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patch to imenu.el and lisp-mode.el for better menu in Lisp modes

From: Drew Adams
Subject: patch to imenu.el and lisp-mode.el for better menu in Lisp modes
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2007 08:28:27 -0700

Below are patches to imenu.el and lisp-mode.el. They divide Lisp definitions
in the Index imenu into submenus. For Emacs Lisp, the submenus are: `Faces',
`User Options', (other) `Variables', `Functions', `Macros', `Keys', `Keys in
Maps', and `Other', the last being a catch-all. For other Lisps, the
submenus are: `Variables', `Functions', `Types', and `Other'.

The essential changes are these:

lisp-mode.el -

1. Factored `lisp-imenu-generic-expression' into submenus.

2. Added variables `lisp-imenu-var-defn-regexp',
`lisp-imenu-fn-defn-regexp', `lisp-imenu-type-defn-regexp',
`lisp-imenu-macro-defn-regexp', `lisp-imenu-other-defn-regexp',
`emacs-lisp-imenu-face-defn-regexp', `emacs-lisp-imenu-option-defn-regexp',
`emacs-lisp-imenu-key-defn-regexp1', `emacs-lisp-imenu-key-defn-regexp2',

3. In `emacs-lisp-mode', set `imenu-generic-expression' to

imenu.el -

1. Added functions `imenu-toggle-sort' (with alias `toggle-imenu-sort') and
`imenu--sort-submenu'. Added variable `imenu-last-sort-function'.

2. `imenu-sort-function': Changed default value from nil to
`imenu--sort-by-name'. Mention `toggle-imenu-sort' in doc string.

3. `imenu-mouse-menu': Sort each submenu before, instead of after, splitting
submenus. Mention TITLE arg in doc string.

4. `imenu-update-menubar': Sort each submenu before, instead of after,
splitting submenus. Added doc string.


1. Question: Isn't `imenu-generic-expression' in the wrong section of
`imenu.el'? It is not a customizable variable, but it is in the
`Customizable variables' section.

2. Note: `defgroup' definitions are indexed in both the `Faces' submenu and
the `Options' submenu. I think this makes more sense than putting them in
only one or the other or putting them in submenu `Other'.

3. To do: add toggling of sorting to the `Index' menu as a `*Toggle
Sorting*' item, at the end with the `*Rescan*' item, for easy access. Would
someone like to do this?

------------8<----------- lisp-mode.el patch ----------------

*** lisp-mode-CVS-2007-07-13.el Fri Jul 13 17:45:54 2007
--- lisp-mode-CVS-patched-2007-07-13.el Fri Jul 13 19:03:18 2007
*** 88,129 ****

  (define-abbrev-table 'lisp-mode-abbrev-table ())

! (defvar lisp-imenu-generic-expression
!   (list
!    (list nil
         (purecopy (concat "^\\s-*("
!                             '("defun" "defun*" "defsubst" "defmacro"
!                               "defadvice" "define-skeleton"
!                               "define-minor-mode" "define-global-minor-mode"
!                               "define-globalized-minor-mode"
!                               "define-derived-mode" "define-generic-mode"
!                               "define-compiler-macro" "define-modify-macro"
!                               "defsetf" "define-setf-expander"
!                               "define-method-combination"
!                               "defgeneric" "defmethod") t))
!        2)
!    (list (purecopy "Variables")
         (purecopy (concat "^\\s-*("
!                            (regexp-opt
!                             '("defvar" "defconst" "defconstant" "defcustom"
!                               "defparameter" "define-symbol-macro") t))
!                          "\\s-+\\(\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)"))
!        2)
!    (list (purecopy "Types")
         (purecopy (concat "^\\s-*("
!                             '("defgroup" "deftheme" "deftype" "defstruct"
!                               "defclass" "define-condition" "define-widget"
!                               "defface" "defpackage") t))
!                          "\\s-+'?\\(\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)"))
!        2))

-   "Imenu generic expression for Lisp mode.  See

  ;; This was originally in autoload.el and is still used there.
  (put 'autoload 'doc-string-elt 3)
--- 88,184 ----

