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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el [emacs-unicode

From: Kenichi Handa
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el [emacs-unicode-2]
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2003 08:53:58 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el:
*** /dev/null   Mon Sep  8 08:53:58 2003
--- emacs/lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el    Mon Sep  8 08:53:39 2003
*** 0 ****
--- 1,2660 ----
+ ;;; cl-macs.el --- Common Lisp macros -*-byte-compile-dynamic: t;-*-
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1993, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Dave Gillespie <address@hidden>
+ ;; Version: 2.02
+ ;; Keywords: extensions
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;; These are extensions to Emacs Lisp that provide a degree of
+ ;; Common Lisp compatibility, beyond what is already built-in
+ ;; in Emacs Lisp.
+ ;;
+ ;; This package was written by Dave Gillespie; it is a complete
+ ;; rewrite of Cesar Quiroz's original cl.el package of December 1986.
+ ;;
+ ;; Bug reports, comments, and suggestions are welcome!
+ ;; This file contains the portions of the Common Lisp extensions
+ ;; package which should be autoloaded, but need only be present
+ ;; if the compiler or interpreter is used---this file is not
+ ;; necessary for executing compiled code.
+ ;; See cl.el for Change Log.
+ ;;; Code:
+ (or (memq 'cl-19 features)
+     (error "Tried to load `cl-macs' before `cl'!"))
+ (defmacro cl-pop2 (place)
+   (list 'prog1 (list 'car (list 'cdr place))
+       (list 'setq place (list 'cdr (list 'cdr place)))))
+ (put 'cl-pop2 'edebug-form-spec 'edebug-sexps)
+ (defvar cl-optimize-safety)
+ (defvar cl-optimize-speed)
+ ;;; This kludge allows macros which use cl-transform-function-property
+ ;;; to be called at compile-time.
+ (require
+  (progn
+    (or (fboundp 'cl-transform-function-property)
+        (defalias 'cl-transform-function-property
+        (function (lambda (n p f)
+                    (list 'put (list 'quote n) (list 'quote p)
+                          (list 'function (cons 'lambda f)))))))
+    (car (or features (setq features (list 'cl-kludge))))))
+ ;;; Initialization.
+ (defvar cl-old-bc-file-form nil)
+ (defun cl-compile-time-init ()
+   (run-hooks 'cl-hack-bytecomp-hook))
+ ;;; Some predicates for analyzing Lisp forms.  These are used by various
+ ;;; macro expanders to optimize the results in certain common cases.
+ (defconst cl-simple-funcs '(car cdr nth aref elt if and or + - 1+ 1- min max
+                           car-safe cdr-safe progn prog1 prog2))
+ (defconst cl-safe-funcs '(* / % length memq list vector vectorp
+                         < > <= >= = error))
+ ;;; Check if no side effects, and executes quickly.
+ (defun cl-simple-expr-p (x &optional size)
+   (or size (setq size 10))
+   (if (and (consp x) (not (memq (car x) '(quote function function*))))
+       (and (symbolp (car x))
+          (or (memq (car x) cl-simple-funcs)
+              (get (car x) 'side-effect-free))
+          (progn
+            (setq size (1- size))
+            (while (and (setq x (cdr x))
+                        (setq size (cl-simple-expr-p (car x) size))))
+            (and (null x) (>= size 0) size)))
+     (and (> size 0) (1- size))))
+ (defun cl-simple-exprs-p (xs)
+   (while (and xs (cl-simple-expr-p (car xs)))
+     (setq xs (cdr xs)))
+   (not xs))
+ ;;; Check if no side effects.
+ (defun cl-safe-expr-p (x)
+   (or (not (and (consp x) (not (memq (car x) '(quote function function*)))))
+       (and (symbolp (car x))
+          (or (memq (car x) cl-simple-funcs)
+              (memq (car x) cl-safe-funcs)
+              (get (car x) 'side-effect-free))
+          (progn
+            (while (and (setq x (cdr x)) (cl-safe-expr-p (car x))))
+            (null x)))))
+ ;;; Check if constant (i.e., no side effects or dependencies).
+ (defun cl-const-expr-p (x)
+   (cond ((consp x)
+        (or (eq (car x) 'quote)
+            (and (memq (car x) '(function function*))
+                 (or (symbolp (nth 1 x))
+                     (and (eq (car-safe (nth 1 x)) 'lambda) 'func)))))
+       ((symbolp x) (and (memq x '(nil t)) t))
+       (t t)))
+ (defun cl-const-exprs-p (xs)
+   (while (and xs (cl-const-expr-p (car xs)))
+     (setq xs (cdr xs)))
+   (not xs))
+ (defun cl-const-expr-val (x)
+   (and (eq (cl-const-expr-p x) t) (if (consp x) (nth 1 x) x)))
+ (defun cl-expr-access-order (x v)
+   (if (cl-const-expr-p x) v
+     (if (consp x)
+       (progn
+         (while (setq x (cdr x)) (setq v (cl-expr-access-order (car x) v)))
+         v)
+       (if (eq x (car v)) (cdr v) '(t)))))
+ ;;; Count number of times X refers to Y.  Return nil for 0 times.
+ (defun cl-expr-contains (x y)
+   (cond ((equal y x) 1)
+       ((and (consp x) (not (memq (car-safe x) '(quote function function*))))
+        (let ((sum 0))
+          (while x
+            (setq sum (+ sum (or (cl-expr-contains (pop x) y) 0))))
+          (and (> sum 0) sum)))
+       (t nil)))
+ (defun cl-expr-contains-any (x y)
+   (while (and y (not (cl-expr-contains x (car y)))) (pop y))
+   y)
+ ;;; Check whether X may depend on any of the symbols in Y.
+ (defun cl-expr-depends-p (x y)
+   (and (not (cl-const-expr-p x))
+        (or (not (cl-safe-expr-p x)) (cl-expr-contains-any x y))))
+ ;;; Symbols.
+ (defvar *gensym-counter*)
+ (defun gensym (&optional arg)
+   "Generate a new uninterned symbol.
+ The name is made by appending a number to PREFIX, default \"G\"."
+   (let ((prefix (if (stringp arg) arg "G"))
+       (num (if (integerp arg) arg
+              (prog1 *gensym-counter*
+                (setq *gensym-counter* (1+ *gensym-counter*))))))
+     (make-symbol (format "%s%d" prefix num))))
+ (defun gentemp (&optional arg)
+   "Generate a new interned symbol with a unique name.
+ The name is made by appending a number to PREFIX, default \"G\"."
+   (let ((prefix (if (stringp arg) arg "G"))
+       name)
+     (while (intern-soft (setq name (format "%s%d" prefix *gensym-counter*)))
+       (setq *gensym-counter* (1+ *gensym-counter*)))
+     (intern name)))
+ ;;; Program structure.
+ (defmacro defun* (name args &rest body)
+   "Define NAME as a function.
+ Like normal `defun', except ARGLIST allows full Common Lisp conventions,
+ and BODY is implicitly surrounded by (block NAME ...).
+   (let* ((res (cl-transform-lambda (cons args body) name))
+        (form (list* 'defun name (cdr res))))
+     (if (car res) (list 'progn (car res) form) form)))
+ (defmacro defmacro* (name args &rest body)
+   "Define NAME as a macro.
+ Like normal `defmacro', except ARGLIST allows full Common Lisp conventions,
+ and BODY is implicitly surrounded by (block NAME ...).
+   (let* ((res (cl-transform-lambda (cons args body) name))
+        (form (list* 'defmacro name (cdr res))))
+     (if (car res) (list 'progn (car res) form) form)))
+ (defmacro function* (func)
+   "Introduce a function.
+ Like normal `function', except that if argument is a lambda form, its
+ ARGLIST allows full Common Lisp conventions."
+   (if (eq (car-safe func) 'lambda)
+       (let* ((res (cl-transform-lambda (cdr func) 'cl-none))
+            (form (list 'function (cons 'lambda (cdr res)))))
+       (if (car res) (list 'progn (car res) form) form))
+     (list 'function func)))
+ (defun cl-transform-function-property (func prop form)
+   (let ((res (cl-transform-lambda form func)))
+     (append '(progn) (cdr (cdr (car res)))
+           (list (list 'put (list 'quote func) (list 'quote prop)
+                       (list 'function (cons 'lambda (cdr res))))))))
+ (defconst lambda-list-keywords
+   '(&optional &rest &key &allow-other-keys &aux &whole &body &environment))
+ (defvar cl-macro-environment nil)
+ (defvar bind-block) (defvar bind-defs) (defvar bind-enquote)
+ (defvar bind-inits) (defvar bind-lets) (defvar bind-forms)
+ (defun cl-transform-lambda (form bind-block)
+   (let* ((args (car form)) (body (cdr form)) (orig-args args)
+        (bind-defs nil) (bind-enquote nil)
+        (bind-inits nil) (bind-lets nil) (bind-forms nil)
+        (header nil) (simple-args nil))
+     (while (or (stringp (car body)) (eq (car-safe (car body)) 'interactive))
+       (push (pop body) header))
+     (setq args (if (listp args) (copy-list args) (list '&rest args)))
+     (let ((p (last args))) (if (cdr p) (setcdr p (list '&rest (cdr p)))))
+     (if (setq bind-defs (cadr (memq '&cl-defs args)))
+       (setq args (delq '&cl-defs (delq bind-defs args))
+             bind-defs (cadr bind-defs)))
+     (if (setq bind-enquote (memq '&cl-quote args))
+       (setq args (delq '&cl-quote args)))
+     (if (memq '&whole args) (error "&whole not currently implemented"))
+     (let* ((p (memq '&environment args)) (v (cadr p)))
+       (if p (setq args (nconc (delq (car p) (delq v args))
+                             (list '&aux (list v 'cl-macro-environment))))))
+     (while (and args (symbolp (car args))
+               (not (memq (car args) '(nil &rest &body &key &aux)))
+               (not (and (eq (car args) '&optional)
+                         (or bind-defs (consp (cadr args))))))
+       (push (pop args) simple-args))
+     (or (eq bind-block 'cl-none)
+       (setq body (list (list* 'block bind-block body))))
+     (if (null args)
+       (list* nil (nreverse simple-args) (nconc (nreverse header) body))
+       (if (memq '&optional simple-args) (push '&optional args))
+       (cl-do-arglist args nil (- (length simple-args)
+                                (if (memq '&optional simple-args) 1 0)))
+       (setq bind-lets (nreverse bind-lets))
+       (list* (and bind-inits (list* 'eval-when '(compile load eval)
+                                   (nreverse bind-inits)))
+            (nconc (nreverse simple-args)
+                   (list '&rest (car (pop bind-lets))))
+            (nconc (let ((hdr (nreverse header)))
+                     (require 'help-fns)
+                     (cons (help-add-fundoc-usage
+                            (if (stringp (car hdr)) (pop hdr))
+                            ;; orig-args can contain &cl-defs (an internal CL
+                            ;; thingy that I do not understand), so remove it.
+                            (let ((x (memq '&cl-defs orig-args)))
+                              (if (null x) orig-args
+                                (delq (car x) (remq (cadr x) orig-args)))))
+                           hdr))
+                   (list (nconc (list 'let* bind-lets)
+                                (nreverse bind-forms) body)))))))
+ (defun cl-do-arglist (args expr &optional num)   ; uses bind-*
+   (if (nlistp args)
+       (if (or (memq args lambda-list-keywords) (not (symbolp args)))
+         (error "Invalid argument name: %s" args)
+       (push (list args expr) bind-lets))
+     (setq args (copy-list args))
+     (let ((p (last args))) (if (cdr p) (setcdr p (list '&rest (cdr p)))))
+     (let ((p (memq '&body args))) (if p (setcar p '&rest)))
+     (if (memq '&environment args) (error "&environment used incorrectly"))
+     (let ((save-args args)
+         (restarg (memq '&rest args))
+         (safety (if (cl-compiling-file) cl-optimize-safety 3))
+         (keys nil)
+         (laterarg nil) (exactarg nil) minarg)
+       (or num (setq num 0))
+       (if (listp (cadr restarg))
+         (setq restarg (gensym "--rest--"))
+       (setq restarg (cadr restarg)))
+       (push (list restarg expr) bind-lets)
+       (if (eq (car args) '&whole)
+         (push (list (cl-pop2 args) restarg) bind-lets))
+       (let ((p args))
+       (setq minarg restarg)
+       (while (and p (not (memq (car p) lambda-list-keywords)))
+         (or (eq p args) (setq minarg (list 'cdr minarg)))
+         (setq p (cdr p)))
+       (if (memq (car p) '(nil &aux))
+           (setq minarg (list '= (list 'length restarg)
+                              (length (ldiff args p)))
+                 exactarg (not (eq args p)))))
+       (while (and args (not (memq (car args) lambda-list-keywords)))
+       (let ((poparg (list (if (or (cdr args) (not exactarg)) 'pop 'car)
+                           restarg)))
+         (cl-do-arglist
+          (pop args)
+          (if (or laterarg (= safety 0)) poparg
+            (list 'if minarg poparg
+                  (list 'signal '(quote wrong-number-of-arguments)
+                        (list 'list (and (not (eq bind-block 'cl-none))
+                                         (list 'quote bind-block))
+                              (list 'length restarg)))))))
+       (setq num (1+ num) laterarg t))
+       (while (and (eq (car args) '&optional) (pop args))
+       (while (and args (not (memq (car args) lambda-list-keywords)))
+         (let ((arg (pop args)))
+           (or (consp arg) (setq arg (list arg)))
+           (if (cddr arg) (cl-do-arglist (nth 2 arg) (list 'and restarg t)))
+           (let ((def (if (cdr arg) (nth 1 arg)
+                        (or (car bind-defs)
+                            (nth 1 (assq (car arg) bind-defs)))))
+                 (poparg (list 'pop restarg)))
+             (and def bind-enquote (setq def (list 'quote def)))
+             (cl-do-arglist (car arg)
+                            (if def (list 'if restarg poparg def) poparg))
+             (setq num (1+ num))))))
+       (if (eq (car args) '&rest)
+         (let ((arg (cl-pop2 args)))
+           (if (consp arg) (cl-do-arglist arg restarg)))
+       (or (eq (car args) '&key) (= safety 0) exactarg
+           (push (list 'if restarg
+                          (list 'signal '(quote wrong-number-of-arguments)
+                                (list 'list
+                                      (and (not (eq bind-block 'cl-none))
+                                           (list 'quote bind-block))
+                                      (list '+ num (list 'length restarg)))))
+                    bind-forms)))
+       (while (and (eq (car args) '&key) (pop args))
+       (while (and args (not (memq (car args) lambda-list-keywords)))
+         (let ((arg (pop args)))
+           (or (consp arg) (setq arg (list arg)))
+           (let* ((karg (if (consp (car arg)) (caar arg)
+                          (intern (format ":%s" (car arg)))))
+                  (varg (if (consp (car arg)) (cadar arg) (car arg)))
+                  (def (if (cdr arg) (cadr arg)
+                         (or (car bind-defs) (cadr (assq varg bind-defs)))))
+                  (look (list 'memq (list 'quote karg) restarg)))
+             (and def bind-enquote (setq def (list 'quote def)))
+             (if (cddr arg)
+                 (let* ((temp (or (nth 2 arg) (gensym)))
+                        (val (list 'car (list 'cdr temp))))
+                   (cl-do-arglist temp look)
+                   (cl-do-arglist varg
+                                  (list 'if temp
+                                        (list 'prog1 val (list 'setq temp t))
+                                        def)))
+               (cl-do-arglist
+                varg
+                (list 'car
+                      (list 'cdr
+                            (if (null def)
+                                look
+                              (list 'or look
+                                    (if (eq (cl-const-expr-p def) t)
+                                        (list
+                                         'quote
+                                         (list nil (cl-const-expr-val def)))
+                                      (list 'list nil def))))))))
+             (push karg keys)))))
+       (setq keys (nreverse keys))
+       (or (and (eq (car args) '&allow-other-keys) (pop args))
+         (null keys) (= safety 0)
+         (let* ((var (gensym "--keys--"))
+                (allow '(:allow-other-keys))
+                (check (list
+                        'while var
+                        (list
+                         'cond
+                         (list (list 'memq (list 'car var)
+                                     (list 'quote (append keys allow)))
+                               (list 'setq var (list 'cdr (list 'cdr var))))
+                         (list (list 'car
+                                     (list 'cdr
+                                           (list 'memq (cons 'quote allow)
+                                                 restarg)))
+                               (list 'setq var nil))
+                         (list t
+                               (list
+                                'error
+                                (format "Keyword argument %%s not one of %s"
+                                        keys)
+                                (list 'car var)))))))
+           (push (list 'let (list (list var restarg)) check) bind-forms)))
+       (while (and (eq (car args) '&aux) (pop args))
+       (while (and args (not (memq (car args) lambda-list-keywords)))
+         (if (consp (car args))
+             (if (and bind-enquote (cadar args))
+                 (cl-do-arglist (caar args)
+                                (list 'quote (cadr (pop args))))
+               (cl-do-arglist (caar args) (cadr (pop args))))
+           (cl-do-arglist (pop args) nil))))
+       (if args (error "Malformed argument list %s" save-args)))))
+ (defun cl-arglist-args (args)
+   (if (nlistp args) (list args)
+     (let ((res nil) (kind nil) arg)
+       (while (consp args)
+       (setq arg (pop args))
+       (if (memq arg lambda-list-keywords) (setq kind arg)
+         (if (eq arg '&cl-defs) (pop args)
+           (and (consp arg) kind (setq arg (car arg)))
+           (and (consp arg) (cdr arg) (eq kind '&key) (setq arg (cadr arg)))
+           (setq res (nconc res (cl-arglist-args arg))))))
+       (nconc res (and args (list args))))))
+ (defmacro destructuring-bind (args expr &rest body)
+   (let* ((bind-lets nil) (bind-forms nil) (bind-inits nil)
+        (bind-defs nil) (bind-block 'cl-none))
+     (cl-do-arglist (or args '(&aux)) expr)
+     (append '(progn) bind-inits
+           (list (nconc (list 'let* (nreverse bind-lets))
+                        (nreverse bind-forms) body)))))
+ ;;; The `eval-when' form.
