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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/textmodes/outline.el

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/textmodes/outline.el
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 21:15:03 -0500

Index: emacs/lisp/textmodes/outline.el
diff -u emacs/lisp/textmodes/outline.el:1.49 
--- emacs/lisp/textmodes/outline.el:1.49        Wed Sep 12 16:42:08 2001
+++ emacs/lisp/textmodes/outline.el     Wed Nov 28 21:15:03 2001
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
 ;;; Todo:
 ;; - subtree-terminators
+;; - better handle comments before function bodies (i.e. heading)
+;; - don't bother hiding whitespace
 ;;; Code:
@@ -147,6 +149,7 @@
     ;; Highlight headings according to the level.
     (eval . (list (concat "^" outline-regexp ".+")
                  0 '(or (cdr (assq (outline-font-lock-level)
+                                   ;; FIXME: this is silly!
                                    '((1 . font-lock-function-name-face)
                                      (2 . font-lock-variable-name-face)
                                      (3 . font-lock-keyword-face)
@@ -165,7 +168,7 @@
       (outline-back-to-heading t)
       (while (and (not (bobp))
                  (not (eq (funcall outline-level) 1)))
-       (outline-up-heading-all 1)
+       (outline-up-heading 1 t)
        (setq count (1+ count)))
@@ -253,10 +256,9 @@
        (add-to-invisibility-spec '(outline . t)))
     (setq line-move-ignore-invisible nil)
     ;; Cause use of ellipses for invisible text.
-    (remove-from-invisibility-spec '(outline . t)))
-  ;; When turning off outline mode, get rid of any outline hiding.
-  (or outline-minor-mode
-      (show-all)))
+    (remove-from-invisibility-spec '(outline . t))
+    ;; When turning off outline mode, get rid of any outline hiding.
+    (show-all)))
 (defcustom outline-level 'outline-level
   "*Function of no args to compute a header's nesting level in an outline.
@@ -318,7 +320,8 @@
            (or (re-search-backward (concat "^\\(" outline-regexp "\\)")
                                    nil t)
                (error "before first heading"))
-           (setq found (and (or invisible-ok (outline-visible)) (point)))))
+           (setq found (and (or invisible-ok (not (outline-invisible-p)))
+                            (point)))))
        (goto-char found)
@@ -327,9 +330,104 @@
 If INVISIBLE-OK is non-nil, an invisible heading line is ok too."
-    (and (bolp) (or invisible-ok (outline-visible))
+    (and (bolp) (or invisible-ok (not (outline-invisible-p)))
         (looking-at outline-regexp))))
+(defvar outline-level-heading ()
+  "Alist associating a heading for every possible level.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'outline-level-heading)
+(defun outline-insert-heading ()
+  "Insert a new heading at same depth at point."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((head (save-excursion
+               (condition-case nil
+                   (outline-back-to-heading)
+                 (error (outline-next-heading)))
+               (if (eobp)
+                   (or (cdar outline-level-heading) "")
+                 (match-string 0)))))
+    (unless (or (string-match "[ \t]\\'" head)
+               (not (string-match outline-regexp (concat head " "))))
+      (setq head (concat head " ")))
+    (unless (bolp) (end-of-line) (newline))
+    (insert head)
+    (unless (eolp)
+      (save-excursion (newline-and-indent)))
+    (run-hooks 'outline-insert-heading-hook)))
+(defun outline-promote (&optional children)
+  "Promote the current heading higher up the tree.
+If prefix argument CHILDREN is given, promote also all the children."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (outline-back-to-heading)
+  (let* ((head (match-string 0))
+        (level (save-match-data (funcall outline-level)))
+        (up-head (or (cdr (assoc head outline-level-headings))
+                     (cdr (assoc (1- level) outline-level-headings))
+                     (save-excursion
+                       (save-match-data
+                         (outline-up-heading 1 t)
+                         (match-string 0))))))
+    (unless (assoc level outline-level-headings)
+      (push (cons level head) outline-level-headings))
+    (replace-match up-head nil t)
+    (when children
+      (outline-map-tree 'outline-promote level))))
+(defun outline-demote (&optional children)
+  "Demote the current heading lower down the tree.
+If prefix argument CHILDREN is given, demote also all the children."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (outline-back-to-heading)
+  (let* ((head (match-string 0))
+        (level (save-match-data (funcall outline-level)))
+        (down-head
+         (or (let ((x (car (rassoc head outline-level-headings))))
+               (if (stringp x) x))
+             (cdr (assoc (1+ level) outline-level-headings))
+             (save-excursion
+               (save-match-data
+                 (while (and (not (eobp))
+                             (progn
+                               (outline-next-heading)
+                               (<= (funcall outline-level) level))))
+                 (when (eobp)
+                   ;; Try again from the beginning of the buffer.
