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Re: Sending attachments

From: Alfred M. Szmidt
Subject: Re: Sending attachments
Date: Wed, 01 Jul 2009 15:58:59 -0400

   Is there any facility that can be used in Mail mode
   to put attachments into the message?

I use attach-file (C-c TAB) if it is just plain text, or etach (file
attached) if I send something binary.

===File ~/elisp/etach.el====================================
;;;     etach is an Emacs extension for handling MIME mail.
;;;     Copyright (C) 2000-2009 John M. Rulnick

;;;     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;;     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;;;     published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
;;;     the License, or (at your option) any later version.

;;;     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;     GNU General Public License for more details.

;;;     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
;;;     License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
;;;     Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
;;;     MA 02111-1307 USA

;;;     Contact: John M. Rulnick, PO Box 299, Charlton, MA 01507-0299
;;;     USA, email: address@hidden (be sure to include the word
;;;     "etach" somewhere in the "Subject:" line of any email to this
;;;     address).


;;;                        This is etach.el
;;;                        Version number:
                    (defvar etach-version "1.4.3")
;;;                        Date: 2009-03-13


;;; The following macro is for compatibility with Emacs versions that do
;;; not have defcustom:

(defmacro etach-defcustom (a b c &rest d)
  (if (fboundp 'defcustom)
      (append (list 'defcustom a b c :group '(quote etach)) d)
    (list 'defvar a b c)))


;;; The following establishes the etach customization group.  Do "M-x
;;; customize-group RET etach RET" to set all of the etach variables to
;;; your liking; this is often preferable to using the set-variable or
;;; setq commands suggested below.  Review the comments below and the
;;; README.txt, INSTALL.txt, and FAQ.txt files that came with etach for
;;; extra details.

(if (fboundp 'defgroup)
    (defgroup etach nil
      "Manage MIME email attachments in RMAIL and Mail modes."
      :group 'etach))


;;; Please set the variable "etach-debug" to "t" if you need to send a
;;; bug report or have problems using etach:
;;;  M-x set-variable RET etach-debug RET t RET
;;; This will create a buffer called "etach-debug" to which a transcript
;;; of etach's subsequent operation will be sent.

(etach-defcustom etach-debug nil
  "*Write etach troubleshooting messages to a buffer.
Set `etach-debug' to t to write etach troubleshooting messages to a
buffer named \'etach-debug\'."
  :type 'boolean)


;;; If your version of Emacs doesn't have base64-encode-region and
;;; base64-decode-region then you should set "etach-use-mimencode" to
;;; "t" by putting the following (or equivalent custom-set-variables
;;; entry) in your startup file:
;;;  (setq etach-use-mimencode t)
;;; You will then need to have a working "mimencode" command on your
;;; system.  The mimencode utility is freely and widely available.

(etach-defcustom etach-use-mimencode nil
  "*Use mimencode instead of Emacs and etach native decoders.
Set `etach-use-mimencode' to t to use the external command
\"mimencode\" instead of Emacs and etach native base64- and
quoted-printable- encoders and decoders.  Setting to t is not
necessary unless calls to the encode or decode functions generate
errors that indicate that the functions are unavailable in your
version of Emacs."
  :type 'boolean)


;;; Put this line:
;;;  (setq etach-prompt-me-for-file-names t)
;;; (or equivalent custom-set-variables entry) into your startup file if
;;; you want etach to ask you to confirm file names for detachments.

(etach-defcustom etach-prompt-me-for-file-names nil
  "*Prompt for detachment file names.
Set `etach-prompt-me-for-file-names' to t to be prompted for
detachment file names when using the detach function.  This also
permits cancellation of individual detachments with C-g.  Leaving this
variable set to nil means detachments can proceed with default file
names and, in general, no additional user intervention."
  :type 'boolean)


;;; Put this line:
;;;  (setq etach-fill-decoded-plain-text t)
;;; (or equivalent custom-set-variables entry) into your startup file if
;;; you want etach to fill (via the command "fill-region") areas of
;;; encoded plain text that are displayed in place after decoding.

(etach-defcustom etach-fill-decoded-plain-text nil
  "*Fill encoded regions of plain text.
Set `etach-fill-decoded-plain-text' to t to make etach fill encoded
regions of plain text viewed in place after decoding.  See also
  :type 'boolean)


;;; Put this line:
;;;  (setq etach-write-text-files t)
;;; (or equivalent custom-set-variables entry) into your startup file if
;;; you want etach to write the text/plain portions of RMAIL messages to
;;; files.

(etach-defcustom etach-write-text-files nil
  "*Write text/plain portion(s) of message to file(s).
Set `etach-write-text-files' to t to make etach write the plain text
portion(s) of the RMAIL message to file(s), rather than leaving them
in the message body."
  :type 'boolean)


;;; Put this line:
;;;  (setq etach-write-html-files nil)
;;; (or equivalent custom-set-variables entry) into your startup file if
;;; you want etach to translate the text/html portions of RMAIL messages
;;; to plain text and display them in place in the message.  You must
;;; have lynx or another effective html-to-plain-text converter available
;;; for this to function properly.

(etach-defcustom etach-write-html-files t
  "*Write text/html portion(s) of message to file(s).
Set `etach-write-html-files' to nil to make etach translate the
text/html portions of RMAIL messages to plain text and display them in
place in the message.  Requires lynx or another effective html-to-plain-
text converter.  See etach-unhtml-command."
  :type 'boolean)


;;; For use when etach-write-html-files is nil.  See above.

(etach-defcustom etach-unhtml-command "lynx"
  "*External command to run to convert text/html to text/plain.
For use when etach-write-html-files is nil.  Must take input from
stdin and put output on stdout."
  :type 'string)


;;; For use with etach-unhtml-command.  See above.

(etach-defcustom etach-unhtml-args '("-stdin" "-dump" "-underscore" 
"-dont_wrap_pre" "-width=70")
  "*Arguments for etach-unhtml-command.
For use when etach-write-html-files is nil."
  :type '(repeat string))


;;; Put this line:
;;;  (setq etach-clean-decoded-plain-text t)
;;; (or equivalent custom-set-variables entry) into your startup file if
;;; you want etach to replace any control-M (generally extraneous
;;; carriage return) characters appearing in areas of base64-encoded or
;;; quoted-printable-encoded plain text that are displayed in place
;;; after decoding.

(etach-defcustom etach-clean-decoded-plain-text nil
  "*Replace control-M characters with newlines in plain text.
Set `etach-clean-decoded-plain-text' to t to make etach replace
control-M characters with newlines in encoded regions of plain text
viewed in place after decoding.  See also
  :type 'boolean)


;;; Put this line:
;;;  (setq etach-detachment-default-directory "/your/preferred/directory/")
;;; (or equivalent custom-set-variables entry) into your startup file if
;;; you want etach to put detachments into /your/preferred/directory/
;;; instead of the "detached/" subdirectory of the RMAIL buffer's
;;; current working directory.

(etach-defcustom etach-detachment-default-directory "detached/"
 "*Preferred directory path for detachments.
Set `etach-detachment-default-directory' to a string containing your
preferred directory path for detachments if you prefer not to use the
default.  The default is to place detachments in a subdirectory named
\"detached\" of the current directory.  Etach will attempt to create
the directory if it doesn't already exist."
 :type 'string)


;;; Put this line:
;;;  (setq etach-detachment-discard-directory 
;;; (or equivalent custom-set-variables entry) into your startup file if
;;; you want etach to put discarded detachments into
;;; /your/preferred/discard/directory/ instead of the
;;; etach-detachment-default-directory.

