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Re: add a tooltip and a mouse binding to the VC mode-line entry

From: Richard Stallman
Subject: Re: add a tooltip and a mouse binding to the VC mode-line entry
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2007 21:30:46 -0400

    > We can give it a mouse binding if there is something useful for that
    > binding to do.  But is there anything that would be useful?

    Offering to diff with some important points (recent checkins, major
    branches, modified upstream) perhaps.

That doesn't seem awfully convenient as an interface.  And wouldn't
it have to consult the repository (a slow operation) to determine what
checkins and branches to include in the menu?

There is nothing wrong with having some text in the mode line that has
no special mouse command feature.  We should add such mouse commands
when they are useful and natural, not out of a desire for

Completeness is explicitly a non-goal for Emacs development.

    > If it doesn't have a mouse binding, it does not need a tooltip.

    Disagreement here: the VC mode line indicators are concise, but
    cryptic.  The difference between CVS-1.1 and CVS:1.1 is not clear to
    many beginners.  A tooltip might help.

That is a good point.  Please add an explanatory tooltip
if you would like to.

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