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Re: Add file-locals and dir-locals

From: Juri Linkov
Subject: Re: Add file-locals and dir-locals
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2009 21:12:11 +0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.1.50 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

> I don't quite catch the idea behind
>                 (and (search-backward "Local Variables:" nil t)
>                      (search-forward "Local Variables:" nil t)))
> Do you search the entire buffer here?

I had the same doubt that this is sub-ideal.  Thanks, fixed.

> Also I didn't find a functionality to remove the headers and trailers as
> soon as all settings have been removed.

I intentionally omitted this functionality because I think it should
leave a harmless empty placeholder for the user's convenience.

Below is the final patch that I find useful enough to commit.
I invite you and other developers to improve this further as you wish.

Index: etc/TODO
RCS file: /sources/emacs/emacs/etc/TODO,v
retrieving revision 1.205
diff -u -r1.205 TODO
--- etc/TODO    18 Jul 2009 21:04:15 -0000      1.205
+++ etc/TODO    19 Jul 2009 18:05:50 -0000
@@ -202,9 +202,6 @@
 ** Implement something better than the current Refill mode.  This
   probably needs some primitive support.
-** Add a command to make a "Local Variables" section in the current buffer
-  and/or add a variable to the list.
 ** Implement primitive and higher-level functions to allow filling
   properly with variable-pitch faces.
Index: etc/NEWS
RCS file: /sources/emacs/emacs/etc/NEWS,v
retrieving revision 1.2046
diff -c -r1.2046 NEWS
*** etc/NEWS    19 Jul 2009 00:29:52 -0000      1.2046
--- etc/NEWS    19 Jul 2009 18:05:32 -0000
*** 58,63 ****
--- 58,72 ----
  `process-kill-buffer-query-function' from `kill-buffer-query-functions' or
  setting the appropriate process flag with `set-process-query-on-exit-flag'.
+ ** New command to add a file-local variable to the "Local Variables" list
+ in the current buffer is `add-file-local-variable'.  New command to remove
+ a file-local variable from the "Local Variables" list is
+ `delete-file-local-variable'.  New commands to add/remove
+ a directory-local variable to/from the .dir-locals.el file are
+ `add-dir-local-variable' and `delete-dir-local-variable'.  New commands to
+ copy file-local variables to directory-local variables and vice versa are
+ `copy-file-locals-to-dir-locals' and `copy-dir-locals-to-file-locals'.
  * Changes in Specialized Modes and Packages in Emacs 23.2
Index: lisp/files.el
RCS file: /sources/emacs/emacs/lisp/files.el,v
retrieving revision 1.1059
diff -c -r1.1059 files.el
*** lisp/files.el       19 Jul 2009 16:55:16 -0000      1.1059
--- lisp/files.el       19 Jul 2009 18:04:44 -0000
*** 3407,3412 ****
--- 3407,3699 ----
            (hack-local-variables-filter variables dir-name)))))))
+ ;;; Commands to add/delete file-local/directory-local variables.
+ (defun read-file-local-variable (prompt)
+   "Read file-local variable using PROMPT and completion.
+ Intended to be used in the `interactive' spec of
+ `add-file-local-variable', `delete-file-local-variable',
+ `add-dir-local-variable', `delete-dir-local-variable'."
+   (let (default variable)
+     (setq default (variable-at-point))
+     (setq default (and (symbolp default) (boundp default)
+                      (symbol-name default)))
+     (setq variable
+         (completing-read
+          (if default
+              (format "%s (default %s): " prompt default)
+            (format "%s: " prompt))
+          obarray
+          (lambda (sym)
+            (or (user-variable-p sym)
+                (memq sym '(mode eval coding unibyte))))
+          nil nil nil default nil))
+     (and (stringp variable) (intern variable))))
+ (defun read-file-local-variable-value (variable)
+   "Read value of file-local VARIABLE using completion.
+ Intended to be used in the `interactive' spec of
+ `add-file-local-variable' and `add-dir-local-variable'."
+   (let (default value)
+     (cond
+      ((eq variable 'mode)
+       (setq default (and (symbolp major-mode) (symbol-name major-mode)))
+       (setq value
+           (completing-read
+            (if default
+                (format "Add %s with value (default %s): " variable default)
+              (format "Add %s with value: " variable))
+            obarray
+            (lambda (sym)
+              (and (string-match-p "-mode\\'" (symbol-name sym))
+                   (not (string-match-p "-minor-mode\\'" (symbol-name sym)))))
+            nil nil nil default nil))
+       (and (stringp value)
+          (intern (replace-regexp-in-string "-mode\\'" "" value))))
+      ((eq variable 'eval)
+       (let ((minibuffer-completing-symbol t))
+       (read-from-minibuffer (format "Add %s with expression: " variable)
+                             nil read-expression-map t
+                             'read-expression-history)))
+      ((eq variable 'coding)
+       (setq default (and (symbolp buffer-file-coding-system)
+                        (symbol-name buffer-file-coding-system)))
+       (read-coding-system
+        (if default