(etach-defcustom etach-detachment-discard-directory 
 "*Preferred directory path for discarded detachments.
Set `etach-detachment-discard-directory' to a string containing your
preferred directory path for discarded detachments if you prefer they
be placed somewhere other than the etach-detachment-default-directory.
It may be useful to set this to /tmp/ or the location of your \"trash
folder.\" Etach will attempt to create the directory if it doesn't
already exist.  By default, only non-text/plain parts of
multipart/alternative messages are discarded.  However, it is possible
to direct etach to discard all non-text/plain attachments simply by
calling etach-detach with a prefix arg."
 :type 'string)


;;; Put this line:
;;;  (setq etach-restore-buffer-after-detach t)
;;; (or equivalent custom-set-variables entry) into your startup file if
;;; you want etach to simply detach any attached files and then restore
;;; the contents of the current RMAIL message when you invoke the detach
;;; command.  This can also be set via M-x set-variable RET, of course.
;;; See also etach-restore-attachments-after-detach.

(etach-defcustom etach-restore-buffer-after-detach nil
  "*Restore pre-detach contents of RMAIL buffer upon detach.
Set `etach-restore-buffer-after-detach' to t to make etach leave no
changes in the RMAIL buffer.  This is done by first performing a
detach, then replacing the (new) contents of your RMAIL buffer
entirely with the original (pre-detach) contents.  This applies when
you invoke the detach command."
  :type 'boolean)


;;; Put this line:
;;;  (setq etach-restore-attachments-after-detach t)
;;; (or equivalent custom-set-variables entry) into your startup file if
;;; you want etach to restore the original content of any MIME parts
;;; that were written to files.  This can also be set via M-x
;;; set-variable RET, of course.  See also
;;; etach-restore-buffer-after-detach.

(etach-defcustom etach-restore-attachments-after-detach nil
  "*Restore content of MIME parts written to files upon detach.
Set `etach-restore-attachments-after-detach' to t to make etach
restore the original content of any MIME parts that were written to
files.  This allows you to use detach to decode inline
quoted-printable- or base64-encoded text and effectively copy any
attached files out to disk, but otherwise not change the content of
the current message.  It makes sense to leave this set to nil if you
have `etach-restore-buffer-after-detach' set to t, since that setting
will cause the entire buffer to be restored."
  :type 'boolean)


;;; Customize the variable etach-spam-message via setq or
;;; custom-set-variables if you would like to use a different text
;;; message when you forward spam for handling by email postmasters and
;;; the like.

(etach-defcustom etach-spam-message
  "I have received unsolicited commercial or bulk email (spam) from, or
alleging to be from, your domain.  I would appreciate if you would
take steps to prevent this from happening in the future.

Any claims made by the sender that the message was requested by me are
false.  I have never directly or indirectly (by subscription, opt-in,
non-opt-out, or any other means) requested any such contact from the

The full content of the offending email message, including mail
transport headers, is attached below.

Thank you for your time and attention."
  "*Message to insert into spam reports."
  :type 'string)


;;; You should definitely customize the variable
;;; etach-spam-host-exclude-list via setq or custom-set-variables by
;;; adding more strings to the etach-spam-host-exclude-list if you plan
;;; to use the spam-handling functionality of etach-mime-forward.  The
;;; strings to add should include your own host and domain; for example:
;;; (setq etach-spam-host-exclude-list
;;;       '("localhost" "mydomain.com" "myhost.mydomain.com"))
;;; Use lowercase name strings.

(etach-defcustom etach-spam-host-exclude-list '("localhost")
  "*Specific hosts or domains to skip when sending a spam report."
  :type 'sexp)


;;; Set the variable etach-spam-message-subject-string via setq or
;;; custom-set-variables if you prefer a different default "Subject:"
;;; line preface to be included in your spam reports.

(etach-defcustom etach-spam-message-subject-string "mail abuse report"
  "*Subject line preface to use when sending a spam report."
  :type 'string)


(etach-defcustom etach-include-x-mailer t
  "*Include the \"X-Mailer:\" header in outgoing etach mail.
Set `etach-include-x-mailer' to nil if you prefer your outgoing
etach mail (mail composed using etach's attach or mime-forward
functions) to not include the \"X-Mailer:\" header."
  :type 'boolean)


;;; Set the variable etach-detached-file-label-separator-string via setq
;;; or custom-set-variables if you are unable to use file selection
;;; (e.g., point-and-click) convenience features on the detached file
;;; names in the RMAIL buffer.  This is reportedly useful in certain
;;; operating environments.

(etach-defcustom etach-detached-file-label-separator-string ""
  "*Separator string for padding detached file names.
Separator string to place on either side of the file name when a
file is detached and replaced by a '[file:filename]' label.  Set this
to a single space if necessary to allow easy file selection; the
result would be '[ file: filename ]'."
  :type 'string)


;;; Set the variable etach-default-charset via setq or
;;; custom-set-variables if you wish to use an alternative such as
;;; iso-8859-1.

(etach-defcustom etach-default-charset "us-ascii"
  "*Default character set for MIME Content-Type headers.
Change the default character set name for MIME Content-Type headers if
necessary to help etach better handle or label MIME parts that contain
non-us-ascii characters."
  :type 'string)


;;; Immediately following is a list of associations for file name
;;; extensions and MIME types.  Add entries to the list as you like, but
;;; be cognizant of the specifications in RFCs 2045-9 (see
;;; http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/htbin/rfc/rfc-index.html
;;; and/or
;;; http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/
;;; and/or
;;; ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/media-types/).
;;; Also, change the order within the groups of entries having the same
;;; MIME type if you wish.  The first entry provides the default file
;;; name extension.  For example, if "txt" is the first with association
;;; "text/plain" then ".txt" will be the default extension for detached
;;; files of type text/plain.

(defvar etach-mime-type-alist '(

  ("txt"  "text/plain")
  ("asc"  "text/plain")
  ("text" "text/plain")

  ("html" "text/html")
  ("htm"  "text/html")

  ("aif"  "audio/x-aiff")
  ("aifc" "audio/x-aiff")
  ("aiff" "audio/x-aiff")

  ("cdf" "application/x-netcdf")
  ("nc"  "application/x-netcdf")

  ("exe" "application/x-msdos-program")
  ("bat" "application/x-msdos-program")
  ("com" "application/x-msdos-program")

  ("ics" "text/calendar")
  ("ifb" "text/calendar")

  ("jpg"  "image/jpeg")
  ("JPG"  "image/jpeg")
  ("jpe"  "image/jpeg")
  ("jpeg" "image/jpeg")

  ("ltx"   "application/x-latex")
  ("latex" "application/x-latex")

  ("mid"  "audio/midi")
  ("midi" "audio/midi")

  ("mov" "video/quicktime")
  ("qt"  "video/quicktime")

  ("mpg"  "video/mpeg")
  ("mp2"  "video/mpeg")
  ("mpe"  "video/mpeg")
  ("mpeg" "video/mpeg")

