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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/mail/mail-extr.el

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/mail/mail-extr.el
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 18:16:22 -0500

Index: emacs/lisp/mail/mail-extr.el
diff -u emacs/lisp/mail/mail-extr.el:1.35 emacs/lisp/mail/mail-extr.el:1.36
--- emacs/lisp/mail/mail-extr.el:1.35   Fri Nov 16 14:54:57 2001
+++ emacs/lisp/mail/mail-extr.el        Mon Nov 19 18:16:21 2001
@@ -511,24 +511,20 @@
 (defconst mail-extr-address-domain-literal-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
 (defconst mail-extr-address-text-comment-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
 (defconst mail-extr-address-text-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
- (function
-  (lambda (pair)
-    (let ((syntax-table (symbol-value (car pair))))
-      (mapcar
-       (function
-       (lambda (item)
-         (if (eq 2 (length item))
-             ;; modifying syntax of a single character
-             (modify-syntax-entry (car item) (car (cdr item)) syntax-table)
-           ;; modifying syntax of a range of characters
-           (let ((char (nth 0 item))
-                 (bound (nth 1 item))
-                 (syntax (nth 2 item)))
-             (while (<= char bound)
-               (modify-syntax-entry char syntax syntax-table)
-               (setq char (1+ char)))))))
-       (cdr pair)))))
+ (lambda (pair)
+   (let ((syntax-table (symbol-value (car pair))))
+     (dolist (item (cdr pair))
+       (if (eq 2 (length item))
+          ;; modifying syntax of a single character
+          (modify-syntax-entry (car item) (car (cdr item)) syntax-table)
+        ;; modifying syntax of a range of characters
+        (let ((char (nth 0 item))
+              (bound (nth 1 item))
+              (syntax (nth 2 item)))
+          (while (<= char bound)
+            (modify-syntax-entry char syntax syntax-table)
+            (setq char (1+ char))))))))
     (?\000 ?\037 "w")                  ;control characters
     (?\040      " ")                   ;SPC
@@ -618,11 +614,6 @@
 ;; Utility functions and macros.
-(defsubst mail-extr-delete-char (n)
-  ;; in v19, delete-char is compiled as a function call, but delete-region
-  ;; is byte-coded, so it's much much faster.
-  (delete-region (point) (+ (point) n)))
 (defsubst mail-extr-skip-whitespace-forward ()
   ;; v19 fn skip-syntax-forward is more tasteful, but not byte-coded.
   (skip-chars-forward " \t\n\r\240"))
@@ -639,14 +630,14 @@
       (goto-char (point-min))
       ;; undo \ quoting
       (while (search-forward "\\" nil t)
-       (mail-extr-delete-char -1)
+       (delete-char -1)
        (or (eobp)
            (forward-char 1))))))
 (defsubst mail-extr-nuke-char-at (pos)
     (goto-char pos)
-    (mail-extr-delete-char 1)
+    (delete-char 1)
     (insert ?\ )))
 (put 'mail-extr-nuke-outside-range
@@ -655,27 +646,28 @@
 (defmacro mail-extr-nuke-outside-range (list-symbol
                                        beg-symbol end-symbol
                                        &optional no-replace)
-  ;; LIST-SYMBOL names a variable holding a list of buffer positions
-  ;; BEG-SYMBOL and END-SYMBOL name variables delimiting a range
-  ;; Each element of LIST-SYMBOL which lies outside of the range is
-  ;;  deleted from the list.
-  ;; Unless NO-REPLACE is true, at each of the positions in LIST-SYMBOL
-  ;;  which lie outside of the range, one character at that position is
-  ;;  replaced with a SPC.
+  "Delete all elements outside BEG..END in LIST.
+LIST-SYMBOL names a variable holding a list of buffer positions
+BEG-SYMBOL and END-SYMBOL name variables delimiting a range
+Each element of LIST-SYMBOL which lies outside of the range is
+ deleted from the list.
+Unless NO-REPLACE is true, at each of the positions in LIST-SYMBOL
+ which lie outside of the range, one character at that position is
+ replaced with a SPC."
