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Re: jsonrpc.el closer to merging

From: João Távora
Subject: Re: jsonrpc.el closer to merging
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2018 23:36:58 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Clément Pit-Claudel <address@hidden> writes:

> On 2018-06-10 11:56, João Távora wrote:
>> The last few weeks, I've been getting jsonrpc.el ready for integration
>> into core (master/26.2) and/or ELPA.git.
> It would be nice if you hosted this on ELPA, so that others could take
> a dependency on that package without having to wait for new releases
> of Emacs :)

Yes ELPA is my plan too.  As far as I understand, that isn't
incompatible with also having it in core.

> How closely does it follow JSON-RPC?

Pretty closely, but JSONRPC is pretty lax :-)

> For example, does it allow for servers to send notifications to
> clients?

Yes.  Both endpoints can send requests that wait for responses, and
notifications that don't.  JSONRPC doesn't distinguish between clients
and servers, though the application may do so (eglot.el does, for

> Does it allow more than one response per query?

Not sure I follow.  In JSONRPC (and in most connection-oriented
protocols) a response, by definition, something that a request waits on.
Once it occurs the request is considered completed.  jsonrpc.el has two
ways to model this: jsonrpc-request, blocking and jsonrpc-async-request,
a non-blocking.

The remote endpoint can send more notifications after responding.  Or
the client can trigger more requests after it get its first response.

> If the server is killed, what does it do with pending queries?

Depends on the underlying transport.  Currently the only concrete
transport implementation, jsonrpc-process-connection, cancels all
pending queries and calls their error handler.  This means either a
blocking jsonrpc-request will exit non-locally or you will get an error
in the process sentinel.

> Thanks again for this work!

You're very welcome.


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