  ("pfb" "application/x-font")
  ("gsf" "application/x-font")
  ("pfa" "application/x-font")

  ("php"   "application/x-httpd-php")
  ("pht"   "application/x-httpd-php")
  ("phtml" "application/x-httpd-php")

  ("pl" "application/x-perl")
  ("pm" "application/x-perl")

  ("ps"  "application/postscript")
  ("eps" "application/postscript")

  ("ram" "audio/x-pn-realaudio")
  ("ra"  "audio/x-pn-realaudio")
  ("rm"  "audio/x-pn-realaudio")

  ("roff" "application/x-troff")
  ("t"    "application/x-troff")
  ("tr"   "application/x-troff")

  ("texi" "application/x-texinfo")
  ("texinfo" "application/x-texinfo")

  ("tif"  "image/tiff")
  ("tiff" "image/tiff")

  ("uri" "text/uri-list")
  ("uris" "text/uri-list")

  ("xml" "text/xml")
  ("dtd" "text/xml")

  ("au" "audio/ulaw")
  ("avi" "video/x-msvideo")
  ("bcpio" "application/x-bcpio")
;  ("bin" "application/octet-stream") ; leave this commented unless you want a 
default of ".bin"
  ("bmp" "application/x-ms-bmp")
  ("c" "text/x-csrc")
  ("cgm" "image/cgm")
  ("cpio" "application/x-cpio")
  ("csh" "application/x-csh")
  ("css" "text/css")
  ("csv" "text/comma-separated-values")
  ("deb" "application/x-debian-package")
  ("doc" "application/msword")
  ("dvi" "application/x-dvi")
  ("etx" "text/x-setext")
  ("ez" "application/andrew-inset")
  ("g3fax" "image/g3fax")
  ("gif" "image/gif")
  ("gpg" "application/gnupg")
  ("gtar" "application/x-gtar")
  ("gz" "application/x-gunzip")
  ("hdf" "application/x-hdf")
  ("ief" "image/ief")
  ("man" "application/x-troff-man")
  ("mdb" "application/msaccess")
  ("me" "application/x-troff-me")
  ("mif" "application/x-mif")
  ("movie" "video/x-sgi-movie")
  ("ms" "application/x-troff-ms")
  ("naplps" "image/naplps")
  ("o" "application/x-object")
  ("oda" "application/oda")
  ("pbm" "image/x-portable-bitmap")
  ("pdf" "application/pdf")
  ("pgm" "image/x-portable-graymap")
  ("pgn" "application/x-chess-pgn")
  ("pgp" "application/pgp")
  ("php3" "application/x-httpd-php3")
  ("php3p" "application/x-httpd-php3-preprocessed")
  ("phps" "application/x-httpd-php3-source")
  ("png" "image/png")
  ("pnm" "image/x-portable-anymap")
  ("ppm" "image/x-portable-pixmap")
  ("ppt" "application/powerpoint")
  ("ras" "image/x-cmu-raster")
  ("rgb" "image/x-rgb")
  ("rtf" "application/rtf")
  ("rtx" "text/richtext")
  ("sgml" "text/sgml")
  ("sh" "application/x-sh")
  ("shar" "application/x-shar")
  ("snd" "audio/basic")
  ("sv4cpio" "application/x-sv4cpio")
  ("sv4crc" "application/x-sv4crc")
  ("tar" "application/x-tar")
  ("tcl" "application/x-tcl")
  ("tex" "application/x-tex")
  ("tgz" "application/x-gtar")
  ("tsv" "text/tab-separated-values")
  ("ustar" "application/x-ustar")
  ("wav" "audio/x-wav")
  ("wpd" "application/x-wordperfect")
  ("xbm" "image/x-xbitmap")
  ("xls" "application/excel")
  ("xpm" "image/x-xpixmap")
  ("xwd" "image/x-xwindowdump")
  ("zip" "application/zip")

  "Association list of file name extensions and MIME types recognized
by etach.")


(defalias 'attach 'etach-attach)
(defalias 'detach 'etach-detach)
(defalias 'mime-forward 'etach-mime-forward)
(defalias 'quoted-printable-encode-region 'etach-quoted-printable-encode-region)
(defalias 'kill-label-detached 'etach-kill-label-detached)

(defvar etach-content-type)
(defvar etach-content-transfer-encoding)
(defvar etach-content-id)
(defvar etach-content-description)
(defvar etach-content-disposition)
(defvar etach-boundary)

;;; Here are the interactive (user-visible) functions:

(defun etach-version ()
  "Show the etach version number."
  (message "etach version %s" etach-version))

(defun etach-file-attach (file-to-attach)
  "Attach a file to the present outgoing email message.  Use in Mail
  (interactive "fFile to attach: ")
  (etach-debug-msg (concat "========== file-attach called with file \'" 
file-to-attach "\' =========="))
    (let ((etach-content-type "")
          (etach-content-transfer-encoding "")
          (etach-content-id "")
          (etach-content-description "")
          (etach-content-disposition "")
          (case-fold-search t))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (let ((etach-boundary ""))
        (insert "Content-Type: ")
        (let ((lext ""))
          (if (string-match "\\.\\([a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)$" file-to-attach)
              (setq lext (match-string 1 file-to-attach)))

          (if (assoc lext etach-mime-type-alist)
                (insert (car (cdr (assoc lext etach-mime-type-alist))))
                (if (string-match "text/" (car (cdr (assoc lext 
                    (insert "; charset=" etach-default-charset)))
            (insert "application/octet-stream")))
        (let ((name-sans-path file-to-attach))
          (if (string-match "/\\([^/]*\\)$" file-to-attach) ; could use 
              (setq name-sans-path (match-string 1 file-to-attach)))
          (insert (if (> (length name-sans-path) 22)
                    "; ")
                  "name=\"" name-sans-path "\"\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: "
                  (if (or (string-match "\.te?xt$" file-to-attach)
                          (string-match "\.asc$" file-to-attach))
        (insert-file-contents-literally file-to-attach)
        (if (or (string-match "\.te?xt$" file-to-attach)
                (string-match "\.asc$" file-to-attach))
              (if etach-use-mimencode
                  (shell-command-on-region (point) (point-max) "mimencode -q" t 
                (etach-quoted-printable-encode-region (point) (point-max)))
              (goto-char (point-max)))
          (if etach-use-mimencode
              (shell-command-on-region (point) (point-max) "mimencode -b" t t)
            (base64-encode-region (point) (point-max)))
          (goto-char (point-max))
          (or (bolp) (insert "\n")))
        (insert "--" etach-boundary "--\n")))))

(defun etach-attach (files-to-attach)
  "Attach a file or collection of files to the present outgoing email
message.  Wildcards are permitted under recent versions of Emacs.
Use in Mail mode."
  (interactive "FFile(s) to attach: ")
  (etach-debug-msg (concat "========== attach called with file(s) \'" 
files-to-attach "\' =========="))
  (while (string-equal (substring files-to-attach -1) "/")
    (setq files-to-attach (substring files-to-attach 0 -1)))
  (if (fboundp 'file-expand-wildcards)
      (let ((filelist (file-expand-wildcards files-to-attach)))
        (while filelist
          (let ((file (car filelist)))
            (if (file-regular-p file)
                (etach-file-attach file)
              (message "not attaching \'%s\': not a regular file" file))
            (setq filelist (cdr filelist)))))
    (if (file-regular-p files-to-attach)
        (etach-file-attach files-to-attach)
      (message "not attaching \'%s\': not a regular file" files-to-attach))))

