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Problems stepping through PC-lint output

From: Sarir Khamsi
Subject: Problems stepping through PC-lint output
Date: Fri, 04 Nov 2005 15:46:21 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/22.0.50 (windows-nt)

I am using GNU Emacs ( on WinXP, SP2 to step through the
output of PC-lint using the Emacs "next-error" command but am having
problems. First, I execute "compilation-mode" on the PC-lint output
file to get into, well, compilation mode (this also changes the colors
of the warnings, errors, info, etc). Next, I step through the output
with the "next-error" command, as mentioned, but some of the output
gets skipped entirely. That is, when I press "next-error" to have
Emacs go to the source code where the next "error" is, some lines in
the PC-lint output get skipped.

For example, given the lines

   --- Module:   Vehicle.cpp
   #define D2R 0.0174532925199433
   MathGlobals.h:41:12: Note 1923: macro 'D2R' could become const variable --
       Effective C++ #1
   #define R2D 1/D2R
   MathGlobals.h:42:14: Info 773: Expression-like macro 'R2D' not parenthesized
   MathGlobals.h:42:14: Note 1923: macro 'R2D' could become const variable --
       Effective C++ #1
   ConcreteTypes.hpp:21:19: Note 1931: Constructor 'd_IParam::d_IParam(double)'
       can be used for implicit conversions -- More Effective C++ #5

the "MathGlobals.h:42:14: Info 773" line will get skipped and Emacs
will jump to the next message (in this case, the second "Note 1923"
about R2D). I am using

-"format=%(%f:%l:%c: %)%t %n: %m"

in my options.lnt file for PC-lint (per some instructions on the web),
which helped get this working at all, but I can't see why lines are
getting skipped. Any ideas? Thanks.


PS I can send more info and/or files on request.

Sarir Khamsi
email: address@hidden

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