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font-lock-maximum-decoration API

From: Paul W. Rankin
Subject: font-lock-maximum-decoration API
Date: Mon, 20 May 2019 13:28:29 +1000
User-agent: mu4e 1.2.0; emacs 26.2

wrt. http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-gnu-emacs/2019-05/msg00022.html

There is a little-used Emacs feature to allow different levels of font-lock decoration via the variable font-lock-maximum-decoration:

You can customize the variable ‘font-lock-maximum-decoration’ to alter the amount of fontification applied by Font Lock mode, for major modes that support this feature. The value should be a number (with 1 representing a minimal amount of fontification; some modes support levels as high as 3); or ‘t’, meaning “as high as possible” (the default).[1]

I've noticed that few major modes implement multiple levels of font-lock decoration, which might be because it's more difficult to dynamically create different font-lock keywords, but it also could be because there seems to be no API for programmatically changing this value per major mode, as the variable permits:

If a list, each element should be a cons pair of the form (MAJOR-MODE . LEVEL), where MAJOR-MODE is a symbol or t (meaning the default). For example:
 ((c-mode . t) (c++-mode . 2) (t . 1))
means use the maximum decoration available for buffers in C mode, level 2 decoration for buffers in C++ mode, and level 1 decoration otherwise.

When writing fountain-mode, I wanted several levels of font-lock, and so needed to implement a couple of functions to get and set this variable, but this felt a bit outside a major mode's bounds.

I'd love to see more major modes offering multiple levels of font-lock[3] so it would be nice if major modes could call a function to safely set this variable for themselves, without needing to handle the whole list.

If at all helpful, I've included the functions in fountain-mode. As this code is in GNU ELPA, it remains available to implement into Emacs if anyone wishes:

(defun fountain-get-font-lock-decoration ()
"Return the value of `font-lock-maximum-decoration' for `fountain-mode'."
 (let ((n (if (listp font-lock-maximum-decoration)
(cdr (or (assq 'fountain-mode font-lock-maximum-decoration)
                       (assq 't font-lock-maximum-decoration)))
   (cond ((null n) 2)
         ((eq n t) 3)
         ((integerp n) n)
         (t 2))))

(defun fountain-set-font-lock-decoration (n)
 "Set `font-lock-maximum-decoration' for `fountain-mode' to N."
 (interactive "NMaximum decoration (1-3): ")
 (if (and (integerp n)
          (<= 1 n 3))
     (let ((level (cond ((= n 1) 1)
                        ((= n 2) nil)
                        ((= n 3) t))))
       (cond ((listp font-lock-maximum-decoration)
              (setq font-lock-maximum-decoration
(assq-delete-all 'fountain-mode font-lock-maximum-decoration)) (customize-set-variable 'font-lock-maximum-decoration (cons (cons 'fountain-mode level)
             ((or (booleanp font-lock-maximum-decoration)
                  (integerp font-lock-maximum-decoration))
(customize-set-variable 'font-lock-maximum-decoration (list (cons 'fountain-mode level) (cons 't font-lock-maximum-decoration)))))
       (message "Syntax highlighting is now: %s"
                (cond ((= n 1) "minimum")
                      ((= n 2) "default")
                      ((= n 3) "maximum")))
   (user-error "Decoration must be an integer 1-3")))

[1]: (info "(emacs) Font Lock")
[2]: Something a little silly about this option is that the defcustom includes this tag:

   (const :tag "default" nil)

Which implies to the user that nil or the 2nd highest level is default, despite t or 3rd highest being the Emacs default. The question of which level is the "default" is pretty inconsistent between the variable docstring, the manual, and the code implementation itself.

[3]: I'd also like to see more major modes correctly using font-lock rather than their own dysfunctional mutant abominations...


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