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Re: [PATCH] Support threads in modules

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Support threads in modules
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2017 08:31:59 +0300

> From: Philipp Stephani <address@hidden>
> Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2017 15:52:36 +0000
> Cc: address@hidden, address@hidden
>  > - Using objects across threads requires careful synchronization.
>  Not sure what synchronization you have in mind. There's only one
>  running thread at any given time, and a thread cannot be preempted
>  while it runs Lisp, so synchronization seems unnecessary, as a thread
>  cannot modify a Lisp object that another thread is modifying.
> However, that's just an implementation detail, and the mapping between Emacs 
> and OS threads is
> unspecified (for good reason).

It isn't unspecified: the ELisp manual explicitly documents that only
one Lisp thread can run at any given time.  If we ever change that, it
will be a very large job, and the result will be a very different

> To be forward-compatible, either we have to formally document this and then
> never ever change the implementation, or document that module authors can't 
> rely on it and have to perform
> synchronization themselves.

Since it is documented already, module authors can rely on that.

> I meant this as a general statement: if an API is more restrictive (i.e. has 
> stronger preconditions), its
> implementation can be more flexible because it has to deal with fewer corner 
> cases.

I don't think it's right for us to favor our flexibility over that of
the Lisp programmers who will want to use these features.

> Specifically, the modules API is definitely not intended to restrict modules 
> to be single-threaded. It only
> restricts under which circumstances environments can be used: the lifetime is 
> restricted to the storage
> duration of the environment pointer, and this patch adds an additional 
> restriction that environments are
> thread-affine.

I think we only care that module functions run in the context of some
Lisp thread, and we don't care which Lisp thread is that.  So I
proposed a simplified implementation of the test, which I hope you
will agree with.

> Note that it's not enough to check whether the current OS thread matches 
> *some* Emacs thread, it has to be
> *the current* Emacs thread, otherwise the interpreter state is inconsistent.

Given the documented implementation and restrictions on Lisp threads,
the condition you want to enforce is guaranteed, as long as the
current thread is some Lisp thread.

>  > - The Emacs module API is modelled after JNI, which has the same 
> restriction
>  > 
> (http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/jni/spec/design.html).
>  Themodule API is modelled after JNI, but the threads model is a far
>  cry from Java threads. So I don't think this argument is relevant,
>  unless you can show specific problems with our implementation of
>  threads.
> It's generally not possible to show specific problems because there is not 
> enough experience with the
> combination of multithreading and modules. Also, thread synchronization 
> problems (data races) typically lead
> to subtle undefined behavior, which isn't easily observed.
> By contrast, there's lots of experience with JNI, and it makes sense to base 
> a new design on an existing
> design.

Once again, I think that the JNI experience related to threads is not
relevant for Emacs, due to a very restrictive form of threading we

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