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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/replace.el

From: Richard M. Stallman
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/replace.el
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 13:46:20 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/replace.el
diff -c emacs/lisp/replace.el:1.136 emacs/lisp/replace.el:1.137
*** emacs/lisp/replace.el:1.136 Thu Apr 25 17:45:49 2002
--- emacs/lisp/replace.el       Sun Apr 28 13:46:19 2002
*** 27,35 ****
  ;;; Code:
- (eval-when-compile
-   (require 'cl))
  (defcustom case-replace t
    "*Non-nil means `query-replace' should preserve case in replacements."
    :type 'boolean
--- 27,32 ----
*** 449,455 ****
    "Keymap for `occur-mode'.")
! (defvar occur-revert-properties nil)
  (put 'occur-mode 'mode-class 'special)
  (defun occur-mode ()
--- 446,454 ----
    "Keymap for `occur-mode'.")
! (defvar occur-revert-arguments nil
!   "Arguments to pass to `occur-1' to revert an Occur mode buffer.
! See `occur-revert-function'.")
  (put 'occur-mode 'mode-class 'special)
  (defun occur-mode ()
*** 470,534 ****
             (font-lock-unfontify-region-function . 
    (setq revert-buffer-function 'occur-revert-function)
    (set (make-local-variable 'revert-buffer-function) 'occur-revert-function)
!   (make-local-variable 'occur-revert-properties)
    (run-hooks 'occur-mode-hook))
  (defun occur-revert-function (ignore1 ignore2)
!   "Handle `revert-buffer' for *Occur* buffers."
!   (apply 'occur-1 occur-revert-properties))
  (defun occur-mode-mouse-goto (event)
    "In Occur mode, go to the occurrence whose line you click on."
    (interactive "e")
!   (let ((buffer nil)
!       (pos nil))
        (set-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window (event-end event))))
        (goto-char (posn-point (event-end event)))
!       (let ((props (occur-mode-find-occurrence)))
!         (setq buffer (car props))
!         (setq pos (cdr props)))))
!     (pop-to-buffer buffer)
!     (goto-char (marker-position pos))))
  (defun occur-mode-find-occurrence ()
!   (let ((props (get-text-property (point) 'occur-target)))
!     (unless props
        (error "No occurrence on this line"))
!     (unless (buffer-live-p (car props))
!       (error "Buffer in which occurrence was found is deleted"))
!     props))
  (defun occur-mode-goto-occurrence ()
    "Go to the occurrence the current line describes."
!   (let ((target (occur-mode-find-occurrence)))
!     (pop-to-buffer (car target))
!     (goto-char (marker-position (cdr target)))))
  (defun occur-mode-goto-occurrence-other-window ()
    "Go to the occurrence the current line describes, in another window."
!   (let ((target (occur-mode-find-occurrence)))
!     (switch-to-buffer-other-window (car target))
!     (goto-char (marker-position (cdr target)))))
  (defun occur-mode-display-occurrence ()
    "Display in another window the occurrence the current line describes."
!   (let ((target (occur-mode-find-occurrence))
!       same-window-regexps
!       window)
!     (setq window (display-buffer (car target)))
      ;; This is the way to set point in the proper window.
        (select-window window)
!       (goto-char (marker-position (cdr target))))))
  (defun occur-next (&optional n)
!   "Move to the Nth (default 1) next match in the *Occur* buffer."
    (interactive "p")
    (if (not n) (setq n 1))
    (let ((r))
--- 469,531 ----
             (font-lock-unfontify-region-function . 
    (setq revert-buffer-function 'occur-revert-function)
    (set (make-local-variable 'revert-buffer-function) 'occur-revert-function)
!   (make-local-variable 'occur-revert-arguments)
    (run-hooks 'occur-mode-hook))
  (defun occur-revert-function (ignore1 ignore2)
!   "Handle `revert-buffer' for Occur mode buffers."
