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removing bushdb related code in gud.el

From: Masatake YAMATO
Subject: removing bushdb related code in gud.el
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2007 02:42:11 +0900 (JST)


We(Rocky, the author of bashdb and I, a contributor) would like to 
remove bashdb related code in gud.el.

Bashdb has been improved/changed its output. 
As the result we have to update bashdb related code in gud.el; the
version of bashdb and bashdb related code in gud.el must be
synced. This is not problem during emacs development stage. 
I'm quite happy to work on such task.

However, once new version of emacs is released. The code
synchronization task is out of my hand; even if I update the code in
Savannah's repository, users may use released version of emacs and
gud.el bundled to it. 

To avoid users' confusion, we'd like to move bashdb related code(bashdb.el)
 in gud.el to bashdb itself. So we can provide well updated bashdb.el in
bashdb release.

Any objection?

Masatake YAMATO

--- gud.el      23  2月 2007 03:33:41 +0900      1.122
+++ gud.el      23  2月 2007 03:37:59 +0900      
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 (defgroup gud nil
   "Grand Unified Debugger mode for gdb and other debuggers under Emacs.
-Supported debuggers include gdb, sdb, dbx, xdb, perldb, pdb (Python), jdb, and 
+Supported debuggers include gdb, sdb, dbx, xdb, perldb, pdb (Python), and jdb."
   :group 'unix
   :group 'tools)
@@ -166,18 +166,18 @@
     ([tbreak]  menu-item "Temporary Breakpoint" gud-tbreak
                   :enable (not gud-running)
                  :visible (memq gud-minor-mode
-                               '(gdbmi gdba gdb sdb xdb bashdb)))
+                               '(gdbmi gdba gdb sdb xdb)))
     ([break]   menu-item "Set Breakpoint" gud-break
                   :enable (not gud-running)
                  :visible (gud-tool-bar-item-visible-no-fringe))
     ([up]      menu-item "Up Stack" gud-up
                  :enable (not gud-running)
                  :visible (memq gud-minor-mode
-                                '(gdbmi gdba gdb dbx xdb jdb pdb bashdb)))
+                                '(gdbmi gdba gdb dbx xdb jdb pdb)))
     ([down]    menu-item "Down Stack" gud-down
                  :enable (not gud-running)
                  :visible (memq gud-minor-mode
-                                '(gdbmi gdba gdb dbx xdb jdb pdb bashdb)))
+                                '(gdbmi gdba gdb dbx xdb jdb pdb)))
     ([pp]      menu-item "Print S-expression" gud-pp
                   :enable (and (not gud-running)
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
     ([finish]  menu-item "Finish Function" gud-finish
                   :enable (not gud-running)
                  :visible (memq gud-minor-mode
-                                '(gdbmi gdba gdb xdb jdb pdb bashdb)))
+                                '(gdbmi gdba gdb xdb jdb pdb)))
     ([stepi]   menu-item "Step Instruction" gud-stepi
                   :enable (not gud-running)
                  :visible (memq gud-minor-mode '(gdbmi gdba gdb dbx)))
@@ -2286,127 +2286,6 @@
                 (gud-jdb-build-source-files-list gud-jdb-directories
     (fset 'gud-jdb-find-source 'gud-jdb-find-source-file)))
-;; ======================================================================
-;; BASHDB support. See http://bashdb.sourceforge.net
-;; AUTHOR:     Rocky Bernstein <address@hidden>
-;; CREATED:    Sun Nov 10 10:46:38 2002 Rocky Bernstein.
-;; You invoke bashdb-mode with:
-;;    M-x bashdb <enter>
-;; It responds with:
-;;    Run bashdb (like this): bash
-;; History of argument lists passed to bashdb.
-(defvar gud-bashdb-history nil)
-;; Convert a command line as would be typed normally to run a script
-;; into one that invokes an Emacs-enabled debugging session.
-;; "--debugger" in inserted as the first switch.
-;; There's no guarantee that Emacs will hand the filter the entire
-;; marker at once; it could be broken up across several strings.  We
