-key function-key-map [C-S-kp-next] [C-S-next])
+ (define-key function-key-map [C-S-kp-left] [C-S-left])
+ (define-key function-key-map [C-S-kp-right] [C-S-right])
+ (define-key function-key-map [C-S-kp-home] [C-S-home])
+ (define-key function-key-map [C-S-kp-up] [C-S-up])
+ (define-key function-key-map [C-S-kp-prior] [C-S-prior])
+ ;; Don't bind shifted keypad numeric keys, they reportedly
+ ;; interfere with the feature of some keyboards to produce
+ ;; numbers when NumLock is off.
+ ;(define-key function-key-map [S-kp-1] [S-end])
+ ;(define-key function-key-map [S-kp-2] [S-down])
+ ;(define-key function-key-map [S-kp-3] [S-next])
+ ;(define-key function-key-map [S-kp-4] [S-left])
+ ;(define-key function-key-map [S-kp-6] [S-right])
+ ;(define-key function-key-map [S-kp-7] [S-home])
+ ;(define-key function-key-map [S-kp-8] [S-up])
+ ;(define-key function-key-map [S-kp-9] [S-prior])
+ (define-key function-key-map [C-S-kp-1] [C-S-end])
+ (define-key function-key-map [C-S-kp-2] [C-S-down])
+ (define-key function-key-map [C-S-kp-3] [C-S-next])
+ (define-key function-key-map [C-S-kp-4] [C-S-left])
+ (define-key function-key-map [C-S-kp-6] [C-S-right])
+ (define-key function-key-map [C-S-kp-7] [C-S-home])
+ (define-key function-key-map [C-S-kp-8] [C-S-up])
+ (define-key function-key-map [C-S-kp-9] [C-S-prior])
+ (define-key global-map [mouse-movement] 'ignore)
+ (define-key global-map "\C-t" 'transpose-chars)
+ (define-key esc-map "t" 'transpose-words)
+ (define-key esc-map "\C-t" 'transpose-sexps)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-t" 'transpose-lines)
+ (define-key esc-map ";" 'comment-dwim)
+ (define-key esc-map "j" 'indent-new-comment-line)
+ (define-key esc-map "\C-j" 'indent-new-comment-line)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map ";" 'comment-set-column)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "f" 'set-fill-column)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "$" 'set-selective-display)
+ (define-key esc-map "@" 'mark-word)
+ (define-key esc-map "f" 'forward-word)
+ (define-key esc-map "b" 'backward-word)
+ (define-key esc-map "d" 'kill-word)
+ (define-key esc-map "\177" 'backward-kill-word)
+ (define-key esc-map "<" 'beginning-of-buffer)
+ (define-key esc-map ">" 'end-of-buffer)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "h" 'mark-whole-buffer)
+ (define-key esc-map "\\" 'delete-horizontal-space)
+ (defalias 'mode-specific-command-prefix (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (defvar mode-specific-map (symbol-function 'mode-specific-command-prefix)
+   "Keymap for characters following C-c.")
+ (define-key global-map "\C-c" 'mode-specific-command-prefix)
+ (global-set-key [M-right]  'forward-word)
+ (global-set-key [M-left]   'backward-word)
+ ;; address@hidden says these bindings are standard on PC editors.
+ (global-set-key [C-right]  'forward-word)
+ (global-set-key [C-left]   'backward-word)
+ ;; This is not quite compatible, but at least is analogous
+ (global-set-key [C-delete] 'backward-kill-word)
+ (global-set-key [C-backspace] 'kill-word)
+ ;; This is "move to the clipboard", or as close as we come.
+ (global-set-key [S-delete] 'kill-region)
+ (define-key esc-map "\C-f" 'forward-sexp)
+ (define-key esc-map "\C-b" 'backward-sexp)
+ (define-key esc-map "\C-u" 'backward-up-list)
+ (define-key esc-map "\C-@" 'mark-sexp)
+ (define-key esc-map [?\C-\ ] 'mark-sexp)
+ (define-key esc-map "\C-d" 'down-list)
+ (define-key esc-map "\C-k" 'kill-sexp)
+ ;;; These are dangerous in various situations,
+ ;;; so let's not encourage anyone to use them.