+ (defvar cl-not-toplevel nil)
+ (defmacro eval-when (when &rest body)
+   "Control when BODY is evaluated.
+ If `compile' is in WHEN, BODY is evaluated when compiled at top-level.
+ If `load' is in WHEN, BODY is evaluated when loaded after top-level compile.
+ If `eval' is in WHEN, BODY is evaluated when interpreted or at non-top-level.
+ \(fn (WHEN...) BODY...)"
+   (if (and (fboundp 'cl-compiling-file) (cl-compiling-file)
+          (not cl-not-toplevel) (not (boundp 'for-effect)))  ; horrible kludge
+       (let ((comp (or (memq 'compile when) (memq :compile-toplevel when)))
+           (cl-not-toplevel t))
+       (if (or (memq 'load when) (memq :load-toplevel when))
+           (if comp (cons 'progn (mapcar 'cl-compile-time-too body))
+             (list* 'if nil nil body))
+         (progn (if comp (eval (cons 'progn body))) nil)))
+     (and (or (memq 'eval when) (memq :execute when))
+        (cons 'progn body))))
+ (defun cl-compile-time-too (form)
+   (or (and (symbolp (car-safe form)) (get (car-safe form) 'byte-hunk-handler))
+       (setq form (macroexpand
+                 form (cons '(eval-when) byte-compile-macro-environment))))
+   (cond ((eq (car-safe form) 'progn)
+        (cons 'progn (mapcar 'cl-compile-time-too (cdr form))))
+       ((eq (car-safe form) 'eval-when)
+        (let ((when (nth 1 form)))
+          (if (or (memq 'eval when) (memq :execute when))
+              (list* 'eval-when (cons 'compile when) (cddr form))
+            form)))
+       (t (eval form) form)))
+ (defmacro load-time-value (form &optional read-only)
+   "Like `progn', but evaluates the body at load time.
+ The result of the body appears to the compiler as a quoted constant."
+   (if (cl-compiling-file)
+       (let* ((temp (gentemp "--cl-load-time--"))
+            (set (list 'set (list 'quote temp) form)))
+       (if (and (fboundp 'byte-compile-file-form-defmumble)
+                (boundp 'this-kind) (boundp 'that-one))
+           (fset 'byte-compile-file-form
+                 (list 'lambda '(form)
+                       (list 'fset '(quote byte-compile-file-form)
+                             (list 'quote
+                                   (symbol-function 'byte-compile-file-form)))
+                       (list 'byte-compile-file-form (list 'quote set))
+                       '(byte-compile-file-form form)))
+         (print set (symbol-value 'outbuffer)))
+       (list 'symbol-value (list 'quote temp)))
+     (list 'quote (eval form))))
+ ;;; Conditional control structures.
+ (defmacro case (expr &rest clauses)
+   "Eval EXPR and choose from CLAUSES on that value.
+ Each clause looks like (KEYLIST BODY...).  EXPR is evaluated and compared
+ against each key in each KEYLIST; the corresponding BODY is evaluated.
+ If no clause succeeds, case returns nil.  A single atom may be used in
+ place of a KEYLIST of one atom.  A KEYLIST of t or `otherwise' is
+ allowed only in the final clause, and matches if no other keys match.
+ Key values are compared by `eql'."
+   (let* ((temp (if (cl-simple-expr-p expr 3) expr (gensym)))
+        (head-list nil)
+        (body (cons
+               'cond
+               (mapcar
+                (function
+                 (lambda (c)
+                   (cons (cond ((memq (car c) '(t otherwise)) t)
+                               ((eq (car c) 'ecase-error-flag)
+                                (list 'error "ecase failed: %s, %s"
+                                      temp (list 'quote (reverse head-list))))
+                               ((listp (car c))
+                                (setq head-list (append (car c) head-list))
+                                (list 'member* temp (list 'quote (car c))))
+                               (t
+                                (if (memq (car c) head-list)
+                                    (error "Duplicate key in case: %s"
+                                           (car c)))
+                                (push (car c) head-list)
+                                (list 'eql temp (list 'quote (car c)))))
+                         (or (cdr c) '(nil)))))
+                clauses))))
+     (if (eq temp expr) body
+       (list 'let (list (list temp expr)) body))))
+ (defmacro ecase (expr &rest clauses)
+   "Like `case', but error if no case fits.
+ `otherwise'-clauses are not allowed."
+   (list* 'case expr (append clauses '((ecase-error-flag)))))
+ (defmacro typecase (expr &rest clauses)
+   "Evals EXPR, chooses from CLAUSES on that value.
+ Each clause looks like (TYPE BODY...).  EXPR is evaluated and, if it
+ satisfies TYPE, the corresponding BODY is evaluated.  If no clause succeeds,
+ typecase returns nil.  A TYPE of t or `otherwise' is allowed only in the
+ final clause, and matches if no other keys match."
+   (let* ((temp (if (cl-simple-expr-p expr 3) expr (gensym)))
+        (type-list nil)
+        (body (cons
+               'cond
+               (mapcar
+                (function
+                 (lambda (c)
+                   (cons (cond ((eq (car c) 'otherwise) t)
+                               ((eq (car c) 'ecase-error-flag)
+                                (list 'error "etypecase failed: %s, %s"
+                                      temp (list 'quote (reverse type-list))))
+                               (t
+                                (push (car c) type-list)
+                                (cl-make-type-test temp (car c))))
+                         (or (cdr c) '(nil)))))
+                clauses))))
+     (if (eq temp expr) body
+       (list 'let (list (list temp expr)) body))))
+ (defmacro etypecase (expr &rest clauses)
+   "Like `typecase', but error if no case fits.
+ `otherwise'-clauses are not allowed."
+   (list* 'typecase expr (append clauses '((ecase-error-flag)))))
+ ;;; Blocks and exits.
+ (defmacro block (name &rest body)
+   "Define a lexically-scoped block named NAME.
+ NAME may be any symbol.  Code inside the BODY forms can call `return-from'
+ to jump prematurely out of the block.  This differs from `catch' and `throw'
+ in two respects:  First, the NAME is an unevaluated symbol rather than a
+ quoted symbol or other form; and second, NAME is lexically rather than
+ dynamically scoped:  Only references to it within BODY will work.  These
+ references may appear inside macro expansions, but not inside functions
+ called from BODY."
+   (if (cl-safe-expr-p (cons 'progn body)) (cons 'progn body)
+     (list 'cl-block-wrapper
+         (list* 'catch (list 'quote (intern (format "--cl-block-%s--" name)))
+                body))))
+ (defvar cl-active-block-names nil)
+ (put 'cl-block-wrapper 'byte-compile 'cl-byte-compile-block)
+ (defun cl-byte-compile-block (cl-form)
+   (if (fboundp 'byte-compile-form-do-effect)  ; Check for optimizing compiler
+       (progn
+       (let* ((cl-entry (cons (nth 1 (nth 1 (nth 1 cl-form))) nil))
+              (cl-active-block-names (cons cl-entry cl-active-block-names))
+              (cl-body (byte-compile-top-level
+                        (cons 'progn (cddr (nth 1 cl-form))))))
+         (if (cdr cl-entry)
+             (byte-compile-form (list 'catch (nth 1 (nth 1 cl-form)) cl-body))
+           (byte-compile-form cl-body))))
+     (byte-compile-form (nth 1 cl-form))))
+ (put 'cl-block-throw 'byte-compile 'cl-byte-compile-throw)
+ (defun cl-byte-compile-throw (cl-form)
+   (let ((cl-found (assq (nth 1 (nth 1 cl-form)) cl-active-block-names)))
+     (if cl-found (setcdr cl-found t)))
+   (byte-compile-normal-call (cons 'throw (cdr cl-form))))
+ (defmacro return (&optional result)
+   "Return from the block named nil.
+ This is equivalent to `(return-from nil RESULT)'."
+   (list 'return-from nil result))
+ (defmacro return-from (name &optional result)
+   "Return from the block named NAME.
+ This jump out to the innermost enclosing `(block NAME ...)' form,
+ returning RESULT from that form (or nil if RESULT is omitted).
+ This is compatible with Common Lisp, but note that `defun' and
+ `defmacro' do not create implicit blocks as they do in Common Lisp."
+   (let ((name2 (intern (format "--cl-block-%s--" name))))
+     (list 'cl-block-throw (list 'quote name2) result)))
+ ;;; The "loop" macro.
+ (defvar args) (defvar loop-accum-var) (defvar loop-accum-vars)
+ (defvar loop-bindings) (defvar loop-body) (defvar loop-destr-temps)
+ (defvar loop-finally) (defvar loop-finish-flag) (defvar loop-first-flag)
+ (defvar loop-initially) (defvar loop-map-form) (defvar loop-name)
+ (defvar loop-result) (defvar loop-result-explicit)
+ (defvar loop-result-var) (defvar loop-steps) (defvar loop-symbol-macs)
+ (defmacro loop (&rest args)
+   "The Common Lisp `loop' macro.
+ Valid clauses are:
+   for VAR from/upfrom/downfrom NUM to/upto/downto/above/below NUM by NUM,
+   for VAR in LIST by FUNC, for VAR on LIST by FUNC, for VAR = INIT then EXPR,
+   for VAR across ARRAY, repeat NUM, with VAR = INIT, while COND, until COND,
+   always COND, never COND, thereis COND, collect EXPR into VAR,
+   append EXPR into VAR, nconc EXPR into VAR, sum EXPR into VAR,
+   count EXPR into VAR, maximize EXPR into VAR, minimize EXPR into VAR,
+   if COND CLAUSE [and CLAUSE]... else CLAUSE [and CLAUSE...],
+   unless COND CLAUSE [and CLAUSE]... else CLAUSE [and CLAUSE...],
+   do EXPRS..., initially EXPRS..., finally EXPRS..., return EXPR,
+   finally return EXPR, named NAME.
+ \(fn CLAUSE...)"
