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Two problems of building Emacs on windows

From: Herbert Euler
Subject: Two problems of building Emacs on windows
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 16:25:50 +0800

I have two problems building Emacs (the unicode-2 branch) on Windows,
described below.

1. On missing of some subr's documentations.

Here is the error when I require help information about some subrs:

C-h f string RET
     ==> string is a built-in function in `C source code'.
         [Missing arglist.  Please make a bug report.]

         Not documented.

In fact, all subr's in character.c miss their documentations.  Well, I
do not know whether this problem exists before, but adding
`character.o' to the definition of the `obj' variable in
nt\makefile.w32-in solves this.  (I did not check whether other files
are missing though.)

2. On `buildobj.lst'.

Because the different building directories arrangement on Windows,
`buildobj.lst' can't be found correctly when the executable emacs.exe
is dumped.  It is in the `etc' directory on GNU/Linux for example, but
not there on Windows.  In my building, it is in `src/oo-spd/i386'.  To
fix the errors in dumping, I did these manually:

    - Copy the file `buildobj.lst' from `$(OBJDIR)/$(ARCH)' to

    - Create the directory `$(OBJDIR)/lib-src'.  This will make Emacs
      set `installation-directory' to where it is invoked when dumping
      (i.e. `$(OBJDIR)/etc', but rather `c:/emacs/etc' in nt/paths.h).
      See also `init_cmdargs' in emacs.c.

I guess the makefiles need fixing.

Guanpeng Xu

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