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Re: just-the-text Emacs frame

From: Ted Zlatanov
Subject: Re: just-the-text Emacs frame
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2011 05:45:15 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.110018 (No Gnus v0.18) Emacs/24.0.50 (gnu/linux)

On Sat, 11 Jun 2011 10:04:59 +0200 Philipp Haselwarter <address@hidden> wrote: 

PH> I assume you use manageDocks on your manageHook?
PH> manageDocks simply does
#+begin_src haskell
manageDocks :: ManageHook
manageDocks = checkDock --> doIgnore

PH> If you want more fine grained control, just ignore the docks you really
PH> just want out of your way and set windows with  _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK
PH> to be floating. That way, they can still get focus and input.
PH> And don't forget to put avoidStruts on your layout.

PH> Could give you something like this:
#+begin_src haskell
myManageHook = composeAll . concat $
    [ [ className =? i --> doIgnore | i <- myCIgnores ]
    , [ className =? c --> doFloat  | c <- myCFloats  ]
    , [ title     =? t --> doFloat  | t <- myTFloats  ]
    , [ resource  =? r --> doFloat  | r <- myRFloats  ]
    , [ resource  =? i --> doIgnore | i <- myRIgnores ]
    , [ isFullscreen   --> doFullFloat ]
    , [ isDialog       --> doFloat     ]
    , [ checkDock      --> doFloat     ]
    , [ (className =? x <||> title =? x <||> resource =? x) --> doF (W.shift 
(myWorkspaces !! 1)) | x <- my1Shifts ]
    , [ (className =? x <||> title =? x <||> resource =? x) --> doShift 
(myWorkspaces !! 2) | x <- my2Shifts       ]
    myCFloats  = [ "MPlayer", "Vlc", "Gimp", "Volume-control.py" ]
    myTFloats  = []
    myRFloats  = []
    myCIgnores = [ "dzen", "Avant-window-navigator" ]
    myRIgnores = [ "kdesktop", "desktop_window" ]
    my1Shifts  = [ "Nightly" ]
    my2Shifts  = []

PH> Simply adjust myCIgnores or myRIgnores according to what docks you use.

That sounds good.  I'll put something like that in the emacs-panel
recommendation and docs for when it detects you're running XMonad.


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