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Re: VC top of the tree diff and log

From: Miles Bader
Subject: Re: VC top of the tree diff and log
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2009 08:01:27 +0900

Dan Nicolaescu <address@hidden> writes:
> A related question: should we have an option (or default?) to show the
> short version (--pretty=oneline --graph) ?

Would be useful, though I dunno what you'd bind it too... at some point
having too many bindings for essentially-similar-commands becomes kind
of annoying/confusing.

I don't really like the default --pretty=oneline format though, as it
wastes too much space on the hash, and doesn't show a date (which I find
very useful in looking at logs).

Here's what I use (with my own "slog" alias):

   --date=short --pretty=format:"%h  %ad  %s" --abbrev-commit

[note there are _two_ spaces between fields, which makes the result much
more readable than one, I think]


Suburbia: where they tear out the trees and then name streets after them.

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