(defun etach-detach (&optional discard)
  "Detach the encoded attachments from the present email message.  Use in RMAIL 
Call with prefix arg via C-u to discard all attachments."
  (interactive "P")
  (etach-debug-msg (concat "========== detach called =========="))
  (rmail-set-attribute "detached" t)
    ;; if in the x-summary buffer, switch to the x buffer:
    (set-buffer rmail-buffer)
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (let ((case-fold-search t)
          (default-directory default-directory)
          (require-final-newline require-final-newline)
          (insert-default-directory insert-default-directory)
          (copy-of-rmail-text (buffer-string))
          (copy-of-rmail-babyl-header (etach-get-babyl-header))
          (my-current-buffer (current-buffer)))
      (condition-case err
            (if discard
                (etach-mime-detach "\\'" 0 1)
              (etach-mime-detach "\\'" 0 0))
            (if etach-restore-buffer-after-detach
                (etach-restore-buffer "user preference" my-current-buffer 
copy-of-rmail-text copy-of-rmail-babyl-header)
        ((quit error)
         (etach-restore-buffer (concat "error: " (error-message-string err))

(defun etach-mime-forward (&optional this-is-spam)
  "Use MIME message/rfc822 format to forward a message.  Use in RMAIL mode.
Call with prefix arg via C-u to reply to spam."
  (interactive "P")
  (if this-is-spam
      (etach-debug-msg (concat "========== mime-forward (spam) called 
    (etach-debug-msg (concat "========== mime-forward called ==========")))
  ;; if in the x-summary buffer, switch to the x buffer:
  (set-buffer rmail-buffer)
  (let ((msg-to-be-forwarded ""))
    (if this-is-spam
        (if (etach-rmail-msg-is-pruned)
    (setq msg-to-be-forwarded (buffer-string))
    (if this-is-spam
        (if (not (etach-rmail-msg-is-pruned))
    (rmail-set-attribute "forwarded" t)
      (let ((etach-content-type "")
            (etach-content-transfer-encoding "")
            (etach-content-id "")
            (etach-content-description "")
            (etach-content-disposition "")
            (case-fold-search t))
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (let ((etach-boundary "")
              (to-list '()))
          (if this-is-spam
                (goto-char (point-min))
                (re-search-forward "^$") ; first blank line should be 
text/plain "writing area"
                (insert (concat etach-spam-message "\n"))))
          (if (equal (find-charset-string msg-to-be-forwarded) '(ascii))
              (insert "Content-Type: message/rfc822\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 
              (goto-char (point-min))
              (if (re-search-forward "^Content-Transfer-Encoding:.+$" 
(etach-mail-header-end) t)
                  (replace-match "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit")
                (etach-debug-msg "no Content-Transfer-Encoding found in mail 
header, none replaced")))
            (insert "Content-Type: message/rfc822\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 
            (insert msg-to-be-forwarded))
          (if this-is-spam
              (let ((host ""))
                ;; first scan all email addresses appearing in message:
                  (while (re-search-forward "@\\([^ \]\t\n>\)\'\";,]+\\)" nil t)
                    (setq to-list (etach-extract-hosts (match-string 1) 
                ;; now scan all "Received: from" header lines:
                  (while (re-search-forward "Received: from \\(.+\\)$" nil t)
                    (setq to-list (etach-extract-hosts (match-string 1) 
                  (goto-char (point-min))
                  (re-search-forward "^To: ")
                  (let ((host ""))
                    (while to-list
                      (setq host (car to-list))
                      (setq to-list (cdr to-list))
                       "abuse@" host ", postmaster@" host
                       (if to-list
          (let ((sender "")
                (orig-subject ""))
              (re-search-forward "^From:[ \t]*\\(.*\\)$" nil t)
              (setq sender (match-string 1))
              (if (string-match "\<\\([^ ]+\\)\>" sender)
                  (setq sender (match-string 1 sender))
                (if (string-match "\\([^ ]+\\)[ \t]+\(.*\)" sender)
                    (setq sender (match-string 1 sender)))))
              (if (re-search-forward "^Subject: \\(.*\\)$" nil t)
                  (setq orig-subject (match-string 1))))
              (goto-char (point-min))
              (re-search-forward "^Subject: ")
              (if this-is-spam
                  (insert etach-spam-message-subject-string " "))
              (insert "[" sender ": " orig-subject "]")))
          (goto-char (point-max))
          (or (bolp) (insert "\n"))
          (insert "--" etach-boundary "--\n"))))))

(defun etach-quoted-printable-encode-region (rbeg rend)
  "Quoted-printable-encode region."
  (interactive "r")
  (etach-debug-msg (concat "quoted-printable-encode-region called"))
  (require 'font-lock)
  (let ((mime-bad-char          ; all but ascii 33-60, 62-126, and \n
        (case-fold-search t)
        (my-global-font-lock-mode global-font-lock-mode))
    (if my-global-font-lock-mode
          (etach-debug-msg (concat "calling global-font-lock-mode(0)"))
          (global-font-lock-mode 0)))
      (narrow-to-region rbeg rend)

      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (re-search-forward mime-bad-char nil t)
         ((or (char-equal (preceding-char) ? )
              (char-equal (preceding-char) ?\t))
          (if (char-equal (following-char) ?\n)
              (insert "=\n")))
          (replace-match (upcase (format "=%02x" (preceding-char)))))))

      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (re-search-forward "^[.]" nil t)
        (replace-match "=2E" t t))

      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (re-search-forward "^F\\(rom\\)" nil t)
        (replace-match (concat (upcase (format "=%02x" (following-char))) 
(match-string 1)) t t))

      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (re-search-forward         ; look for 77+ chars on a line, split 
              nil t)
        (replace-match (concat (match-string 1) "=\n" (match-string 2)) t t)

      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (re-search-forward         ; look for 77+ chars on a line, split 
              nil t)
        (replace-match (concat (match-string 1) "=\n" (match-string 2)) t t)

      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (re-search-forward         ; look for 77+ chars on a line, split 
              nil t)
        (replace-match (concat (match-string 1) "=\n" (match-string 2)) t t)

      (goto-char (point-max))
      (if (/= (preceding-char) ?\n)
          (insert "=\n"))))
    (if my-global-font-lock-mode
          (etach-debug-msg (concat "calling global-font-lock-mode(1)"))
          (global-font-lock-mode 1)))))

(defun etach-kill-label-detached ()
  "Remove the \"detached\" attribute from this message."
  ;; if in the x-summary buffer, switch to the x buffer:
  (set-buffer rmail-buffer)
  (rmail-set-attribute "detached" nil))

;;; Here are the utility (code-visible, not user-visible) functions:

(defun etach-extract-hosts (host to-list)
  "Extract hosts from candidate strings for spam to-list."
  (if (or (string-match "\\(.*\\) by[ \t\n]" host)
          (string-match "\\(.*\\) for[ \t\n]" host))
      (setq host (match-string 1 host)))
  (if (string-match "\(really [\[]?\\([^\] ]*\\).*\)" host) ; if "really," 
reduce to the really part
      (setq host (match-string 1 host)))
  (if (string-match "^\\([^ ]+\\) [\(\[]+\\([^\] \)]+\\)" host)
      (let ((hosta (match-string 1 host))
            (hostb (match-string 2 host)))
        (setq host (if (or (string-match "^[0-9.]+$" hostb)
                           (not (string-match ".+[.].+$" hostb)))
  (if (string-match "@\\(.+\\)" host)
      (setq host (match-string 1 host)))
  (if (string-match "^[ \t]*\\(.+\\)[ \t]*$" host) ; remove leading/trailing 
      (setq host (match-string 1 host)))
  (if (string-match ".+[.]\\(.+[.].+[.].+[.].+\\)$" host)
      (setq host (match-string 1 host)))
  (etach-downcase host)
  (etach-debug-msg (concat "etach-extract-hosts extracted: " host))
  (if (not (string-match "^\[?[0-9.]+\]?$" host))
      (while (string-match "[.]\\(.+\\)" host)
        (if (or (member host etach-spam-host-exclude-list)
                (member host to-list))
          (setq to-list (cons host to-list)))
        (setq host (match-string 1 host))))

(defun etach-restore-buffer (msg my-current-buffer copy-of-rmail-text 
  "Restore contents of RMAIL buffer."
  (etach-debug-msg (concat "restoring buffer due to " msg "..."))
  (message "restoring buffer due to %s..." msg)
  (set-buffer my-current-buffer)
  (setq buffer-read-only nil)
  (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
     (function (lambda ()
                 (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))))))
  (etach-debug-msg "inserting everything\n")
  (insert (concat copy-of-rmail-babyl-header copy-of-rmail-text))
  (etach-debug-msg "cleaning up")
  (etach-mime-decode-cleanup 1 nil nil nil)
  (setq buffer-read-only t)
  (etach-debug-msg (concat "restoring buffer due to " msg "...done"))
  (message "restoring buffer due to %s...done" msg))

(defun etach-prep-outgoing-mime-message ()
  "Prepare outgoing message headers and boundaries (called by
etach-attach and etach-mime-forward)."
  (if (etach-mime-part-is-multipart etach-content-type)
        (setq etach-boundary (etach-mime-get-boundary-string 
        (search-forward (concat "--" etach-boundary "--\n"))
        (replace-match (concat "--" etach-boundary "\n")))
    (let ((oldE)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (if (re-search-forward "^Content-Transfer-Encoding:\\(.*\\)\n" 
(etach-mail-header-end) t)
            (setq oldE (match-string 1))
            (replace-match "" nil t))
        (etach-debug-msg "no Content-Transfer-Encoding found, none noted as 
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (if (re-search-forward "^Content-Type:\\(.*\\)" (etach-mail-header-end))
            (setq oldT (match-string 1))
            (replace-match "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n\tboundary=\"" nil 
        (etach-debug-msg "no Content-Type found, none noted as oldT or 
      (setq etach-boundary (etach-mime-create-boundary-marker))
      (insert etach-boundary "\"\nContent-Transfer-Encoding:" oldE)
      (search-forward (concat mail-header-separator "\n") nil)
      (insert "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n--" etach-boundary
              "\nContent-Type:" oldT "\nContent-Transfer-Encoding:" oldE "\n\n")
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (or (bolp) (insert "\n"))
      (insert "--" etach-boundary "\n"))))

(defun etach-who-is-this-from ()
  "Get the email address of the sender, according to the From header."
  (let ((sender ""))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (re-search-forward "^From:[ \t]*\\(.*\\)$" nil t)
      (setq sender (match-string 1))
      (if (string-match "\<\\([^ ]+\\)\>" sender)
          (setq sender (match-string 1 sender))
        (if (string-match "\\([^ ]+\\)[ \t]+\(.*\)" sender)
            (setq sender (match-string 1 sender)))))
    (if (string-match "[.][a-zA-Z0-9]+$" sender)
        (setq sender (concat sender "_"))) ; do this so that, e.g., ".com" 
isn't seen as a file name extension

(defun etach-create-unique-string ()
  "Return a unique string of numbers of the form YMDHMS-R where
YMDHMS is date/time and R is random."
  (concat (format-time-string "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" (current-time)) "-" (format "%09d" 
(abs (random)))))

(defun etach-mime-create-boundary-marker ()
  "Return a string suitable as a mime boundary marker."
  (concat "++----------" (etach-create-unique-string) "----------++"))

(defun etach-mime-validate-minimal-headers ()
  "Confirm that default headers are in place (for mail composition)."
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (if (not (re-search-forward "^Mime-Version:" (etach-mail-header-end) t))
        (goto-char (etach-mail-header-end))
        (insert "Mime-Version: 1.0\n")))
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (if (not (re-search-forward "^Content-Type:" (etach-mail-header-end) t))
        (goto-char (etach-mail-header-end))
        (insert "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=" etach-default-charset 
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (if (not (re-search-forward "^Content-Transfer-Encoding:" 
(etach-mail-header-end) t))
        (goto-char (etach-mail-header-end))
        (insert "Content-Transfer-Encoding: "
                (if (equal (find-charset-region (point-min) (point-max)) 
  (if etach-include-x-mailer
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (if (not (re-search-forward "^X-Mailer:" (etach-mail-header-end) t))
              (goto-char (etach-mail-header-end))
              (insert (concat "X-Mailer: Emacs " emacs-version " with etach " 
etach-version "\n")))))))

(defun etach-mime-get-content-headers ()
  "Assign values to variables corresponding to MIME Content- headers."
  (let ((mime-header-end (point)))
      (re-search-forward "^\\([ \t]*$\\|--\\)") ; look for end of headers 
(blank line or "^--")
      (setq mime-header-end (point)))
    (while (re-search-forward "^Content-\\([^:]*\\):[ \t]*\\(.*\\)[ \t]*$" 
mime-header-end t)
      (let ((field-name (match-string 1))
            (field-body (match-string 2)))
        (while (looking-at "\n[ \t]+")
          (re-search-forward "\n[ \t]+\\(.*\\)[ \t]*$" mime-header-end)
          (setq field-body (concat field-body (match-string 1)))
        (etach-debug-msg (concat "found Content-" field-name ": " field-body))
         ((string-match "^type$" field-name) (setq etach-content-type 
         ((string-match "^transfer-encoding$" field-name) (setq 
etach-content-transfer-encoding field-body))
         ((string-match "^id$" field-name) (setq etach-content-id field-body))
         ((string-match "^description$" field-name) (setq 
etach-content-description field-body))
         ((string-match "^disposition$" field-name) (setq 
etach-content-disposition field-body))
            (etach-debug-msg (concat "unrecognized MIME 1.0 header: [" 
field-name "]"))
            (message "unrecognized MIME 1.0 header: [%s]" field-name))))))
    (goto-char mime-header-end))

(defun etach-mime-part-is-multipart-alternative (content-type-body)
  "Return t if this type is multipart/alternative, nil otherwise."
  (string-match "^[^;]*multipart/alternative" content-type-body))

(defun etach-mime-part-is-multipart (content-type-body)
  "Return t if this type is multipart, nil otherwise."
  (string-match "^[^;]*multipart/" content-type-body))

