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Re: DVCSes, bug trackers, and GNUness

From: Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso
Subject: Re: DVCSes, bug trackers, and GNUness
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2012 11:03:50 -0400

2012/4/25 Richard Stallman <address@hidden>:
>    Shouldn't we switch to Savannah and fix it? Isn't that what we're
>    supposed to do about bzr? Why isn't there an executive decision to
>    prefer the GNU package?
> Savannah isn't a package, it's a facility.  So it is a different kind
> of issue.

I don't understand the distinction. Can you explain?

> However, it would be very good to work on improving Savannah.
> Please do, if you want to.

I do, but I would like to coerce other people to help me, just like
people are being coerced right now to work with bzr and hopefully
improve it.

- Jordi G. H.

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