+                   (goto-char (point-min))
+                   (while (and (not (eobp))
+                               (progn
+                                 (outline-next-heading)
+                                 (<= (funcall outline-level) level)))))
+                 (unless (eobp) (match-string 0))))
+             (save-match-data
+               ;; Bummer!! There is no lower heading in the buffer.
+               ;; Let's try to invent one by repeating the first char.
+               (let ((new-head (concat (substring head 0 1) head)))
+                 (if (string-match (concat "\\`" outline-regexp) new-head)
+                     ;; Why bother checking that it is indeed of lower level ?
+                     new-head
+                   ;; Didn't work: keep it as is so it's still a heading.
+                   head))))))
+    (unless (assoc level outline-level-headings)
+      (push (cons level head) outline-level-headings))
+    (replace-match down-head nil t)
+    (when children
+      (outline-map-tree 'outline-demote level))))
+(defun outline-map-tree (fun level)
+  "Call FUN for every heading underneath the current one."
+  (save-excursion
+    (while (and (progn
+                 (outline-next-heading)
+                 (> (funcall outline-level) level))
+               (not (eobp)))
+      (funcall fun))))
 (defun outline-end-of-heading ()
   (if (re-search-forward outline-heading-end-regexp nil 'move)
       (forward-char -1)))
@@ -347,13 +445,13 @@
     (while (and (not (bobp))
                (re-search-backward (concat "^\\(" outline-regexp "\\)")
                                    nil 'move)
-               (not (outline-visible))))
+               (outline-invisible-p)))
     (setq arg (1+ arg)))
   (while (and (not (eobp)) (> arg 0))
     (while (and (not (eobp))
                (re-search-forward (concat "^\\(" outline-regexp "\\)")
                                   nil 'move)
-               (not (outline-visible))))
+               (outline-invisible-p)))
     (setq arg (1- arg)))
@@ -380,63 +478,66 @@
     (push-mark (point))
     (goto-char beg)))
+(put 'outline 'reveal-toggle-invisible 'outline-reveal-toggle-invisible)
 (defun outline-flag-region (from to flag)
-  "Hides or shows lines from FROM to TO, according to FLAG.
+  "Hide or show lines from FROM to TO, according to FLAG.
 If FLAG is nil then text is shown, while if FLAG is t the text is hidden."
-  (save-excursion
-    (goto-char from)
-    (end-of-line)
-    (outline-discard-overlays (point) to 'outline)
-    (if flag
-       (let ((o (make-overlay (point) to)))
-         (overlay-put o 'invisible 'outline)
-         (overlay-put o 'isearch-open-invisible
-                      'outline-isearch-open-invisible))))
+  (remove-overlays from to 'invisible 'outline)
+  (when flag
+    (let ((o (make-overlay from to)))
+      (overlay-put o 'invisible 'outline)
+      (overlay-put o 'isearch-open-invisible 'outline-isearch-open-invisible)))
+  ;; Seems only used by lazy-lock.  I.e. obsolete.
   (run-hooks 'outline-view-change-hook))
+(defun outline-reveal-toggle-invisible (o revealp)
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (overlay-start o))
+    (if (null revealp)
+       ;; When hiding the area again, we could just clean it up and let
+       ;; reveal do the rest, by simply doing:
+       ;; (remove-overlays (overlay-start o) (overlay-end o)
+       ;;                  'invisible 'outline)
+       ;; 
+       ;; That works fine as long as everything is in sync, but if the
+       ;; structure of the document is changed while revealing parts of it,
+       ;; the resulting behavior can be ugly.  I.e. we need to make
+       ;; sure that we hide exactly a subtree.
+       (progn
+         (let ((end (overlay-end o)))
+           (delete-overlay o)
+           (while (progn
+                    (hide-subtree)
+                    (outline-next-visible-heading 1)
+                    (and (not (eobp)) (< (point) end))))))
+      ;; When revealing, we just need to reveal sublevels.  If point is
+      ;; inside one of the sublevels, reveal will call us again.
+      ;; But we need to preserve the original overlay.
+      (let ((o1 (copy-overlay o)))
+       (overlay-put o1 'invisible 'outline) ;We rehide some of the text.
+       (while (progn
+                (show-entry)
+                (show-children)
+                ;; Normally just the above is needed.
+                ;; But in odd cases, the above might fail to show anything.
+                ;; To avoid an infinite loop, we have to make sure that
+                ;; *something* gets shown.
+                (and (equal (overlay-start o) (overlay-start o1))
+                     (< (point) (overlay-end o))
+                     (= 0 (forward-line 1)))))
+       ;; If still nothing was shown, just kill the damn thing.
+       (when (equal (overlay-start o) (overlay-start o1))
+         ;; I've seen it happen at the end of buffer.
+         (delete-overlay o1))))))
 ;; Function to be set as an outline-isearch-open-invisible' property
 ;; to the overlay that makes the outline invisible (see
 ;; `outline-flag-region').
