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Re: scroll-bar-mode incorrect on mac os x

From: Steven Tamm
Subject: Re: scroll-bar-mode incorrect on mac os x
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2003 14:42:31 -0800

I figured it out. My test to determine whether or not this was the carbon port was to test window-system. However, since scroll-bar-mode is set during load (before unexec) window-system is always set to nil. I changed macterm.c to provide a feature called "mac-carbon" which is now the test in scroll-bar.el: "(featurep 'mac-carbon)". Since I originally tested it by only evaluating the buffer, instead of doing a from-scratch build, I didn't see it.

Anyone have comments on the name of the feature?


On Thursday, January 2, 2003, at 01:28  PM, John Paul Wallington wrote:

Steven Tamm <address@hidden> wrote:

I'd assume that if you recompile scroll-bar.el and place it in
/usr/local/share/emacs/21.3.50/... it would work (it does for me).

Nope.  I've snarfed a fresh tree from CVS to ensure that local changes
weren't affecting my build.  Still C-h v scroll-bar-mode says its
value is `left'.

John Paul Wallington

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