!   (apply 'occur-1 occur-revert-arguments))
  (defun occur-mode-mouse-goto (event)
    "In Occur mode, go to the occurrence whose line you click on."
    (interactive "e")
!   (let (pos)
        (set-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window (event-end event))))
        (goto-char (posn-point (event-end event)))
!       (setq pos (occur-mode-find-occurrence))))
!     (pop-to-buffer (marker-buffer pos))
!     (goto-char pos)))
  (defun occur-mode-find-occurrence ()
!   (let ((pos (get-text-property (point) 'occur-target)))
!     (unless pos
        (error "No occurrence on this line"))
!     (unless (buffer-live-p (marker-buffer pos))
!       (error "Buffer for this occurrence was killed"))
!     pos))
  (defun occur-mode-goto-occurrence ()
    "Go to the occurrence the current line describes."
!   (let ((pos (occur-mode-find-occurrence)))
!     (pop-to-buffer (marker-buffer pos))
!     (goto-char pos)))
  (defun occur-mode-goto-occurrence-other-window ()
    "Go to the occurrence the current line describes, in another window."
!   (let ((pos (occur-mode-find-occurrence)))
!     (switch-to-buffer-other-window (marker-buffer pos))
!     (goto-char pos)))
  (defun occur-mode-display-occurrence ()
    "Display in another window the occurrence the current line describes."
!   (let ((pos (occur-mode-find-occurrence))
!       window
!       ;; Bind these to ensure `display-buffer' puts it in another window.
!       same-window-regexps)
!     (setq window (display-buffer (marker-buffer pos)))
      ;; This is the way to set point in the proper window.
        (select-window window)
!       (goto-char pos))))
  (defun occur-next (&optional n)
!   "Move to the Nth (default 1) next match in an Occur mode buffer."
    (interactive "p")
    (if (not n) (setq n 1))
    (let ((r))
*** 542,548 ****
        (setq n (1- n)))))
  (defun occur-prev (&optional n)
!   "Move to the Nth (default 1) previous match in the *Occur* buffer."
    (interactive "p")
    (if (not n) (setq n 1))
    (let ((r))
--- 539,545 ----
        (setq n (1- n)))))
  (defun occur-prev (&optional n)
!   "Move to the Nth (default 1) previous match in an Occur mode buffer."
    (interactive "p")
    (if (not n) (setq n 1))
    (let ((r))
*** 587,595 ****
                      (if forwardp
!       (if forwardp
!           (decf count)
!         (incf count))
         (funcall (if no-props
--- 584,590 ----
                      (if forwardp
!       (setq count (+ count (if forwardp 1 -1)))
         (funcall (if no-props
*** 701,825 ****
        (if (> count 0)
            (display-buffer occur-buf)
          (kill-buffer occur-buf)))
!       (setq occur-revert-properties (list regexp nlines bufs)
            buffer-read-only t))))
! ;; Most of these are macros becuase if we used `flet', it wouldn't
! ;; create a closure, so things would blow up at run time.  Ugh. :(
! (macrolet ((insert-get-point (obj)
!            `(progn
!               (insert ,obj)
!               (point)))
!          (add-prefix (lines)
!            `(mapcar
!                #'(lambda (line)
!                    (concat "      :" line "\n"))
!                ,lines)))
!   (defun occur-engine (regexp buffers out-buf nlines case-fold-search
!                             title-face prefix-face match-face keep-props)
!     (with-current-buffer out-buf
!       (setq buffer-read-only nil)
!       (let ((globalcount 0))
!       ;; Map over all the buffers
!       (dolist (buf buffers)
!         (when (buffer-live-p buf)
!           (let ((c 0) ;; count of matched lines
!                 (l 1) ;; line count
!                 (matchbeg 0)
!                 (matchend 0)
!                 (origpt nil)
!                 (begpt nil)
!                 (endpt nil)
!                 (marker nil)
!                 (curstring "")
!                 (headerpt (with-current-buffer out-buf (point))))
!               (set-buffer buf)
!               (save-excursion
!                 (goto-char (point-min)) ;; begin searching in the buffer
!                 (while (not (eobp))
!                   (setq origpt (point))
!                   (when (setq endpt (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
!                       (incf c) ;; increment match count
!                       (incf globalcount)
!                       (setq matchbeg (match-beginning 0)
!                             matchend (match-end 0))
!                       (setq begpt (save-excursion
!                                     (goto-char matchbeg)
!                                     (line-beginning-position)))
!                       (incf l (1- (count-lines origpt endpt)))
!                       (setq marker (make-marker))
!                       (set-marker marker matchbeg)
!                       (setq curstring (buffer-substring begpt
!                                        (line-end-position)))
!                       ;; Depropertize the string, and maybe