  (define-abbrev-table 'lisp-mode-abbrev-table ())

! (defvar lisp-imenu-other-defn-regexp
    (purecopy (concat "^\\s-*("
!                       '("define-condition" "define-widget" "defpackage"
"deftheme") t))
!   "*Regexp that recognizes other (miscellaneous) Lisp definitions.")
! (defvar lisp-imenu-macro-defn-regexp
!   (purecopy (concat "\\s-*("
!                     (eval-when-compile
!                      (regexp-opt '("defmacro" "define-compiler-macro"
!                                    "define-symbol-macro") t))
!                     "\\s-+\\([^ \t()]+\\)"))
!   "*Regexp that recognizes Lisp macro definitions.")
! (defvar lisp-imenu-type-defn-regexp
    (purecopy (concat "^\\s-*("
!                      (regexp-opt '("deftype" "defstruct" "defclass") t))
!                     "\\s-+'?\\(\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)"))
!   "*Regexp that recognizes Lisp type definitions.")
! (defvar lisp-imenu-fn-defn-regexp
    (purecopy (concat "^\\s-*("
!                       '("defun" "defun*" "defsubst" "defadvice"
!                         "define-minor-mode" "define-global-minor-mode"
!                         "define-generic-mode" "defsetf"
!                         "define-method-combination" "defgeneric"
"defmethod") t))
!                     "\\s-+\\(\\sw\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)"))
!   "*Regexp that recognizes Lisp function definitions.")
! (defvar lisp-imenu-var-defn-regexp
!   (purecopy (concat "^\\s-*("
!                     (eval-when-compile
!                      (regexp-opt '("defvar" "defconst" "defconstant"
"defparameter") t))
!                     "\\s-+\\(\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)"))
!   "*Regexp that recognizes global Lisp variable definitions.
! This does not include user options (defcustom).")
! (defvar lisp-imenu-generic-expression
!   (list
!    (list (purecopy "Other") lisp-imenu-other-defn-regexp 2)
!    (list (purecopy "Macros") lisp-imenu-macro-defn-regexp 2)
!    (list (purecopy "Types") lisp-imenu-type-defn-regexp 2)
!    (list (purecopy "Functions") lisp-imenu-fn-defn-regexp 2)
!    (list (purecopy "Variables") lisp-imenu-var-defn-regexp 2)
!    )
!   "*Imenu generic expression for Lisp mode.
! See `imenu-generic-expression'.")
! (defvar emacs-lisp-imenu-key-defn-regexp-1
!   (purecopy (concat "\\s-*("
!                     (eval-when-compile
!                      (regexp-opt '("global-set-key" "local-set-key"
!                                    "local-unset-key"
"undefine-keys-bound-to") t))
!                     "\\s-*\\(\"[^\"]+\"\\|[[][^]]+[]]\\)"))
!   "*Regexp that recognizes Emacs key definitions.
! See also `emacs-lisp-imenu-key-defn-regexp-2'.")
! (defvar emacs-lisp-imenu-key-defn-regexp-2
!   (purecopy
! \\(\\S-+\\)\\s-*'?\\(\"[^\"]+\"\\|[[][^]]+[]]\\)")
!   "*Regexp that recognizes Emacs key definitions in specific maps.
! See also `emacs-lisp-imenu-key-defn-regexp-1'.")
! (defvar emacs-lisp-imenu-face-defn-regexp
!   (purecopy "(\\s-*\\(defface\\|defgroup\\)\\s-+\\([^ \t()]+\\)")
!   "*Regexp for Emacs face definitions (defface).")
! (defvar emacs-lisp-imenu-option-defn-regexp
!   (purecopy "(\\s-*\\(defcustom\\|defgroup\\)\\s-+\\([^ \t()]+\\)")
!   "*Regexp for Emacs user option definitions (defcustom).")
! (defvar emacs-lisp-imenu-generic-expression
!   (list
!    (list "Other" lisp-imenu-other-defn-regexp 2)
!    (list "Keys in Maps" emacs-lisp-imenu-key-defn-regexp-2 4)
!    (list "Keys" emacs-lisp-imenu-key-defn-regexp-1 4)
!    (list "Macros" lisp-imenu-macro-defn-regexp 2)
!    (list "Functions" lisp-imenu-fn-defn-regexp 2)
!    (list "Variables" lisp-imenu-var-defn-regexp 2)
!    (list "User Options" emacs-lisp-imenu-option-defn-regexp 2)
!    (list "Faces" emacs-lisp-imenu-face-defn-regexp 2)
!    )
!   "*Imenu generic expression for Emacs Lisp mode.
! See `imenu-generic-expression'.")

