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From: Kevin Rodgers
Subject: elp-instrument-file
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 07:13:06 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20100228)

elp-instrument-package allows you to profile all the functions whose name begins
with a PACKAGE- prefix.  But what if you want to profile all the functions in a
a library, regardless of their name -- for example, the files.el library that is
distributed with Emacs and dumped in the executable.

(defun elp-instrument-file (file)
  "Instrument for profiling, all functions defined in FILE.
FILE is a regexp matching a key in the `load-history' alist."
   (list (concat "\\`"
                 (regexp-quote (completing-read "File to instrument: "
                                                nil t))
(dolist (entry (cdr (load-history-filename-element file)))
  (when (and (consp entry)
             (eq (car entry) 'defun)
             (elp-profilable-p (cdr entry)))
    (elp-instrument-function (cdr entry)))))

Kevin Rodgers
Denver, Colorado, USA

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