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Re: debbugs-0.10: two comments

From: Tino Calancha
Subject: Re: debbugs-0.10: two comments
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2016 16:24:00 +0900 (JST)
User-agent: Alpine 2.20 (DEB 67 2015-01-07)

On Mon, 12 Sep 2016, Michael Albinus wrote:

[My email address is @gmx.de]
Opps, that explain that i got one e-mail with the following:
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


Dear Lars and Michael:
I agree, debbugs-gnu-trunk-directory and debbugs-gnu-branch-directory
should be user options. Will change.
Thank you very much.

debbugs-gnu-current-directory is the internal working horse, not needed
to be exposed outside.

In debbugs-gnu-apply-patch, it will be checked already whether this is
set properly. If not, the directory name is requested
interactively. Shall be done in other functions as well; I'll change
Thanks also for this.

Most of the time i am interested in the newest bugs.  I have defined
following command in my .emacs:
(defun mydebbugs-gnu-latest-bugs (&optional num)
  "List latest NUM bugs.
If NUM is nil, then show the latest 10 bugs."
  (interactive (list (read-number "How many bugs: " 10)))
  (apply 'debbugs-gnu-bugs (debbugs-newest-bugs (or num 10))))

Maybe is useful to have a command like this in debbugs-gnu.el;
possibly with a different default value for NUM.

I have already plans to extend debbugs-gnu-bugs and debbugs-org-bugs.
Currently, they allow only list of bug numbers, like "100,200,300" etc.
I want to allow also ranges, like "100-200,300-400" and so on. A special
range "-10" could mean then "the last 10 bugs". This shall fit your needs.
That sounds great!
Maybe worth to provide the command for latest bugs with a nice default. It is handy not having to write in the minibuffer the range for this: just
RET to accept the default value is very pleasant.

Will do both next days as time permits.
Great! Thank you very much.

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