(defun etach-mime-part-is-message (content-type-body)
  "Return t if this type is message, nil otherwise."
  (string-match "^[^;]*message/" content-type-body))

(defun etach-mime-get-boundary-string (content-type-body)
  "Return boundary string from \"Content-Type: multipart; boundary=...\" body."
  (or (string-match "\\<boundary[ \t]*=[ \t]*\"\\([^;]*\\)\"[ \t]*\\(;\\|$\\)" 
      (string-match "\\<boundary[ \t]*=[ \t]*\\([^;]*\\)[ \t]*\\(;\\|$\\)" 
  (match-string 1 content-type-body))

(defun etach-rewrite-content-headers (T E Disp hbeg)
  "Rewrite content headers after decode."
  (if t
        (if (re-search-backward "^Content-Disposition:" hbeg t)
            (replace-match "X-Former-Content-Disposition:" t))))

  (if (not (string-match "\\<text/plain\\>" T))
        (if (re-search-backward "^Content-Type:" hbeg t)
            (replace-match (concat "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=" 
etach-default-charset "\nX-Former-Content-Type:") t))))

  (if (not (string-match "\\<7bit\\>" E))
        (if (re-search-backward "^Content-Transfer-Encoding:" hbeg t)
            (replace-match "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 
7bit\nX-Former-Content-Transfer-Encoding:" t)))))

(defun etach-mime-decode (rbeg rend T E I Desc Disp hbeg depth discard)
  "Mime-decode the region rbeg to rend based on \"content-\" headers, starting 
at hbeg.
This function does more than just decode; it is also responsible for committing 
the actual
  (etach-debug-msg (concat "etach-mime-decode called with T=\'" T "\', E=\'" E 
"\', depth=" (number-to-string depth)))
   ((and (or (and (string-match "\\<text/plain\\>" T)
                  (not etach-write-text-files))
             (and (string-match "\\<text/html\\>" T)
                  (= discard 0)
                  (not etach-write-html-files)))
         (not (string-match "\\<name=" T))
         (not (string-match "\\<filename=" Disp)))
      (setq buffer-read-only nil)
       ((string-match "\\<quoted-printable\\>" E)
          (etach-debug-msg (concat "quoted-printable-decoding MIME type \'" T 
          (message "quoted-printable-decoding MIME type \'%s\'..." T)
              (narrow-to-region rbeg rend)
              (if etach-use-mimencode
                  (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) "mimencode 
-u -q" t t)
                (etach-rmail-decode-quoted-printable (point-min) (point-max)))
              (decode-coding-region (point-min) (point-max) 'undecided)
              (if (string-match "\\<text/html\\>" T)
                    (etach-debug-msg "converting quoted-printable-decoded html 
to plain text")
                    (message "converting quoted-printable-decoded html to plain 
                    (apply 'call-process-region (point-min) (point-max)
                           etach-unhtml-command t t nil etach-unhtml-args)))
              (goto-char (point-max))
              (if (/= (preceding-char) ?\n)
                  (insert "\n"))
              (if etach-fill-decoded-plain-text
                  (fill-region (point-min) (point-max)))
              (if etach-clean-decoded-plain-text
                  (subst-char-in-region (point-min) (point-max) ?\r ?\n))))
       ((string-match "\\<base64\\>" E)
          (etach-debug-msg (concat "base64-decoding MIME type \'" T "\'..."))
          (message "base64-decoding MIME type \'%s\'..." T)
              (goto-char rbeg)
              (if (re-search-forward "[^A-Za-z0-9+/=\n]\\|[\n][\n]" rend t)
                    (etach-debug-msg (concat "limiting region here, non-base64 
char or blank line found"))
                    (narrow-to-region rbeg (point)))
                (narrow-to-region rbeg rend))
              (if etach-use-mimencode
                  (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) "mimencode 
-u" t t)
                (base64-decode-region (point-min) (point-max)))
              (decode-coding-region (point-min) (point-max) 'undecided)
              (if (string-match "\\<text/html\\>" T)
                    (etach-debug-msg "converting base64-decoded html to plain 
                    (message "converting base64-decoded html to plain text")
                    (apply 'call-process-region (point-min) (point-max)
                           etach-unhtml-command t t nil etach-unhtml-args)))
              (goto-char (point-max))
              (if (/= (preceding-char) ?\n)
                  (insert "\n"))
              (if etach-fill-decoded-plain-text
                  (fill-region (point-min) (point-max)))
              (if etach-clean-decoded-plain-text
                  (subst-char-in-region (point-min) (point-max) ?\r ?\n))))
          (etach-debug-msg (concat "null-decoding MIME type \'" T "\' encoding 
\'" E "\'"))
          (message "null-decoding MIME type \'%s\' encoding \'%s\'" T E)
              (narrow-to-region rbeg rend)
              (decode-coding-region (point-min) (point-max) 'undecided)
              (if (string-match "\\<text/html\\>" T)
                    (etach-debug-msg "converting null-decoded html to plain 
                    (message "converting null-decoded html to plain text")
                    (apply 'call-process-region (point-min) (point-max)
                           etach-unhtml-command t t nil etach-unhtml-args)))
              (goto-char (point-max))
              (if (/= (preceding-char) ?\n)
                  (insert "\n"))
              (if etach-fill-decoded-plain-text
                  (fill-region (point-min) (point-max)))
              (if etach-clean-decoded-plain-text
                  (subst-char-in-region (point-min) (point-max) ?\r ?\n))))