+   (if (not (memq t (mapcar 'symbolp (delq nil (delq t (copy-list args))))))
+       (list 'block nil (list* 'while t args))
+     (let ((loop-name nil)     (loop-bindings nil)
+         (loop-body nil)       (loop-steps nil)
+         (loop-result nil)     (loop-result-explicit nil)
+         (loop-result-var nil) (loop-finish-flag nil)
+         (loop-accum-var nil)  (loop-accum-vars nil)
+         (loop-initially nil)  (loop-finally nil)
+         (loop-map-form nil)   (loop-first-flag nil)
+         (loop-destr-temps nil) (loop-symbol-macs nil))
+       (setq args (append args '(cl-end-loop)))
+       (while (not (eq (car args) 'cl-end-loop)) (cl-parse-loop-clause))
+       (if loop-finish-flag
+         (push (list (list loop-finish-flag t)) loop-bindings))
+       (if loop-first-flag
+         (progn (push (list (list loop-first-flag t)) loop-bindings)
+                (push (list 'setq loop-first-flag nil) loop-steps)))
+       (let* ((epilogue (nconc (nreverse loop-finally)
+                             (list (or loop-result-explicit loop-result))))
+            (ands (cl-loop-build-ands (nreverse loop-body)))
+            (while-body (nconc (cadr ands) (nreverse loop-steps)))
+            (body (append
+                   (nreverse loop-initially)
+                   (list (if loop-map-form
+                             (list 'block '--cl-finish--
+                                   (subst
+                                    (if (eq (car ands) t) while-body
+                                      (cons (list 'or (car ands)
+                                                  '(return-from --cl-finish--
+                                                     nil))
+                                            while-body))
+                                    '--cl-map loop-map-form))
+                           (list* 'while (car ands) while-body)))
+                   (if loop-finish-flag
+                       (if (equal epilogue '(nil)) (list loop-result-var)
+                         (list (list 'if loop-finish-flag
+                                     (cons 'progn epilogue) loop-result-var)))
+                     epilogue))))
+       (if loop-result-var (push (list loop-result-var) loop-bindings))
+       (while loop-bindings
+         (if (cdar loop-bindings)
+             (setq body (list (cl-loop-let (pop loop-bindings) body t)))
+           (let ((lets nil))
+             (while (and loop-bindings
+                         (not (cdar loop-bindings)))
+               (push (car (pop loop-bindings)) lets))
+             (setq body (list (cl-loop-let lets body nil))))))
+       (if loop-symbol-macs
+           (setq body (list (list* 'symbol-macrolet loop-symbol-macs body))))
+       (list* 'block loop-name body)))))
+ (defun cl-parse-loop-clause ()   ; uses args, loop-*
+   (let ((word (pop args))
+       (hash-types '(hash-key hash-keys hash-value hash-values))
+       (key-types '(key-code key-codes key-seq key-seqs
+                    key-binding key-bindings)))
+     (cond
+      ((null args)
+       (error "Malformed `loop' macro"))
+      ((eq word 'named)
+       (setq loop-name (pop args)))
+      ((eq word 'initially)
+       (if (memq (car args) '(do doing)) (pop args))
+       (or (consp (car args)) (error "Syntax error on `initially' clause"))
+       (while (consp (car args))
+       (push (pop args) loop-initially)))
+      ((eq word 'finally)
+       (if (eq (car args) 'return)
+         (setq loop-result-explicit (or (cl-pop2 args) '(quote nil)))
+       (if (memq (car args) '(do doing)) (pop args))
+       (or (consp (car args)) (error "Syntax error on `finally' clause"))
+       (if (and (eq (caar args) 'return) (null loop-name))
+           (setq loop-result-explicit (or (nth 1 (pop args)) '(quote nil)))
+         (while (consp (car args))
+           (push (pop args) loop-finally)))))
+      ((memq word '(for as))
+       (let ((loop-for-bindings nil) (loop-for-sets nil) (loop-for-steps nil)
+           (ands nil))
+       (while
+           (let ((var (or (pop args) (gensym))))
+             (setq word (pop args))
+             (if (eq word 'being) (setq word (pop args)))
+             (if (memq word '(the each)) (setq word (pop args)))
+             (if (memq word '(buffer buffers))
+                 (setq word 'in args (cons '(buffer-list) args)))
+             (cond
+              ((memq word '(from downfrom upfrom to downto upto
+                            above below by))
+               (push word args)
+               (if (memq (car args) '(downto above))
+                   (error "Must specify `from' value for downward loop"))
+               (let* ((down (or (eq (car args) 'downfrom)
+                                (memq (caddr args) '(downto above))))
+                      (excl (or (memq (car args) '(above below))
+                                (memq (caddr args) '(above below))))
+                      (start (and (memq (car args) '(from upfrom downfrom))
+                                  (cl-pop2 args)))
+                      (end (and (memq (car args)
+                                      '(to upto downto above below))
+                                (cl-pop2 args)))
+                      (step (and (eq (car args) 'by) (cl-pop2 args)))
+                      (end-var (and (not (cl-const-expr-p end)) (gensym)))
+                      (step-var (and (not (cl-const-expr-p step))
+                                     (gensym))))
+                 (and step (numberp step) (<= step 0)
+                      (error "Loop `by' value is not positive: %s" step))
+                 (push (list var (or start 0)) loop-for-bindings)
+                 (if end-var (push (list end-var end) loop-for-bindings))
+                 (if step-var (push (list step-var step)
+                                       loop-for-bindings))
+                 (if end
+                     (push (list
+                               (if down (if excl '> '>=) (if excl '< '<=))
+                               var (or end-var end)) loop-body))
+                 (push (list var (list (if down '- '+) var
+                                          (or step-var step 1)))
+                          loop-for-steps)))
+              ((memq word '(in in-ref on))
+               (let* ((on (eq word 'on))
+                      (temp (if (and on (symbolp var)) var (gensym))))
+                 (push (list temp (pop args)) loop-for-bindings)
+                 (push (list 'consp temp) loop-body)
+                 (if (eq word 'in-ref)
+                     (push (list var (list 'car temp)) loop-symbol-macs)
+                   (or (eq temp var)
+                       (progn
+                         (push (list var nil) loop-for-bindings)
+                         (push (list var (if on temp (list 'car temp)))
+                                  loop-for-sets))))
+                 (push (list temp
+                                (if (eq (car args) 'by)
+                                    (let ((step (cl-pop2 args)))
+                                      (if (and (memq (car-safe step)
+                                                     '(quote function
+                                                             function*))
+                                               (symbolp (nth 1 step)))
+                                          (list (nth 1 step) temp)
+                                        (list 'funcall step temp)))
+                                  (list 'cdr temp)))
+                          loop-for-steps)))
+              ((eq word '=)
+               (let* ((start (pop args))
+                      (then (if (eq (car args) 'then) (cl-pop2 args) start)))
+                 (push (list var nil) loop-for-bindings)
+                 (if (or ands (eq (car args) 'and))
+                     (progn
+                       (push (list var
+                                      (list 'if
+                                            (or loop-first-flag
+                                                (setq loop-first-flag
+                                                      (gensym)))
+                                            start var))
+                                loop-for-sets)
+                       (push (list var then) loop-for-steps))
+                   (push (list var
+                                  (if (eq start then) start
+                                    (list 'if
+                                          (or loop-first-flag
+                                              (setq loop-first-flag (gensym)))
+                                          start then)))
+                            loop-for-sets))))
+              ((memq word '(across across-ref))
+               (let ((temp-vec (gensym)) (temp-idx (gensym)))
+                 (push (list temp-vec (pop args)) loop-for-bindings)
+                 (push (list temp-idx -1) loop-for-bindings)
+                 (push (list '< (list 'setq temp-idx (list '1+ temp-idx))
+                                (list 'length temp-vec)) loop-body)
+                 (if (eq word 'across-ref)
+                     (push (list var (list 'aref temp-vec temp-idx))
+                              loop-symbol-macs)
+                   (push (list var nil) loop-for-bindings)
+                   (push (list var (list 'aref temp-vec temp-idx))
+                            loop-for-sets))))
+              ((memq word '(element elements))
+               (let ((ref (or (memq (car args) '(in-ref of-ref))
+                              (and (not (memq (car args) '(in of)))
+                                   (error "Expected `of'"))))
+                     (seq (cl-pop2 args))
+                     (temp-seq (gensym))
+                     (temp-idx (if (eq (car args) 'using)
+                                   (if (and (= (length (cadr args)) 2)
+                                            (eq (caadr args) 'index))
+                                       (cadr (cl-pop2 args))
+                                     (error "Bad `using' clause"))
+                                 (gensym))))
+                 (push (list temp-seq seq) loop-for-bindings)
+                 (push (list temp-idx 0) loop-for-bindings)
+                 (if ref
+                     (let ((temp-len (gensym)))
+                       (push (list temp-len (list 'length temp-seq))
+                                loop-for-bindings)
+                       (push (list var (list 'elt temp-seq temp-idx))
+                                loop-symbol-macs)
+                       (push (list '< temp-idx temp-len) loop-body))
+                   (push (list var nil) loop-for-bindings)
+                   (push (list 'and temp-seq
+                                  (list 'or (list 'consp temp-seq)
+                                        (list '< temp-idx
+                                              (list 'length temp-seq))))
+                            loop-body)
+                   (push (list var (list 'if (list 'consp temp-seq)
+                                            (list 'pop temp-seq)
+                                            (list 'aref temp-seq temp-idx)))
+                            loop-for-sets))
+                 (push (list temp-idx (list '1+ temp-idx))
+                          loop-for-steps)))
+              ((memq word hash-types)
+               (or (memq (car args) '(in of)) (error "Expected `of'"))
+               (let* ((table (cl-pop2 args))
+                      (other (if (eq (car args) 'using)
+                                 (if (and (= (length (cadr args)) 2)
+                                          (memq (caadr args) hash-types)
+                                          (not (eq (caadr args) word)))
+                                     (cadr (cl-pop2 args))
+                                   (error "Bad `using' clause"))
+                               (gensym))))
+                 (if (memq word '(hash-value hash-values))
+                     (setq var (prog1 other (setq other var))))
+                 (setq loop-map-form
+                       (list 'maphash (list 'function
+                                            (list* 'lambda (list var other)
+                                                   '--cl-map)) table))))
+              ((memq word '(symbol present-symbol external-symbol
+                            symbols present-symbols external-symbols))
+               (let ((ob (and (memq (car args) '(in of)) (cl-pop2 args))))
+                 (setq loop-map-form
+                       (list 'mapatoms (list 'function
+                                             (list* 'lambda (list var)
+                                                    '--cl-map)) ob))))
+              ((memq word '(overlay overlays extent extents))
+               (let ((buf nil) (from nil) (to nil))
+                 (while (memq (car args) '(in of from to))
+                   (cond ((eq (car args) 'from) (setq from (cl-pop2 args)))
+                         ((eq (car args) 'to) (setq to (cl-pop2 args)))
+                         (t (setq buf (cl-pop2 args)))))
+                 (setq loop-map-form
+                       (list 'cl-map-extents
+                             (list 'function (list 'lambda (list var (gensym))
+                                                   '(progn . --cl-map) nil))
+                             buf from to))))
+              ((memq word '(interval intervals))
+               (let ((buf nil) (prop nil) (from nil) (to nil)
+                     (var1 (gensym)) (var2 (gensym)))
+                 (while (memq (car args) '(in of property from to))
+                   (cond ((eq (car args) 'from) (setq from (cl-pop2 args)))
+                         ((eq (car args) 'to) (setq to (cl-pop2 args)))
+                         ((eq (car args) 'property)
+                          (setq prop (cl-pop2 args)))
+                         (t (setq buf (cl-pop2 args)))))
+                 (if (and (consp var) (symbolp (car var)) (symbolp (cdr var)))
+                     (setq var1 (car var) var2 (cdr var))
+                   (push (list var (list 'cons var1 var2)) loop-for-sets))
+                 (setq loop-map-form
+                       (list 'cl-map-intervals
+                             (list 'function (list 'lambda (list var1 var2)
+                                                   '(progn . --cl-map)))
+                             buf prop from to))))
+              ((memq word key-types)
+               (or (memq (car args) '(in of)) (error "Expected `of'"))
+               (let ((map (cl-pop2 args))
+                     (other (if (eq (car args) 'using)
+                                (if (and (= (length (cadr args)) 2)
+                                         (memq (caadr args) key-types)
+                                         (not (eq (caadr args) word)))
+                                    (cadr (cl-pop2 args))
+                                  (error "Bad `using' clause"))
+                              (gensym))))
+                 (if (memq word '(key-binding key-bindings))
+                     (setq var (prog1 other (setq other var))))
+                 (setq loop-map-form
+                       (list (if (memq word '(key-seq key-seqs))
+                                 'cl-map-keymap-recursively 'map-keymap)
+                             (list 'function (list* 'lambda (list var other)
+                                                    '--cl-map)) map))))
+              ((memq word '(frame frames screen screens))
+               (let ((temp (gensym)))
+                 (push (list var  '(selected-frame))
+                          loop-for-bindings)
+                 (push (list temp nil) loop-for-bindings)
+                 (push (list 'prog1 (list 'not (list 'eq var temp))
+                                (list 'or temp (list 'setq temp var)))
+                          loop-body)
+                 (push (list var (list 'next-frame var))
+                          loop-for-steps)))
+              ((memq word '(window windows))
+               (let ((scr (and (memq (car args) '(in of)) (cl-pop2 args)))
+                     (temp (gensym)))
+                 (push (list var (if scr
+                                        (list 'frame-selected-window scr)
+                                      '(selected-window)))
+                          loop-for-bindings)
+                 (push (list temp nil) loop-for-bindings)
+                 (push (list 'prog1 (list 'not (list 'eq var temp))
+                                (list 'or temp (list 'setq temp var)))
+                          loop-body)
+                 (push (list var (list 'next-window var)) loop-for-steps)))
+              (t
+               (let ((handler (and (symbolp word)
+                                   (get word 'cl-loop-for-handler))))
+                 (if handler
+                     (funcall handler var)
+                   (error "Expected a `for' preposition, found %s" word)))))
+             (eq (car args) 'and))
+         (setq ands t)
+         (pop args))
+       (if (and ands loop-for-bindings)
+           (push (nreverse loop-for-bindings) loop-bindings)
+         (setq loop-bindings (nconc (mapcar 'list loop-for-bindings)