  ;; This was originally in autoload.el and is still used there.
  (put 'autoload 'doc-string-elt 3)
*** 359,364 ****
--- 414,421 ----
    (setq major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode)
    (setq mode-name "Emacs-Lisp")
+   (make-local-variable 'imenu-generic-expression)
+   (setq imenu-generic-expression emacs-lisp-imenu-generic-expression)
    (setq imenu-case-fold-search nil)
    (run-mode-hooks 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook))
  (put 'emacs-lisp-mode 'custom-mode-group 'lisp)

------------8<------------- imenu.el patch ------------------

*** imenu-CVS-2007-07-13.el     Fri Jul 13 15:39:26 2007
--- imenu-CVS-patched-2007-07-13.el     Fri Jul 13 19:19:46 2007
*** 138,144 ****
    :group 'imenu)

! (defcustom imenu-sort-function nil
    "*The function to use for sorting the index mouse-menu.

  Affects only the mouse index menu.
--- 138,144 ----
    :group 'imenu)

! (defcustom imenu-sort-function 'imenu--sort-by-name
    "*The function to use for sorting the index mouse-menu.

  Affects only the mouse index menu.
*** 151,157 ****

  The function should take two arguments and return t if the first
  element should come before the second.  The arguments are cons cells;
! \(NAME . POSITION).  Look at `imenu--sort-by-name' for an example."
    :type '(choice (const :tag "No sorting" nil)
                 (const :tag "Sort by name" imenu--sort-by-name)
                 (function :tag "Another function"))
--- 151,160 ----

  The function should take two arguments and return t if the first
  element should come before the second.  The arguments are cons cells;
! \(NAME . POSITION).  Look at `imenu--sort-by-name' for an example.
! You can toggle this value (without saving it) at any time, using
! command `toggle-imenu-sort'."
    :type '(choice (const :tag "No sorting" nil)
                 (const :tag "Sort by name" imenu--sort-by-name)
                 (function :tag "Another function"))
*** 188,193 ****
--- 191,197 ----
    :type 'string
    :group 'imenu)

+ ;; Why does this belong here? It's not a customizable variable.
  (defvar imenu-generic-expression nil
    "The regex pattern to use for creating a buffer index.
*** 263,269 ****
  (make-variable-buffer-local 'imenu-default-goto-function)

  (defun imenu--subalist-p (item)
    (and (consp (cdr item)) (listp (cadr item))
         (not (eq (car (cadr item)) 'lambda))))
--- 267,272 ----
*** 420,425 ****
--- 423,431 ----

+ (defvar imenu-last-sort-function nil
+   "The last non-nil value for `imenu-sort-function' during this session.")
  ;; The item to use in the index for rescanning the buffer.
  (defconst imenu--rescan-item '("*Rescan*" . -99))

*** 885,895 ****

  (defun imenu--mouse-menu (index-alist event &optional title)
    "Let the user select from a buffer index from a mouse menu.
! INDEX-ALIST is the buffer index and EVENT is a mouse event.
! Returns t for rescan and otherwise an element or subelement of
!   (setq index-alist (imenu--split-submenus index-alist))
    (let* ((menu (imenu--split-menu index-alist (or title (buffer-name))))
         (map (imenu--create-keymap (car menu)
                                    (cdr (if (< 1 (length (cdr menu)))
--- 891,906 ----