-;; might even receive a big chunk with several markers in it.  If we
-;; receive a chunk of text which looks like it might contain the
-;; beginning of a marker, we save it here between calls to the
-;; filter.
-(defun gud-bashdb-marker-filter (string)
-  (setq gud-marker-acc (concat gud-marker-acc string))
-  (let ((output ""))
-    ;; Process all the complete markers in this chunk.
-    ;; Format of line looks like this:
-    ;;   (/etc/init.d/ntp.init:16):
-    ;; but we also allow DOS drive letters
-    ;;   (d:/etc/init.d/ntp.init:16):
-    (while (string-match 
-                        gud-marker-acc)
-      (setq
-       ;; Extract the frame position from the marker.
-       gud-last-frame
-       (cons (match-string 2 gud-marker-acc)
-            (string-to-number (match-string 4 gud-marker-acc)))
-       ;; Append any text before the marker to the output we're going
-       ;; to return - we don't include the marker in this text.
-       output (concat output
-                     (substring gud-marker-acc 0 (match-beginning 0)))
-       ;; Set the accumulator to the remaining text.
-       gud-marker-acc (substring gud-marker-acc (match-end 0))))
-    ;; Does the remaining text look like it might end with the
-    ;; beginning of another marker?  If it does, then keep it in
-    ;; gud-marker-acc until we receive the rest of it.  Since we
-    ;; know the full marker regexp above failed, it's pretty simple to
-    ;; test for marker starts.
-    (if (string-match "\032.*\\'" gud-marker-acc)
-       (progn
-         ;; Everything before the potential marker start can be output.
-         (setq output (concat output (substring gud-marker-acc
-                                                0 (match-beginning 0))))
-         ;; Everything after, we save, to combine with later input.
-         (setq gud-marker-acc
-               (substring gud-marker-acc (match-beginning 0))))
-      (setq output (concat output gud-marker-acc)
-           gud-marker-acc ""))
-    output))
-(defcustom gud-bashdb-command-name "bash --debugger"
-  "File name for executing bash debugger."
-  :type 'string
-  :group 'gud)
-(defun bashdb (command-line)
-  "Run bashdb on program FILE in buffer *gud-FILE*.
-The directory containing FILE becomes the initial working directory
-and source-file directory for your debugger."
-  (interactive
-   (list (read-from-minibuffer "Run bashdb (like this): "
-                              (if (consp gud-bashdb-history)
-                                  (car gud-bashdb-history)
-                                (concat gud-bashdb-command-name
-                                        " "))
-                              gud-minibuffer-local-map nil
-                              '(gud-bashdb-history . 1))))
-  (gud-common-init command-line nil 'gud-bashdb-marker-filter)
-  (set (make-local-variable 'gud-minor-mode) 'bashdb)
-  (gud-def gud-break  "break %l"   "\C-b" "Set breakpoint at current line.")
-  (gud-def gud-tbreak "tbreak %l"  "\C-t" "Set temporary breakpoint at current 
-  (gud-def gud-remove "clear %l"   "\C-d" "Remove breakpoint at current line")
-  (gud-def gud-step   "step"       "\C-s" "Step one source line with display.")
-  (gud-def gud-next   "next"       "\C-n" "Step one line (skip functions).")
-  (gud-def gud-cont   "continue"   "\C-r" "Continue with display.")
-  (gud-def gud-finish "finish"     "\C-f" "Finish executing current function.")
-  (gud-def gud-up     "up %p"      "<" "Up N stack frames (numeric arg).")
-  (gud-def gud-down   "down %p"    ">" "Down N stack frames (numeric arg).")
-  (gud-def gud-print  "x %e"      "\C-p" "Evaluate BASH expression at point.")
-  ;; Is this right?
-  (gud-def gud-statement "eval %e" "\C-e" "Execute BASH statement at point.")
-  (setq comint-prompt-regexp "^bashdb<+(*[0-9]+)*>+ ")
-  (setq paragraph-start comint-prompt-regexp)
-  (run-hooks 'bashdb-mode-hook)
-  )
 ;; End of debugger-specific information

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