+                                    loop-bindings)))
+       (if loop-for-sets
+           (push (list 'progn
+                          (cl-loop-let (nreverse loop-for-sets) 'setq ands)
+                          t) loop-body))
+       (if loop-for-steps
+           (push (cons (if ands 'psetq 'setq)
+                          (apply 'append (nreverse loop-for-steps)))
+                    loop-steps))))
+      ((eq word 'repeat)
+       (let ((temp (gensym)))
+       (push (list (list temp (pop args))) loop-bindings)
+       (push (list '>= (list 'setq temp (list '1- temp)) 0) loop-body)))
+      ((memq word '(collect collecting))
+       (let ((what (pop args))
+           (var (cl-loop-handle-accum nil 'nreverse)))
+       (if (eq var loop-accum-var)
+           (push (list 'progn (list 'push what var) t) loop-body)
+         (push (list 'progn
+                        (list 'setq var (list 'nconc var (list 'list what)))
+                        t) loop-body))))
+      ((memq word '(nconc nconcing append appending))
+       (let ((what (pop args))
+           (var (cl-loop-handle-accum nil 'nreverse)))
+       (push (list 'progn
+                      (list 'setq var
+                            (if (eq var loop-accum-var)
+                                (list 'nconc
+                                      (list (if (memq word '(nconc nconcing))
+                                                'nreverse 'reverse)
+                                            what)
+                                      var)
+                              (list (if (memq word '(nconc nconcing))
+                                        'nconc 'append)
+                                    var what))) t) loop-body)))
+      ((memq word '(concat concating))
+       (let ((what (pop args))
+           (var (cl-loop-handle-accum "")))
+       (push (list 'progn (list 'callf 'concat var what) t) loop-body)))
+      ((memq word '(vconcat vconcating))
+       (let ((what (pop args))
+           (var (cl-loop-handle-accum [])))
+       (push (list 'progn (list 'callf 'vconcat var what) t) loop-body)))
+      ((memq word '(sum summing))
+       (let ((what (pop args))
+           (var (cl-loop-handle-accum 0)))
+       (push (list 'progn (list 'incf var what) t) loop-body)))
+      ((memq word '(count counting))
+       (let ((what (pop args))
+           (var (cl-loop-handle-accum 0)))
+       (push (list 'progn (list 'if what (list 'incf var)) t) loop-body)))
+      ((memq word '(minimize minimizing maximize maximizing))
+       (let* ((what (pop args))
+            (temp (if (cl-simple-expr-p what) what (gensym)))
+            (var (cl-loop-handle-accum nil))
+            (func (intern (substring (symbol-name word) 0 3)))
+            (set (list 'setq var (list 'if var (list func var temp) temp))))
+       (push (list 'progn (if (eq temp what) set
+                               (list 'let (list (list temp what)) set))
+                      t) loop-body)))
+      ((eq word 'with)
+       (let ((bindings nil))
+       (while (progn (push (list (pop args)
+                                    (and (eq (car args) '=) (cl-pop2 args)))
+                              bindings)
+                     (eq (car args) 'and))
+         (pop args))
+       (push (nreverse bindings) loop-bindings)))
+      ((eq word 'while)
+       (push (pop args) loop-body))
+      ((eq word 'until)
+       (push (list 'not (pop args)) loop-body))
+      ((eq word 'always)
+       (or loop-finish-flag (setq loop-finish-flag (gensym)))
+       (push (list 'setq loop-finish-flag (pop args)) loop-body)
+       (setq loop-result t))
+      ((eq word 'never)
+       (or loop-finish-flag (setq loop-finish-flag (gensym)))
+       (push (list 'setq loop-finish-flag (list 'not (pop args)))
+              loop-body)
+       (setq loop-result t))
+      ((eq word 'thereis)
+       (or loop-finish-flag (setq loop-finish-flag (gensym)))
+       (or loop-result-var (setq loop-result-var (gensym)))
+       (push (list 'setq loop-finish-flag
+                    (list 'not (list 'setq loop-result-var (pop args))))
+              loop-body))
+      ((memq word '(if when unless))
+       (let* ((cond (pop args))
+            (then (let ((loop-body nil))
+                    (cl-parse-loop-clause)
+                    (cl-loop-build-ands (nreverse loop-body))))
+            (else (let ((loop-body nil))
+                    (if (eq (car args) 'else)
+                        (progn (pop args) (cl-parse-loop-clause)))
+                    (cl-loop-build-ands (nreverse loop-body))))
+            (simple (and (eq (car then) t) (eq (car else) t))))
+       (if (eq (car args) 'end) (pop args))
+       (if (eq word 'unless) (setq then (prog1 else (setq else then))))
+       (let ((form (cons (if simple (cons 'progn (nth 1 then)) (nth 2 then))
+                         (if simple (nth 1 else) (list (nth 2 else))))))
+         (if (cl-expr-contains form 'it)
+             (let ((temp (gensym)))
+               (push (list temp) loop-bindings)
+               (setq form (list* 'if (list 'setq temp cond)
+                                 (subst temp 'it form))))
+           (setq form (list* 'if cond form)))
+         (push (if simple (list 'progn form t) form) loop-body))))
+      ((memq word '(do doing))
+       (let ((body nil))
+       (or (consp (car args)) (error "Syntax error on `do' clause"))
+       (while (consp (car args)) (push (pop args) body))
+       (push (cons 'progn (nreverse (cons t body))) loop-body)))
+      ((eq word 'return)
+       (or loop-finish-flag (setq loop-finish-flag (gensym)))
+       (or loop-result-var (setq loop-result-var (gensym)))
+       (push (list 'setq loop-result-var (pop args)
+                    loop-finish-flag nil) loop-body))
+      (t
+       (let ((handler (and (symbolp word) (get word 'cl-loop-handler))))
+       (or handler (error "Expected a loop keyword, found %s" word))
+       (funcall handler))))
+     (if (eq (car args) 'and)
+       (progn (pop args) (cl-parse-loop-clause)))))
+ (defun cl-loop-let (specs body par)   ; uses loop-*
+   (let ((p specs) (temps nil) (new nil))
+     (while (and p (or (symbolp (car-safe (car p))) (null (cadar p))))
+       (setq p (cdr p)))
+     (and par p
+        (progn
+          (setq par nil p specs)
+          (while p
+            (or (cl-const-expr-p (cadar p))
+                (let ((temp (gensym)))
+                  (push (list temp (cadar p)) temps)
+                  (setcar (cdar p) temp)))
+            (setq p (cdr p)))))
+     (while specs
+       (if (and (consp (car specs)) (listp (caar specs)))
+         (let* ((spec (caar specs)) (nspecs nil)
+                (expr (cadr (pop specs)))
+                (temp (cdr (or (assq spec loop-destr-temps)
+                               (car (push (cons spec (or (last spec 0)
+                                                            (gensym)))
+                                             loop-destr-temps))))))
+           (push (list temp expr) new)
+           (while (consp spec)
+             (push (list (pop spec)
+                            (and expr (list (if spec 'pop 'car) temp)))
+                      nspecs))
+           (setq specs (nconc (nreverse nspecs) specs)))
+       (push (pop specs) new)))
+     (if (eq body 'setq)
+       (let ((set (cons (if par 'psetq 'setq) (apply 'nconc (nreverse new)))))
+         (if temps (list 'let* (nreverse temps) set) set))
+       (list* (if par 'let 'let*)
+            (nconc (nreverse temps) (nreverse new)) body))))
+ (defun cl-loop-handle-accum (def &optional func)   ; uses args, loop-*
+   (if (eq (car args) 'into)
+       (let ((var (cl-pop2 args)))
+       (or (memq var loop-accum-vars)
+           (progn (push (list (list var def)) loop-bindings)
+                  (push var loop-accum-vars)))
+       var)
+     (or loop-accum-var
+       (progn
+         (push (list (list (setq loop-accum-var (gensym)) def))
+                  loop-bindings)
+         (setq loop-result (if func (list func loop-accum-var)
+                             loop-accum-var))
+         loop-accum-var))))
+ (defun cl-loop-build-ands (clauses)
+   (let ((ands nil)
+       (body nil))
+     (while clauses
+       (if (and (eq (car-safe (car clauses)) 'progn)
+              (eq (car (last (car clauses))) t))
+         (if (cdr clauses)
+             (setq clauses (cons (nconc (butlast (car clauses))
+                                        (if (eq (car-safe (cadr clauses))
+                                                'progn)
+                                            (cdadr clauses)
+                                          (list (cadr clauses))))
+                                 (cddr clauses)))
+           (setq body (cdr (butlast (pop clauses)))))
+       (push (pop clauses) ands)))
+     (setq ands (or (nreverse ands) (list t)))
+     (list (if (cdr ands) (cons 'and ands) (car ands))
+         body
+         (let ((full (if body
+                         (append ands (list (cons 'progn (append body '(t)))))
+                       ands)))
+           (if (cdr full) (cons 'and full) (car full))))))
+ ;;; Other iteration control structures.
+ (defmacro do (steps endtest &rest body)
+   "The Common Lisp `do' loop.
+ Format is: (do ((VAR INIT [STEP])...) (END-TEST [RESULT...]) BODY...)"
+   (cl-expand-do-loop steps endtest body nil))
+ (defmacro do* (steps endtest &rest body)
+   "The Common Lisp `do*' loop.
+ Format is: (do* ((VAR INIT [STEP])...) (END-TEST [RESULT...]) BODY...)"
+   (cl-expand-do-loop steps endtest body t))
+ (defun cl-expand-do-loop (steps endtest body star)
+   (list 'block nil
+       (list* (if star 'let* 'let)
+              (mapcar (function (lambda (c)
+                                  (if (consp c) (list (car c) (nth 1 c)) c)))
+                      steps)
+              (list* 'while (list 'not (car endtest))
+                     (append body
+                             (let ((sets (mapcar
+                                          (function
+                                           (lambda (c)
+                                             (and (consp c) (cdr (cdr c))
+                                                  (list (car c) (nth 2 c)))))
+                                          steps)))
+                               (setq sets (delq nil sets))
+                               (and sets
+                                    (list (cons (if (or star (not (cdr sets)))
+                                                    'setq 'psetq)
+                                                (apply 'append sets)))))))
+              (or (cdr endtest) '(nil)))))
+ (defmacro dolist (spec &rest body)
+   "Loop over a list.
+ Evaluate BODY with VAR bound to each `car' from LIST, in turn.
+ Then evaluate RESULT to get return value, default nil.
+ \(fn (VAR LIST [RESULT]) BODY...)"
+   (let ((temp (gensym "--dolist-temp--")))
+     (list 'block nil
+         (list* 'let (list (list temp (nth 1 spec)) (car spec))
+                (list* 'while temp (list 'setq (car spec) (list 'car temp))
+                       (append body (list (list 'setq temp
+                                                (list 'cdr temp)))))
+                (if (cdr (cdr spec))
+                    (cons (list 'setq (car spec) nil) (cdr (cdr spec)))
+                  '(nil))))))
+ (defmacro dotimes (spec &rest body)
+   "Loop a certain number of times.
+ Evaluate BODY with VAR bound to successive integers from 0, inclusive,
+ to COUNT, exclusive.  Then evaluate RESULT to get return value, default
+ nil.
+ \(fn (VAR COUNT [RESULT]) BODY...)"
+   (let ((temp (gensym "--dotimes-temp--")))
+     (list 'block nil
+         (list* 'let (list (list temp (nth 1 spec)) (list (car spec) 0))
+                (list* 'while (list '< (car spec) temp)
+                       (append body (list (list 'incf (car spec)))))
+                (or (cdr (cdr spec)) '(nil))))))
+ (defmacro do-symbols (spec &rest body)
+   "Loop over all symbols.
+ Evaluate BODY with VAR bound to each interned symbol, or to each symbol
+ from OBARRAY.
+ \(fn (VAR [OBARRAY [RESULT]]) BODY...)"
+   ;; Apparently this doesn't have an implicit block.
+   (list 'block nil
+       (list 'let (list (car spec))
+             (list* 'mapatoms
+                    (list 'function (list* 'lambda (list (car spec)) body))
+                    (and (cadr spec) (list (cadr spec))))
+             (caddr spec))))
+ (defmacro do-all-symbols (spec &rest body)
+   (list* 'do-symbols (list (car spec) nil (cadr spec)) body))
+ ;;; Assignments.
+ (defmacro psetq (&rest args)
+   "Set SYMs to the values VALs in parallel.
+ This is like `setq', except that all VAL forms are evaluated (in order)
+ before assigning any symbols SYM to the corresponding values.
+ \(fn SYM VAL SYM VAL ...)"
+   (cons 'psetf args))
+ ;;; Binding control structures.
+ (defmacro progv (symbols values &rest body)
+   "Bind SYMBOLS to VALUES dynamically in BODY.
+ The forms SYMBOLS and VALUES are evaluated, and must evaluate to lists.
+ Each SYMBOL in the first list is bound to the corresponding VALUE in the
+ second list (or made unbound if VALUES is shorter than SYMBOLS); then the
+ BODY forms are executed and their result is returned.  This is much like
+ a `let' form, except that the list of symbols can be computed at run-time."
+   (list 'let '((cl-progv-save nil))
+       (list 'unwind-protect
+             (list* 'progn (list 'cl-progv-before symbols values) body)
+             '(cl-progv-after))))
+ ;;; This should really have some way to shadow 'byte-compile properties, etc.
+ (defmacro flet (bindings &rest body)
+   "Make temporary function defns.
+ This is an analogue of `let' that operates on the function cell of FUNC
+ rather than its value cell.  The FORMs are evaluated with the specified
+ function definitions in place, then the definitions are undone (the FUNCs
+ go back to their previous definitions, or lack thereof).
+ \(fn ((FUNC ARGLIST BODY...) ...) FORM...)"
+   (list* 'letf*
+        (mapcar
+         (function
+          (lambda (x)
+            (if (or (and (fboundp (car x))
+                         (eq (car-safe (symbol-function (car x))) 'macro))
+                    (cdr (assq (car x) cl-macro-environment)))
+                (error "Use `labels', not `flet', to rebind macro names"))
+            (let ((func (list 'function*
+                              (list 'lambda (cadr x)
+                                    (list* 'block (car x) (cddr x))))))
+              (if (and (cl-compiling-file)
+                       (boundp 'byte-compile-function-environment))
+                  (push (cons (car x) (eval func))
+                           byte-compile-function-environment))
+              (list (list 'symbol-function (list 'quote (car x))) func))))
+         bindings)
+        body))
+ (defmacro labels (bindings &rest body)
+   "Make temporary func bindings.
+ This is like `flet', except the bindings are lexical instead of dynamic.
+ Unlike `flet', this macro is fully compliant with the Common Lisp standard.
+ \(fn ((FUNC ARGLIST BODY...) ...) FORM...)"
+   (let ((vars nil) (sets nil) (cl-macro-environment cl-macro-environment))
+     (while bindings
+       (let ((var (gensym)))
+       (push var vars)
+       (push (list 'function* (cons 'lambda (cdar bindings))) sets)
+       (push var sets)
+       (push (list (car (pop bindings)) 'lambda '(&rest cl-labels-args)
+                      (list 'list* '(quote funcall) (list 'quote var)
+                            'cl-labels-args))
+                cl-macro-environment)))
+     (cl-macroexpand-all (list* 'lexical-let vars (cons (cons 'setq sets) 
+                       cl-macro-environment)))
+ ;; The following ought to have a better definition for use with newer
+ ;; byte compilers.
+ (defmacro macrolet (bindings &rest body)
+   "Make temporary macro defns.
+ This is like `flet', but for macros instead of functions.
+ \(fn ((NAME ARGLIST BODY...) ...) FORM...)"
+   (if (cdr bindings)
+       (list 'macrolet
+           (list (car bindings)) (list* 'macrolet (cdr bindings) body))
+     (if (null bindings) (cons 'progn body)
+       (let* ((name (caar bindings))
+            (res (cl-transform-lambda (cdar bindings) name)))
+       (eval (car res))
+       (cl-macroexpand-all (cons 'progn body)
+                           (cons (list* name 'lambda (cdr res))
+                                 cl-macro-environment))))))
+ (defmacro symbol-macrolet (bindings &rest body)
+   "Make symbol macro defns.
+ Within the body FORMs, references to the variable NAME will be replaced
+ by EXPANSION, and (setq NAME ...) will act like (setf EXPANSION ...).
+ \(fn ((NAME EXPANSION) ...) FORM...)"
+   (if (cdr bindings)
+       (list 'symbol-macrolet
+           (list (car bindings)) (list* 'symbol-macrolet (cdr bindings) body))
+     (if (null bindings) (cons 'progn body)
+       (cl-macroexpand-all (cons 'progn body)
+                         (cons (list (symbol-name (caar bindings))
+                                     (cadar bindings))
+                               cl-macro-environment)))))
+ (defvar cl-closure-vars nil)
+ (defmacro lexical-let (bindings &rest body)
+   "Like `let', but lexically scoped.
