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Re: Shift-movement selection

From: Thomas Lord
Subject: Re: Shift-movement selection
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 19:00:45 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060808)

Richard Stallman wrote:
Now I understand your proposal.  I don't see how it would handle the
issue of making non-shift movement commands deactivate the mark, but
maybe it can be made to do that.

I have accidentally confused things by making, now, three proposals.
Of the three, I particularly like the last.

One proposal is coded almost like i-search as a sorta-kinda
recursive edit.   Non-shift movement commands de-activate
that because deactivation is the default for all commands
which either (a) do not explicitly set a flag otherwise or (b) are
*not* invoked via a shifted keysequence whose binding is
found by defaulting to the unshifted sequence.    That works
but the third one is simpler.

Proposal #2 is similar to #1 but hairier, using minor mode
foo to .... nevermind... the third one is simpler.

Proposal #3 could be re-expressed as:

   Function: enter-shift-mark-mode
   Install the shift-mark-mode-post-command-hook and record the
   point as the tentative mark.

   Function: abandon-shift-mark-mode
   Toss the tentative mark and remove the post command hook

   Function: seal-the-deal-from-shift-mark-mode
   Turn the tentative mark into a normal mark.

   Function: shift-mark-mode-post-command-hook
   If the last command set the right flag, keep the tentative
   mark.   Otherwise, if the last command was invoked by
   defaulting a shifted key-sequence to non-shifted, then
   again keep the tentative mark.   Otherwise, abandon-shift-mark-mode.

   Function: unbound-shift-key-treat-as-enter-shift-mark-mode
   Remove the shift from the keysequence that invoked this command,
   enter-shift-mark-mode, and process the simplified keysequence.

and various convenience functions related to that basis.  Make
the default binding of various shift keys be "unbound-shift-key-treat-as-...."

I think #3 could be the best of the lot.

However, I tend to think that the use of the special character in
`interactive' to indicate these commands is a cleaner method overall.

Works both ways, here.   The underlying enter-shift-mark-mode could
be bound all by itself to a key or, if some prefer, can be called via

The key thing is getting the "semantics of the mark ring" right.
The mistake we've all been making (and me with proposals #1
and #2) is to think that shift-mark state has to be in the command
loop. Instead, it's a 1-bit flag for the top of the mark stack: the distinction
between a normal and a "tentative" mark, where "tentative" marks only
ever occur on the top of the mark stack.


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