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Re: C-h

From: Luc Teirlinck
Subject: Re: C-h
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 22:05:41 -0600 (CST)

>From my previous message:


   emacs -q --eval \
   "(progn (blink-cursor-mode 0) (setq enable-local-variables 'ask))" &

   I do not believe that the `(blink-cursor-mode 0)' has anything to do
   with the problem, but it is impossible for me to test without that,
   since a blinking cursor causes neurological problems for me.


   Now wait long enough for echoing to occur.

   Then type `n'.

   I believe that I now should see the message:

   Set local variables as specified at end of NEWS? (y or n)

Actually, no.  I believe that the local variables should in this case
be obeyed automatically, because that is what happens if I do `C-h n'
quickly enough to avoid echoing.

Instead I see:

    Local variables:
    mode: outline
    paragraph-separate: "[      ]*$"

    arch-tag: 1aca9dfa-2ac4-4d14-bebf-0007cee12793

just like if Emacs were waiting for my answer to the question:

   Set local variables as specified at end of NEWS? (y or n)

which I am however not seeing.

But when I type `y', I see the News with all file variables enabled.

I still believe that this confusing behavior is a bug.



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