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time-stamp-format in todo-mode.el

From: Masatake YAMATO
Subject: time-stamp-format in todo-mode.el
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2004 17:20:18 +0900 (JST)

What doen %:y mean in the time format string?

M-x todo-insert-item
causes following error:

    Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument listp "%:y-%02m-%02d 
      car("%:y-%02m-%02d %02H:%02M")
      (symbolp (car list))
      (cond ((symbolp ...) (if insert-sep-p ...) (setq return-string ...) (setq 
insert-sep-p t)) (t (setq return-string ...) (setq insert-sep-p nil)))
      (while list (cond (... ... ... ...) (t ... ...)) (setq list (cdr list)))
      (let ((return-string "") (insert-sep-p nil)) (while list (cond ... ...) 
(setq list ...)) return-string)
      time-stamp-fconcat("%:y-%02m-%02d %02H:%02M" " ")
      (concat (time-stamp-string) " " todo-initials ": ")
      (let ((time-stamp-format todo-time-string-format)) (concat 
(time-stamp-string) " " todo-initials ": "))
      (if todo-entry-prefix-function (funcall todo-entry-prefix-function))
      (read-from-minibuffer "New TODO entry: " (if todo-entry-prefix-function 
(funcall todo-entry-prefix-function)))
      (concat todo-prefix " " (read-from-minibuffer "New TODO entry: " (if 
todo-entry-prefix-function ...)))
      (let* ((new-item ...) (categories todo-categories) (history ...) 
(current-category ...) (category ...)) (todo-add-item-non-interactively 
new-item category))
      (save-excursion (if (not ...) (todo-show)) (let* (... ... ... ... ...) 
(todo-add-item-non-interactively new-item category)))
    * call-interactively(todo-insert-item)

I inspect this issue.

    (defcustom todo-time-string-format
      "%:y-%02m-%02d %02H:%02M"
      "*TODO mode time string format for done entries.
    For details see the variable `time-stamp-format'."
      :type 'string
      :group 'todo)

todo-time-string-format is a string and is bound to
time-stamp-format while execution.

However, M-x describe-variable time-stamp-format says

    time-stamp-format's value is 
    (time-stamp-yy/mm/dd time-stamp-hh:mm:ss user-login-name)

    *A list of functions to call to generate the time stamp string.
    Each element of the list is called as a function and the results are
    concatenated together separated by spaces.  Elements may also be strings,
    which are included verbatim.  Spaces are not inserted around literal 

So todo-time-string-format is expected to be a list of something.

At first I think I should rewrite following lines in todo-mode.el

  (let ((time-stamp-format todo-time-string-format))

  (let ((time-stamp-format (list (format-time-string todo-time-string-format))))

However, I got following prompt when I do M-x todo-insert-item

         New TODO entry %:y-01-07 17:15 jet: 
It seems that %:y is not formated well. I guess %:y may be replaced
with year. However I don't know exactly meaning of `:'.
%:y comes from:

    ;; Thanks for the ISO time stamp format go to Karl Eichwalder 
    ;; My format string for the appt.el package is "%3b %2d, %y, %02I:%02M%p".
    (defcustom todo-time-string-format
      "%:y-%02m-%02d %02H:%02M"
      "*TODO mode time string format for done entries.
    For details see the variable `time-stamp-format'."
      :type 'string
      :group 'todo)

Because of this issue, I cannot add my todo entry, 
"Reporting time-stamp-format in todo-mode.el to emacs-devel."
to my todo list:-P

Masatake YAMATO

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