 (defun outline-isearch-open-invisible (overlay)
-  ;; We rely on the fact that isearch places point one the matched text.
+  ;; We rely on the fact that isearch places point on the matched text.
-;; Exclude from the region BEG ... END all overlays
-;; which have PROP as the value of the `invisible' property.
-;; Exclude them by shrinking them to exclude BEG ... END,
-;; or even by splitting them if necessary.
-;; Overlays without such an `invisible' property are not touched.
-(defun outline-discard-overlays (beg end prop)
-  (if (< end beg)
-      (setq beg (prog1 end (setq end beg))))
-  (save-excursion
-    (dolist (o (overlays-in beg end))
-      (if (eq (overlay-get o 'invisible) prop)
-         ;; Either push this overlay outside beg...end
-         ;; or split it to exclude beg...end
-         ;; or delete it entirely (if it is contained in beg...end).
-         (if (< (overlay-start o) beg)
-             (if (> (overlay-end o) end)
-                 (progn
-                   (move-overlay (outline-copy-overlay o)
-                                 (overlay-start o) beg)
-                   (move-overlay o end (overlay-end o)))
-               (move-overlay o (overlay-start o) beg))
-           (if (> (overlay-end o) end)
-               (move-overlay o end (overlay-end o))
-             (delete-overlay o)))))))
-;; Make a copy of overlay O, with the same beginning, end and properties.
-(defun outline-copy-overlay (o)
-  (let ((o1 (make-overlay (overlay-start o) (overlay-end o)
-                         (overlay-buffer o)))
-       (props (overlay-properties o)))
-    (while props
-      (overlay-put o1 (car props) (nth 1 props))
-      (setq props (cdr (cdr props))))
-    o1))
 (defun hide-entry ()
   "Hide the body directly following this heading."
@@ -444,7 +545,7 @@
-   (outline-flag-region (point) (progn (outline-next-preface) (point)) t)))
+    (outline-flag-region (point) (progn (outline-next-preface) (point)) t)))
 (defun show-entry ()
   "Show the body directly following this heading.
@@ -517,6 +618,7 @@
        (let ((end (save-excursion (outline-end-of-subtree) (point))))
          ;; Hide everything under that.
+         (outline-end-of-heading)
          (outline-flag-region (point) end t)
          ;; Show the first LEVELS levels under that.
          (if (> levels 0)
@@ -540,6 +642,17 @@
   (run-hooks 'outline-view-change-hook))
+(defun outline-toggle-children ()
+  "Show or hide the current subtree depending on its current state."
+  (interactive)
+  (outline-back-to-heading)
+  (if (save-excursion
+       (end-of-line)
+       (not (outline-invisible-p)))
+      (hide-subtree)
+    (show-children)
+    (show-entry)))
 (defun outline-flag-subtree (flag)
@@ -607,28 +720,15 @@
                                     (progn (outline-end-of-heading) (point))
   (run-hooks 'outline-view-change-hook))
-(defun outline-up-heading-all (arg)
-  "Move to the heading line of which the present line is a subheading.
-This function considers both visible and invisible heading lines.
-With argument, move up ARG levels."
-  (outline-back-to-heading t)
-  (if (eq (funcall outline-level) 1)
-      (error "Already at top level of the outline"))
-  (while (and (> (funcall outline-level) 1)
-             (> arg 0)
-             (not (bobp)))
-    (let ((present-level (funcall outline-level)))
-      (while (and (not (< (funcall outline-level) present-level))
-                 (not (bobp)))
-       (outline-previous-heading))
-      (setq arg (- arg 1)))))
-(defun outline-up-heading (arg)
+(defun outline-up-heading (arg &optional invisible-ok)
   "Move to the visible heading line of which the present line is a subheading.
-With argument, move up ARG levels."
+With argument, move up ARG levels.
+If INVISIBLE-OK is non-nil, also consider invisible lines."
   (interactive "p")
-  (outline-back-to-heading)
+  (outline-back-to-heading invisible-ok)
   (if (eq (funcall outline-level) 1)
       (error "Already at top level of the outline"))
   (while (and (> (funcall outline-level) 1)
@@ -637,7 +737,9 @@
     (let ((present-level (funcall outline-level)))
       (while (and (not (< (funcall outline-level) present-level))
                  (not (bobp)))
-       (outline-previous-visible-heading 1))
+       (if invisible-ok
+           (outline-previous-heading)
+         (outline-previous-visible-heading 1)))
       (setq arg (- arg 1)))))
 (defun outline-forward-same-level (arg)
@@ -720,7 +822,7 @@
          (let ((temp-buffer (current-buffer)))
            (with-current-buffer buffer
              (while (outline-next-heading)
-               (when (outline-visible)
+               (unless (outline-invisible-p)
                  (setq start (point)
                        end (progn (outline-end-of-heading) (point)))
                  (with-current-buffer temp-buffer

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