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Re: Please add a "Guided Tour" menu command

From: Davis Herring
Subject: Re: Please add a "Guided Tour" menu command
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 15:56:05 -0800 (PST)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.8-4.0.1.el5.lanl.4

Jason Spiro wrote:
>> >  Web Tour
> *  I don't like the World Wide Web.  If I were an Emacs newbie, I
> would not click "Web Tour".  I would click "Tutorial" instead.  So I
> would miss out on the tour.  I Is there any way for us to tell Help
> menu viewers that the tour describes a much wider variety of useful
> features for programmers and others, but the tutorial covers only text
> editing basics?  Maybe name the menu items "Tutorial (for
> non-programmers only)" and "Web Tour (for everyone)"?

As Stefan said, the name "Web Tour" seems to suggest a tour of and not on
the WWW, and the hyperlink nature of it is also odd.  Perhaps both of
those concerns can be alleviated by renaming it to something like "Feature
Tour (Web)".  Then what it describes is made explicit, and it should no
longer be a surprise that it is a hyperlink.  The presence of the word
"Web" might still put you off, but I suspect that the number of (even
potential) Emacs newbies in 2008 that avoid using the WWW is rather small
(probably smaller than the number of Emacs users who do so).


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