   (or (memq no-replace '(t nil))
       (error "no-replace must be t or nil, evaluable at macroexpand-time"))
-  (` (let ((temp (, list-symbol))
+  `(let ((temp ,list-symbol)
        (while temp
         (setq ch (car temp))
-        (cond ((or (> ch (, end-symbol))
-                   (< ch (, beg-symbol)))
-               (,@ (if no-replace
-                       nil
-                     (` ((mail-extr-nuke-char-at ch)))))
-               (setcar temp nil)))
+        (when (or (> ch ,end-symbol)
+                  (< ch ,beg-symbol))
+          ,@(if no-replace
+                  nil
+                `((mail-extr-nuke-char-at ch)))
+          (setcar temp nil))
         (setq temp (cdr temp)))
-       (setq (, list-symbol) (delq nil (, list-symbol))))))
+       (setq ,list-symbol (delq nil ,list-symbol))))
 (defun mail-extr-demarkerize (marker)
   ;; if arg is a marker, destroys the marker, then returns the old value.
@@ -909,27 +901,25 @@
          ;; If multiple @s and a :, but no < and >, insert around buffer.
          ;; Example: @foo.bar.dom,@xxx.yyy.zzz:address@hidden
          ;; This commonly happens on the UUCP "From " line.  Ugh.
-         (cond ((and (> (length @-pos) 1)
+         (when (and (> (length @-pos) 1)
                      (eq 1 (length colon-pos)) ;TODO: check if between last 
two @s
                      (not \;-pos)
                      (not <-pos))
-                (goto-char (point-min))
-                (mail-extr-delete-char 1)
-                (setq <-pos (list (point)))
-                (insert ?<)))
+           (goto-char (point-min))
+           (delete-char 1)
+           (setq <-pos (list (point)))
+           (insert ?<))
          ;; If < but no >, insert > in rightmost possible position
-         (cond ((and <-pos
-                     (null >-pos))
-                (goto-char (point-max))
-                (setq >-pos (list (point)))
-                (insert ?>)))
+         (when (and <-pos (null >-pos))
+           (goto-char (point-max))
+           (setq >-pos (list (point)))
+           (insert ?>))
          ;; If > but no <, replace > with space.
-         (cond ((and >-pos
-                     (null <-pos))
-                (mail-extr-nuke-char-at (car >-pos))
-                (setq >-pos nil)))
+         (when (and >-pos (null <-pos))
+           (mail-extr-nuke-char-at (car >-pos))
+           (setq >-pos nil))
          ;; Turn >-pos and <-pos into non-lists
          (setq >-pos (car >-pos)
@@ -937,15 +927,15 @@
          ;; Trim other punctuation lists of items outside < > pair to handle
          ;; stupid MTAs.
-         (cond (<-pos                  ; don't need to check >-pos also
-                ;; handle bozo software that violates RFC 822 by sticking
-                ;; punctuation marks outside of a < > pair
-                (mail-extr-nuke-outside-range @-pos <-pos >-pos t)
-                ;; RFC 822 says nothing about these two outside < >, but
-                ;; remove those positions from the lists to make things
-                ;; easier.
-                (mail-extr-nuke-outside-range !-pos <-pos >-pos t)
-                (mail-extr-nuke-outside-range %-pos <-pos >-pos t)))
+         (when <-pos                   ; don't need to check >-pos also
+           ;; handle bozo software that violates RFC 822 by sticking
+           ;; punctuation marks outside of a < > pair
+           (mail-extr-nuke-outside-range @-pos <-pos >-pos t)
+           ;; RFC 822 says nothing about these two outside < >, but
+           ;; remove those positions from the lists to make things
+           ;; easier.
+           (mail-extr-nuke-outside-range !-pos <-pos >-pos t)
+           (mail-extr-nuke-outside-range %-pos <-pos >-pos t))
          ;; Check for : that indicates GROUP list and for : part of
          ;; ROUTE-ADDR spec.
@@ -982,19 +972,18 @@
                   (setq group-\;-pos temp))))
          ;; Nuke unmatched GROUP syntax characters.
-         (cond ((and group-:-pos (not group-\;-pos))
-                ;; *** Do I really need to erase it?
-                (mail-extr-nuke-char-at group-:-pos)
-                (setq group-:-pos nil)))
-         (cond ((and group-\;-pos (not group-:-pos))
-                ;; *** Do I really need to erase it?
-                (mail-extr-nuke-char-at group-\;-pos)
-                (setq group-\;-pos nil)))
+         (when (and group-:-pos (not group-\;-pos))
+           ;; *** Do I really need to erase it?
+           (mail-extr-nuke-char-at group-:-pos)
+           (setq group-:-pos nil))
+         (when (and group-\;-pos (not group-:-pos))
+           ;; *** Do I really need to erase it?
+           (mail-extr-nuke-char-at group-\;-pos)
+           (setq group-\;-pos nil))
          ;; Handle junk like ";@host.company.dom" that sendmail adds.