+ The main visible difference is that lambdas inside BODY will create
+ lexical closures as in Common Lisp."
+   (let* ((cl-closure-vars cl-closure-vars)
+        (vars (mapcar (function
+                       (lambda (x)
+                         (or (consp x) (setq x (list x)))
+                         (push (gensym (format "--%s--" (car x)))
+                                  cl-closure-vars)
+                         (set (car cl-closure-vars) [bad-lexical-ref])
+                         (list (car x) (cadr x) (car cl-closure-vars))))
+                      bindings))
+        (ebody
+         (cl-macroexpand-all
+          (cons 'progn body)
+          (nconc (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
+                                     (list (symbol-name (car x))
+                                           (list 'symbol-value (caddr x))
+                                           t))) vars)
+                 (list '(defun . cl-defun-expander))
+                 cl-macro-environment))))
+     (if (not (get (car (last cl-closure-vars)) 'used))
+       (list 'let (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
+                                      (list (caddr x) (cadr x)))) vars)
+             (sublis (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
+                                         (cons (caddr x)
+                                               (list 'quote (caddr x)))))
+                             vars)
+                     ebody))
+       (list 'let (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
+                                    (list (caddr x)
+                                          (list 'make-symbol
+                                                (format "--%s--" (car x))))))
+                        vars)
+           (apply 'append '(setf)
+                  (mapcar (function
+                           (lambda (x)
+                             (list (list 'symbol-value (caddr x)) (cadr x))))
+                          vars))
+           ebody))))
+ (defmacro lexical-let* (bindings &rest body)
+   "Like `let*', but lexically scoped.
+ The main visible difference is that lambdas inside BODY will create
+ lexical closures as in Common Lisp."
+   (if (null bindings) (cons 'progn body)
+     (setq bindings (reverse bindings))
+     (while bindings
+       (setq body (list (list* 'lexical-let (list (pop bindings)) body))))
+     (car body)))
+ (defun cl-defun-expander (func &rest rest)
+   (list 'progn
+       (list 'defalias (list 'quote func)
+             (list 'function (cons 'lambda rest)))
+       (list 'quote func)))
+ ;;; Multiple values.
+ (defmacro multiple-value-bind (vars form &rest body)
+   "Collect multiple return values.
+ FORM must return a list; the BODY is then executed with the first N elements
+ of this list bound (`let'-style) to each of the symbols SYM in turn.  This
+ is analogous to the Common Lisp `multiple-value-bind' macro, using lists to
+ simulate true multiple return values.  For compatibility, (values A B C) is
+ a synonym for (list A B C).
+ \(fn (SYM SYM...) FORM BODY)"
+   (let ((temp (gensym)) (n -1))
+     (list* 'let* (cons (list temp form)
+                      (mapcar (function
+                               (lambda (v)
+                                 (list v (list 'nth (setq n (1+ n)) temp))))
+                              vars))
+          body)))
+ (defmacro multiple-value-setq (vars form)
+   "Collect multiple return values.
+ FORM must return a list; the first N elements of this list are stored in
+ each of the symbols SYM in turn.  This is analogous to the Common Lisp
+ `multiple-value-setq' macro, using lists to simulate true multiple return
+ values.  For compatibility, (values A B C) is a synonym for (list A B C).
+ \(fn (SYM SYM...) FORM)"
+   (cond ((null vars) (list 'progn form nil))
+       ((null (cdr vars)) (list 'setq (car vars) (list 'car form)))
+       (t
+        (let* ((temp (gensym)) (n 0))
+          (list 'let (list (list temp form))
+                (list 'prog1 (list 'setq (pop vars) (list 'car temp))
+                      (cons 'setq (apply 'nconc
+                                         (mapcar (function
+                                                  (lambda (v)
+                                                    (list v (list
+                                                             'nth
+                                                             (setq n (1+ n))
+                                                             temp))))
+                                                 vars)))))))))
+ ;;; Declarations.
+ (defmacro locally (&rest body) (cons 'progn body))
+ (defmacro the (type form) form)
+ (defvar cl-proclaim-history t)    ; for future compilers
+ (defvar cl-declare-stack t)       ; for future compilers
+ (defun cl-do-proclaim (spec hist)
+   (and hist (listp cl-proclaim-history) (push spec cl-proclaim-history))
+   (cond ((eq (car-safe spec) 'special)
+        (if (boundp 'byte-compile-bound-variables)
+            (setq byte-compile-bound-variables
+                  (append (cdr spec) byte-compile-bound-variables))))
+       ((eq (car-safe spec) 'inline)
+        (while (setq spec (cdr spec))
+          (or (memq (get (car spec) 'byte-optimizer)
+                    '(nil byte-compile-inline-expand))
+              (error "%s already has a byte-optimizer, can't make it inline"
+                     (car spec)))
+          (put (car spec) 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)))
+       ((eq (car-safe spec) 'notinline)
+        (while (setq spec (cdr spec))
+          (if (eq (get (car spec) 'byte-optimizer)
+                  'byte-compile-inline-expand)
+              (put (car spec) 'byte-optimizer nil))))
+       ((eq (car-safe spec) 'optimize)
+        (let ((speed (assq (nth 1 (assq 'speed (cdr spec)))
+                           '((0 nil) (1 t) (2 t) (3 t))))
+              (safety (assq (nth 1 (assq 'safety (cdr spec)))
+                            '((0 t) (1 t) (2 t) (3 nil)))))
+          (if speed (setq cl-optimize-speed (car speed)
+                          byte-optimize (nth 1 speed)))
+          (if safety (setq cl-optimize-safety (car safety)
+                           byte-compile-delete-errors (nth 1 safety)))))
+       ((and (eq (car-safe spec) 'warn) (boundp 'byte-compile-warnings))
+        (if (eq byte-compile-warnings t)
+            (setq byte-compile-warnings byte-compile-warning-types))
+        (while (setq spec (cdr spec))
+          (if (consp (car spec))
+              (if (eq (cadar spec) 0)
+                  (setq byte-compile-warnings
+                        (delq (caar spec) byte-compile-warnings))
+                (setq byte-compile-warnings
+                      (adjoin (caar spec) byte-compile-warnings)))))))
+   nil)
+ ;;; Process any proclamations made before cl-macs was loaded.
+ (defvar cl-proclaims-deferred)
+ (let ((p (reverse cl-proclaims-deferred)))
+   (while p (cl-do-proclaim (pop p) t))
+   (setq cl-proclaims-deferred nil))
+ (defmacro declare (&rest specs)
+   (if (cl-compiling-file)
+       (while specs
+       (if (listp cl-declare-stack) (push (car specs) cl-declare-stack))
+       (cl-do-proclaim (pop specs) nil)))
+   nil)
+ ;;; Generalized variables.
+ (defmacro define-setf-method (func args &rest body)
+   "Define a `setf' method.
+ This method shows how to handle `setf's to places of the form (NAME ARGS...).
+ The argument forms ARGS are bound according to ARGLIST, as if NAME were
+ going to be expanded as a macro, then the BODY forms are executed and must
+ return a list of five elements: a temporary-variables list, a value-forms
+ list, a store-variables list (of length one), a store-form, and an access-
+ form.  See `defsetf' for a simpler way to define most setf-methods.
+   (append '(eval-when (compile load eval))
+         (if (stringp (car body))
+             (list (list 'put (list 'quote func) '(quote setf-documentation)
+                         (pop body))))
+         (list (cl-transform-function-property
+                func 'setf-method (cons args body)))))
+ (defalias 'define-setf-expander 'define-setf-method)
+ (defmacro defsetf (func arg1 &rest args)
+   "(defsetf NAME FUNC): define a `setf' method.
+ This macro is an easy-to-use substitute for `define-setf-method' that works
+ well for simple place forms.  In the simple `defsetf' form, `setf's of
+ the form (setf (NAME ARGS...) VAL) are transformed to function or macro
+ calls of the form (FUNC ARGS... VAL).  Example: (defsetf aref aset).
+ Alternate form: (defsetf NAME ARGLIST (STORE) BODY...).
+ Here, the above `setf' call is expanded by binding the argument forms ARGS
+ according to ARGLIST, binding the value form VAL to STORE, then executing
+ BODY, which must return a Lisp form that does the necessary `setf' operation.
+ Actually, ARGLIST and STORE may be bound to temporary variables which are
+ introduced automatically to preserve proper execution order of the arguments.
+ Example: (defsetf nth (n x) (v) (list 'setcar (list 'nthcdr n x) v))."
+   (if (listp arg1)
+       (let* ((largs nil) (largsr nil)
+            (temps nil) (tempsr nil)
+            (restarg nil) (rest-temps nil)
+            (store-var (car (prog1 (car args) (setq args (cdr args)))))
+            (store-temp (intern (format "--%s--temp--" store-var)))
+            (lets1 nil) (lets2 nil)
+            (docstr nil) (p arg1))
+       (if (stringp (car args))
+           (setq docstr (prog1 (car args) (setq args (cdr args)))))
+       (while (and p (not (eq (car p) '&aux)))
+         (if (eq (car p) '&rest)
+             (setq p (cdr p) restarg (car p))
+           (or (memq (car p) '(&optional &key &allow-other-keys))
+               (setq largs (cons (if (consp (car p)) (car (car p)) (car p))
+                                 largs)
+                     temps (cons (intern (format "--%s--temp--" (car largs)))
+                                 temps))))
+         (setq p (cdr p)))
+       (setq largs (nreverse largs) temps (nreverse temps))
+       (if restarg
+           (setq largsr (append largs (list restarg))
+                 rest-temps (intern (format "--%s--temp--" restarg))
+                 tempsr (append temps (list rest-temps)))
+         (setq largsr largs tempsr temps))
+       (let ((p1 largs) (p2 temps))
+         (while p1
+           (setq lets1 (cons (list (car p2)
+                                   (list 'gensym (format "--%s--" (car p1))))
+                             lets1)
+                 lets2 (cons (list (car p1) (car p2)) lets2)
+                 p1 (cdr p1) p2 (cdr p2))))
+       (if restarg (setq lets2 (cons (list restarg rest-temps) lets2)))
+       (append (list 'define-setf-method func arg1)
+               (and docstr (list docstr))
+               (list
+                (list 'let*
+                      (nreverse
+                       (cons (list store-temp
+                                   (list 'gensym (format "--%s--" store-var)))
+                             (if restarg
+                                 (append
+                                  (list
+                                   (list rest-temps
+                                         (list 'mapcar '(quote gensym)
+                                               restarg)))
+                                  lets1)
+                               lets1)))
+                      (list 'list  ; 'values
+                            (cons (if restarg 'list* 'list) tempsr)
+                            (cons (if restarg 'list* 'list) largsr)
+                            (list 'list store-temp)
+                            (cons 'let*
+                                  (cons (nreverse
+                                         (cons (list store-var store-temp)
+                                               lets2))
+                                        args))
+                            (cons (if restarg 'list* 'list)
+                                  (cons (list 'quote func) tempsr)))))))
+     (list 'defsetf func '(&rest args) '(store)
+         (let ((call (list 'cons (list 'quote arg1)
+                           '(append args (list store)))))
+           (if (car args)
+               (list 'list '(quote progn) call 'store)
+             call)))))
+ ;;; Some standard place types from Common Lisp.
+ (defsetf aref aset)
+ (defsetf car setcar)
+ (defsetf cdr setcdr)
+ (defsetf caar (x) (val) (list 'setcar (list 'car x) val))
+ (defsetf cadr (x) (val) (list 'setcar (list 'cdr x) val))
+ (defsetf cdar (x) (val) (list 'setcdr (list 'car x) val))
+ (defsetf cddr (x) (val) (list 'setcdr (list 'cdr x) val))
+ (defsetf elt (seq n) (store)
+   (list 'if (list 'listp seq) (list 'setcar (list 'nthcdr n seq) store)
+       (list 'aset seq n store)))
+ (defsetf get put)
+ (defsetf get* (x y &optional d) (store) (list 'put x y store))
+ (defsetf gethash (x h &optional d) (store) (list 'puthash x store h))
+ (defsetf nth (n x) (store) (list 'setcar (list 'nthcdr n x) store))
+ (defsetf subseq (seq start &optional end) (new)
+   (list 'progn (list 'replace seq new :start1 start :end1 end) new))
+ (defsetf symbol-function fset)
+ (defsetf symbol-plist setplist)
+ (defsetf symbol-value set)
+ ;;; Various car/cdr aliases.  Note that `cadr' is handled specially.
+ (defsetf first setcar)
+ (defsetf second (x) (store) (list 'setcar (list 'cdr x) store))
+ (defsetf third (x) (store) (list 'setcar (list 'cddr x) store))
+ (defsetf fourth (x) (store) (list 'setcar (list 'cdddr x) store))
+ (defsetf fifth (x) (store) (list 'setcar (list 'nthcdr 4 x) store))
+ (defsetf sixth (x) (store) (list 'setcar (list 'nthcdr 5 x) store))
+ (defsetf seventh (x) (store) (list 'setcar (list 'nthcdr 6 x) store))
+ (defsetf eighth (x) (store) (list 'setcar (list 'nthcdr 7 x) store))
+ (defsetf ninth (x) (store) (list 'setcar (list 'nthcdr 8 x) store))
+ (defsetf tenth (x) (store) (list 'setcar (list 'nthcdr 9 x) store))
+ (defsetf rest setcdr)
+ ;;; Some more Emacs-related place types.