+ ;;;(define-key global-map [C-M-delete] 'backward-kill-sexp)
+ ;;;(define-key global-map [C-M-backspace] 'backward-kill-sexp)
+ (define-key esc-map [C-delete] 'backward-kill-sexp)
+ (define-key esc-map [C-backspace] 'backward-kill-sexp)
+ (define-key esc-map "\C-n" 'forward-list)
+ (define-key esc-map "\C-p" 'backward-list)
+ (define-key esc-map "\C-a" 'beginning-of-defun)
+ (define-key esc-map "\C-e" 'end-of-defun)
+ (define-key esc-map "\C-h" 'mark-defun)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "nd" 'narrow-to-defun)
+ (define-key esc-map "(" 'insert-parentheses)
+ (define-key esc-map ")" 'move-past-close-and-reindent)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-e" 'eval-last-sexp)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "m" 'compose-mail)
+ (define-key ctl-x-4-map "m" 'compose-mail-other-window)
+ (define-key ctl-x-5-map "m" 'compose-mail-other-frame)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "r\C-@" 'point-to-register)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map [?r ?\C-\ ] 'point-to-register)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "r " 'point-to-register)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "rj" 'jump-to-register)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "rs" 'copy-to-register)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "rx" 'copy-to-register)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "ri" 'insert-register)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "rg" 'insert-register)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "rr" 'copy-rectangle-to-register)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "rn" 'number-to-register)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "r+" 'increment-register)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "rc" 'clear-rectangle)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "rk" 'kill-rectangle)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "rd" 'delete-rectangle)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "ry" 'yank-rectangle)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "ro" 'open-rectangle)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "rt" 'string-rectangle)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "rw" 'window-configuration-to-register)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "rf" 'frame-configuration-to-register)
+ ;; These key bindings are deprecated; use the above C-x r map instead.
+ ;; We use these aliases so \[...] will show the C-x r bindings instead.
+ (defalias 'point-to-register-compatibility-binding 'point-to-register)
+ (defalias 'jump-to-register-compatibility-binding 'jump-to-register)
+ (defalias 'copy-to-register-compatibility-binding 'copy-to-register)
+ (defalias 'insert-register-compatibility-binding 'insert-register)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "/" 'point-to-register-compatibility-binding)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "j" 'jump-to-register-compatibility-binding)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "x" 'copy-to-register-compatibility-binding)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "g" 'insert-register-compatibility-binding)
+ ;; (define-key ctl-x-map "r" 'copy-rectangle-to-register)
+ (define-key esc-map "q" 'fill-paragraph)
+ ;; (define-key esc-map "g" 'fill-region)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "." 'set-fill-prefix)
+ (define-key esc-map "{" 'backward-paragraph)
+ (define-key esc-map "}" 'forward-paragraph)
+ (define-key esc-map "h" 'mark-paragraph)
+ (define-key esc-map "a" 'backward-sentence)
+ (define-key esc-map "e" 'forward-sentence)
+ (define-key esc-map "k" 'kill-sentence)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "\177" 'backward-kill-sentence)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "[" 'backward-page)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "]" 'forward-page)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-p" 'mark-page)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "l" 'count-lines-page)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "np" 'narrow-to-page)
+ ;; (define-key ctl-x-map "p" 'narrow-to-page)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "al" 'add-mode-abbrev)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "a\C-a" 'add-mode-abbrev)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "ag" 'add-global-abbrev)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "a+" 'add-mode-abbrev)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "aig" 'inverse-add-global-abbrev)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "ail" 'inverse-add-mode-abbrev)
+ ;; (define-key ctl-x-map "a\C-h" 'inverse-add-global-abbrev)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "a-" 'inverse-add-global-abbrev)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "ae" 'expand-abbrev)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "a'" 'expand-abbrev)
+ ;; (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-a" 'add-mode-abbrev)
+ ;; (define-key ctl-x-map "\+" 'add-global-abbrev)
+ ;; (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-h" 'inverse-add-mode-abbrev)
+ ;; (define-key ctl-x-map "\-" 'inverse-add-global-abbrev)
+ (define-key esc-map "'" 'abbrev-prefix-mark)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "'" 'expand-abbrev)
+ (define-key ctl-x-map "z" 'repeat)
+ ;; Don't look for autoload cookies in this file.
+ ;; Local Variables:
+ ;; no-update-autoloads: t
+ ;; End:
+ ;;; bindings.el ends here

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