          ;; **** should I remember comment positions?
-         (cond
-          (group-\;-pos
+         (when group-\;-pos
            ;; this is fine for now
            (mail-extr-nuke-outside-range !-pos group-:-pos group-\;-pos t)
            (mail-extr-nuke-outside-range @-pos group-:-pos group-\;-pos t)
@@ -1018,7 +1007,7 @@
            ;; *** The entire handling of GROUP addresses seems rather lame.
            ;; *** It deserves a complete rethink, except that these addresses
            ;; *** are hardly ever seen.
-           ))
+           )
          ;; Any commas must be between < and : of ROUTE-ADDR.  Nuke any
          ;; others.
@@ -1032,57 +1021,55 @@
          ;; handled above.
          ;; Locate PHRASE part of ROUTE-ADDR.
-         (cond (<-pos
-                (goto-char <-pos)
-                (mail-extr-skip-whitespace-backward)
-                (setq phrase-end (point))
-                (goto-char (or ;;group-:-pos
-                               (point-min)))
-                (mail-extr-skip-whitespace-forward)
-                (if (< (point) phrase-end)
-                    (setq phrase-beg (point))
-                  (setq phrase-end nil))))
+         (when <-pos
+           (goto-char <-pos)
+           (mail-extr-skip-whitespace-backward)
+           (setq phrase-end (point))
+           (goto-char (or ;;group-:-pos
+                       (point-min)))
+           (mail-extr-skip-whitespace-forward)
+           (if (< (point) phrase-end)
+               (setq phrase-beg (point))
+             (setq phrase-end nil)))
          ;; handle ROUTE-ADDRS with real ROUTEs.
          ;; If there are multiple @s, then we assume ROUTE-ADDR syntax, and
          ;; any % or ! must be semantically meaningless.
          ;; TODO: do this processing into canonicalization buffer
-         (cond (route-addr-:-pos
-                (setq !-pos nil
-                      %-pos nil
-                      >-pos (copy-marker >-pos)
-                      route-addr-:-pos (copy-marker route-addr-:-pos))
-                (goto-char >-pos)
-                (insert-before-markers ?X)
-                (goto-char (car @-pos))
-                (while (setq @-pos (cdr @-pos))
-                  (mail-extr-delete-char 1)
-                  (setq %-pos (cons (point-marker) %-pos))
-                  (insert "%")
-                  (goto-char (1- >-pos))
-                  (save-excursion
-                    (insert-buffer-substring extraction-buffer
-                                             (car @-pos) route-addr-:-pos)
-                    (delete-region (car @-pos) route-addr-:-pos))
-                  (or (cdr @-pos)
-                      (setq address@hidden (list (point)))))
-                (setq @-pos address@hidden)
-                (goto-char >-pos)
-                (mail-extr-delete-char -1)
-                (mail-extr-nuke-char-at route-addr-:-pos)
-                (mail-extr-demarkerize route-addr-:-pos)
-                (setq route-addr-:-pos nil
-                      >-pos (mail-extr-demarkerize >-pos)
-                      %-pos (mapcar 'mail-extr-demarkerize %-pos))))
+         (when route-addr-:-pos
+           (setq !-pos nil
+                 %-pos nil
+                 >-pos (copy-marker >-pos)
+                 route-addr-:-pos (copy-marker route-addr-:-pos))
+           (goto-char >-pos)
+           (insert-before-markers ?X)
+           (goto-char (car @-pos))
+           (while (setq @-pos (cdr @-pos))
+             (delete-char 1)
+             (setq %-pos (cons (point-marker) %-pos))
+             (insert "%")
+             (goto-char (1- >-pos))
+             (save-excursion
+               (insert-buffer-substring extraction-buffer
+                                        (car @-pos) route-addr-:-pos)
+               (delete-region (car @-pos) route-addr-:-pos))
+             (or (cdr @-pos)
+                 (setq address@hidden (list (point)))))
+           (setq @-pos address@hidden)
+           (goto-char >-pos)
+           (delete-char -1)
+           (mail-extr-nuke-char-at route-addr-:-pos)
+           (mail-extr-demarkerize route-addr-:-pos)
+           (setq route-addr-:-pos nil
+                 >-pos (mail-extr-demarkerize >-pos)
+                 %-pos (mapcar 'mail-extr-demarkerize %-pos)))
          ;; de-listify @-pos
          (setq @-pos (car @-pos))
          ;; TODO: remove comments in the middle of an address
-         (save-excursion
-           (set-buffer canonicalization-buffer)
+         (with-current-buffer canonicalization-buffer
            (insert-buffer-substring extraction-buffer)
@@ -1097,8 +1084,7 @@
                  (narrow-to-region first-real-pos last-real-pos)
                ;; ****** Oh no!  What if the address is completely empty!