+          (format "Add %s with value (default %s): " variable default)
+        (format "Add %s with value: " variable))
+        default))
+      (t
+       (read (read-string (format "Add %s with value: " variable)
+                        nil 'set-variable-value-history
+                        (format "%S" (symbol-value variable))))))))
+ (defun read-file-local-variable-mode ()
+   "Read per-directory file-local variable's mode using completion.
+ Intended to be used in the `interactive' spec of
+ `add-dir-local-variable', `delete-dir-local-variable'."
+   (let* ((default (and (symbolp major-mode) (symbol-name major-mode)))
+        (mode
+         (completing-read
+          (if default
+              (format "Mode or subdirectory (default %s): " default)
+            (format "Mode or subdirectory: "))
+          obarray
+          (lambda (sym)
+            (and (string-match-p "-mode\\'" (symbol-name sym))
+                 (not (string-match-p "-minor-mode\\'" (symbol-name sym)))))
+          nil nil nil default nil)))
+     (cond
+      ((equal mode "nil") nil)
+      ((and (stringp mode) (fboundp (intern mode))) (intern mode))
+      (t mode))))
+ (defun modify-file-local-variable (variable value op)
+   "Modify file-local VARIABLE in Local Variables depending on operation OP.
+ If OP is `add-or-replace' then delete all existing settings of
+ VARIABLE (except `eval') and add a new file-local VARIABLE with VALUE
+ to the Local Variables list.
+ If there is no Local Variables list in the current file buffer and OP
+ is not `delete' then this function adds the first line containing the
+ string `Local Variables:' and the last line containing the string `End:'.
+ If OP is `delete' then delete all existing settings of VARIABLE
+ from the Local Variables list ignoring the input argument VALUE."
+   (catch 'exit
+     (let ((startpos (point)) endpos replaced-p)
+       (unless enable-local-variables
+       (throw 'exit (message "File-local variables are disabled")))
+       ;; Look for "Local variables:" line in last page.
+       (goto-char (point-max))
+       (search-backward "\n\^L" (max (- (point-max) 3000) (point-min))
+                      'move)
+       ;; Add "Local variables:" list if not found.
+       (unless (let ((case-fold-search t))
+               (search-forward "Local Variables:" nil t))
+       ;; Don't add "Local variables:" list for the deletion operation.
+       (when (eq op 'delete)
+         (throw 'exit (progn (goto-char startpos)
+                             (message "Local Variables not found"))))
+       (goto-char (point-max))
+       (let ((comment-style 'plain)
+             (comment-start (or comment-start ";;; ")))
+         (comment-region
+          (prog1 (setq startpos (point))
+            (insert "\nLocal Variables:\nEnd:\n"))
+          (point)))
+       (unless (let ((case-fold-search t))
+                 (goto-char startpos)
+                 (search-forward "Local Variables:" nil t))
+         (throw 'exit (message "Can't add file-local variables"))))
+       ;; suffix is what comes after "local variables:" in its line.
+       ;; prefix is what comes before "local variables:" in its line.
+       (let* ((suffix (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position)))
+            (prefix (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position)
+                                      (match-beginning 0)))
+            (suffix-re (concat (regexp-quote suffix) "$"))
+            (prefix-re (concat "^" (regexp-quote prefix))))
+       ;; Find or add missing "End:".
+       (forward-line 1)
+       (setq startpos (point))
+       (save-excursion
+         (unless (let ((case-fold-search t))
+                   (re-search-forward
+                    (concat prefix-re "[ \t]*End:[ \t]*" suffix-re)
+                    nil t))
+           (save-excursion
+             (insert (format "%sEnd:%s\n" prefix suffix))))
+         (beginning-of-line)
+         (setq endpos (point-marker)))
+       ;; Find and delete all existing variable/value pairs.
+       (when (member op '(add-or-replace delete))
+         (if (and (eq variable 'eval) (eq op 'add-or-replace))
+             (goto-char endpos)
+           (goto-char startpos)
+           (while (re-search-forward
+                   (format "%s%S:.*%s" prefix-re variable suffix-re) endpos t)
+             (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (1+ (match-end 0)))
+             (setq replaced-p t))))
+       ;; Add a new variable/value pair.  Add `mode' to the start, add new
+       ;; variable to the end, and add a replaced variable to its last 
+       (when (eq op 'add-or-replace)
+         (cond
+          ((eq variable 'mode) (goto-char startpos))
+          ((null replaced-p) (goto-char endpos)))
+         (insert (format "%s%S: %S%s\n" prefix variable value suffix)))))))
+ (defun add-file-local-variable (variable value)
+   "Add file-local VARIABLE with its VALUE to the Local Variables list.
+ This command deletes all existing settings of VARIABLE (except `eval')
+ and adds a new file-local VARIABLE with VALUE to the Local Variables list.