+ (defsetf buffer-file-name set-visited-file-name t)
+ (defsetf buffer-modified-p (&optional buf) (flag)
+   (list 'with-current-buffer buf
+       (list 'set-buffer-modified-p flag)))
+ (defsetf buffer-name rename-buffer t)
+ (defsetf buffer-string () (store)
+   (list 'progn '(erase-buffer) (list 'insert store)))
+ (defsetf buffer-substring cl-set-buffer-substring)
+ (defsetf current-buffer set-buffer)
+ (defsetf current-case-table set-case-table)
+ (defsetf current-column move-to-column t)
+ (defsetf current-global-map use-global-map t)
+ (defsetf current-input-mode () (store)
+   (list 'progn (list 'apply 'set-input-mode store) store))
+ (defsetf current-local-map use-local-map t)
+ (defsetf current-window-configuration set-window-configuration t)
+ (defsetf default-file-modes set-default-file-modes t)
+ (defsetf default-value set-default)
+ (defsetf documentation-property put)
+ (defsetf extent-data set-extent-data)
+ (defsetf extent-face set-extent-face)
+ (defsetf extent-priority set-extent-priority)
+ (defsetf extent-end-position (ext) (store)
+   (list 'progn (list 'set-extent-endpoints (list 'extent-start-position ext)
+                    store) store))
+ (defsetf extent-start-position (ext) (store)
+   (list 'progn (list 'set-extent-endpoints store
+                    (list 'extent-end-position ext)) store))
+ (defsetf face-background (f &optional s) (x) (list 'set-face-background f x 
+ (defsetf face-background-pixmap (f &optional s) (x)
+   (list 'set-face-background-pixmap f x s))
+ (defsetf face-font (f &optional s) (x) (list 'set-face-font f x s))
+ (defsetf face-foreground (f &optional s) (x) (list 'set-face-foreground f x 
+ (defsetf face-underline-p (f &optional s) (x)
+   (list 'set-face-underline-p f x s))
+ (defsetf file-modes set-file-modes t)
+ (defsetf frame-height set-screen-height t)
+ (defsetf frame-parameters modify-frame-parameters t)
+ (defsetf frame-visible-p cl-set-frame-visible-p)
+ (defsetf frame-width set-screen-width t)
+ (defsetf frame-parameter set-frame-parameter)
+ (defsetf getenv setenv t)
+ (defsetf get-register set-register)
+ (defsetf global-key-binding global-set-key)
+ (defsetf keymap-parent set-keymap-parent)
+ (defsetf local-key-binding local-set-key)
+ (defsetf mark set-mark t)
+ (defsetf mark-marker set-mark t)
+ (defsetf marker-position set-marker t)
+ (defsetf match-data set-match-data t)
+ (defsetf mouse-position (scr) (store)
+   (list 'set-mouse-position scr (list 'car store) (list 'cadr store)
+       (list 'cddr store)))
+ (defsetf overlay-get overlay-put)
+ (defsetf overlay-start (ov) (store)
+   (list 'progn (list 'move-overlay ov store (list 'overlay-end ov)) store))
+ (defsetf overlay-end (ov) (store)
+   (list 'progn (list 'move-overlay ov (list 'overlay-start ov) store) store))
+ (defsetf point goto-char)
+ (defsetf point-marker goto-char t)
+ (defsetf point-max () (store)
+   (list 'progn (list 'narrow-to-region '(point-min) store) store))
+ (defsetf point-min () (store)
+   (list 'progn (list 'narrow-to-region store '(point-max)) store))
+ (defsetf process-buffer set-process-buffer)
+ (defsetf process-filter set-process-filter)
+ (defsetf process-sentinel set-process-sentinel)
+ (defsetf process-get process-put)
+ (defsetf read-mouse-position (scr) (store)
+   (list 'set-mouse-position scr (list 'car store) (list 'cdr store)))
+ (defsetf screen-height set-screen-height t)
+ (defsetf screen-width set-screen-width t)
+ (defsetf selected-window select-window)
+ (defsetf selected-screen select-screen)
+ (defsetf selected-frame select-frame)
+ (defsetf standard-case-table set-standard-case-table)
+ (defsetf syntax-table set-syntax-table)
+ (defsetf visited-file-modtime set-visited-file-modtime t)
+ (defsetf window-buffer set-window-buffer t)
+ (defsetf window-display-table set-window-display-table t)
+ (defsetf window-dedicated-p set-window-dedicated-p t)
+ (defsetf window-height () (store)
+   (list 'progn (list 'enlarge-window (list '- store '(window-height))) store))
+ (defsetf window-hscroll set-window-hscroll)
+ (defsetf window-point set-window-point)
+ (defsetf window-start set-window-start)
+ (defsetf window-width () (store)
+   (list 'progn (list 'enlarge-window (list '- store '(window-width)) t) 
+ (defsetf x-get-cutbuffer x-store-cutbuffer t)
+ (defsetf x-get-cut-buffer x-store-cut-buffer t)   ; groan.
+ (defsetf x-get-secondary-selection x-own-secondary-selection t)
+ (defsetf x-get-selection x-own-selection t)
+ ;;; More complex setf-methods.
+ ;;; These should take &environment arguments, but since full arglists aren't
+ ;;; available while compiling cl-macs, we fake it by referring to the global
+ ;;; variable cl-macro-environment directly.
+ (define-setf-method apply (func arg1 &rest rest)
+   (or (and (memq (car-safe func) '(quote function function*))
+          (symbolp (car-safe (cdr-safe func))))
+       (error "First arg to apply in setf is not (function SYM): %s" func))
+   (let* ((form (cons (nth 1 func) (cons arg1 rest)))
+        (method (get-setf-method form cl-macro-environment)))
+     (list (car method) (nth 1 method) (nth 2 method)
+         (cl-setf-make-apply (nth 3 method) (cadr func) (car method))
+         (cl-setf-make-apply (nth 4 method) (cadr func) (car method)))))
+ (defun cl-setf-make-apply (form func temps)
+   (if (eq (car form) 'progn)
+       (list* 'progn (cl-setf-make-apply (cadr form) func temps) (cddr form))
+     (or (equal (last form) (last temps))
+       (error "%s is not suitable for use with setf-of-apply" func))
+     (list* 'apply (list 'quote (car form)) (cdr form))))
+ (define-setf-method nthcdr (n place)
+   (let ((method (get-setf-method place cl-macro-environment))
+       (n-temp (gensym "--nthcdr-n--"))
+       (store-temp (gensym "--nthcdr-store--")))
+     (list (cons n-temp (car method))
+         (cons n (nth 1 method))
+         (list store-temp)
+         (list 'let (list (list (car (nth 2 method))
+                                (list 'cl-set-nthcdr n-temp (nth 4 method)
+                                      store-temp)))
+               (nth 3 method) store-temp)
+         (list 'nthcdr n-temp (nth 4 method)))))
+ (define-setf-method getf (place tag &optional def)
+   (let ((method (get-setf-method place cl-macro-environment))
+       (tag-temp (gensym "--getf-tag--"))
+       (def-temp (gensym "--getf-def--"))
+       (store-temp (gensym "--getf-store--")))
+     (list (append (car method) (list tag-temp def-temp))
+         (append (nth 1 method) (list tag def))
+         (list store-temp)
+         (list 'let (list (list (car (nth 2 method))
+                                (list 'cl-set-getf (nth 4 method)
+                                      tag-temp store-temp)))
+               (nth 3 method) store-temp)
+         (list 'getf (nth 4 method) tag-temp def-temp))))
+ (define-setf-method substring (place from &optional to)
+   (let ((method (get-setf-method place cl-macro-environment))
+       (from-temp (gensym "--substring-from--"))
+       (to-temp (gensym "--substring-to--"))
+       (store-temp (gensym "--substring-store--")))
+     (list (append (car method) (list from-temp to-temp))
+         (append (nth 1 method) (list from to))
+         (list store-temp)
+         (list 'let (list (list (car (nth 2 method))
+                                (list 'cl-set-substring (nth 4 method)
+                                      from-temp to-temp store-temp)))
+               (nth 3 method) store-temp)
+         (list 'substring (nth 4 method) from-temp to-temp))))
+ ;;; Getting and optimizing setf-methods.
+ (defun get-setf-method (place &optional env)
+   "Return a list of five values describing the setf-method for PLACE.
+ PLACE may be any Lisp form which can appear as the PLACE argument to
+ a macro like `setf' or `incf'."
+   (if (symbolp place)
+       (let ((temp (gensym "--setf--")))
+       (list nil nil (list temp) (list 'setq place temp) place))
+     (or (and (symbolp (car place))
+            (let* ((func (car place))
+                   (name (symbol-name func))
+                   (method (get func 'setf-method))
+                   (case-fold-search nil))
+              (or (and method
+                       (let ((cl-macro-environment env))
+                         (setq method (apply method (cdr place))))
+                       (if (and (consp method) (= (length method) 5))
+                           method
+                         (error "Setf-method for %s returns malformed method"
+                                func)))
+                  (and (save-match-data
+                         (string-match "\\`c[ad][ad][ad]?[ad]?r\\'" name))
+                       (get-setf-method (compiler-macroexpand place)))
+                  (and (eq func 'edebug-after)
+                       (get-setf-method (nth (1- (length place)) place)
+                                        env)))))
+       (if (eq place (setq place (macroexpand place env)))
+           (if (and (symbolp (car place)) (fboundp (car place))
+                    (symbolp (symbol-function (car place))))
+               (get-setf-method (cons (symbol-function (car place))
+                                      (cdr place)) env)
+             (error "No setf-method known for %s" (car place)))
+         (get-setf-method place env)))))
+ (defun cl-setf-do-modify (place opt-expr)
+   (let* ((method (get-setf-method place cl-macro-environment))
+        (temps (car method)) (values (nth 1 method))
+        (lets nil) (subs nil)
+        (optimize (and (not (eq opt-expr 'no-opt))
+                       (or (and (not (eq opt-expr 'unsafe))
+                                (cl-safe-expr-p opt-expr))
+                           (cl-setf-simple-store-p (car (nth 2 method))
+                                                   (nth 3 method)))))
+        (simple (and optimize (consp place) (cl-simple-exprs-p (cdr place)))))
+     (while values
+       (if (or simple (cl-const-expr-p (car values)))
+         (push (cons (pop temps) (pop values)) subs)
+       (push (list (pop temps) (pop values)) lets)))
+     (list (nreverse lets)
+         (cons (car (nth 2 method)) (sublis subs (nth 3 method)))
+         (sublis subs (nth 4 method)))))
+ (defun cl-setf-do-store (spec val)
+   (let ((sym (car spec))
+       (form (cdr spec)))
+     (if (or (cl-const-expr-p val)
+           (and (cl-simple-expr-p val) (eq (cl-expr-contains form sym) 1))
+           (cl-setf-simple-store-p sym form))
+       (subst val sym form)
+       (list 'let (list (list sym val)) form))))
+ (defun cl-setf-simple-store-p (sym form)
+   (and (consp form) (eq (cl-expr-contains form sym) 1)
+        (eq (nth (1- (length form)) form) sym)
+        (symbolp (car form)) (fboundp (car form))
+        (not (eq (car-safe (symbol-function (car form))) 'macro))))
+ ;;; The standard modify macros.
+ (defmacro setf (&rest args)
+   "Set each PLACE to the value of its VAL.
+ This is a generalized version of `setq'; the PLACEs may be symbolic
+ references such as (car x) or (aref x i), as well as plain symbols.
+ For example, (setf (cadar x) y) is equivalent to (setcar (cdar x) y).
+ The return value is the last VAL in the list.
+ \(fn PLACE VAL PLACE VAL ...)"
+   (if (cdr (cdr args))
+       (let ((sets nil))
+       (while args (push (list 'setf (pop args) (pop args)) sets))
+       (cons 'progn (nreverse sets)))
+     (if (symbolp (car args))
+       (and args (cons 'setq args))
+       (let* ((method (cl-setf-do-modify (car args) (nth 1 args)))
+            (store (cl-setf-do-store (nth 1 method) (nth 1 args))))
+       (if (car method) (list 'let* (car method) store) store)))))
+ (defmacro psetf (&rest args)
+   "Set PLACEs to the values VALs in parallel.
+ This is like `setf', except that all VAL forms are evaluated (in order)
+ before assigning any PLACEs to the corresponding values.
+ \(fn PLACE VAL PLACE VAL ...)"
+   (let ((p args) (simple t) (vars nil))
+     (while p
+       (if (or (not (symbolp (car p))) (cl-expr-depends-p (nth 1 p) vars))
+         (setq simple nil))
+       (if (memq (car p) vars)
+         (error "Destination duplicated in psetf: %s" (car p)))
+       (push (pop p) vars)
+       (or p (error "Odd number of arguments to psetf"))
+       (pop p))
+     (if simple
+       (list 'progn (cons 'setf args) nil)
+       (setq args (reverse args))
+       (let ((expr (list 'setf (cadr args) (car args))))
+       (while (setq args (cddr args))
+         (setq expr (list 'setf (cadr args) (list 'prog1 (car args) expr))))
+       (list 'progn expr nil)))))
+ (defun cl-do-pop (place)
+   (if (cl-simple-expr-p place)
+       (list 'prog1 (list 'car place) (list 'setf place (list 'cdr place)))
+     (let* ((method (cl-setf-do-modify place t))
+          (temp (gensym "--pop--")))
+       (list 'let*
+           (append (car method)
+                   (list (list temp (nth 2 method))))
+           (list 'prog1
+                 (list 'car temp)
+                 (cl-setf-do-store (nth 1 method) (list 'cdr temp)))))))
+ (defmacro remf (place tag)
+   "Remove TAG from property list PLACE.
+ PLACE may be a symbol, or any generalized variable allowed by `setf'.
+ The form returns true if TAG was found and removed, nil otherwise."
+   (let* ((method (cl-setf-do-modify place t))
+        (tag-temp (and (not (cl-const-expr-p tag)) (gensym "--remf-tag--")))
+        (val-temp (and (not (cl-simple-expr-p place))
+                       (gensym "--remf-place--")))
+        (ttag (or tag-temp tag))
+        (tval (or val-temp (nth 2 method))))
+     (list 'let*
+         (append (car method)
+                 (and val-temp (list (list val-temp (nth 2 method))))
+                 (and tag-temp (list (list tag-temp tag))))
+         (list 'if (list 'eq ttag (list 'car tval))
+               (list 'progn
+                     (cl-setf-do-store (nth 1 method) (list 'cddr tval))
+                     t)
+               (list 'cl-do-remf tval ttag)))))
+ (defmacro shiftf (place &rest args)
+   "Shift left among PLACEs.
+ Example: (shiftf A B C) sets A to B, B to C, and returns the old A.
+ Each PLACE may be a symbol, or any generalized variable allowed by `setf'.
+ \(fn PLACE PLACE... VAL)"
+   (cond
+    ((null args) place)
+    ((symbolp place) `(prog1 ,place (setq ,place (shiftf ,@args))))
+    (t
+     (let ((method (cl-setf-do-modify place 'unsafe)))
+       `(let* ,(car method)
+        (prog1 ,(nth 2 method)
+          ,(cl-setf-do-store (nth 1 method) `(shiftf ,@args))))))))
+ (defmacro rotatef (&rest args)
+   "Rotate left among PLACEs.
+ Example: (rotatef A B C) sets A to B, B to C, and C to A.  It returns nil.
+ Each PLACE may be a symbol, or any generalized variable allowed by `setf'.
+ \(fn PLACE...)"
+   (if (not (memq nil (mapcar 'symbolp args)))
+       (and (cdr args)
+          (let ((sets nil)
+                (first (car args)))
+            (while (cdr args)
+              (setq sets (nconc sets (list (pop args) (car args)))))
+            (nconc (list 'psetf) sets (list (car args) first))))
+     (let* ((places (reverse args))
+          (temp (gensym "--rotatef--"))
+          (form temp))
+       (while (cdr places)
+       (let ((method (cl-setf-do-modify (pop places) 'unsafe)))
+         (setq form (list 'let* (car method)
+                          (list 'prog1 (nth 2 method)
+                                (cl-setf-do-store (nth 1 method) form))))))
+       (let ((method (cl-setf-do-modify (car places) 'unsafe)))
+       (list 'let* (append (car method) (list (list temp (nth 2 method))))
+             (cl-setf-do-store (nth 1 method) form) nil)))))
+ (defmacro letf (bindings &rest body)
+   "Temporarily bind to PLACEs.
