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Re: face-remapping patch

From: David Reitter
Subject: Re: face-remapping patch
Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 10:33:18 +0100

On 28 May 2008, at 08:29, Miles Bader wrote:

David Reitter <address@hidden> writes:
Miles, could you clarify why you are proposing a remapping list rather
than "buffer-local faces"?

How would those work, exactly?

[E.g., what would your proposed interface be?]

Okay, not to criticize your remapping, but just for the sake of argument, here's a possible alternative:

A face name refers to the buffer-local face if defined in (current- buffer), and to the global one otherwise.

;; causes any modifications to the face face
;; to result in a buffer-local copy of the face
(make-face-buffer-local face)

;; makes a buffer-local copy of the global face face
;; (or defines a new buffer-local one that inherits from the global one)
;; and modifies that
(modify-face (make-local-face face) ...)

;; non-nil if face is local in buffer buffer.
(local-face-p face &optional buffer)

;;Make face no longer have a separate definition in the current buffer.
(kill-local-face face)

When a buffer is killed, so are all its buffer-local faces.

BTW, one reason for why a remapping alist is so nice is that it
leverages Emacs' existing infrastructure well.  In particular, the
user-related parts like face customization are built around global named
faces (even frame-specific faces are not handled well [at all?] by

My experience with this infrastructure, using `color-themes' and plenty of frames, has been less than stellar. When switching color themes, more and more faces get defined during the session. This slows the creation of frames down to the point where it takes 2+ seconds to create one. I had to install a patch in my own version to keep it from making frame-specific copies of all global faces for each new frame.

Would buffer-local faces lead to better house-keeping? They could be thrown away easily with the buffer and reduce the need for global faces.

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