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Re: mouse-1-click-follows-link

From: Robert J. Chassell
Subject: Re: mouse-1-click-follows-link
Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 11:11:52 +0000 (UTC)

    ... the highlight extends out past the filename and line number
    ... I've seen partial line ...

Today's GNU Emacs CVS snapshot, Sat, 2005 Jun 18  10:02 UTC
GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.6.4)
built with `make bootfast'
started with

     emacs/src/emacs -Q -D

This is a test case.  

Visit the emacs/lisp directory and run grep for 'forward-line' *.el

    -*- mode: grep; default-directory: "/usr/local/src/emacs/lisp/" -*-
    grep -nH -e forward-line *.el

    abbrev.el:178:      (forward-line 1)
    abbrev.el:179:      (while (progn (forward-line 1)
    add-log.el:547:       (forward-line 1)

On the first line, 

    the `abbrev.el:178' line, the mouse-face highlighting extends to
    and including the last `e' of `forward-line'.  When activated by
    putting the mouse cursor over any of the characters for which the
    the mouse-face highlighting occurs, the darkseagreen2 mouse-face
    highlighting overrides the tan font-lock-face match.  
    (The mouse-face highlighting is the same as a `highlight' face.)

    On the first line, when I place point over the `w' of `forward-line'
    and press mouse-1, that line and buffer appear in another window.

On the second line, 

    the `abbrev.el:179' line, the mouse-face highlighting extends only
    two spaces after the second colon, the colon that follows the line

    On the second line, when I place point over the `v' of `abbrev.el'
    and press mouse-1, that line and buffer appear in another window.
    Nothing happens when I place point over the `w' of `forward-line'
    and press mouse-1.

On the third line, 

    the 'add-log.el:547' line, the darkseagreen2 mouse-face
    highlighting extends to and including the last `e' of
    `forward-line' when activiated.  The line and buffer appear in
    another window when I place point over the `w' of `forward-line'
    and press mouse-1.  This does not occur when I place point over
    the `1' of the argument and press mouse-1.

    Robert J. Chassell                         
    address@hidden                         GnuPG Key ID: 004B4AC8
    http://www.rattlesnake.com                  http://www.teak.cc

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