  (defun imenu--mouse-menu (index-alist event &optional title)
    "Let the user select from a buffer index from a mouse menu.
! INDEX-ALIST is the buffer index.
! EVENT is a mouse event.
! TITLE is the menu title.
! Returns t for rescan, or else an element or subelement of INDEX-ALIST."
!   (setq index-alist
!         (imenu--split-submenus
!          (if imenu-sort-function
!              (mapcar (lambda (sm) (imenu--sort-submenu sm
!                      index-alist)
!            index-alist)))
    (let* ((menu (imenu--split-menu index-alist (or title (buffer-name))))
           (map (imenu--create-keymap (car menu)
                                      (cdr (if (< 1 (length (cdr menu)))
*** 897,902 ****
--- 908,922 ----
                                             (car (cdr menu)))))))
      (popup-menu map event)))

+ (defun imenu--sort-submenu (submenu predicate)
+   "Create an imenu SUBMENU, sorting with PREDICATE."
+   (let ((menu-name (car submenu))
+         (menu-items (cdr submenu)))
+     (cons menu-name (if (and (consp menu-items)
+                              (consp (cdr menu-items)))
+                         (sort menu-items predicate)
+                       menu-items))))
  (defun imenu-choose-buffer-index (&optional prompt alist)
    "Let the user select from a buffer index and return the chosen index.

*** 972,977 ****
--- 992,998 ----
  (make-variable-buffer-local 'imenu-menubar-modified-tick)

  (defun imenu-update-menubar ()
+   "Update the imenu. Use as `menu-bar-update-hook'."
    (when (and (current-local-map)
             (keymapp (lookup-key (current-local-map) [menu-bar index]))
             (/= (buffer-chars-modified-tick) imenu-menubar-modified-tick))
*** 982,990 ****
        (unless (equal index-alist imenu--last-menubar-index-alist)
        (let (menu menu1 old)
          (setq imenu--last-menubar-index-alist index-alist)
!         (setq index-alist (imenu--split-submenus index-alist))
!         (setq menu (imenu--split-menu index-alist
!                                       (buffer-name)))
          (setq menu1 (imenu--create-keymap (car menu)
                                            (cdr (if (< 1 (length (cdr menu)))
--- 1003,1015 ----
        (unless (equal index-alist imenu--last-menubar-index-alist)
          (let (menu menu1 old)
            (setq imenu--last-menubar-index-alist index-alist)
!           (setq index-alist
!                 (imenu--split-submenus
!                  (if imenu-sort-function
!                      (mapcar (lambda (sm) (imenu--sort-submenu sm
!                              index-alist)
!                    index-alist)))
!           (setq menu (imenu--split-menu index-alist (buffer-name)))
            (setq menu1 (imenu--create-keymap (car menu)
                                              (cdr (if (< 1 (length (cdr
*** 1020,1025 ****
--- 1045,1069 ----
    (goto-char position))

+ (defalias 'toggle-imenu-sort 'imenu-toggle-sort)
+ (defun imenu-toggle-sort (force-p)
+   "Toggle imenu between sorting menus and not.
+ Non-nil prefix FORCE-P => Sort iff FORCE-P >= 0."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (cond (imenu-sort-function
+          (setq imenu-last-sort-function imenu-sort-function) ; Save it.
+          (when (or (null force-p) (<= (prefix-numeric-value force-p) 0))
+            (setq imenu-sort-function nil))) ; Don't sort.
+         ((or (null force-p) (> (prefix-numeric-value force-p) 0)) ; Ask to
+          (if imenu-last-sort-function  ; Sort using saved sort fn.
+              (setq imenu-sort-function imenu-last-sort-function)
+            (error "You first need to set `imenu-sort-function'"))))
+   (imenu--menubar-select imenu--rescan-item)
+   (if imenu-sort-function
+       (message "Imenus are now being sorted via `%s'."
+     (message "Imenus are in buffer order (not sorted).")))
+ ;;;###autoload
  (defun imenu (index-item)
    "Jump to a place in the buffer chosen using a buffer menu or mouse menu.
  INDEX-ITEM specifies the position.  See `imenu-choose-buffer-index'

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