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Re: User option dnd-open-file-other-window has no effect

From: Sven Joachim
Subject: Re: User option dnd-open-file-other-window has no effect
Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 15:00:18 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (X11/20050802)

Richard M. Stallman wrote:
Does this code look good to you?

Yes it does.  Jan has already checked in a new version with
a similar patch:

*** emacs/emacs/lisp/x-dnd.el   2005/08/06 22:13:43     1.16
--- emacs/emacs/lisp/x-dnd.el   2005/10/03 19:41:25     1.17
*** 307,316 ****
         (action (aref state 5))
         (w (posn-window (event-start event))))
      (when handler
!       (if (and (windowp w) (window-live-p w))
          ;; If dropping in a window, open files in that window rather
          ;; than in a new widow.
!         (let ((dnd-open-file-other-window nil))
            (goto-char (posn-point (event-start event)))
            (funcall handler window action data))
        (let ((dnd-open-file-other-window t))  ;; Dropping on non-window.
--- 307,317 ----
         (action (aref state 5))
         (w (posn-window (event-start event))))
      (when handler
!       (if (and (windowp w) (window-live-p w)
!              (not (minibufferp (window-buffer w))))
          ;; If dropping in a window, open files in that window rather
          ;; than in a new widow.
!         (progn
            (goto-char (posn-point (event-start event)))
            (funcall handler window action data))
        (let ((dnd-open-file-other-window t))  ;; Dropping on non-window.

However, your version is better, obeying the window's "dedicated" property.
Thank you for your help.

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