!                       ;; highlight the matches
!                       (let ((len (length curstring))
!                                     (start 0))
!                                 (unless keep-props
!                                   (set-text-properties 0 len nil curstring))
!                                 (while (and (< start len)
!                                             (string-match regexp curstring 
!                                   (add-text-properties (match-beginning 0)
!                                                        (match-end 0)
!                                                        (append
!                                                         '(occur-match t)
!                                                         (when match-face
!                                                           `(face 
!                                                        curstring)
!                                   (setq start (match-end 0))))
!                       ;; Generate the string to insert for this match
!                       (let* ((out-line
!                               (concat
!                                (apply #'propertize (format "%6d:" l)
!                                       (append
!                                        (when prefix-face
!                                          `(face prefix-face))
!                                        '(occur-prefix t)))
!                                curstring
!                                "\n"))
!                              (data
!                               (if (= nlines 0)
!                                   ;; The simple display style
!                                   out-line
!                                ;; The complex multi-line display
!                                ;; style.  Generate a list of lines,
!                                ;; concatenate them all together.
!                                (apply #'concat
!                                       (nconc
!                                        (add-prefix (nreverse (cdr 
(occur-accumulate-lines (- (1+ nlines)) t))))
!                                        (list out-line)
!                                        (add-prefix (cdr 
(occur-accumulate-lines (1+ nlines) t))))))))
!                         ;; Actually insert the match display data
!                         (with-current-buffer out-buf
!                           (let ((beg (point))
!                                 (end (insert-get-point data)))
!                             (unless (= nlines 0)
!                               (insert-get-point "-------\n"))
!                             (add-text-properties
!                              beg (1- end)
!                              `(occur-target ,(cons buf marker)
!                                             mouse-face highlight help-echo
!                                             "mouse-2: go to this 
!                       (goto-char endpt))
!                   (incf l)
!                   ;; On to the next match...
!                   (forward-line 1))))
!             (when (not (zerop c)) ;; is the count zero?
!               (with-current-buffer out-buf
!                 (goto-char headerpt)
!                 (let ((beg (point))
!                       (end (insert-get-point
!                             (format "%d lines matching \"%s\" in buffer: %s\n"
!                                     c regexp (buffer-name buf)))))
!                   (add-text-properties beg end
!                                        (append
!                                         (when title-face
!                                           `(face ,title-face))
!                                         `(occur-title ,buf))))
!                 (goto-char (point-min)))))))
!       ;; Return the number of matches
!       globalcount))))
  (defun occur-fontify-on-property (prop face beg end)
    (let ((prop-beg (or (and (get-text-property (point) prop) (point))
--- 696,816 ----
        (if (> count 0)
            (display-buffer occur-buf)
          (kill-buffer occur-buf)))
!       (setq occur-revert-arguments (list regexp nlines bufs)
            buffer-read-only t))))
! (defun occur-engine-add-prefix (lines)
!   (mapcar
!    #'(lambda (line)
!        (concat "      :" line "\n"))
!    lines))
! (defun occur-engine (regexp buffers out-buf nlines case-fold-search
!                           title-face prefix-face match-face keep-props)
!   (with-current-buffer out-buf
!     (setq buffer-read-only nil)
!     (let ((globalcount 0))
!       ;; Map over all the buffers
!       (dolist (buf buffers)
!       (when (buffer-live-p buf)
!         (let ((matches 0)     ;; count of matched lines
!               (lines 1)       ;; line count
!               (matchbeg 0)
!               (matchend 0)
!               (origpt nil)
!               (begpt nil)
!               (endpt nil)
!               (marker nil)
!               (curstring "")
