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Re: Minibuffer per buffer

From: Yuri Khan
Subject: Re: Minibuffer per buffer
Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2015 11:42:59 +0600

On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 3:43 PM, Filipp Gunbin <address@hidden> wrote:
> On 05/03/2015 11:47 +0700, Tu Do wrote:
>> As monitor becomes larger with higher resolution (i.e. 4k monitor), I think 
>> it would be beneficial to have an option to activate minibuffer
>> per buffer.

The motivation, as I understand it, is to bring the minibuffer closer
to the focus of user’s attention, which is in the selected window.

An easy workaround is to use multiple frames (perhaps with a tiling
window manager), each of which would by default have a minibuffer.

I actually do this with a pre-4k (24″ 16:10 1920×1200) monitor,
splitting it into left and right halves. When working on code, I
frequently have both halves occupied with Emacs frames (each of which
may be further split into the top and bottom windows).

> Where should echo messages (including not related to the current buffer)
> be displayed in this case?

This can probably be solved the same way they choose a minibuffer when
multiple frames are involved.

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