+ This is the analogue of `let', but with generalized variables (in the
+ sense of `setf') for the PLACEs.  Each PLACE is set to the corresponding
+ VALUE, then the BODY forms are executed.  On exit, either normally or
+ because of a `throw' or error, the PLACEs are set back to their original
+ values.  Note that this macro is *not* available in Common Lisp.
+ As a special case, if `(PLACE)' is used instead of `(PLACE VALUE)',
+ the PLACE is not modified before executing BODY.
+ \(fn ((PLACE VALUE) ...) BODY...)"
+   (if (and (not (cdr bindings)) (cdar bindings) (symbolp (caar bindings)))
+       (list* 'let bindings body)
+     (let ((lets nil) (sets nil)
+         (unsets nil) (rev (reverse bindings)))
+       (while rev
+       (let* ((place (if (symbolp (caar rev))
+                         (list 'symbol-value (list 'quote (caar rev)))
+                       (caar rev)))
+              (value (cadar rev))
+              (method (cl-setf-do-modify place 'no-opt))
+              (save (gensym "--letf-save--"))
+              (bound (and (memq (car place) '(symbol-value symbol-function))
+                          (gensym "--letf-bound--")))
+              (temp (and (not (cl-const-expr-p value)) (cdr bindings)
+                         (gensym "--letf-val--"))))
+         (setq lets (nconc (car method)
+                           (if bound
+                               (list (list bound
+                                           (list (if (eq (car place)
+                                                         'symbol-value)
+                                                     'boundp 'fboundp)
+                                                 (nth 1 (nth 2 method))))
+                                     (list save (list 'and bound
+                                                      (nth 2 method))))
+                             (list (list save (nth 2 method))))
+                           (and temp (list (list temp value)))
+                           lets)
+               body (list
+                     (list 'unwind-protect
+                           (cons 'progn
+                                 (if (cdr (car rev))
+                                     (cons (cl-setf-do-store (nth 1 method)
+                                                             (or temp value))
+                                           body)
+                                   body))
+                           (if bound
+                               (list 'if bound
+                                     (cl-setf-do-store (nth 1 method) save)
+                                     (list (if (eq (car place) 'symbol-value)
+                                               'makunbound 'fmakunbound)
+                                           (nth 1 (nth 2 method))))
+                             (cl-setf-do-store (nth 1 method) save))))
+               rev (cdr rev))))
+       (list* 'let* lets body))))
+ (defmacro letf* (bindings &rest body)
+   "Temporarily bind to PLACEs.
+ This is the analogue of `let*', but with generalized variables (in the
+ sense of `setf') for the PLACEs.  Each PLACE is set to the corresponding
+ VALUE, then the BODY forms are executed.  On exit, either normally or
+ because of a `throw' or error, the PLACEs are set back to their original
+ values.  Note that this macro is *not* available in Common Lisp.
+ As a special case, if `(PLACE)' is used instead of `(PLACE VALUE)',
+ the PLACE is not modified before executing BODY.
+ \(fn ((PLACE VALUE) ...) BODY...)"
+   (if (null bindings)
+       (cons 'progn body)
+     (setq bindings (reverse bindings))
+     (while bindings
+       (setq body (list (list* 'letf (list (pop bindings)) body))))
+     (car body)))
+ (defmacro callf (func place &rest args)
+   "Set PLACE to (FUNC PLACE ARGS...).
+ FUNC should be an unquoted function name.  PLACE may be a symbol,
+ or any generalized variable allowed by `setf'.
+ \(fn FUNC PLACE ARGS...)"
+   (let* ((method (cl-setf-do-modify place (cons 'list args)))
+        (rargs (cons (nth 2 method) args)))
+     (list 'let* (car method)
+         (cl-setf-do-store (nth 1 method)
+                           (if (symbolp func) (cons func rargs)
+                             (list* 'funcall (list 'function func)
+                                    rargs))))))
+ (defmacro callf2 (func arg1 place &rest args)
+   "Set PLACE to (FUNC ARG1 PLACE ARGS...).
+ Like `callf', but PLACE is the second argument of FUNC, not the first.
+ \(fn FUNC ARG1 PLACE ARGS...)"
+   (if (and (cl-safe-expr-p arg1) (cl-simple-expr-p place) (symbolp func))
+       (list 'setf place (list* func arg1 place args))
+     (let* ((method (cl-setf-do-modify place (cons 'list args)))
+          (temp (and (not (cl-const-expr-p arg1)) (gensym "--arg1--")))
+          (rargs (list* (or temp arg1) (nth 2 method) args)))
+       (list 'let* (append (and temp (list (list temp arg1))) (car method))
+           (cl-setf-do-store (nth 1 method)
+                             (if (symbolp func) (cons func rargs)
+                               (list* 'funcall (list 'function func)
+                                      rargs)))))))
+ (defmacro define-modify-macro (name arglist func &optional doc)
+   "Define a `setf'-like modify macro.
+ If NAME is called, it combines its PLACE argument with the other arguments
+ from ARGLIST using FUNC: (define-modify-macro incf (&optional (n 1)) +)"
+   (if (memq '&key arglist) (error "&key not allowed in define-modify-macro"))
+   (let ((place (gensym "--place--")))
+     (list 'defmacro* name (cons place arglist) doc
+         (list* (if (memq '&rest arglist) 'list* 'list)
+                '(quote callf) (list 'quote func) place
+                (cl-arglist-args arglist)))))
+ ;;; Structures.
+ (defmacro defstruct (struct &rest descs)
+   "Define a struct type.
+ This macro defines a new Lisp data type called NAME, which contains data
+ stored in SLOTs.  This defines a `make-NAME' constructor, a `copy-NAME'
+ copier, a `NAME-p' predicate, and setf-able `NAME-SLOT' accessors.
+ \(fn (NAME OPTIONS...) (SLOT SLOT-OPTS...)...)"
+   (let* ((name (if (consp struct) (car struct) struct))
+        (opts (cdr-safe struct))
+        (slots nil)
+        (defaults nil)
+        (conc-name (concat (symbol-name name) "-"))
+        (constructor (intern (format "make-%s" name)))
+        (constrs nil)
+        (copier (intern (format "copy-%s" name)))
+        (predicate (intern (format "%s-p" name)))
+        (print-func nil) (print-auto nil)
+        (safety (if (cl-compiling-file) cl-optimize-safety 3))
+        (include nil)
+        (tag (intern (format "cl-struct-%s" name)))
+        (tag-symbol (intern (format "cl-struct-%s-tags" name)))
+        (include-descs nil)
+        (side-eff nil)
+        (type nil)
+        (named nil)
+        (forms nil)
+        pred-form pred-check)
+     (if (stringp (car descs))
+       (push (list 'put (list 'quote name) '(quote structure-documentation)
+                      (pop descs)) forms))
+     (setq descs (cons '(cl-tag-slot)
+                     (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (if (consp x) x (list x))))
+                             descs)))
+     (while opts
+       (let ((opt (if (consp (car opts)) (caar opts) (car opts)))
+           (args (cdr-safe (pop opts))))
+       (cond ((eq opt :conc-name)
+              (if args
+                  (setq conc-name (if (car args)
+                                      (symbol-name (car args)) ""))))
+             ((eq opt :constructor)
+              (if (cdr args)
+                  (push args constrs)
+                (if args (setq constructor (car args)))))
+             ((eq opt :copier)
+              (if args (setq copier (car args))))
+             ((eq opt :predicate)
+              (if args (setq predicate (car args))))
+             ((eq opt :include)
+              (setq include (car args)
+                    include-descs (mapcar (function
+                                           (lambda (x)
+                                             (if (consp x) x (list x))))
+                                          (cdr args))))
+             ((eq opt :print-function)
+              (setq print-func (car args)))
+             ((eq opt :type)
+              (setq type (car args)))
+             ((eq opt :named)
+              (setq named t))
+             ((eq opt :initial-offset)
+              (setq descs (nconc (make-list (car args) '(cl-skip-slot))
+                                 descs)))
+             (t
+              (error "Slot option %s unrecognized" opt)))))
+     (if print-func
+       (setq print-func (list 'progn
+                              (list 'funcall (list 'function print-func)
+                                    'cl-x 'cl-s 'cl-n) t))
+       (or type (and include (not (get include 'cl-struct-print)))
+         (setq print-auto t
+               print-func (and (or (not (or include type)) (null print-func))
+                               (list 'progn
+                                     (list 'princ (format "#S(%s" name)
+                                           'cl-s))))))
+     (if include
+       (let ((inc-type (get include 'cl-struct-type))
+             (old-descs (get include 'cl-struct-slots)))
+         (or inc-type (error "%s is not a struct name" include))
+         (and type (not (eq (car inc-type) type))
+              (error ":type disagrees with :include for %s" name))
+         (while include-descs
+           (setcar (memq (or (assq (caar include-descs) old-descs)
+                             (error "No slot %s in included struct %s"
+                                    (caar include-descs) include))
+                         old-descs)
+                   (pop include-descs)))
+         (setq descs (append old-descs (delq (assq 'cl-tag-slot descs) descs))
+               type (car inc-type)
+               named (assq 'cl-tag-slot descs))
+         (if (cadr inc-type) (setq tag name named t))
+         (let ((incl include))
+           (while incl
+             (push (list 'pushnew (list 'quote tag)
+                            (intern (format "cl-struct-%s-tags" incl)))
+                      forms)
+             (setq incl (get incl 'cl-struct-include)))))
+       (if type
+         (progn
+           (or (memq type '(vector list))
+               (error "Illegal :type specifier: %s" type))
+           (if named (setq tag name)))
+       (setq type 'vector named 'true)))
+     (or named (setq descs (delq (assq 'cl-tag-slot descs) descs)))
+     (push (list 'defvar tag-symbol) forms)
+     (setq pred-form (and named
+                        (let ((pos (- (length descs)
+                                      (length (memq (assq 'cl-tag-slot descs)
+                                                    descs)))))
+                          (if (eq type 'vector)
+                              (list 'and '(vectorp cl-x)
+                                    (list '>= '(length cl-x) (length descs))
+                                    (list 'memq (list 'aref 'cl-x pos)
+                                          tag-symbol))
+                            (if (= pos 0)
+                                (list 'memq '(car-safe cl-x) tag-symbol)
+                              (list 'and '(consp cl-x)
+                                    (list 'memq (list 'nth pos 'cl-x)
+                                          tag-symbol))))))
+         pred-check (and pred-form (> safety 0)
+                         (if (and (eq (caadr pred-form) 'vectorp)
+                                  (= safety 1))
+                             (cons 'and (cdddr pred-form)) pred-form)))
+     (let ((pos 0) (descp descs))
+       (while descp
+       (let* ((desc (pop descp))
+              (slot (car desc)))
+         (if (memq slot '(cl-tag-slot cl-skip-slot))
+             (progn
+               (push nil slots)
+               (push (and (eq slot 'cl-tag-slot) (list 'quote tag))
+                        defaults))
+           (if (assq slot descp)
+               (error "Duplicate slots named %s in %s" slot name))
+           (let ((accessor (intern (format "%s%s" conc-name slot))))
+             (push slot slots)
+             (push (nth 1 desc) defaults)
+             (push (list*
+                       'defsubst* accessor '(cl-x)
+                       (append
+                        (and pred-check
+                             (list (list 'or pred-check
+                                         (list 'error
+                                               (format "%s accessing a non-%s"
+                                                       accessor name)
+                                               'cl-x))))
+                        (list (if (eq type 'vector) (list 'aref 'cl-x pos)
+                                (if (= pos 0) '(car cl-x)
+                                  (list 'nth pos 'cl-x)))))) forms)
+             (push (cons accessor t) side-eff)
+             (push (list 'define-setf-method accessor '(cl-x)
+                            (if (cadr (memq :read-only (cddr desc)))
+                                (list 'error (format "%s is a read-only slot"
+                                                     accessor))
+                              (list 'cl-struct-setf-expander 'cl-x
+                                    (list 'quote name) (list 'quote accessor)
+                                    (and pred-check (list 'quote pred-check))
+                                    pos)))
+                      forms)
+             (if print-auto
+                 (nconc print-func
+                        (list (list 'princ (format " %s" slot) 'cl-s)
+                              (list 'prin1 (list accessor 'cl-x) 'cl-s)))))))
+       (setq pos (1+ pos))))
+     (setq slots (nreverse slots)
+         defaults (nreverse defaults))
+     (and predicate pred-form
+        (progn (push (list 'defsubst* predicate '(cl-x)
+                              (if (eq (car pred-form) 'and)
+                                  (append pred-form '(t))
+                                (list 'and pred-form t))) forms)
+               (push (cons predicate 'error-free) side-eff)))
+     (and copier
+        (progn (push (list 'defun copier '(x) '(copy-sequence x)) forms)
+               (push (cons copier t) side-eff)))
+     (if constructor
+       (push (list constructor
+                      (cons '&key (delq nil (copy-sequence slots))))
+                constrs))
+     (while constrs
+       (let* ((name (caar constrs))
+            (args (cadr (pop constrs)))
+            (anames (cl-arglist-args args))
+            (make (mapcar* (function (lambda (s d) (if (memq s anames) s d)))
+                           slots defaults)))
+       (push (list 'defsubst* name
+                      (list* '&cl-defs (list 'quote (cons nil descs)) args)
+                      (cons type make)) forms)
+       (if (cl-safe-expr-p (cons 'progn (mapcar 'second descs)))
+           (push (cons name t) side-eff))))
+     (if print-auto (nconc print-func (list '(princ ")" cl-s) t)))
+     (if print-func
+       (push (list 'push
+                      (list 'function
+                            (list 'lambda '(cl-x cl-s cl-n)
+                                  (list 'and pred-form print-func)))
+                      'custom-print-functions) forms))
+     (push (list 'setq tag-symbol (list 'list (list 'quote tag))) forms)
+     (push (list* 'eval-when '(compile load eval)
+                   (list 'put (list 'quote name) '(quote cl-struct-slots)
+                         (list 'quote descs))
+                   (list 'put (list 'quote name) '(quote cl-struct-type)
+                         (list 'quote (list type (eq named t))))
+                   (list 'put (list 'quote name) '(quote cl-struct-include)
+                         (list 'quote include))
+                   (list 'put (list 'quote name) '(quote cl-struct-print)
+                         print-auto)
+                   (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
+                                       (list 'put (list 'quote (car x))
+                                             '(quote side-effect-free)
+                                             (list 'quote (cdr x)))))
+                           side-eff))
+            forms)
+     (cons 'progn (nreverse (cons (list 'quote name) forms)))))
+ (defun cl-struct-setf-expander (x name accessor pred-form pos)
+   (let* ((temp (gensym "--x--")) (store (gensym "--store--")))
+     (list (list temp) (list x) (list store)
+         (append '(progn)
+                 (and pred-form
+                      (list (list 'or (subst temp 'cl-x pred-form)
+                                  (list 'error
+                                        (format
+                                         "%s storing a non-%s" accessor name)
+                                        temp))))
+                 (list (if (eq (car (get name 'cl-struct-type)) 'vector)
+                           (list 'aset temp pos store)
+                         (list 'setcar
+                               (if (<= pos 5)
+                                   (let ((xx temp))
+                                     (while (>= (setq pos (1- pos)) 0)
+                                       (setq xx (list 'cdr xx)))
+                                     xx)
+                                 (list 'nthcdr pos temp))
+                               store))))
+         (list accessor temp))))
+ ;;; Types and assertions.
