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Re: Pixel-based display functions

From: Alexis
Subject: Re: Pixel-based display functions
Date: Sun, 01 Feb 2015 00:37:28 +1100

Eli Zaretskii writes:

>> From: Alexis <address@hidden>
>> Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2015 23:04:54 +1100
>> Eli Zaretskii writes:
>> >> set-fontset-font can arrange an arbitrary range come from a different
>> >> font.
>> >
>> > Do people actually do such things?  If so, in what circumstances?
>> i make use of this:
>> https://github.com/rolandwalker/unicode-fonts
> Thanks.  However, that's a 5000-line file, so could you be more
> specific -- where do you use there more than one font for the same
> Unicode block, and why?

i use Emacs both under X and in a terminal, depending on
circumstances. Under X, i use the Xft backend, which, if i understand
correctly, gives me access to fonts not available in a terminal. So if
i'm in a terminal, i'll want to use one font for a particular Unicode
block, but if i'm in X, i'll want to use another font which has 'better'
(i.e. more aesthetically pleasing, to me) glyphs. The `unicode-fonts`
package allows me to specify a list of fonts, ordered by priority
(highest-first), to be used for a particular Unicode block, depending on
contextual availability.

(Also, `unicode-fonts` allowed me to work around an issue i've had
where, under X, Emacs would select a rather ugly outline font - Linux
Biolinum Outline - for displaying Hebrew, rather than using Ezra
SIL. Thus, my init contains:

    (setcdr (assoc "Hebrew" unicode-fonts-block-font-mapping)
            '(("Ezra SIL" "Ezra SIL SR" "Arial Hebrew" "Raanana" "New Peninim 
MT" "Aharoni" "David" "FrankRuehl" "Gisha" "Levenim MT" "Narkisim" "Rod" 
"Cardo" "Courier New" "Adobe Hebrew" "Code2000" "Aramaic Imperial Yeb" 
"Microsoft Sans Serif" "Tahoma" "Lucida Sans Unicode" "Arial Unicode MS" 
"Arial" "Quivira" "Everson Mono:weight=boeld" "ALPHABETUM Unicode")))

i imagine there is some straightforward, native-to-Emacs, way of doing
this, but since `unicode-fonts` already does most of the legwork to
automatically make sure glyphs are available to display most codepoints,
i just decided to slightly modify the value of


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