+ If there is no Local Variables list in the current file buffer
+ then this function adds the first line containing the string
+ `Local Variables:' and the last line containing the string `End:'."
+   (interactive
+    (let ((variable (read-file-local-variable "Add file-local variable")))
+      (list variable (read-file-local-variable-value variable))))
+   (modify-file-local-variable variable value 'add-or-replace))
+ (defun delete-file-local-variable (variable)
+   "Delete all settings of file-local VARIABLE from the Local Variables list."
+   (interactive
+    (list (read-file-local-variable "Delete file-local variable")))
+   (modify-file-local-variable variable nil 'delete))
+ (defun modify-dir-local-variable (mode variable value op)
+   "Modify directory-local VARIABLE in .dir-locals.el depending on operation 
+ If OP is `add-or-replace' then delete all existing settings of
+ VARIABLE (except `eval') and add a new directory-local VARIABLE with VALUE
+ to the MODE alist where MODE can be a mode name symbol or a subdirectory name.
+ If .dir-locals.el was not found and OP is not `delete' then create
+ this file in the current directory.
+ If OP is `delete' then delete all existing settings of VARIABLE
+ from the the MODE alist ignoring the input argument VALUE."
+   (catch 'exit
+     (let (replaced-p)
+       (unless enable-local-variables
+       (throw 'exit (message "Directory-local variables are disabled")))
+       (let ((variables-file (or (and (buffer-file-name)
+                                    (not (file-remote-p (buffer-file-name)))
+                                    (dir-locals-find-file (buffer-file-name)))
+                               dir-locals-file))
+           variables)
+       ;; Don't create ".dir-locals.el" for the deletion operation.
+       (when (and (eq op 'delete)
+                  (not (file-exists-p variables-file)))
+         (throw 'exit (message "File .dir-locals.el not found")))
+       (let ((auto-insert nil))
+         (find-file variables-file))
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       ;; Read alist of directory-local variables.
+       (ignore-errors
+         (delete-region
+          (prog1 (point)
+            (setq variables (let ((read-circle nil))
+                              (read (current-buffer)))))
+          (point)))
+       ;; Add or replace variable in alist of directory-local variables.
+       (let ((mode-assoc (assoc mode variables)))
+         (if mode-assoc
+             (setq variables
+                   (cons (cons mode
+                               (if (eq op 'delete)
+                                   (assq-delete-all variable (cdr mode-assoc))
+                                 (cons
+                                  (cons variable value)
+                                  (if (eq variable 'eval)
+                                      (cdr mode-assoc)
+                                    (assq-delete-all variable (cdr 
+                         (assq-delete-all mode variables)))
+           (setq variables
+                 (cons `(,mode . ((,variable . ,value)))
+                       variables))))
+       ;; Insert modified alist of directory-local variables.
+       (insert ";;; Directory Local Variables\n")
+       (insert ";;; See (info \"(emacs) Directory Variables\")\n\n")
+       (pp (sort variables
+                 (lambda (a b)
+                   (cond
+                    ((null (car a)) t)
+                    ((null (car b)) nil)
+                    ((and (symbolp (car a)) (stringp (car b))) t)
+                    ((and (symbolp (car b)) (stringp (car a))) nil)
+                    (t (string< (car a) (car b))))))
+           (current-buffer))))))
+ (defun add-dir-local-variable (mode variable value)
+   "Add directory-local VARIABLE with its VALUE and MODE to .dir-locals.el."
+   (interactive
+    (let (variable)
+      (list
+       (read-file-local-variable-mode)
+       (setq variable (read-file-local-variable "Add directory-local 
+       (read-file-local-variable-value variable))))
+   (modify-dir-local-variable mode variable value 'add-or-replace))
+ (defun delete-dir-local-variable (mode variable)
+   "Delete all MODE settings of file-local VARIABLE from .dir-locals.el."
+   (interactive
+    (list
+     (read-file-local-variable-mode)
+     (read-file-local-variable "Delete directory-local variable")))
+   (modify-dir-local-variable mode variable nil 'delete))
+ (defun copy-file-locals-to-dir-locals ()
+   "Copy file-local variables to .dir-locals.el."
+   (interactive)
+   (dolist (elt file-local-variables-alist)
+     (unless (assq (car elt) dir-local-variables-alist)
+       (add-dir-local-variable major-mode (car elt) (cdr elt)))))
+ (defun copy-dir-locals-to-file-locals ()
+   "Copy directory-local variables to the Local Variables list."
+   (interactive)
+   (dolist (elt dir-local-variables-alist)
+     (add-file-local-variable (car elt) (cdr elt))))
  (defcustom change-major-mode-with-file-name t
    "Non-nil means \\[write-file] should set the major mode from the file name.
  However, the mode will not be changed if

Juri Linkov

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