+ (defmacro deftype (name arglist &rest body)
+   "Define NAME as a new data type.
+ The type name can then be used in `typecase', `check-type', etc."
+   (list 'eval-when '(compile load eval)
+       (cl-transform-function-property
+        name 'cl-deftype-handler (cons (list* '&cl-defs ''('*) arglist) 
+ (defun cl-make-type-test (val type)
+   (if (symbolp type)
+       (cond ((get type 'cl-deftype-handler)
+            (cl-make-type-test val (funcall (get type 'cl-deftype-handler))))
+           ((memq type '(nil t)) type)
+           ((eq type 'null) `(null ,val))
+           ((eq type 'float) `(floatp-safe ,val))
+           ((eq type 'real) `(numberp ,val))
+           ((eq type 'fixnum) `(integerp ,val))
+           ;; FIXME: Should `character' accept things like ?\C-\M-a ?  -stef
+           ((memq type '(character string-char)) `(characterp ,val))
+           (t
+            (let* ((name (symbol-name type))
+                   (namep (intern (concat name "p"))))
+              (if (fboundp namep) (list namep val)
+                (list (intern (concat name "-p")) val)))))
+     (cond ((get (car type) 'cl-deftype-handler)
+          (cl-make-type-test val (apply (get (car type) 'cl-deftype-handler)
+                                        (cdr type))))
+         ((memq (car type) '(integer float real number))
+          (delq t (and (cl-make-type-test val (car type))
+                        (if (memq (cadr type) '(* nil)) t
+                          (if (consp (cadr type)) (list '> val (caadr type))
+                            (list '>= val (cadr type))))
+                        (if (memq (caddr type) '(* nil)) t
+                          (if (consp (caddr type)) (list '< val (caaddr type))
+                            (list '<= val (caddr type)))))))
+         ((memq (car type) '(and or not))
+          (cons (car type)
+                (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (cl-make-type-test val x)))
+                        (cdr type))))
+         ((memq (car type) '(member member*))
+          (list 'and (list 'member* val (list 'quote (cdr type))) t))
+         ((eq (car type) 'satisfies) (list (cadr type) val))
+         (t (error "Bad type spec: %s" type)))))
+ (defun typep (val type)   ; See compiler macro below.
+   "Check that OBJECT is of type TYPE.
+ TYPE is a Common Lisp-style type specifier."
+   (eval (cl-make-type-test 'val type)))
+ (defmacro check-type (form type &optional string)
+   "Verify that FORM is of type TYPE; signal an error if not.
+ STRING is an optional description of the desired type."
+   (and (or (not (cl-compiling-file))
+          (< cl-optimize-speed 3) (= cl-optimize-safety 3))
+        (let* ((temp (if (cl-simple-expr-p form 3) form (gensym)))
+             (body (list 'or (cl-make-type-test temp type)
+                         (list 'signal '(quote wrong-type-argument)
+                               (list 'list (or string (list 'quote type))
+                                     temp (list 'quote form))))))
+        (if (eq temp form) (list 'progn body nil)
+          (list 'let (list (list temp form)) body nil)))))
+ (defmacro assert (form &optional show-args string &rest args)
+   "Verify that FORM returns non-nil; signal an error if not.
+ Second arg SHOW-ARGS means to include arguments of FORM in message.
+ Other args STRING and ARGS... are arguments to be passed to `error'.
+ They are not evaluated unless the assertion fails.  If STRING is
+ omitted, a default message listing FORM itself is used."
+   (and (or (not (cl-compiling-file))
+          (< cl-optimize-speed 3) (= cl-optimize-safety 3))
+        (let ((sargs (and show-args (delq nil (mapcar
+                                             (function
+                                              (lambda (x)
+                                                (and (not (cl-const-expr-p x))
+                                                     x))) (cdr form))))))
+        (list 'progn
+              (list 'or form
+                    (if string
+                        (list* 'error string (append sargs args))
+                      (list 'signal '(quote cl-assertion-failed)
+                            (list* 'list (list 'quote form) sargs))))
+              nil))))
+ (defmacro ignore-errors (&rest body)
+   "Execute FORMS; if an error occurs, return nil.
+ Otherwise, return result of last FORM."
+   `(condition-case nil (progn ,@body) (error nil)))
+ ;;; Compiler macros.
+ (defmacro define-compiler-macro (func args &rest body)
+   "Define a compiler-only macro.
+ This is like `defmacro', but macro expansion occurs only if the call to
+ FUNC is compiled (i.e., not interpreted).  Compiler macros should be used
+ for optimizing the way calls to FUNC are compiled; the form returned by
+ BODY should do the same thing as a call to the normal function called
+ FUNC, though possibly more efficiently.  Note that, like regular macros,
+ compiler macros are expanded repeatedly until no further expansions are
+ possible.  Unlike regular macros, BODY can decide to \"punt\" and leave the
+ original function call alone by declaring an initial `&whole foo' parameter
+ and then returning foo."
+   (let ((p args) (res nil))
+     (while (consp p) (push (pop p) res))
+     (setq args (nconc (nreverse res) (and p (list '&rest p)))))
+   (list 'eval-when '(compile load eval)
+       (cl-transform-function-property
+        func 'cl-compiler-macro
+        (cons (if (memq '&whole args) (delq '&whole args)
+                (cons '--cl-whole-arg-- args)) body))
+       (list 'or (list 'get (list 'quote func) '(quote byte-compile))
+             (list 'put (list 'quote func) '(quote byte-compile)
+                   '(quote cl-byte-compile-compiler-macro)))))
+ (defun compiler-macroexpand (form)
+   (while
+       (let ((func (car-safe form)) (handler nil))
+       (while (and (symbolp func)
+                   (not (setq handler (get func 'cl-compiler-macro)))
+                   (fboundp func)
+                   (or (not (eq (car-safe (symbol-function func)) 'autoload))
+                       (load (nth 1 (symbol-function func)))))
+         (setq func (symbol-function func)))
+       (and handler
+            (not (eq form (setq form (apply handler form (cdr form))))))))
+   form)
+ (defun cl-byte-compile-compiler-macro (form)
+   (if (eq form (setq form (compiler-macroexpand form)))
+       (byte-compile-normal-call form)
+     (byte-compile-form form)))
+ (defmacro defsubst* (name args &rest body)
+   "Define NAME as a function.
+ Like `defun', except the function is automatically declared `inline',
+ ARGLIST allows full Common Lisp conventions, and BODY is implicitly
+ surrounded by (block NAME ...).
+   (let* ((argns (cl-arglist-args args)) (p argns)
+        (pbody (cons 'progn body))
+        (unsafe (not (cl-safe-expr-p pbody))))
+     (while (and p (eq (cl-expr-contains args (car p)) 1)) (pop p))
+     (list 'progn
+         (if p nil   ; give up if defaults refer to earlier args
+           (list 'define-compiler-macro name
+                 (if (memq '&key args)
+                     (list* '&whole 'cl-whole '&cl-quote args)
+                   (cons '&cl-quote args))
+                 (list* 'cl-defsubst-expand (list 'quote argns)
+                        (list 'quote (list* 'block name body))
+                        (not (or unsafe (cl-expr-access-order pbody argns)))
+                        (and (memq '&key args) 'cl-whole) unsafe argns)))
+         (list* 'defun* name args body))))
+ (defun cl-defsubst-expand (argns body simple whole unsafe &rest argvs)
+   (if (and whole (not (cl-safe-expr-p (cons 'progn argvs)))) whole
+     (if (cl-simple-exprs-p argvs) (setq simple t))
+     (let ((lets (delq nil
+                     (mapcar* (function
+                               (lambda (argn argv)
+                                 (if (or simple (cl-const-expr-p argv))
+                                     (progn (setq body (subst argv argn body))
+                                            (and unsafe (list argn argv)))
+                                   (list argn argv))))
+                              argns argvs))))
+       (if lets (list 'let lets body) body))))
+ ;;; Compile-time optimizations for some functions defined in this package.
+ ;;; Note that cl.el arranges to force cl-macs to be loaded at compile-time,
+ ;;; mainly to make sure these macros will be present.
+ (put 'eql 'byte-compile nil)
+ (define-compiler-macro eql (&whole form a b)
+   (cond ((eq (cl-const-expr-p a) t)
+        (let ((val (cl-const-expr-val a)))
+          (if (and (numberp val) (not (integerp val)))
+              (list 'equal a b)
+            (list 'eq a b))))
+       ((eq (cl-const-expr-p b) t)
+        (let ((val (cl-const-expr-val b)))
+          (if (and (numberp val) (not (integerp val)))
+              (list 'equal a b)
+            (list 'eq a b))))
+       ((cl-simple-expr-p a 5)
+        (list 'if (list 'numberp a)
+              (list 'equal a b)
+              (list 'eq a b)))
+       ((and (cl-safe-expr-p a)
+             (cl-simple-expr-p b 5))
+        (list 'if (list 'numberp b)
+              (list 'equal a b)
+              (list 'eq a b)))
+       (t form)))
+ (define-compiler-macro member* (&whole form a list &rest keys)
+   (let ((test (and (= (length keys) 2) (eq (car keys) :test)
+                  (cl-const-expr-val (nth 1 keys)))))
+     (cond ((eq test 'eq) (list 'memq a list))
+         ((eq test 'equal) (list 'member a list))
+         ((or (null keys) (eq test 'eql))
+          (if (eq (cl-const-expr-p a) t)
+              (list (if (floatp-safe (cl-const-expr-val a)) 'member 'memq)
+                    a list)
+            (if (eq (cl-const-expr-p list) t)
+                (let ((p (cl-const-expr-val list)) (mb nil) (mq nil))
+                  (if (not (cdr p))
+                      (and p (list 'eql a (list 'quote (car p))))
+                    (while p
+                      (if (floatp-safe (car p)) (setq mb t)
+                        (or (integerp (car p)) (symbolp (car p)) (setq mq t)))
+                      (setq p (cdr p)))
+                    (if (not mb) (list 'memq a list)
+                      (if (not mq) (list 'member a list) form))))
+              form)))
+         (t form))))
+ (define-compiler-macro assoc* (&whole form a list &rest keys)
+   (let ((test (and (= (length keys) 2) (eq (car keys) :test)
+                  (cl-const-expr-val (nth 1 keys)))))
+     (cond ((eq test 'eq) (list 'assq a list))
+         ((eq test 'equal) (list 'assoc a list))
+         ((and (eq (cl-const-expr-p a) t) (or (null keys) (eq test 'eql)))
+          (if (floatp-safe (cl-const-expr-val a))
+              (list 'assoc a list) (list 'assq a list)))
+         (t form))))
+ (define-compiler-macro adjoin (&whole form a list &rest keys)
+   (if (and (cl-simple-expr-p a) (cl-simple-expr-p list)
+          (not (memq :key keys)))
+       (list 'if (list* 'member* a list keys) list (list 'cons a list))
+     form))
+ (define-compiler-macro list* (arg &rest others)
+   (let* ((args (reverse (cons arg others)))
+        (form (car args)))
+     (while (setq args (cdr args))
+       (setq form (list 'cons (car args) form)))
+     form))
+ (define-compiler-macro get* (sym prop &optional def)
+   (if def
+       (list 'getf (list 'symbol-plist sym) prop def)
+     (list 'get sym prop)))
+ (define-compiler-macro typep (&whole form val type)
+   (if (cl-const-expr-p type)
+       (let ((res (cl-make-type-test val (cl-const-expr-val type))))
+       (if (or (memq (cl-expr-contains res val) '(nil 1))
+               (cl-simple-expr-p val)) res
+         (let ((temp (gensym)))
+           (list 'let (list (list temp val)) (subst temp val res)))))
+     form))
+ (mapcar (function
+        (lambda (y)
+          (put (car y) 'side-effect-free t)
+          (put (car y) 'byte-compile 'cl-byte-compile-compiler-macro)
+          (put (car y) 'cl-compiler-macro
+               (list 'lambda '(w x)
+                     (if (symbolp (cadr y))
+                         (list 'list (list 'quote (cadr y))
+                               (list 'list (list 'quote (caddr y)) 'x))
+                       (cons 'list (cdr y)))))))
+       '((first 'car x) (second 'cadr x) (third 'caddr x) (fourth 'cadddr x)
+         (fifth 'nth 4 x) (sixth 'nth 5 x) (seventh 'nth 6 x)
+         (eighth 'nth 7 x) (ninth 'nth 8 x) (tenth 'nth 9 x)
+         (rest 'cdr x) (endp 'null x) (plusp '> x 0) (minusp '< x 0)
+         (caaar car caar) (caadr car cadr) (cadar car cdar)
+         (caddr car cddr) (cdaar cdr caar) (cdadr cdr cadr)
+         (cddar cdr cdar) (cdddr cdr cddr) (caaaar car caaar)
+         (caaadr car caadr) (caadar car cadar) (caaddr car caddr)
+         (cadaar car cdaar) (cadadr car cdadr) (caddar car cddar)
+         (cadddr car cdddr) (cdaaar cdr caaar) (cdaadr cdr caadr)
+         (cdadar cdr cadar) (cdaddr cdr caddr) (cddaar cdr cdaar)
+         (cddadr cdr cdadr) (cdddar cdr cddar) (cddddr cdr cdddr) ))
+ ;;; Things that are inline.
+ (proclaim '(inline floatp-safe acons map concatenate notany notevery
+                  cl-set-elt revappend nreconc gethash))
+ ;;; Things that are side-effect-free.
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (put x 'side-effect-free t)))
+       '(oddp evenp signum last butlast ldiff pairlis gcd lcm
+         isqrt floor* ceiling* truncate* round* mod* rem* subseq
+         list-length get* getf))
+ ;;; Things that are side-effect-and-error-free.
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (put x 'side-effect-free 'error-free)))
+       '(eql floatp-safe list* subst acons equalp random-state-p
+         copy-tree sublis))
+ (run-hooks 'cl-macs-load-hook)
+ ;;; Local variables:
+ ;;; byte-compile-warnings: (redefine callargs free-vars unresolved obsolete 
+ ;;; End:
+ ;;; cl-macs.el ends here

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