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Re: Emacs 23.0 is much slower starting than Emacs 22.3

From: David De La Harpe Golden
Subject: Re: Emacs 23.0 is much slower starting than Emacs 22.3
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 01:13:42 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20081018)

Lennart Borgman wrote:

Based on that observation system calls other than reading the file
contents looks most suspicious to me. In `after-find-file' (which is
called at the end of `find-file-noselect-1') there are some calls to
`file-attributes'. Are they perhaps involved?

Bah, my bad, somehow missed that inside the if statement the first pass
through, duh.. Yes, it is mostly "after-find-file", but the call to "normal-mode" is the killer, not the file attributes calls in "after-find-file" itself! - [1]

"normal-mode" bulk is is split into "set-auto-mode" and "hack-local-variables" fairly evenly (roughly 11:9 as below)

Most of the latter is in "hack-project-variables", and most of /that/ is
"project-find-settings-file", and most of that is the "locate-dominating-file" walk. +++ Wasn't the project functionality (.dir-settings.el variable settings) new in emacs23? That may well account for emacs22->emacs23 ?
For every file loaded, it's redoing that...

+++ Which leaves set-auto-mode...

find-file-noselect         180         3.3577020000  0.0186539000
find-file-noselect-1       180         2.6044840000  0.0144693555
after-find-file            180         2.2709340000  0.0126163000
normal-mode                180         2.0908219999  0.0116156777
set-auto-mode              180         1.141377      0.0063409833
hack-local-variables       180         0.9163369999  0.0050907611
hack-project-variables     180         0.8940040000  0.0049666888
project-find-settings-file 180         0.8922979999  0.0049572111
locate-dominating-file     180         0.890476      0.0049470888
insert-file-contents       361         0.3547089999  0.0009825734
run-hooks                  2406        0.2279640000  9.474...e-05
re-search-forward          1453        0.1557330000  0.0001071803
vc-find-file-hook          180         0.1458039999  0.0008100222
font-lock-mode             722         0.0745249999  0.0001032202
file-attributes            1476        0.0304240000  2.061...e-05
make-local-variable        10477       0.0182779999  1.744...e-06
file-name-nondirectory     7843        0.0176319999  2.248...e-06
abbreviate-file-name       730         0.0165959999  2.273...e-05
search-forward             1811        0.0137990000  7.619...e-06
file-exists-p              756         0.0132379999  1.751...e-05
fundamental-mode           180         0.012926      7.181...e-05
file-name-directory       4091        0.0107010000  2.615...e-06

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