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overflow pure space

From: Robert J. Chassell
Subject: overflow pure space
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 15:04:04 +0000 (UTC)

This morning's GNU Emacs CVS snapshot, Wed, 2006 Jul  5  11:47 UTC
GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.8.18) 
started with

    src/emacs -Q -D &

I saw

    Warning (initialization): Building Emacs overflowed pure space.
    (See the node Pure Storage in the Lisp manual for details.)

An additional 5 kilobytes of pure storage ended the problem; perhaps
less was needed, but five is what I added.  With nothing else slowing
the machine, it takes me more than 24 minutes to `make bootfast' so
please do not ask me to try different amounts of pure storage.

Did someone do something that caused this in the GTK+ version but not
in others?

    Robert J. Chassell                         
    address@hidden                         GnuPG Key ID: 004B4AC8
    http://www.rattlesnake.com                  http://www.teak.cc

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