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Re: should search ring contain duplicates?

From: Kim F. Storm
Subject: Re: should search ring contain duplicates?
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 11:54:01 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Richard Stallman <address@hidden> writes:

>     > BTW, add-to-history should probably be fixed to _not_ add an element
>     > which is already at the head of the history.
>     Then it becomes a complete duplicate of C code.  Isn't then better
>     to call the Lisp function add-to-history from the C implementation of
>     read_minibuf?
> Looking at the code of add-to-history, it appears to me that it
> already behaves as requested here.  If the new element matches the
> head of the history list, add-to-history does not add another copy.

By default, it does, since history-delete-duplicates is nil.

> More precisely, it does not preserve the old head.
> Instead it deletes that and then adds a new element.
> But the result is, all the same, to have just one, not two.
> This is all that matters, as far as I can see.

It depends on the setting of history-delete-duplicates, whereas
the code in read-from-minibuffer does not.

> Is there a real issue here?


I looked closer at the code in read_minibuf and add-to-history, and
there are a couple of other inconsistencies, which should be fixed.

The following version of add-to-history which obeys the same rules
as read-from-minibuffer, including the keep-all arg.

(defun add-to-history (history-var newelt &optional maxelt keep-all)
  "Add NEWELT to the history list stored in the variable HISTORY-VAR.
Return the new history list.
If MAXELT is non-nil, it specifies the maximum length of the history.
Otherwise, the maximum history length is the value of the `history-length'
property on symbol HISTORY-VAR, if set, or the value of the `history-length'
Remove duplicates of NEWELT unless `history-delete-duplicates' is nil.
If optional fourth arg KEEP-ALL is non-nil, add NEWELT to history even
if it is empty or a duplicate."
  (unless maxelt
    (setq maxelt (or (get history-var 'history-length)
  (let ((history (symbol-value history-var))
    (when (and (listp history)
               (or keep-all
                   (not (stringp newelt))
                   (> (length newelt) 0))
               (or keep-all
                   (not (equal (car history) newelt))))
      (if history-delete-duplicates
          (delete newelt history))
      (setq history (cons newelt history))
      (when (integerp maxelt)
        (if (= 0 maxelt)
            (setq history nil)
          (setq tail (nthcdr (1- maxelt) history))
          (when (consp tail)
            (setcdr tail nil)))))
    (set history-var history)))

[It accepts a non-string element, so it can be used in more cases
 which are not directly related to a minibuffer history variable,
 such as the kmacro-kill-ring, which already uses it].

Can I install this, so we can get on with the release :-)

Kim F. Storm <address@hidden> http://www.cua.dk

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