    (let ((F nil) ; file name
          (Fcopy nil) ; copy of file name
          (Ff nil) ; file name sans extension
          (Fe nil) ; file name extension (including the dot)
          (Ftag 1) ; file tag (in case FfFe exists)
          (require-final-newline nil)
          (insert-default-directory t)
          (default-directory default-directory)
          (skip-this-file nil)
          (my-write-error nil)
          (stuff-to-yank nil))
      ;; discard directory (path) portion of file names;
      ;; notice that the leading dots on file names are discarded, too:
      (if (or (string-match "\\<name=\"\\([^;]*/\\)*\\.*\\([^;]*\\)\""          
              (string-match   "\\<name=\\([^;]*/\\)*\\.*\\([^;]*\\)\\([ 
\t;]\\|$\\)" T))
          (setq F (match-string 2 T))
        (if (or (string-match "\\<filename=\"\\([^;]*/\\)*\\.*\\([^;]*\\)\"" 
                (string-match   "\\<filename=\\([^;]*/\\)*\\.*\\([^;]*\\)\\([ 
\t;]\\|$\\)" Disp))
            (setq F (match-string 2 Disp))
          (if etach-prompt-me-for-file-names
              (setq F "FILE")
            (setq F (or (etach-who-is-this-from) (format-time-string 
      (etach-debug-msg (concat "raw file name: [" F "]"))
      (if (string-match "^[ \t]*$" (file-name-nondirectory F))
          (setq F "FILE"))
      (etach-safe-clean F) ; get rid of funny characters
      (if (not (string-match "\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$" F))
          (let ((major-type)
            (if (string-match "^\\(.*\\)/\\([^ \t;]*\\)" T)
                  (setq major-type (match-string 1 T))
                  (setq minor-type (match-string 2 T))
                  ;; add a file name extension based on Content-Type:
                  (if (rassoc (list (concat major-type "/" minor-type)) 
                      (setq F (concat F
                                      (car (rassoc
                                            (list (concat major-type "/" 
      (if (string-match "^\\(.*\\)\\(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)$" F)
            (setq Ff (match-string 1 F))
            (setq Fe (match-string 2 F)))
        (setq Ff F)
        (setq Fe ""))
      (setq Fcopy (concat Ff Fe))
      (let ((detach-dir (if (= discard 0)
        (setq default-directory
               (if (or (string-match "^/" detach-dir)
                       (string-match "^[a-z]:/" detach-dir))
               (if (string-match "/$" detach-dir)
      (etach-debug-msg (concat "default directory set to: " default-directory))
      (if (not (file-exists-p default-directory))
            (etach-debug-msg (concat "creating directory: " default-directory))
            (make-directory default-directory t)))
      (if (file-exists-p (concat Ff Fe))
            (while (and (<= Ftag 9999) (file-exists-p (concat Ff (format 
"_%04d" Ftag) Fe)))
              (setq Ftag (1+ Ftag)))
            (setq Ff (concat Ff (format "_%04d" Ftag)))))
      (if (> Ftag 9999)
          (setq F Fcopy)
        (setq F (concat Ff Fe)))
      (setq Fcopy F)
      (etach-debug-msg (concat "offered for detachment: " F))
      (if etach-prompt-me-for-file-names
            (goto-char hbeg) ; do this just to make visual connection between 
part and name
            (setq F
                  (condition-case err
                      (read-file-name "Save as: "
                    ((quit error)
                     (setq skip-this-file t)
                     (etach-debug-msg (concat "skipping " Fcopy ": " 
(error-message-string err)))
                     (message "skipping %s: %s" Fcopy (error-message-string 
      (if (string-match "^[ \t]*$" (file-name-nondirectory F))
            (setq F Fcopy)
            (etach-debug-msg (concat "cannot accept blank filename, using " F " 
            (message "cannot accept blank filename, using %s instead" F)
      (setq buffer-read-only nil)
      (if skip-this-file
        ;; here's where the action is:
        (setq F (expand-file-name F))
        (etach-debug-msg (concat "detaching: " F))

          (if (string-match "\\<base64\\>" E)
                (goto-char rbeg)
                (if (re-search-forward "[^A-Za-z0-9+/=\n]\\|[\n][\n]" rend t)
                      (etach-debug-msg (concat "limiting region here, 
non-base64 char or blank line found"))
                      (narrow-to-region rbeg (point)))
                  (narrow-to-region rbeg rend)))
            (narrow-to-region rbeg rend))

          (setq stuff-to-yank (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))
          (kill-region (point-min) (point-max))
          ;; this save-excursion is necessary if using write-file, since 
          ;; visits the buffer after writing
            (let ((buffer (get-buffer-create " *temp*")))
              (set-buffer buffer)
                    (insert stuff-to-yank) ; use this instead of (yank) to 
avoid setting mark
                     ((string-match "\\<base64\\>" E)
                        (etach-debug-msg (concat "base64-decoding MIME type \'" 
T "\'..."))
                        (message "base64-decoding MIME type \'%s\'..." T)
                        (if etach-use-mimencode
                            (let ((inhibit-eol-conversion t))
                              (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) 
"mimencode -u" t t))
                          (base64-decode-region (point-min) (point-max)))))
                     ((string-match "\\<quoted-printable\\>" E)
                        (etach-debug-msg (concat "quoted-printable-decoding 
MIME type \'" T "\'..."))
                        (message "quoted-printable-decoding MIME type 
\'%s\'..." T)
                        (if etach-use-mimencode
                            (let ((inhibit-eol-conversion t))
                              (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) 
"mimencode -u -q" t t))
                          (etach-rmail-decode-quoted-printable (point-min) 
                        (etach-debug-msg (concat "leaving as-is MIME type \'" T 
"\' encoding \'" E "\'"))
                        (message "leaving as-is MIME type \'%s\' encoding 
\'%s\'" T E))))

                    (condition-case err
                        (let ((jka-compr-compression-info-list nil)
                              (coding-system-for-write 'no-conversion))
                          (if (or (string-match "^[0-9][.]" emacs-version)
                                  (string-match "^1[0-9][.]" emacs-version)
                                  (string-match "^20[.][0-2][.]" emacs-version))
                              (write-region (point-min) (point-max) F nil nil 
                            (write-region (point-min) (point-max) F nil nil nil 
                      ((quit error)
                       (setq my-write-error t)
                       (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
                       (etach-debug-msg (concat "un-detaching: " 
(error-message-string err)))
                       (message "un-detaching: %s" (error-message-string err))
                       (sit-for 1)
                (kill-buffer buffer))))) ; end save-restriction

        (if my-write-error
              (etach-debug-msg (concat "restoring MIME attachment due to 
              (insert stuff-to-yank))
          (if etach-restore-attachments-after-detach
                (etach-debug-msg (concat "restoring MIME attachment per user 
                  (if (re-search-backward "^[ \t]*$" hbeg t)
                      (replace-match (concat "X-Detachment: ["
                (insert stuff-to-yank))
            (insert "[" etach-detached-file-label-separator-string "file:" 
etach-detached-file-label-separator-string F 
etach-detached-file-label-separator-string "]\n")
        ) ; end of stuff to do if skip-this-file is nil

  (etach-rewrite-content-headers T E Disp hbeg)
  (etach-mime-decode-cleanup depth T E Disp)
  (setq buffer-read-only t)
  (etach-debug-msg (concat "exiting etach-mime-decode with default directory: " 

(defun etach-mime-detach (bboundary depth discard)
  "Detach the encoded attachments from the MIME part or message starting at 
  (etach-debug-msg (concat "etach-mime-detach called with bboundary [" 
bboundary "] depth " (number-to-string depth) " discard " (number-to-string 
  (let ((etach-content-type (concat "text/plain; charset=" 
        (etach-content-transfer-encoding "7bit")
        (etach-content-id "")
        (etach-content-description "")
        (etach-content-disposition "")
        (hbeg (point))
        (hend (point))
        (header-chars "[\]!\"#\$%&'()\*\+,\./0-9;<=>address@hidden|}~-]")) ; 
ascii 33-126 except 58
    ;; advance to start of first header candidate
      (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*$") ; the Content- lines can be absent, but 
there should always be a blank line
      (setq hend (point)))
    ;; we need the following in case the bboundary looks like a header
    ;; (e.g., non-compliant sender using colon in MIME separator):
    (if (looking-at (regexp-quote bboundary))
    (re-search-forward (concat "^" header-chars "+:") hend t)
    (etach-debug-msg (concat "etach-mime-detach: header lines begin here"))
    (setq hbeg (point))
    ;; get headers
    ;; advance to first line after separator

     ((etach-mime-part-is-multipart etach-content-type)
      (let* ((b (etach-mime-get-boundary-string etach-content-type))
             (bb (concat "--" b)))
        (etach-debug-msg (concat "etach-mime-detach processing (multipart): " 
        (re-search-forward (regexp-quote bb) nil t)
        (while (not (looking-at (regexp-quote (concat bb "--"))))
          (if (etach-mime-part-is-multipart-alternative etach-content-type)
              (etach-mime-detach bb (+ depth 1) 1) ; always discard alternatives
            (etach-mime-detach bb (+ depth 1) discard)))
        ; we should be at a boundary, but in case there are blank lines we 
better make sure:
        (re-search-forward (if (string= bboundary "\\'") "\\'" (regexp-quote 

