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RE: use and doc of function symbol properties [was: bug#11381: 23.3; ise

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: use and doc of function symbol properties [was: bug#11381: 23.3; isearch-search-and-update issue?]
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2012 09:57:45 -0700

> Thanks.  It would be nice to have all that in a doc string and/or a
> manual near me, some time soon.

+1 - that information/text or similar

> > If the kill-ring entry to be yanked has the same text as
> > the region, then first rotate the kill ring so that the
> > yank will not be a no-op.
> This could use some more clarification.  E.g., does it rotate the kill
> ring until there's some entry that is different from the text in the
> region, or just once?

Just once.  But it would no doubt be better to instead rotate through the list
until we reach a non-identical entry (if there is one).

> The "so the yank will not be a no-op" part is just the rationale,
> so it should be worded as such (e.g., in parens).

Agreed.  But if improved as suggested then it would become the stop-rotating
condition: "rotate the kill ring until the first kill is different" etc.  In
that case it need not be in parens.

If there is no non-identical ring entry then punt (the yank operation becomes a

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