                ;; *** Is this correct?
-               (narrow-to-region (point-max) (point-max))
-               ))
+               (narrow-to-region (point-max) (point-max))))
            (and @-pos %-pos
                 (mail-extr-nuke-outside-range %-pos (point-min) @-pos))
@@ -1110,118 +1096,119 @@
            ;; Error condition:?? (and %-pos (not @-pos))
-           (cond ((and %-pos
-                       (not @-pos))
-                  (goto-char (car %-pos))
-                  (mail-extr-delete-char 1)
-                  (setq @-pos (point))
-                  (insert "@")
-                  (setq %-pos (cdr %-pos))))
-           (if mail-extr-mangle-uucp
-               (cond (!-pos
-                      ;; **** I don't understand this save-restriction and the
-                      ;; narrow-to-region inside it.  Why did I do that?
-                      (save-restriction
-                        (cond ((and @-pos
-                                    address@hidden)
-                               (goto-char @-pos)
-                               (setq %-pos (cons (point) %-pos)
-                                     @-pos nil)
-                               (mail-extr-delete-char 1)
-                               (insert "%")
-                               (setq insert-point (point-max)))
-                              (address@hidden
-                               (setq insert-point (point-max)))
-                              (%-pos
-                               (setq insert-point (car (last %-pos))
-                                     saved-%-pos (mapcar 'mail-extr-markerize 
-                                     %-pos nil
-                                     @-pos (mail-extr-markerize @-pos)))
-                              (@-pos
-                               (setq insert-point @-pos)
-                               (setq @-pos (mail-extr-markerize @-pos)))
-                              (t
-                               (setq insert-point (point-max))))
-                        (narrow-to-region (point-min) insert-point)
-                        (setq saved-!-pos (car !-pos))
-                        (while !-pos
-                          (goto-char (point-max))
-                          (cond ((and (not @-pos)
-                                      (not (cdr !-pos)))
-                                 (setq @-pos (point))
-                                 (insert-before-markers "@ "))
-                                (t
-                                 (setq %-pos (cons (point) %-pos))
-                                 (insert-before-markers "% ")))
-                          (backward-char 1)
-                          (insert-buffer-substring 
-                           (current-buffer)
-                           (if (nth 1 !-pos)
-                               (1+ (nth 1 !-pos))
-                             (point-min))
-                           (car !-pos))
-                          (mail-extr-delete-char 1)
-                          (or (save-excursion
-                                (mail-extr-safe-move-sexp -1)
-                                (mail-extr-skip-whitespace-backward)
-                                (eq ?. (preceding-char)))
-                              (insert-before-markers
-                               (if (save-excursion
-                                     (mail-extr-skip-whitespace-backward)
-                                     (eq ?. (preceding-char)))
-                                   ""
-                                 ".")
-                               "uucp"))
-                          (setq !-pos (cdr !-pos))))
-                      (and saved-%-pos
-                           (setq %-pos (append (mapcar 'mail-extr-demarkerize
-                                                       saved-%-pos)
-                                               %-pos)))
-                      (setq @-pos (mail-extr-demarkerize @-pos))
-                      (narrow-to-region (1+ saved-!-pos) (point-max)))))
+           (when (and %-pos (not @-pos))
+             (goto-char (car %-pos))
+             (delete-char 1)
+             (setq @-pos (point))
+             (insert "@")
+             (setq %-pos (cdr %-pos)))
+           (when (and mail-extr-mangle-uucp !-pos)
+             ;; **** I don't understand this save-restriction and the
+             ;; narrow-to-region inside it.  Why did I do that?