     ((etach-mime-part-is-message etach-content-type)
        (etach-debug-msg (concat "etach-mime-detach processing (message): " 
        (etach-mime-detach bboundary (+ depth 1) discard)
        ; we should be at a boundary, but in case there are blank lines we 
better make sure:
        (re-search-forward (if (string= bboundary "\\'") "\\'" (regexp-quote 

      (let ((ebeg (point))
            (eend (point)))
        (etach-debug-msg (concat "etach-mime-detach processing: " 
        (re-search-forward (if (string= bboundary "\\'") "\\'" (regexp-quote 
        (setq eend (point))
        (etach-mime-decode ebeg eend
        ; we should be at a boundary, but in case there are blank lines we 
better make sure:
        (re-search-forward (if (string= bboundary "\\'") "\\'" (regexp-quote 


(defun etach-get-babyl-header ()
  "Return the Babyl header as a string."
  (set-marker (aref rmail-message-vector (1+ rmail-current-message))
  (if (boundp 'rmail-summary-vector)
      (aset rmail-summary-vector (1- rmail-current-message) nil))
     (function (lambda ()
                 (if (search-forward "*** EOOH ***\n" nil t)
                     (etach-debug-msg "etach-get-babyl-header: end of babyl 
header found")
                   (etach-debug-msg "etach-get-babyl-header: end of babyl 
header NOT found"))
                 (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))))))

(defun etach-mime-decode-cleanup (leave-babyl-mime-headers-alone T E Disp) ; 
see rmail-cease-edit in rmailedit.el
  "Clean up the RMAIL structure."
  (etach-debug-msg (concat "etach-mime-decode-cleanup called with parameter " 
(number-to-string leave-babyl-mime-headers-alone)))
    (goto-char (point-max))
    (if (/= (preceding-char) ?\n)
        (insert "\n"))
    (set-marker (aref rmail-message-vector (1+ rmail-current-message))
    (if (boundp 'rmail-summary-vector)
        (aset rmail-summary-vector (1- rmail-current-message) nil))
       (function (lambda ()
                   (if (= leave-babyl-mime-headers-alone 0)
                           (if (search-forward "*** EOOH ***" nil t)
                               (etach-debug-msg "etach-mime-decode-cleanup: end 
of babyl header found")
                             (etach-debug-msg "etach-mime-decode-cleanup: end 
of babyl header NOT found"))
                           (etach-rewrite-content-headers T E Disp (point-min)))
                         (if (boundp 'rmail-summary-vector)
                               (forward-line 2)
                               (if (looking-at "Summary-line: ")
                                   (delete-region (point)
                                                  (progn (forward-line 1)

(defun etach-downcase (s)
  "Take string as argument, return lowercase version."
  (let ((x 65))
    (while (<= x 90)
      (etach-subst-char-in-string x (+ x 32) s t)
      (setq x (+ 1 x)))))

(defun etach-safe-clean (f)
  "Clean up a string to make it suitable as a safe one-word file name."
  (let ((x 0))
    (while (<= x 44)
      (etach-subst-char-in-string x ?_ f t)
      (setq x (+ 1 x)))
    (setq x 58)
    (while (<= x 64)
      (etach-subst-char-in-string x ?_ f t)
      (setq x (+ 1 x)))
    (setq x 91)
    (while (<= x 94)
      (etach-subst-char-in-string x ?_ f t)
      (setq x (+ 1 x)))
    (setq x 96)
    (while (<= x 96)
      (etach-subst-char-in-string x ?_ f t)
      (setq x (+ 1 x)))
    (setq x 123)
    (while (<= x 255)
      (etach-subst-char-in-string x ?_ f t)
      (setq x (+ 1 x)))))

(defun etach-debug-msg (msg-string)
  "Write a debug message."
  (if etach-debug
      (let ((debug-msg
              " (line "
              (number-to-string (+ 1 (count-lines (point-min) (point))))
              " ["
              (if (char-after (1- (point)))

                  (if (= (preceding-char) ?\n)
                    (char-to-string (char-after (1- (point))))))

              (if (char-after (point))
                  (if (= (following-char) ?\n)
                    (char-to-string (char-after (point)))))
              "]): " msg-string "\n")))
        (get-buffer-create "etach-debug")
          (set-buffer "etach-debug")
          (goto-char (point-max))
          (insert debug-msg)))))

;;; The following are local copies of functions that may be absent from
;;; some Emacs versions or installations (names have "etach-" prepended).

;;; The following is nicked from sendmail.el (and modified in form but
;;; not function):

(defun etach-mail-header-end ()
  "Return the buffer location of the end of headers, as a number."
       (goto-char (point-min))
       (while (looking-at "^[^: \n]+:\\|^[ \t]")
         (forward-line 1))

;;; The following is taken from subr.el:

(defun etach-subst-char-in-string (fromchar tochar string &optional inplace)
  "Replace FROMCHAR with TOCHAR in STRING each time it occurs.
Unless optional argument INPLACE is non-nil, return a new string."
  (let ((i (length string))
        (newstr (if inplace string (copy-sequence string))))
    (while (> i 0)
      (setq i (1- i))
      (if (eq (aref newstr i) fromchar)
          (aset newstr i tochar)))

;;; The following are taken from rmail.el:

(defun etach-rmail-msg-is-pruned ()
    (narrow-to-region (rmail-msgbeg rmail-current-message) (point-max))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (forward-line 1)
      (= (following-char) ?1))))

(defun etach-rmail-decode-quoted-printable (from to)
  "Decode Quoted-Printable in the region between FROM and TO."
  (interactive "r")
  (goto-char from)
  (or (markerp to)
      (setq to (copy-marker to)))
  (while (search-forward "=" to t)
    (cond ((eq (following-char) ?\n)
           (delete-char -1)
           (delete-char 1))
          ((looking-at "[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]")
           (let ((byte (etach-rmail-hex-string-to-integer
                        (buffer-substring (point) (+ 2 (point))))))
             (delete-region (1- (point)) (+ 2 (point)))
             (insert byte)))
          ((looking-at "=")
           (delete-char 1))
           (message "Malformed MIME quoted-printable message")))))

(defun etach-rmail-hex-string-to-integer (hex-string)
  "Return decimal integer for HEX-STRING."
  (let ((hex-num 0)
        (index 0))
    (while (< index (length hex-string))
      (setq hex-num (+ (* hex-num 16)
                       (etach-rmail-hex-char-to-integer (aref hex-string 
      (setq index (1+ index)))

(defun etach-rmail-hex-char-to-integer (character)
  "Return CHARACTER's value interpreted as a hex digit."
  (if (and (>= character ?0) (<= character ?9))
      (- character ?0)
    (let ((ch (logior character 32)))
      (if (and (>= ch ?a) (<= ch ?f))
          (- ch (- ?a 10))
        (error "Invalid hex digit `%c'" ch)))))

;;; let (provide 'etach) be the last line:

(provide 'etach)

;;; etach.el ends here

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