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Re: How to get information of a tip created by x-show-tip

From: martin rudalics
Subject: Re: How to get information of a tip created by x-show-tip
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2019 10:32:10 +0100

> I use the following code to test, but failure
> 1. width and height parameter do not work
> 2. I can find any frame with 'tooltip parameter
> ```
> (setq tooltip-reuse-hidden-frame t)

This may hide the frame from 'visible-frame-list'.

> (setq x-gtk-use-system-tooltips nil)
> (progn
>    (x-show-tip "this is a test"
>                  (selected-frame)
>                '((name . "tooltip1")
>                  (internal-border-width . 2)
>                  (left . 200)
>                  (top . 300)
>                  (width . 200)
>                  (height . 600)
>                  (border-width . 1)
>                  (no-special-glyphs . t))
>                100 0 0)
>    (dolist (frame (visible-frame-list))
>      (princ (frame-parameter frame 'tooltip))))

Evaluating the following here on Windows

  (x-show-tip "this is a test"
              '((name . "tooltip1")
                (internal-border-width . 2)
                (left . 200)
                (top . 300)
                (width . 200)
                (height . 600)
                (border-width . 1)
                (no-special-glyphs . t))
              100 0 0)
  (dolist (frame (visible-frame-list))
    (when (frame-parameter frame 'tooltip)
      (princ (frame-parameters frame)))))

gets me

((tool-bar-position . top) (parent-id) (explicit-name . t)
(display . w32) (visibility . t) (icon-name) (window-id . 1180020)
(scroll-bar-height . 0) (scroll-bar-width . 0) (right-fringe . 0)
(left-fringe . 0) (bottom-divider-width . 0) (right-divider-width . 0)
(top . 300) (left . 200) (buried-buffer-list) (buffer-list *scratch*)
(unsplittable . t) (modeline) (width . 80) (height . 36) (name
. tooltip1) (tooltip . t) (alpha) (cursor-type . box) (auto-lower)
(auto-raise) (no-special-glyphs . t) (border-color . lightyellow)
(cursor-color . black) (mouse-color . black) (background-color
. lightyellow) (foreground-color . black) (internal-border-width . 2)
(border-width . 1) (font . -outline-Courier
New-normal-normal-normal-mono-13-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1) (font-backend
uniscribe gdi))


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