+             (save-restriction
+               (cond ((and @-pos
+                           address@hidden)
+                      (goto-char @-pos)
+                      (setq %-pos (cons (point) %-pos)
+                            @-pos nil)
+                      (delete-char 1)
+                      (insert "%")
+                      (setq insert-point (point-max)))
+                     (address@hidden
+                      (setq insert-point (point-max)))
+                     (%-pos
+                      (setq insert-point (car (last %-pos))
+                            saved-%-pos (mapcar 'mail-extr-markerize %-pos)
+                            %-pos nil
+                            @-pos (mail-extr-markerize @-pos)))
+                     (@-pos
+                      (setq insert-point @-pos)
+                      (setq @-pos (mail-extr-markerize @-pos)))
+                     (t
+                      (setq insert-point (point-max))))
+               (narrow-to-region (point-min) insert-point)
+               (setq saved-!-pos (car !-pos))
+               (while !-pos
+                 (goto-char (point-max))
+                 (cond ((and (not @-pos)
+                             (not (cdr !-pos)))
+                        (setq @-pos (point))
+                        (insert-before-markers "@ "))
+                       (t
+                        (setq %-pos (cons (point) %-pos))
+                        (insert-before-markers "% ")))
+                 (backward-char 1)
+                 (insert-buffer-substring
+                  (current-buffer)
+                  (if (nth 1 !-pos)
+                      (1+ (nth 1 !-pos))
+                    (point-min))
+                  (car !-pos))
+                 (delete-char 1)
+                 (or (save-excursion
+                       (mail-extr-safe-move-sexp -1)
+                       (mail-extr-skip-whitespace-backward)
+                       (eq ?. (preceding-char)))
+                     (insert-before-markers
+                      (if (save-excursion
+                            (mail-extr-skip-whitespace-backward)
+                            (eq ?. (preceding-char)))
+                          ""
+                        ".")
+                      "uucp"))
+                 (setq !-pos (cdr !-pos))))
+             (and saved-%-pos
+                  (setq %-pos (append (mapcar 'mail-extr-demarkerize
+                                              saved-%-pos)
+                                      %-pos)))
+             (setq @-pos (mail-extr-demarkerize @-pos))
+             (narrow-to-region (1+ saved-!-pos) (point-max)))
-           (cond ((and %-pos
-                       (not @-pos))
-                  (goto-char (car %-pos))
-                  (mail-extr-delete-char 1)
-                  (setq @-pos (point))
-                  (insert "@")
-                  (setq %-pos (cdr %-pos))))
-           (setq %-pos (nreverse %-pos))
-           (cond (%-pos                        ; implies @-pos valid
-                  (setq temp %-pos)
-                  (catch 'truncated
-                    (while temp
-                      (goto-char (or (nth 1 temp)
-                                     @-pos))
-                      (mail-extr-skip-whitespace-backward)
-                      (save-excursion
-                        (mail-extr-safe-move-sexp -1)
-                        (setq domain-pos (point))
-                        (mail-extr-skip-whitespace-backward)
-                        (setq \.-pos (eq ?. (preceding-char))))
-                      (cond ((and \.-pos
-                                  ;; #### string consing
-                                  (let ((s (intern-soft
-                                            (buffer-substring domain-pos 
-                                            mail-extr-all-top-level-domains)))
-                                    (and s (get s 'domain-name))))
-                             (narrow-to-region (point-min) (point))
-                             (goto-char (car temp))
-                             (mail-extr-delete-char 1)
-                             (setq @-pos (point))
-                             (setcdr temp nil)
-                             (setq %-pos (delq @-pos %-pos))
-                             (insert "@")
-                             (throw 'truncated t)))
-                      (setq temp (cdr temp))))))
+           (when (and %-pos (not @-pos))
+             (goto-char (car %-pos))
+             (delete-char 1)
+             (setq @-pos (point))
+             (insert "@")
+             (setq %-pos (cdr %-pos)))
+           (when (setq %-pos (nreverse %-pos)) ; implies @-pos valid
+             (setq temp %-pos)
+             (catch 'truncated
+               (while temp
+                 (goto-char (or (nth 1 temp)
+                                @-pos))
+                 (mail-extr-skip-whitespace-backward)
+                 (save-excursion
+                   (mail-extr-safe-move-sexp -1)
+                   (setq domain-pos (point))
+                   (mail-extr-skip-whitespace-backward)
+                   (setq \.-pos (eq ?. (preceding-char))))
+                 (when (and \.-pos
+                            ;; #### string consing
+                            (let ((s (intern-soft
+                                      (buffer-substring domain-pos (point))
+                                      mail-extr-all-top-level-domains)))
+                              (and s (get s 'domain-name))))
+                   (narrow-to-region (point-min) (point))
+                   (goto-char (car temp))
+                   (delete-char 1)
+                   (setq @-pos (point))
+                   (setcdr temp nil)
+                   (setq %-pos (delq @-pos %-pos))
+                   (insert "@")
+                   (throw 'truncated t))
+                 (setq temp (cdr temp)))))
            (setq mbox-beg (point-min)
                  mbox-end (if %-pos (car %-pos)
                             (or @-pos
-                                (point-max)))))
+                                (point-max))))
+           (when @-pos
+             ;; Make the domain-name part lowercase since it's case
+             ;; insensitive anyway.
