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Re: address@hidden: Re: comint's directory tracking doesn't understand \

From: David Hansen
Subject: Re: address@hidden: Re: comint's directory tracking doesn't understand \( or \)]
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2007 14:13:22 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.93 (gnu/linux)

On Fri, 02 Mar 2007 12:44:48 -0500 Richard Stallman wrote:

> Would someone please study this, install it if it is safe, then ack?

Alone it's doing not that much.  The attached patch should fix all
problems with shell-modes directory tracking and special characters
in directory names.

I'm sorry that it's a bit longish, but the original regexps are a
bit to much for my small brain ;)


*** comint.el   04 Mar 2007 13:04:02 +0100      1.358
--- comint.el   04 Mar 2007 14:07:56 +0100      
*** 105,110 ****
--- 105,112 ----
  ;;; Code:
  (require 'ring)
+ (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
  ;; Buffer Local Variables:
*** 1344,1371 ****
                        (t nth))))
        (comint-arguments string nth mth)))))
- (defun comint-delim-arg (arg)
-   "Return a list of arguments from ARG.
- Break it up at the delimiters in `comint-delimiter-argument-list'.
- Returned list is backwards."
-   (if (null comint-delimiter-argument-list)
-       (list arg)
-     (let ((args nil)
-         (pos 0)
-         (len (length arg)))
-       (while (< pos len)
-       (let ((char (aref arg pos))
-             (start pos))
-         (if (memq char comint-delimiter-argument-list)
-             (while (and (< pos len) (eq (aref arg pos) char))
-               (setq pos (1+ pos)))
-           (while (and (< pos len)
-                       (not (memq (aref arg pos)
-                                  comint-delimiter-argument-list)))
-             (setq pos (1+ pos))))
-         (setq args (cons (substring arg start pos) args))))
-       args)))
  (defun comint-arguments (string nth mth)
    "Return from STRING the NTH to MTH arguments.
  NTH and/or MTH can be nil, which means the last argument.
--- 1346,1351 ----
*** 1375,1423 ****
  Also, a run of one or more of a single character
  in `comint-delimiter-argument-list' is a separate argument.
  Argument 0 is the command name."
!   ;; The first line handles ordinary characters and backslash-sequences
!   ;; (except with w32 msdos-like shells, where backslashes are valid).
!   ;; The second matches "-quoted strings.
!   ;; The third matches '-quoted strings.
!   ;; The fourth matches `-quoted strings.
!   ;; This seems to fit the syntax of BASH 2.0.
!   (let* ((first (if (if (fboundp 'w32-shell-dos-semantics)
!                       (w32-shell-dos-semantics))
!                   "[^ \n\t\"'`]+\\|"
!                 "[^ \n\t\"'`\\]+\\|\\\\[\"'`\\ \t]+\\|"))
!        (argpart (concat first
!                         "\\(\"\\([^\"\\]\\|\\\\.\\)*\"\\|\
! '[^']*'\\|\
! `[^`]*`\\)"))
!        (args ()) (pos 0)
!        (count 0)
!        beg str quotes)
!     ;; Build a list of all the args until we have as many as we want.
!     (while (and (or (null mth) (<= count mth))
!               (string-match argpart string pos))
!       (if (and beg (= pos (match-beginning 0)))
!         ;; It's contiguous, part of the same arg.
!         (setq pos (match-end 0)
!               quotes (or quotes (match-beginning 1)))
!       ;; It's a new separate arg.
!       (if beg
!           ;; Put the previous arg, if there was one, onto ARGS.
!           (setq str (substring string beg pos)
!                 args (if quotes (cons str args)
!                        (nconc (comint-delim-arg str) args))))
!       (setq count (length args))
!       (setq quotes (match-beginning 1))
!       (setq beg (match-beginning 0))
!       (setq pos (match-end 0))))
!     (if beg
!       (setq str (substring string beg pos)
!             args (if quotes (cons str args)
!                    (nconc (comint-delim-arg str) args))))
!     (setq count (length args))
!     (let ((n (or nth (1- count)))
!         (m (if mth (1- (- count mth)) 0)))
!       (mapconcat
!        (function (lambda (a) a)) (nthcdr n (nreverse (nthcdr m args))) " "))))
  ;; Input processing stuff
--- 1355,1414 ----
  Also, a run of one or more of a single character
  in `comint-delimiter-argument-list' is a separate argument.
  Argument 0 is the command name."
!   (let ((esc (unless (and (fboundp 'w32-shell-dos-semantics)
!                           (w32-shell-dos-semantics))
!                ?\\))
!         (ifs '(?\n ?\t ?\ ))
!         (len (length string))
!         (i 0) (beg 0) state args)
!     (flet ((push-arg (new-beg)
!              ;; with I at the end of an arg push it to `args' and set the
!              ;; beginning of the next arg `beg' to NEW-BEG
!              (push (substring string beg i) args)
!              (and mth (decf mth))
!              (setq beg new-beg)))
!       (while (and (<= i len) (or (not mth) (>= mth 0)))
!         (let ((s (car state))
!               (c (and (< i len) (aref string i))))
!           (cond ((and (integerp s) (not (eq s c)))
!                  (push-arg i)
!                  (pop state)
!                  (decf i))              ; parse this character again
!                 ((eq 'escaped s)
!                  (pop state))
!                 ((eq ?\' c)
!                  (if (eq 'single-quote s)
!                      (pop state)
!                    (or s (push 'single-quote state))))
!                 ((eq ?\" c)
!                  (if (eq 'double-quote s)
!                      (pop state)
!                    (push 'double-quote state)))
!                 ((and esc (eq esc c) (not (eq 'single-quote s)))
!                  (push 'escaped state))
!                 ((and (not s) (member c ifs))
!                  (if (= beg i)
!                      (incf beg)         ; just a second whitespace
!                    (push-arg (1+ i))))
!                 ((and (not s) (member c comint-delimiter-argument-list))
!                  (push c state)
!                  (when (/= beg i)       ; no whitespace before this character
!                    (push-arg i)))
!                 ((not c)                ; end of the string
!                  (unless (= beg len)
!                    (push-arg len))))
!           (incf i)))
!       (if (not nth)
!           ;; if MTH is non nil only return the last argument if there are no
!           ;; non parsed arguments left
!           (or (and (or (not mth)
!                        (>= i len)
!                        (string-match "[\t\n ]*$" string i))
!                    (car args))
!               "")
!         (setf (nthcdr (- (length args) nth) args) nil)
!         (mapconcat #'identity (nreverse args) " ")))))
  ;; Input processing stuff

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