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Re: How can I rethrow an error after recording a backtrace?

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: How can I rethrow an error after recording a backtrace?
Date: Fri, 05 Aug 2016 09:12:27 +0300

> From: Clément Pit--Claudel <address@hidden>
> Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2016 22:34:23 -0400
> * I should really have asked "how can I capture multiple errors on Emacs 
> server?". It turns out that the rethrowing is pretty irrelevant, as it just 
> seems that the number of non-macro input events stays 0 on a --daemon server.

Only when invoking emacsclient to perform commands non-interactively,
right?  If you start an interactive session using emacsclient, the
debugger behaves as expected, right?

If so, the bug is that the daemon thinks it is in a situation
described by the comment you quote, while "emacs -batch" somehow
avoids that pitfall.  You should debug Emacs to understand why the
difference happens.

> * In light of this, is this comment actually true?
>   /* The value of num_nonmacro_input_events as of the last time we
>      started to enter the debugger.  If we decide to enter the debugger
>      again when this is still equal to num_nonmacro_input_events, then we
>      know that the debugger itself has an error, and we should just
>      signal the error instead of entering an infinite loop of debugger
>      invocations.  */
>   What if num_nonmacro_input_events just didn't increase because there were 
> no such events? And thus, is the behavior that I'm seeing a bug?

Then how come "emacs -batch" doesn't exhibit the same behavior?

> Or is it just a weird aspect of running code on a --daemon server, and I 
> should submit a documentation patch suggesting to `(cl-incf 
> num-nonmacro-input-events)'?

No, I don't think so.

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