+             (downcase-region (1+ @-pos) (point-max))))
          ;; Done canonicalizing address.
          ;; We are now back in extraction-buffer.
@@ -1295,10 +1282,10 @@
                     (setq quote-end (- (point) 2))
                       (backward-char 1)
-                      (mail-extr-delete-char 1)
+                      (delete-char 1)
                       (goto-char quote-beg)
                       (or (eobp)
-                          (mail-extr-delete-char 1)))
+                          (delete-char 1)))
                     (mail-extr-undo-backslash-quoting quote-beg quote-end)
                     (or (eq ?\  (char-after (point)))
                         (insert " "))
@@ -1308,16 +1295,16 @@
                     (if (memq (char-after (1+ (point))) '(?_ ?=))
                           (forward-char 1)
-                          (mail-extr-delete-char 1)
+                          (delete-char 1)
                           (insert ?\ ))
                       (if \.-ends-name
                           (narrow-to-region (point-min) (point))
-                        (mail-extr-delete-char 1)
+                        (delete-char 1)
                         (insert " ")))
                     ;;          (setq mailbox-name-processed-flag t)
                    ((memq (char-syntax char) '(?. ?\\))
-                    (mail-extr-delete-char 1)
+                    (delete-char 1)
                     (insert " ")
                     ;;          (setq mailbox-name-processed-flag t)
@@ -1339,16 +1326,15 @@
                         ;; Copy the contents of the individual fields that
                         ;; might hold name data to the beginning.
-                        (mapcar
-                         (function
-                          (lambda (field-pattern)
-                            (cond
-                             ((save-excursion
-                                (re-search-forward field-pattern nil t))
-                              (insert-buffer-substring (current-buffer)
-                                                       (match-beginning 1)
-                                                       (match-end 1))
-                              (insert " ")))))
+                        (mapc
+                         (lambda (field-pattern)
+                           (when
+                               (save-excursion
+                                 (re-search-forward field-pattern nil t))
+                             (insert-buffer-substring (current-buffer)
+                                                      (match-beginning 1)
+                                                      (match-end 1))
+                             (insert " ")))
@@ -1396,47 +1382,46 @@
          ;; Initial code by Jamie Zawinski <address@hidden>
          ;; *** Make it work when there's a suffix as well.
          (goto-char (point-min))
-         (cond ((and mail-extr-guess-middle-initial
-                     (not disable-initial-guessing-flag)
-                     (eq 3 (- mbox-end mbox-beg))
-                     (progn
-                       (goto-char (point-min))
-                       (looking-at mail-extr-two-name-pattern)))
-                (setq fi (char-after (match-beginning 0))
-                      li (char-after (match-beginning 3)))
-                (save-excursion
-                  (set-buffer canonicalization-buffer)
-                  ;; char-equal is ignoring case here, so no need to upcase
-                  ;; or downcase.
-                  (let ((case-fold-search t))
-                    (and (char-equal fi (char-after mbox-beg))
-                         (char-equal li (char-after (1- mbox-end)))
-                         (setq mi (char-after (1+ mbox-beg))))))
-                (cond ((and mi
-                            ;; TODO: use better table than syntax table
-                            (eq ?w (char-syntax mi)))
-                       (goto-char (match-beginning 3))
-                       (insert (upcase mi) ". ")))))
+         (when (and mail-extr-guess-middle-initial
+                    (not disable-initial-guessing-flag)
+                    (eq 3 (- mbox-end mbox-beg))
+                    (progn
+                      (goto-char (point-min))
+                      (looking-at mail-extr-two-name-pattern)))
+           (setq fi (char-after (match-beginning 0))
+                 li (char-after (match-beginning 3)))
+           (with-current-buffer canonicalization-buffer
+             ;; char-equal is ignoring case here, so no need to upcase
+             ;; or downcase.
+             (let ((case-fold-search t))
+               (and (char-equal fi (char-after mbox-beg))
+                    (char-equal li (char-after (1- mbox-end)))
+                    (setq mi (char-after (1+ mbox-beg))))))
+           (when (and mi
+                      ;; TODO: use better table than syntax table
+                      (eq ?w (char-syntax mi)))
+             (goto-char (match-beginning 3))
+             (insert (upcase mi) ". ")))
          ;; Nuke name if it is the same as mailbox name.
