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Re: Bootstrap failure with new configure.bat (was Re: Proposed change to

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Bootstrap failure with new configure.bat (was Re: Proposed change to nt/INSTALL)
Date: Fri, 06 May 2011 10:37:01 +0300

> From: Ben Key <address@hidden>
> Date: Fri, 6 May 2011 00:39:09 -0500
> Cc: Eli Zaretskii <address@hidden>, address@hidden
> I do have sh.exe in my path.  And it turns out mingw32-make does use
> sh if it is available.

Yes, by design.

> Now, as for your suggestion to simply escape the quotes in the flag
> arguments, that would be possible, but it would only work if sh is not being
> used.
> So now I need to come up with a fix that will work for both sh and cmd.

One way is to split the bootstrap-temacs target into two: one for cmd,
the other for sh.  We have already a few examples of that in the
Windows makefiles, they use the SHELLTYPE variable.  Here's an

    buildobj.h: $(SRC)/makefile.w32-in
            $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) make-buildobj-$(SHELLTYPE)

            echo #define BUILDOBJ ^"\> buildobj.h
            echo $(OBJ0)            \>> buildobj.h
            echo $(OBJ1)            \>> buildobj.h
            echo $(OBJ2)            \>> buildobj.h
            echo ^">> buildobj.h

            echo '#define BUILDOBJ $(DQUOTE)\'  > buildobj.h
            echo $(OBJ0)                   '\' >> buildobj.h
            echo $(OBJ1)                   '\' >> buildobj.h
            echo $(OBJ2)                   '\' >> buildobj.h
            echo '$(DQUOTE)'                   >> buildobj.h

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