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Re: Next release from master

From: Alexis
Subject: Re: Next release from master
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2016 15:51:54 +1100
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.16; emacs 24.5.3

Dmitry Gutov <address@hidden> writes:

On 02/10/2016 06:02 AM, Óscar Fuentes wrote:

This response would be very apropos in case Alexis contributed some feature without documentation.

My sole (admittedly passive-aggressive) point is, if someone's not helping with code or documentation, they should get no vote on what the process should be.

Even if i am affected by the process resulting in poor or no documentation, such that it's very difficult for me to actually use the (possibly new) feature(s)? (Cf. the documentation for the `pcase` features - even people who are far more accomplished developers than me have been having trouble understanding what's going on, such that they're disinclined to use it.)

i feel that, as both a user of GNU Emacs and a developer of packages /for/ GNU Emacs (admittedly not packages currently in core), i get to at least voice my opinion about process issues that i feel are affecting me. In turn, yes, the people doing the work on core GNU Emacs get to say to me "Okay, well, we're not going to change the process". i /don't/, however, feel it's appropriate to suggest that users and non-core developers aren't even allowed to express their concerns. But again, i'll accept John's position on this, and won't say anything more for now.


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