          (let ((buffer-length (- (point-max) (point-min)))
                (i 0)
                (names-match-flag t))
-           (cond ((and (> buffer-length 0)
-                       (eq buffer-length (- mbox-end mbox-beg)))
-                  (goto-char (point-max))
-                  (insert-buffer-substring canonicalization-buffer
-                                           mbox-beg mbox-end)
-                  (while (and names-match-flag
-                              (< i buffer-length))
-                    (or (eq (downcase (char-after (+ i (point-min))))
-                            (downcase
-                             (char-after (+ i buffer-length (point-min)))))
-                        (setq names-match-flag nil))
-                    (setq i (1+ i)))
-                  (delete-region (+ (point-min) buffer-length) (point-max))
-                  (if names-match-flag
-                      (narrow-to-region (point) (point))))))
+           (when (and (> buffer-length 0)
+                      (eq buffer-length (- mbox-end mbox-beg)))
+             (goto-char (point-max))
+             (insert-buffer-substring canonicalization-buffer
+                                      mbox-beg mbox-end)
+             (while (and names-match-flag
+                         (< i buffer-length))
+               (or (eq (downcase (char-after (+ i (point-min))))
+                       (downcase
+                        (char-after (+ i buffer-length (point-min)))))
+                   (setq names-match-flag nil))
+               (setq i (1+ i)))
+             (delete-region (+ (point-min) buffer-length) (point-max))
+             (if names-match-flag
+                 (narrow-to-region (point) (point)))))
          ;; Nuke name if it's just one word.
          (goto-char (point-min))
@@ -1448,8 +1433,7 @@
          (setq value-list
                (cons (list (if (not (= (point-min) (point-max)))
-                           (save-excursion
-                             (set-buffer canonicalization-buffer)
+                           (with-current-buffer canonicalization-buffer
                              (if (not (= (point-min) (point-max)))
@@ -1492,12 +1476,11 @@
        (skip-chars-forward "^({[\"'`")
        (let ((cbeg (point)))
          (set-syntax-table mail-extr-address-text-comment-syntax-table)
-         (cond ((memq (following-char) '(?\' ?\`))
-                (search-forward "'" nil 'move
-                                (if (eq ?\' (following-char)) 2 1)))
-               (t
-                (or (mail-extr-safe-move-sexp 1)
-                    (goto-char (point-max)))))
+         (if (memq (following-char) '(?\' ?\`))
+             (search-forward "'" nil 'move
+                             (if (eq ?\' (following-char)) 2 1))
+           (or (mail-extr-safe-move-sexp 1)
+               (goto-char (point-max))))
          (set-syntax-table mail-extr-address-text-syntax-table)
          (when (eq (char-after cbeg) ?\()
            ;; Delete the comment itself.
@@ -1522,44 +1505,43 @@
       ;;(while (re-search-forward mail-extr-bad-dot-pattern nil t)
       ;;  (replace-match "\\1 \\2" t))
-      (cond ((not (search-forward " " nil t))
-            (goto-char (point-min))
-            (cond ((search-forward "_" nil t)
-                   ;; Handle the *idiotic* use of underlines as spaces.
-                   ;; Example: address@hidden (First_M._Last)
-                   (goto-char (point-min))
-                   (while (search-forward "_" nil t)
-                     (replace-match " " t)))
-                  ((search-forward "." nil t)
-                   ;; Fix . used as space
-                   ;; Example: address@hidden (daniel.jacobson)
-                   (goto-char (point-min))
-                   (while (re-search-forward mail-extr-bad-dot-pattern nil t)
-                     (replace-match "\\1 \\2" t))))))
+      (unless (search-forward " " nil t)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (cond ((search-forward "_" nil t)
+              ;; Handle the *idiotic* use of underlines as spaces.
+              ;; Example: address@hidden (First_M._Last)
+              (goto-char (point-min))
+              (while (search-forward "_" nil t)
+                (replace-match " " t)))
+             ((search-forward "." nil t)
+              ;; Fix . used as space
+              ;; Example: address@hidden (daniel.jacobson)
+              (goto-char (point-min))
+              (while (re-search-forward mail-extr-bad-dot-pattern nil t)
+                (replace-match "\\1 \\2" t)))))
       ;; Loop over the words (and other junk) in the name.
       (goto-char (point-min))
       (while (not name-done-flag)
-       (cond (word-found-flag
-              ;; Last time through this loop we skipped over a word.