!               (headerpt (with-current-buffer out-buf (point))))
!           (save-excursion
!             (set-buffer buf)
!               (goto-char (point-min)) ;; begin searching in the buffer
!               (while (not (eobp))
!                 (setq origpt (point))
!                 (when (setq endpt (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
!                   (setq matches (1+ matches)) ;; increment match count
!                   (setq globalcount (1+ globalcount))
!                   (setq matchbeg (match-beginning 0)
!                         matchend (match-end 0))
!                   (setq begpt (save-excursion
!                                 (goto-char matchbeg)
!                                 (line-beginning-position)))
!                   (setq lines (+ lines (1- (count-lines origpt endpt))))
!                   (setq marker (make-marker))
!                   (set-marker marker matchbeg)
!                   (setq curstring (buffer-substring begpt
!                                                     (line-end-position)))
!                   ;; Depropertize the string, and maybe
!                   ;; highlight the matches
!                   (let ((len (length curstring))
!                         (start 0))
!                     (unless keep-props
!                       (set-text-properties 0 len nil curstring))
!                     (while (and (< start len)
!                                 (string-match regexp curstring start))
!                       (add-text-properties (match-beginning 0)
!                                            (match-end 0)
!                                            (append
!                                             '(occur-match t)
!                                             (when match-face
!                                               `(face ,match-face)))
!                                            curstring)
!                       (setq start (match-end 0))))
!                   ;; Generate the string to insert for this match
!                   (let* ((out-line
!                           (concat
!                            (apply #'propertize (format "%6d:" lines)
!                                   (append
!                                    (when prefix-face
!                                      `(face prefix-face))
!                                    '(occur-prefix t)))
!                            curstring
!                            "\n"))
!                          (data
!                           (if (= nlines 0)
!                               ;; The simple display style
!                               out-line
!                             ;; The complex multi-line display
!                             ;; style.  Generate a list of lines,
!                             ;; concatenate them all together.
!                             (apply #'concat
!                                    (nconc
!                                     (occur-engine-add-prefix (nreverse (cdr 
(occur-accumulate-lines (- (1+ nlines)) t))))
!                                     (list out-line)
!                                     (occur-engine-add-prefix (cdr 
(occur-accumulate-lines (1+ nlines) t))))))))
!                     ;; Actually insert the match display data
!                     (with-current-buffer out-buf
!                       (let ((beg (point))
!                             (end (progn (insert data) (point))))
!                         (unless (= nlines 0)
!                           (insert "-------\n"))
!                         (add-text-properties
!                          beg (1- end)
!                          `(occur-target ,marker
!                                         mouse-face highlight help-echo
!                                         "mouse-2: go to this occurrence")))))
!                   (goto-char endpt))
!                 (setq lines (1+ lines))
!                 ;; On to the next match...
!                 (forward-line 1))))
!           (when (not (zerop matches)) ;; is the count zero?
!             (with-current-buffer out-buf
!               (goto-char headerpt)
!               (let ((beg (point))
!                     end)
!                 (insert (format "%d lines matching \"%s\" in buffer: %s\n"
!                                 matches regexp (buffer-name buf)))
!                 (setq end (point))
!                 (add-text-properties beg end
!                                      (append
!                                       (when title-face
!                                         `(face ,title-face))
!                                       `(occur-title ,buf))))
!               (goto-char (point-min)))))))
!       ;; Return the number of matches
!       globalcount)))
  (defun occur-fontify-on-property (prop face beg end)
    (let ((prop-beg (or (and (get-text-property (point) prop) (point))

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