-              (setq last-word-beg this-word-beg)
-              (setq drop-last-word-if-trailing-flag
-                    drop-this-word-if-trailing-flag)
-              (setq word-found-flag nil)))
-       (cond (begin-again-flag
-              ;; Last time through the loop we found something that
-              ;; indicates we should pretend we are beginning again from
-              ;; the start.
-              (setq word-count 0)
-              (setq last-word-beg nil)
-              (setq drop-last-word-if-trailing-flag nil)
-              (setq mixed-case-flag nil)
-              (setq lower-case-flag nil)
-;;            (setq upper-case-flag nil)
-              (setq begin-again-flag nil)
-              ))
+       (when word-found-flag
+         ;; Last time through this loop we skipped over a word.
+         (setq last-word-beg this-word-beg)
+         (setq drop-last-word-if-trailing-flag
+               drop-this-word-if-trailing-flag)
+         (setq word-found-flag nil))
+       (when begin-again-flag
+         ;; Last time through the loop we found something that
+         ;; indicates we should pretend we are beginning again from
+         ;; the start.
+         (setq word-count 0)
+         (setq last-word-beg nil)
+         (setq drop-last-word-if-trailing-flag nil)
+         (setq mixed-case-flag nil)
+         (setq lower-case-flag nil)
+         ;;           (setq upper-case-flag nil)
+         (setq begin-again-flag nil))
        ;; Initialize for this iteration of the loop.
@@ -1625,7 +1607,7 @@
          (cond ((memq (following-char) '(?\' ?\`))
                 (or (search-forward "'" nil t
                                     (if (eq ?\' (following-char)) 2 1))
-                    (mail-extr-delete-char 1)))
+                    (delete-char 1)))
                 (or (mail-extr-safe-move-sexp 1)
                     (goto-char (point-max)))))
@@ -1718,7 +1700,7 @@
               (eq ?\  (preceding-char))
               (eq (following-char) ?&)
               (eq (1+ (point)) (point-max)))
-         (mail-extr-delete-char 1)
+         (delete-char 1)
@@ -1801,24 +1783,24 @@
       ;; here at all.  Actually I guess it would be best to map patterns
       ;; like address@hidden into address@hidden, but I don't
       ;; actually know that that is what's going on.
-      (cond ((not suffix-flag)
-            (goto-char (point-min))
-            (let ((case-fold-search t))
-              (if (looking-at "[-A-Za-z_]+[. ]\\(PARC\\|ADOC\\)\\'")
-                  (erase-buffer)))))
+      (unless suffix-flag
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (let ((case-fold-search t))
+         (if (looking-at "[-A-Za-z_]+[. ]\\(PARC\\|ADOC\\)\\'")
+             (erase-buffer))))
       ;; If last name first put it at end (but before suffix)
-      (cond (last-name-comma-flag
-            (goto-char (point-min))
-            (search-forward ",")
-            (setq name-end (1- (point)))
-            (goto-char (or suffix-flag (point-max)))
-            (or (eq ?\  (preceding-char))
-                (insert ?\ ))
-            (insert-buffer-substring (current-buffer) (point-min) name-end)
-            (goto-char name-end)
-            (skip-chars-forward "\t ,")
-            (narrow-to-region (point) (point-max))))
+      (when last-name-comma-flag
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (search-forward ",")
+       (setq name-end (1- (point)))
+       (goto-char (or suffix-flag (point-max)))
+       (or (eq ?\  (preceding-char))
+           (insert ?\ ))
+       (insert-buffer-substring (current-buffer) (point-min) name-end)
+       (goto-char name-end)
+       (skip-chars-forward "\t ,")
+       (narrow-to-region (point) (point-max)))
       ;; Delete leading and trailing junk characters.
       ;; *** This is probably completely unneeded now.
@@ -1851,14 +1833,13 @@
 (defconst mail-extr-all-top-level-domains
   (let ((ob (make-vector 739 0)))
-    (mapcar
-     (function
-      (lambda (x)
-       (put (intern (downcase (car x)) ob)
-            'domain-name
-            (if (nth 2 x)
-                (format (nth 2 x) (nth 1 x))
-              (nth 1 x)))))
+    (mapc
+     (lambda (x)
+       (put (intern (downcase (car x)) ob)
+           'domain-name
+           (if (nth 2 x)
+               (format (nth 2 x) (nth 1 x))
+             (nth 1 x))))
        ;; ISO 3166 codes:
        ("ad" "Andorra")

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